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A bstract .  In this review essay J.J. Chambliss assesses the current state of the field of philosophy of education through analysis of four recent edited compilations: Randall Curren's A Companion to Philosophy of Education ; Nigel Blake, Paul Smeyers, Richard Smith, and Paul Standish's The Blackwell Guide to Philosophy of Education ; Wilfred Carr's The RoutledgeFalmer Reader in Philosophy of Education ; and Randall Curren's Philosophy of Education: An Anthology . He considers how these books address the question of what constitutes philosophy of education, with specific reference to the approach each takes to two topics: feminism and practical reason. Then, taking as a starting point Carr's insight that a revised history of the philosophy of education could help us better understand the discipline, Chambliss traces the evolution of philosophy of education in the United States from the discipline's origins, dominated by a tension between Empiricism and Idealism; to the "schools of philosophy" approach — that is, applying a set of beliefs derived from a particular philosophical school to education — that prevailed through the mid-twentieth century; to the wide-ranging contemporary work in the field that draws from newer methodologies and philosophical research programs.  相似文献   

Retraction: The following article from Teaching Statistics, ‘On a Patrol Problem’ by Mohammed Ageel, published online on 8 June 2007 on Wiley Online Library (onlinelibrary.wiley.com), has been retracted by agreement between the author, the current and immediate past journal Editors, Paul Hewson and Roger Johnson, the Trustees of Teaching Statistics and Blackwell Publishing Ltd. The retraction has been agreed due to unacknowledged overlap with ‘A Patrol Problem’ by Alan Levine, published in Mathematics Magazine, vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 159–166 (1986).  相似文献   

Learner diversity is the focus of this paper. Parallels are drawn among attenlpts to integrate children with disabilities (who have unique motor needs), less skilled learners, and/or disinterested learners. Paul and Ward (1996) propose that debates over inclusion are paradigmatic in that ethical inclusion paradigm proponents (all children should be included) are at odds with comparative inclusion studies (determining whether or not inclusion really works). Application of Paul and Ward's idea about paradigm conflict and other special education perspectives are discussed to draw attention to low skilled and/or disinterested learners as well as to children with disabilities so that the needs of all children are uniformly addressed. When conducting research about learners without disabilities that are currently not fitting into physical education classes, paradigm dilemmas must be avoided. Future studies in physical education should focus on how diverse learners can be accommodated more than on how diverse learners affect other children. Further, physical educators may be better able to serve the needs of all students through coltural/social minority models (Paul, 1998; Sherrill. 1998) and infusion-based curricula (Rizzo, Broadhead, & Kowalski, 1997).  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Drugs and the Special Child Michael Jay Cohen.
Hyperactivity in Children: Etiology, Measurement and Treatment Implications Ronald L. Trites (ed.).
Education: A Way Ahead Mary Warnock Basil Blackwell.
Disability and the Environment Vida Carver, Michael Rodda Paul Elek.
Learning Disabilities Sylvia Farnham-Diggory Fontana.
Teaching Written English to Children with Learning Difficulties John L. Presland.
The Garden and the Handicapped Child Patricia Elliott.  相似文献   

Universities aspire to offer students a transformative experience, but rarely spell out the nature of this transformation. In this essay, L. A. Paul and John Quiggin frame the successful university education as transformative in the philosophical sense. They explain the way that a successful college education can be understood as generating an individual conceptual revolution, and thus, as a transformative experience. Education can create epistemically transformative change through the process of developing critical thinking skills, leading to conceptual replacement and the discovery of new intellectual frameworks. This epistemic transformation, if deep enough, scales up into a personal transformation. After explicating the nature and structure of transformative education, Paul and Quiggin show how understanding transformation in terms of personal change and awareness of unawareness clarifies the debate over its value.  相似文献   

This article abstracts Blackwell Publishers role asa publisher of both statistics and education andour life long goal to extend scholarlycommunication.  相似文献   

