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输卵管结扎术是女性绝育术的主要方法之一。1973年以来,我们采用腹式小切口指板取管行输卵管结扎术1500例,收到了较好的效果,现小结如下。  相似文献   

笔者1991~2002年在沽源县医院妇科工作,现将此间收治的绝育术后输卵管妊娠43例进行分析.  相似文献   

输卵管绝育术是目前广泛应用的长期避孕方法,已被广大农村妇女接受,此手术虽小,但有时在术前、术中、术后因多种原因处理不当,造成一些不该发生的并发症。现将本站发生的10例并发症和1例乡计生站行绝育术因并发症转送上来的共11例病例病因及处理分析如下。  相似文献   

女性输卵管结扎术是长效节育措施之一,因其简便、安全、有效,目前仍是一种普遍采用的绝育方法,但输卵管结扎术后仍有输卵管妊娠的病例。在基层由于诊断水平有限,往往注意病史中已做结扎手术而忽略此病,致病人有不同程度的症状及休克现象出现才疑及本病。近五年来我院收治输卵管妊娠病人48例,其中输卵管结扎术后44例,占91.7%;放宫内节育器后2例;未采取任何避孕措施2例,应引起临床重视。  相似文献   

为提高计划生育手术质量,保证女性绝育术的安全,有效、方便,在实际工作中,我们大地摸索,对腹式女扎受术者采取横切口羊肠线皮内缝合的方法处理腹部切口,收到满意的效果。1 资料与方法1.1 临床资料 我站1989年10月1日至12月31日施行输卵管结扎4098例,年龄均在20-35岁之间,其中经后结扎3490例,产褥期结扎508例。  相似文献   

输精管绝育术,主要包括结扎术和堵塞术,近年来取得很大进展,成为安全,有效、简便、可复的绝育方法;全社会要提高认识,共同努力,进一步推动输精管绝育术在我国的开展应用。  相似文献   

各种原因所致输卵管阻塞的不孕症患者、输卵管结扎术后复通患者、异位妊娠以后要求再孕患者,在进行经腹或腹腔镜手术时,术中要进行输卵管通液检查,以了解输卵管的通畅程度。2001年2~5月,我们采用双腔导尿管(以下称双腔管),在术时进行输卵管通液20例,效果满意,现介绍如下。 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料 选择2001年2~5月经腹或腹腔镜手术中需了解输卵管通畅程度的病人20例,年龄25~40岁。  相似文献   

目的:总结腹腔镜手术治疗输卵管妊娠的方法和经验。方法:分析腹腔镜手术治疗89例输卵管妊娠的方法和效果。结果:89例输卵管妊娠患者均顺利完成腹腔镜手术。平均手术时间为(35.0±25.0)min,平均住院4天,无并发症发生,治愈率100%。结论:腹腔镜手术治疗输卵管妊娠安全可靠,术后患者痛苦小,康复快。  相似文献   

1933年,纳粹政权颁布旨在促进"民族共同体"繁荣发展的《绝育法》,强制推行绝育政策。大量德国妇女,特别是女官员、女医生、女护士等职业妇女群体广泛参与强制绝育政策的实施,成为该政策的支持者。与此同时,近20万德国妇女遭到绝育,丧失生育权乃至生命,承受着长期的心理创伤,成为这一政策的受害者。德国妇女的两种截然不同的身份是经济大危机、纳粹政权的鼓动性宣传和强制性举措三种因素综合作用的结果,从侧面透视出极权社会中女性的极端从属地位。  相似文献   

我科采用76%泛影葡胺加注过滤空气,进行子宫输卵管双重造影,效果优于前者。 1 造影方法 ①造影准备:与普通子宫输卵管造影术相同。②造影剂:76%的泛影葡胺8ml,过滤空气30ml。③操作步骤:在透视下将造影剂注入宫腔,选择位置摄片,在药物刚进入输卵管伞端  相似文献   

刘波  盛明  闫德智 《高教论坛》2012,(10):76-78
对我国环境科学专业的生态学课程设置现状进行了分析,认为当前存在几个方面的问题:课程专业地位不高,课程名称不明确,适用教材较少,课程内容不系统以及实践教学环节薄弱。在此基础上提出相关对策:以培养生态学思维为目标,以优化教学内容为基础,以强化生态学技能为关键。  相似文献   

对福建省惠安县赤湖林场不同林龄木麻黄人工林细根能量现存量的季节动态进行了系统研究.结果表明:各林龄木麻黄人工林活细根和死细根中的灰分现存量和死细根中的能量现存量在3月和7月有两个峰值,而活细根中的能量现存量峰值则出现在秋冬季节和7月份;活细根中的灰分和能量现存量随林龄的增加先升高后下降,但峰值出现的时间不同,灰分出现在24林龄中,而能量则出现在30林龄中,死细根中的灰分和能量现存量随林龄的增加而升高.因此,木麻黄人工林细根能量的固定随着季节和林分林龄的变化而发生相应的变化.  相似文献   

从社会公平的角度对流动儿童学校的合理性和合法化主张进行了反思和批判,认为流动儿童学校在促进社会公平和教育平等的同时却又制造了新的不平等,流动儿童学校的存在类似于美国1954年前实行的种族隔离教育。流动儿童学校更有利于流动儿童发展的观点更是缺乏证据。所以,在当前我国政府主张流动儿童的义务教育要以"公立中小学为主"的政策性背景下,对流动儿童学校的合理性和合法化主张更应持警醒的态度。  相似文献   

