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本文总结并分析了残疾人常见的心理问题及其心理特点,探讨了残疾人的社会教育问题和家庭教育问胚.  相似文献   

对于非空集合上的二元关系引入了关系的自反胚,反自反胚,对称胚,反对称胚,等价胚和偏序胚。并讨论了它们的基本性质。而且得到了关系的三个唯一的基本胚分解式。  相似文献   

通过构造一个特殊的锥,利用范数型Krasnosel-skii不动点理论讨论了一类二阶非线性奇异微分方程无穷边值问胚正解的存在性.本文的结果包含、推广并改进了许多已知结果.  相似文献   

讨论拓扑空间中有关的同胚性质,给出了两个拓扑空间同胚和不同胚的有关结论和证明。  相似文献   

静悄悄的夜晚,我坐在教室里,辅导学生上晚自习。教室里人不多,这是一个美好的适于写点东西的夜晚。我打开日记本, 记着日记。过了一会儿,有几个学生不断地问着:“老师,什么发育成种子?”“种皮、果皮是体细胞吗?”“怎么看胚发育过程的图解?”我简直怀疑我  相似文献   

种子植物通常只有一个胚。在胚珠中产生两个或两个以上的胚,称为多胚现象。大多数裸子植物具有多胚现象。裸子植物的多胚现象有2种:—种是简单多胚现象,即在同一个胚珠内有2个以上的颈卵器的卵细胞,可以同时受精,因而在胚胎发育的早期,可以产生2个以上的原胚;另—种是裂生多胚现象,即由一个受精卵形成的4个胚细胞形成  相似文献   

对自然授粉的3个不同胚龄期的枣胚进行离体培养并获得了再生植株,同时对这些品种胚败育情况、胚的成活率和成苗率进行了统计实验.研究发现:不同品种胚败育率明显不同.六月鲜、灰枣和婆婆枣的胚败育率均未超过30%,属轻度败育品种.胚龄为45天的胚离体培养成活率均超过50%、成苗率也最高,是枣胚离体培养的最佳时期.  相似文献   

笔者对湖州市英语公示语中存在的问题进行了归纳和分析,并提出了相应的修改意见;还指出了英语公示语翻译中容易出现的问胚以及解决这些问题的对策,用以抛砖引玉,希望能引起相关部门的重视.  相似文献   

文章指出了开展胚状体研究工作应抓住的几个重要方面,对控制胚状体发生的重要条件进行探讨,试图从形态与物质上的变化方面去说明与胚状体发生机制的关系,尤其关于胚状体发生的鉴别将增强研究工作中的可操作性。  相似文献   

被子植物经开花和传粉后,成熟花粉产生的两个精子随花粉管的生长进入胚珠的胚囊中,其中一个精子与胚囊中的卵细胞结合形成受精卵,并进一步发育成二倍体的胚;另一个精子则与胚囊中的两个极核结合,发育为三倍体的胚乳。全世界60%的食物来源于种子中的胚乳,如玉米胚乳占籽粒重量的80%-85%。  相似文献   

新形势高校实验室建设的现状与对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
针对目前普通高校实验室建设普遍存在问题,从如何做好实验室总体规划建设、实验室管理体制改革、推进实验室现代化建设、加强实验室队伍和改善实验室环境等几个方面,探讨如何搞好高校实验室建设。  相似文献   

本文从“知识准备”、“研究题目的选择”、“如何发挥直觉思维的作用”、“如何鉴别验证直观性结果”、“两种思维形态如何配合”等五个方面简要地论述了数学研究的艺术。  相似文献   

网络对未成年人的影响有利有弊,要趋利避害,让网络在未成年人的成长中发挥有益作用。实现这一目的的途径是对未成年人进行网络素养教育。通过社会机构与学校及家庭实施网络素养教育。正确认识网络的功能,利用网络发展自我;提高对网络负面信息的免疫力;提高网络安全意;认清网络世界与现实世界的距离;利用网络开展健康有益的活动,培养未成年人健全的人格。  相似文献   

This paper examines how a team of teachers in a Norwegian upper secondary school responds to, negotiates, and evaluates students' writing in and across different disciplines. The purpose is to identify discourse strategies and professional development as the teachers discuss students' texts, and to explore how the teachers develop a shared understanding of how writing relates to students' learning. The findings show how the teachers' discourse reflects an emerging understanding of how writing is both a subject-specific and interdisciplinary skill conducive to learning, but also how institutional traditions and discipline-specific concerns together allow for and constrain teachers' learning.  相似文献   

大学生在个案研究时,应着重解决六个方面的问题:一是如何建立研究关系;二是如何增强角色意识;三是如何控制过程;四是如何更好理解被访者;五是要注意发挥社会学的想像力;六是要注意把握研究的真实性。  相似文献   

This article offers a comparative analysis of the Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action, and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act, within a critically discursive framework. The author creates the notion of possibilities of practice, and analyses each policy document as to how these are created, by means of interdiscursive, intertextual and recontextual analyses. In turn, the author demonstrates how each policy differs in the textual dimensions that represent themes of social representation/construction, such as: how pupils are constructed; how schooling is constructed; how inclusion/exclusion is constructed; how teacher preparation is constructed; and how resource allocation is constructed (or constricted). Finally, the author discusses the policy that best allows for possibilities of practice that promote the inclusion of ALL children.  相似文献   

就学生野外实习成绩的综合考评方法进行了探讨。主要从如何选取评定因素,建立合理的指标体系;制定各考评指标内容;确定指标权重和等级标准;成绩评定的组织实施4个方面进行了论述。  相似文献   

This article considers how professional knowledge should be assessed. It is maintained that the assessment of professional know‐how raises distinctive issues from the assessment of know‐how more generally. Intellectualist arguments which suggest that someone's giving an account of how to F should suffice for attributing to them knowledge of how to F are set out. The arguments fail to show that there is no necessary distinction between two kinds of know‐how, namely the ability to F and knowing that w is a way to F, such that the latter is more fundamental. The consequences of this failure for our understanding of professional assessment are then considered. The issue of the assessment of tacit knowledge is then addressed. It is concluded that there is no context‐dependent codifiable or articulable propositional knowledge of how to F which could be substituted for being able to F and that therefore tacit knowledge can only be assessed in performance. The parallel with Gettier cases is reviewed and it is concluded that the provenance of accounts of and justifications for the attribution of know‐how are not matters of indifference to its assessment. Finally, the question of evaluability or what Ryle would have called the applicability of intelligence epithets is discussed in relation to its relevance to our procedures for assessing practical knowledge. Once again, it is concluded that excellent performance is necessary to attribute excellence in know‐how. However, the ability to give an account of how and why an agent would do something in hypothetical circumstances is also very important for the assessment of professional knowledge.  相似文献   

特殊教育是指使用—般的或经过特别设计的课程、教材、教法和教学组织形式及教学设备,对有特殊需要的儿童进行的旨在达到一般和特殊培养目标的教育。本文对基础教育层次的特殊需要教育的课程设置进行了国内外的比较,并专门针对特殊教育中的生物学课程构建的基本框架、课程的目标定位、课程内容的选择、课程内容的组织形式和课程实施的特点进行阐述。  相似文献   

高职院校开展社会培训的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职院校开展社会培训是应承担的社会责任,也是自身发展的需要。高职院校开展社会培训的主要思路是:加大对社会培训方面的投入,采用灵活开放的教学管理形式,以及按需培训,积极推行订单式与菜单式培训模式。  相似文献   

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