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正如何报考辽宁省免费医学定向生?辽宁张海亮听后"知位中国医科大学招生办:免费医学定向招生主要面对农村生源。没有定向招生计划县区的考生,不能填报该志愿。免费医学定向招生,在本科提前批次录取。中国医科大学免费医学定向招生录取分数线为第一批本科录取控制分数线下20分,辽宁医学院免费医学定向招生录取分数线为第二批本科录取控制分...  相似文献   

高考录取过程中,一些农林类院校不止一次用降分来"填满"计划录取指标,而师范专业随着今年初在全国6所教育部直属师范大学开始实行的师范生免费教育政策而有所升温。有专家建议,是否要出台相应的免费教育政策让"农林水"专业走出"冰封"?政策调控真的能让"冷"的专业"热"起来吗?  相似文献   

有关统计显示,重点大学第一志愿录取人数占录取总人数的80%以上,一般院校第一志愿录取人数占录取总人数的60%左右。由此可见,第一志愿填报是否得当对于能否被与自己高考成绩相对应的第一个批次院校录取非常关键。录取过程中,省招办按考生志愿对高校投递考生电子档案时,先投第一志愿的考生。同批次所有院校结束第一志愿的录取后,才开始第二志愿的投档(第二志愿投档只对第一志愿录取结束后,仍有计划余额的院校)。大多数名牌高校第一志愿线上人数多且分数高,仅第一志愿就可以录满,很少录取第二志愿考生,除非该校预留了录取非第一志愿考生的名额,才另当别论。而那些生源比较好的名牌高校,即使预留计划录取第二志愿考生,也会设置志愿级差,抬高第二志愿录取的"门槛"。既然第一志愿的填报十分关键,那么,如何科学、合理地选报第一志愿呢?下面谈几点建议。  相似文献   

如何理解我省今年招生录取中“不退档、不换录、不降分、不补录”的规定?今年省招委规定,凡按考生志愿录取(包括调剂志愿录取,征集志愿录取,高校征求意见后本人同意录取)的考生一律不退档,不换录。省属高校招生计划一次性下达到位,省里不预留调节计划。部委属高校和外省重点高校追加计划必须在同批次录取结束前到位,不得提出降分要求。今年我省招生录取工作结束后,不再进行补录。这样做有利于维护招生工作的正常秩序,有利于保护大多数考生的利益,有利于保证录取工作的公平与公正。  相似文献   

按教育部规定,高校在编制当年的招生计划时,在不超出学校当年本科招生总计划的1%的范围内,可以预留一部分计划,用以录取时"临时"平衡各地生源。在使用这1%上,高校是如何做的呢?考生在志愿填报时.又能做些什么?请看本期嘉宾——复旦大学招办主任郑方贤如何说。  相似文献   

正问:农村地区专项计划都有哪几项?答:农村地区专项计划共有三项。一是贫困专项生。这个专项计划在我省已经实施几年了,主要是面向考生户籍和高中三年学籍在国家划定的我省46个贫困地区,招生计划由中央部门高校和地方"211工程"学校为主的本科一批招生高校承担。2014年主要变化有两个方面:其一,国家规定,自2014年起,按贫困专项生计划录取的新生可自行决定入  相似文献   

袁春宇 《成才之路》2012,(1):98-I0015
正自主招生到底要选拔什么样的学生?教育部在官方网站上,发布了2012年高校自主选拔录取试点工作部署的通知,明确"自主招生试点中,向农村地区中学或考生等适当倾斜"。记者联系全国部分重点高校招生部门,发现各校都已出台"倾斜政策",并在酝酿行动。如清华大学的"自强计划",中国人民大学的"圆梦计划",北大也表示,要将"中学校长实名推荐制"扩至更多县级中学。  相似文献   

正高考咨询大厅里,大米和小米前来咨询。大米:"一直听同学们说‘某批次开始投档啦’,‘某院校正在阅档呢’,‘某同学已经被退档了’等等,这个神秘的‘档’我从来没见过,它到底是什么?又包含什么内容呢?如果我今年考不上,明年再考我该怎么处理自己的‘档’呢?"小米:"老师,我今年考得不理想,计划复读,但是我已经被一所院校录取了,可以让学校把我的电子档案退还给我吗?"在高考录取阶段,我们常常听到的"档"字,就是指考生的"电子档案"。它和我们的录  相似文献   