骑士比武大赛是中世纪西欧骑士的重要活动,从12世纪有确切材料记载开始,其在西欧风行了5个多世纪。骑士比武大赛之所以能长期盛行,其原因是多方面的,而骑士们出于各种目的积极参与这项活动是其根本原因。  相似文献   

The study was designed to investigate the influence of student characteristics and classroom characteristics on students' inquiry skill. The sample consisted of a national stratified random sample of 1955 17-year-olds who were assessed as part of the 1981-1982 national assessment in science. The dependent variable was a 17-item measure of students' inquiry skill. The independent variables were selected from the available data using the Model of Educational Productivity as a guide in the selection of the variables. The first purpose of the study was to test the effectiveness of the Model of Educational Productivity for predicting the inquiry skill of 17-year-olds. The results of this study indicate that this model was capable of accounting for between 24 and 32% of the variance in inquiry skill for the general population of 17-year-olds. More specifically, students' reporting of their general ability alone accounted for between 17 and 22% of the variance. The second question posed by this study asked whether the prediction of inquiry skill differed for males and females. While there was some difference in the contribution of the minor predictors, there was very little difference in the prediction of inquiry skill for males and females using the Model of Education Productivity. The third question posed by this study asked whether the prediction of inquiry skill differed for white and nonwhite students. For nonwhite students, the Model of Educational Productivity accounted for only 18% of the variance in science inquiry skill. Thus, it would appear that there is a great deal that is not known about the factors that contribute to the science inquiry skill of nonwhite students.  相似文献   

日本军事战略是南进还是北进是经过反复权衡的;最后南进军事战略能够得势原因是多方面:从经济利益考虑,美英在远东军力的薄弱,扭转中国战局、美英在东南亚对日本的制裁等。从经济、军事实力方面分析,决定了日本南进军事战略只能采取偷袭方式,也决定它的这个战略的最后失败。 日本军国主义称霸亚洲及太平洋地区的野心由来已久。20世纪30年代末,随着军部法西斯组织对国家政权的控制日益加强,日本统治集团明显地加快了其侵略的步伐。 当时,在远东阻挡日本军事前进的主要是中国、苏联和美国。 中国由于多年内战的消耗和军事力量的薄弱,已在1937—1938年的战事中被逼到了西南一隅。尽管日军取得了巨大军事胜利,但它始终无法彻底打垮中国军队,从而迫使重庆的蒋介石政府投降。 美国和苏联无疑是日本的两个劲敌。就总体实力而言,日本既比不上苏联又比不上美国,因此日本无意与两国同时开战。但是与两国中的一国单独开战的想法在日本军方看来,还是可行的。 当时日本面临的最重要的问题是应该把谁作为自己的对手,应该制定怎样的军事战略。  相似文献   

Through interviews with members of the setting panel, this paper probes the process of setting the first external test for the VCE Physics course when it was implemented in 1992. The development of the course itself had been highly contested, but the contest was enacted largely outside the structures set up for formal negotiation between interested parties. Consequently the process was obscure, and the issues never clearly articulated. However, the outcome was that the course was much closer to a traditional course in physics than had originally seemed likely. The test setting panel provided a microcosm in which the contest that had shaped the development of the course was replayed. In the deliberations of the panel, certain discursive mechanisms can be identified as having operated to ensure that particular decisions became inevitable. Once identified in the deliberations of the test panel, similar mechanisms can be discerned during the process of devising the course itself. Some implications are noted for future efforts to reform curriculum and assessment in physics, and for current classroom practice.  相似文献   

<五经正义>是唐代初年唐太宗为统一经学而下诏组织修撰的.唐宋两代,它一直是士子传习和科举考试的标准教材,在经学史上占有十分重要的地位.本文主要对<五经正义>的修撰、版本、内容、研究状况等方面的情况加以综述.  相似文献   

选取食用百合卷丹的鳞茎作为外植体,以MS为基本培养基,分热处理和非热处理两组进行茎尖离体培养,探讨不同植物激素组合对不定芽的诱导发生、继代增殖以及诱导生根的影响。结果表明,两个实验组皆以6-BA1.0mg/L+NAA0.2mg/L的激素组合对于不定芽的分化发生为优,热处理组的芽诱导率和不定芽平均分化量分别为88.9%和4.5个,未热处理组的分别为87.5%和4.9个;不定芽增殖培养的最佳激素组合为6BA0.5mg/L+NAA0.2mg/L,芽增殖系数为4.20;不定芽诱导生根的最佳激素组合为6-BA0.2mg/L+NAA1.0mg/L。  相似文献   

This case study considered the syllabus of the first and second year studies in computer science. The aim of the study was to reveal which topics covered in the syllabi were really needed during the following years of study or in working life. The program that was assessed in the study was a Masters program in computer science and engineering at a university of technology in Finland. The necessity of different subjects for the advanced studies (years 3?–?5) and for working life was assessed using four content analyses: (a) the course catalog of the institution where this study was carried out, (b) employment reports that were attached to the applications for internship credits, (c) masters theses, and (d) job advertisements in a newspaper. The results of the study imply that the necessity of physics for the advanced study and work was very low compared to the extent to which it was studied. On the other hand, the necessity for mathematics was moderate, and it had remained quite steady during the period 1989?–?2002. The most necessary computer science topic was programming. Also telecommunications and networking was needed often, whereas theoretical computer science was needed quite rarely.  相似文献   

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