谷芳芳 《职教通讯》2012,(13):21-24
保罗·朗格朗让提出的终身教育思想引起了全球范围的教育革命。深刻理解终身教育的理论内涵和特征,有助于转变教育理念,科学审视中国教育的改革与发展。职业教育属于终身教育的一个重要组成部分,与终身教育具有内在一致性,因此,借鉴和依循终身教育的若干理念和方法来发展职业教育有利于更好地实现职业教育的终极价值。  相似文献   

This article presents a Norwegian primary school teacher facing the challenge of realising the curriculum's vision of inclusive education. Ann teaches a third‐grade class with 22 pupils among which are pupils with special needs. Two of them are John and Paul. The article focuses on how the teacher deals with these two boys as she, at the same time, approaches the class as a whole. The analysis shows that the teacher's practice can be clustered into four themes. The themes are analysed in light of relevant theoretical concepts situated within the framework of socio‐cultural theory. It appears that the themes have some common characteristic traits and dilemmas that Ann encounters in her daunting work of realising inclusive education.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to place the fiscal problems faced by higher education in a broad political economic context so strategies for coping with declining resources can be better evaluated. At the national level, fiscal crisis theories are used to examine broad changes in higher education spending patterns. At the state level, theories of regional variation are used to understand more fully why some states face conditions of greater fiscal authority than others. At a concrete level, the strategies evolving in New York State for allocating resources are explored, and the responses of one institution - the State University of New York at Buffalo - are examined.My thanks to the Institute for Higher Education Law and Governance, School of Education, University of Houston, for support that made this research possible. My thanks to Paul Loucks for his careful reading and commentary on a draft of this paper.  相似文献   


This article explores an approach to initial teacher education which emphasises the process of ‘practical theorising’ as the context in which educational theory can contribute to this professional education. The practical theorising approach is exemplified by reference to the Oxford Internship Scheme, and the article focusses especially on arguments against a practical theorising approach presented by Paul Hirst in a commentary on the Oxford scheme. These arguments are concerned with: the need for a public rationally defended consensual body of professional knowledge; the unreasonable demands which a practical theorising approach makes of student‐teachers; and the perceived failure of a practical theorising approach, at least in the Oxford context, to differentiate adequately among different kinds of theory and their place in initial teacher education.  相似文献   

As part of recent complex transformations, it seems that higher educational organisations are being forced to reorganise, standardise and streamline in order to survive in the new political and economic context. How are ethnographers in general going to approach these contemporary phenomena? By drawing on the conceptual history of anthropology, the aim of this article is to generate ethnographic-oriented research questions concerned with higher education. The first part of the article provides an ethnographic background, while the second part focuses on Paul Willis's reasoning on ethnographic imagination, as a prerequisite for generating alternative research questions. The third part makes explicit anthropologist Maurice Godelier's theoretical imagination, carving out some specific theoretical parts which may be used in the generating process. The conclusion then suggests a number of questions to be asked by future ethnographers of higher education. The questions are followed by a reflection upon the consequences of doing ethnography within contemporary higher education settings, which are increasingly dominated by policy-makers; ethnography is thus to be seen as an intervening instrument.  相似文献   

This paper explores Paul Brandwein’s contribution to the concept of conservation education in America. It examines the evolution of the concept to today’s environmental education. It then identifies some of the weaknesses of current environmental education and presents ideas on how to move past them to a point where conservation education is integrated into every classroom discipline, which brings conservation closer to Brandwein’s concept of conservation education to create a sanative environment. The paper looks at place-based learning as a step in that direction, giving several examples. It concludes with the 24 scientifically based conservation concepts compiled by the Society for Conservation Biology that can serve as curriculum for the 21st Century and beyond.  相似文献   

It has been widely accepted in the science education research community that scientific literacy as a concept and phrase was introduced by Paul deHart Hurd in 1958. Recent research into the origins of the phrase, however, has shown this to be incorrect. Its first published use can be traced back, in fact, to 1945, and the phrase was frequently invoked in popular and research publications throughout the 1940s and 1950s. Exploring the historical circumstances of the phrase's introduction into popular discourse, it is argued, reveals that despite the rhetorical power and widespread adoption of the idea, scientific literacy (as others have pointed out) has proven to be little more than an empty slogan that offers no substantive guidance for thinking about the goals of science education. This essay argues that rather than continue to cling to the idea, the field of science education can more productively consider the most relevant and appropriate goals of science teaching by dispensing with the concept altogether.  相似文献   