徐贲 《语文新圃》2008,(8):17-18
又到了大学录取新生的季节.国内的朋友问我.美国也有破格录取吗,是怎么回事?说起大学破格录取,许多人想到的是特别优秀的学生被顶尖学校录取.其实,那是"超格"录取,不是"破格"录取.……  相似文献   

"百分比计划"是美国加利福尼亚州、得克萨斯州和佛罗里达州在取消教育领域"肯定性行动"之后实施的替代性政策,旨在缓和"肯定性行动"造成的种族矛盾,同时保证少数族裔学生的高等教育入学率.但在实施过程中,"百分比计划"使得少数族裔新生注册入学率下降,并引发了多方利益冲突与矛盾.虽然美国对"百分比计划"进行了一定的调整,但最新政策却呈现出摇摆与反复,其未来走势不容乐观.  相似文献   

This empirical study examined postsecondary-student attitudes and preferences regarding five discrete student loan plans and loan plan features. Certain demographic variables were examined for their relationship to student attitudes toward the various loan plans. The study addressed the following questions: What debt ceiling do students identify as acceptable? Are students willing to indebt themselves over an extended time span? What percent of annual income do they feel reasonably can be applied to loan repayment? Will students alter their repayment plan choices given additional and more detailed information about loan options? A random sample of 218 recipients of federal higher education loans during the 1973–74 academic year was drawn from the population of 6,765 undergraduate borrowers at the University Park Campus of the Pennsylvania State University.  相似文献   

美国肯定性行动计划与少数民族高等教育的发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自20世纪60年代中期以来,肯定性行动计划通过特别招生计划、财政资助、补习教育、少数民族研究课程等措施,有力地促进了美国少数民族高等教育的发展。但近年来,肯定性行动计划在美国引发了激烈的争论,一些州甚至取消了肯定性行动计划,这很可能导致美国少数民族高等教育的严重倒退。  相似文献   

What explanations have been provided for spurious test score gains? Are states and districts narrowing the curriculum and teaching the test? What effect does teaching the test have on the norms themselves? What alternatives must be sought to protect the integrity of instruction and the validity of scores?  相似文献   

What can critical race theory, a movement that has its roots in legal scholarship, contribute to research in education? Plenty, as it turns out. Much of the national dialogue on race relations takes place in the context of education--in continuing desegregation and affirmative action battles, in debates about bilingual education programs, and in the controversy surrounding race and ethnicity studies departments at colleges and universities. More centrally, the use of critical race theory offers a way to understand how ostensibly race-neutral structures in education--knowledge, truth, merit, objectivity, and "good education"--are in fact ways of forming and policing the racial boundaries of white supremacy and racism (Roithmayr, 1999, p. 4).  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the contexts in which action learning has been used and provide implications for the design of action learning programmes. We performed a content analysis of 127 articles (case studies and case reports included) published in Action Learning: Research and Practice between 2004 and 2012. In this study, we address the following research questions: (a) In what contexts has action learning been used? (b) What are the distinctive features of cases identified? (c) What are the implications for the design of action learning programmes? The results showed that the UK and European countries have most frequently used action learning, and the most dominant purposes for action learning were leadership development, organization development, and professional development. We also elaborated on design considerations and implications for action learning research and practice.  相似文献   

How can the enterprise of looking at the consequences of testing in America be moved forward? What are the responsibilities of the key actors? How can we accumulate the evidence that we need?  相似文献   

How can the enterprise of looking at the consequences of testing in America be moved forward? What are the responsibilities of the key actors? How can we accumulate the evidence that we need?  相似文献   

There have been many attempts to assess the state of research in our field. This article is our attempt to both (1) synthesize recent analyses, opinions, and conclusions concerning the status of technical communication research and (2) propose an action plan aimed at redirecting our field's agenda for its research. We explore these questions: What are the recent research trends in our field? What is and is not promising about our recent approaches to research? Where do we need to go next? What are the critical components for a new agenda for our research?  相似文献   

States of matter     
Deepak Dhar 《Resonance》2010,15(6):514-525
All of us have read about solid, liquid and gaseous states of matter in school. Are these the only states of matter? What distinguishes different states of matter from each other?  相似文献   

States of matter     
Deepak Dhar 《Resonance》2011,16(12):1120-1131
All of us have read about solid, liquid and gaseous states of matter in school. Are these the only states of matter? What distinguishes different states of matter from each other?  相似文献   

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