For over fifty years, scholars have argued that a therapeutic ethos has begun to change how people think about themselves and others. There is also a growing concern that the therapeutic ethos has influenced educational theory and practice, perhaps to their detriment. This review article discusses three books, The Dangerous Rise of Therapeutic Education (by Kathryn Ecclestone and Dennis Hayes), Aristotle, Emotions, and Education (by Kristján Kristjánsson), and The Therapy of Education (by Paul Smeyers, Richard Smith and Paul Standish), that point to the problematic assumptions and outcomes of therapeutic educational practices. The authors of the three books, however, disagree about whether a focus on emotions or therapy in education is necessarily an unwelcome intrusion into education.  相似文献   

Derrick Armstrong, a post-doctoral research associate in the Division of Education at the University in Sheffield, and Paul Davies, a researcher working in the Centre for the Study of Education and Training at Lancaster University, report on the experiences of 29 young people about to leave special education. They consider the support offered by schools and specialist careers advisors, and the opportunities and barriers experienced during transition. It is suggested that, although the quality of advice and support offered to young people at a school is good, there appears to be a subsequent lack of coherence which can make these leavers highly vulnerable when they move to employment, training or further education.  相似文献   

现代终身教育思想自1965年被正式提倡以来,经历了从概念的界定、内含的深化到体系的最终形成等发展阶段。文章着重阐述和分析了其发展过程中的三个里程碑,以加深我们对终身教育思想的认识和理解,并进一步形成指导现代教育实践和改革的理论武器。  相似文献   

美国名教育家孟禄曾于1921年9月应实际教育调查社聘请,来华进行了为期四个多月的大规模教育调查与讲学。孟禄来华不仅对壬戌学制的制订产生了深刻影响,对中国近现代教育的发展也产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

终身教育理论对我国成人教育改革与发展的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
续润华 《成人教育》2009,29(5):28-29
终身教育理论形成于20世纪60年代中后期,该理论的代表人物是法国著名教育家保罗·郎格朗等人。这一理论强调教育不应该局限于学校教育阶段,教育应该是个体从摇篮到坟墓的终身化的过程,教育应该是面向全体成员的,应该更加关注学习者的实际需求,关注学习者学习能力和终身学习情感态度的养成。终身教育理论的问世,奠定了我国成人教育改革的理论基础,对我国成人教育的目标、课程与教学内容、教学模式诸多方面产生了重大的影响。  相似文献   

The close link between environmental education and development education advocated by major international reports of the last decade is operant in the UNESCO Asia‐Pacific region. A regional collaborative effort sponsored by the Asia‐Pacific Centre of Educational Innovation for Development (ACEID), UNESCO and Griffith University is creating an action research network to support teacher education in environmental education. The process is informed by Paul Hart's and Ian Robottom's argument that constructivist epistemology is consistent with an ecological world view and, therefore, provides an appropriate grounding for professional development in environmental education. Teacher educators from some 20 countries in the region are sharing in the writing of workshop modules for pre‐ and in‐service teachers; these are then critiqued and adapted in accordance with the needs of other countries. A culture of action research is being created by encouraging those involved to write case studies of their design, critique, adaptation and use of the materials as part of their professional development  相似文献   

Abstract Simone de Beauvoir, best known outside France as a leading modern feminist theorist, is also recognized as a writer of literature, philosophy, and drama. In this essay, James D. Marshall aims to present Beauvoir, not as a mere entry in the history of French philosophy, nor as an under‐laborer to Jean‐Paul Sartre, but as someone who has important philosophical insights to contribute to ongoing debates on the human condition, including those concerned with education. Central to these debates are issues such as what does it mean to be an individual human being and what characterizes the relations between individuals and others and between individuals and society. Marshall argues that Beauvoir can participate in such philosophical and educational debates, for philosophy of education has major interests in such questions as who or what is this “person” whom we profess to be educating, what kind of person or outcome of education is desirable, and in what kind of society should these individuals take part?  相似文献   

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