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锻炼行为、经历、意愿对大学生心理健康的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用体育活动等级量表(PARS-3)、主观强度感觉量表(RPE)和SCL-90问卷对117名大学生进行了测试。结果显示:有锻炼行为的大学生的心理健康状况显著优于没有锻炼行为的大学生;对锻炼者而言,实际锻炼量和主观锻炼感受对心理健康的影响存在交互作用,被试在中等强度的锻炼量及主观锻炼感受轻松同时存在的情况下心理健康状况最优;对不锻炼者而言,锻炼经历和锻炼意愿对心理健康状况有交互作用,被试在同时具备锻炼经历和锻炼意愿的情况下心理健康状况最差。  相似文献   

目的:探讨体育锻炼与心理健康的关系,以及不同锻炼方式对大学生心理健康的影响。方法:对564名大一至大三的学生进行体育锻炼与心理健康的问卷调查。结果显示:(1)16.67%的大学生从不参加体育锻炼,60.64%的大学生偶尔参加体育锻炼,经常锻炼的大学生只有22.70%;而在体育锻炼频率上男女生存在显著性的差异(P〈0.01),从不锻炼者与经常锻炼者之间没有显著性的差异(P〉0.05),从不锻炼者、偶尔锻炼者与经常锻炼者之间存在显著性的差异(P〈0.05);另外,大学生体育人口占大学生总人数的31.49%,男女大学生体育人口占各自总人数的35.84%和24.29%。(2)不同锻炼方式的男女大学生之间有显著性差异(P〈0.05)。(3)大学生的总均分及各项因子分与全国青年组和国内成人,存在非常显著性的差异(P〈0.01)。(4)从不锻炼组、偶尔锻炼组和经常锻炼组的总均分依次为0.66、0.62和0.54,但差异并不显著(P〉0.05)。(5)非单独锻炼组的总均分略低于单独锻炼组,但差异并不显著(P〉0.05)。结论:大学生参加体育锻炼有益于心理健康,不同的体育锻炼方式会对大学生的心理健康产生良好的影响,但性别间有差异。  相似文献   

不同锻炼方式对老年人心理健康和心肺功能影响的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对不同运动项目组与不参加体育活动组老年人心理衰老指数、心功能、肺通气功能等指标的比较,探讨不同锻炼方式(门球,太极拳和快走、慢跑锻炼)对老年人心理健康和心肺功能的影响.结果表明:各锻炼组心衰指数均优于不锻炼的老年对照组,但各锻炼组间无显著差别.快走、慢跑组心功能、通气功能明显优于门球和太极拳组.可见采取不同的锻炼方式对老年人心理健康和心肺功能的影响不同,老年人可根据自身实际选择不同的锻炼方式.  相似文献   

使用北京博达电子公司生产的DDX一200型电脑多功能心理生理能力测试康复仪,测试被测的视觉选择反应时,视觉注意分配和手臂稳定性等指标的数据并进行实验前后比较。选择男大学生为研究对象,采用实验研究方法,以不同强度、项目的身体锻炼为干预手段,对男大学生心理健康中的2个认知指标1个情绪指标的影响进行实验研究,以期为大学生科学健身、健心和高校体育改革与发展提供一些参考。研究结果显示:(1)小强度身体锻炼对男大学生视觉选择反应时、视觉注意分配、手臂稳定性等促进作用较小,而中等强度身体锻炼对3项指标的影响较大。(2)身体锻炼的心理效应受锻炼项目的影响。乒乓球、跆拳道效果更有利于心理健康认知指标成绩的提高;跑步的锻炼作用则较弱。乒乓球和跆拳道的锻炼比慢跑锻炼更具心理效益。  相似文献   

身体锻炼与心理健康的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对心理健康问题的研究已有较长历史。学者们在关注心理健康内涵同时 ,对何种方式能有效促进人的心理健康进行了探讨。大量研究结果表明身体锻炼是保持和增进心理健康、消除心理疾病的一个重要方法。探讨身体锻炼与心理健康的关系成为了近年来国内外运动心理学界的关注焦点。因此 ,本文在综合国内外最新研究成果的基础上 ,就这一问题进行了探讨。1 身体锻炼对心理健康的积极作用身体锻炼对心理健康具有促进作用 ,已得到大多数研究的证实。其研究重点主要集中于五方面 (根据国外心理学家对身体锻炼的积极心理效应的研究总结 ) :情绪状态 ;睡…  相似文献   

太极拳对中老年人心理健康状况影响的实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
运用心理测量、实验测试和数理统计等方法,对太极拳锻炼对中老年人心理健康状况影响的机理进行实证性研究。结果显示:进行太极拳锻炼可以延缓中老年人的心理健康衰退,其影响因素包括:生理、心理和社会因素,各个因素是相辅相成、互相影响的,心理和社会健康纬度的效果要明显于生理健康纬度;锻炼组的认知能力优于对照组(最佳反应时除外);长期进行太极拳锻炼更有益于中老年人维持和促进心理健康。建议加强对太极拳健身活动的宣传和组织;太极拳锻炼者最好长期坚持集体锻炼。  相似文献   

以上海某些社区和公园的锻炼者为研究对象,采用文献资料法、问卷调查法等研究方法,对锻炼者的锻炼(健身)方式、锻炼频率和锻炼时间、对场地和设施的满意程度、以及心境状态等方面进行了调查。结果表明:对于绝大部分锻炼者,消极心境的得分比较低,积极心境的得分相对较高。对于心境得分,男女锻炼者之间差异达显著性水平,心境得分与年龄之间相关达高度显著性水平,不同文化程度和不同状态的锻炼者之间差异达显著性水平;各种健身方式之间虽存在差异,但均未达显著性水平;不同锻炼频率的锻炼者之间差异达显著性水平,不同锻炼时间的锻炼者之间差异未达显著性水平;对场地设施的满意程度会影响锻炼积极性的锻炼者与不会影响锻炼积极性的锻炼者之间差异达高度显著性水平。  相似文献   

1 问题提出慢跑是一种全面发展身体素质 ,促进人体和器官系统功能健康发展 ,特别是发展心肺功能的有效练习手段。如能长期坚持慢跑锻炼 ,到了老年 ,即使与年轻人一起参加长跑比赛 ,其心肺功能也能适应 ;另外 ,慢跑也是控制和减轻体重、保持健美体态的最有效方法。随着我国全民健身运动的深入开展 ,人们都在寻找适合自己的锻炼手段 ,而慢跑则是一项经济、简单易行、锻炼价值高的运动 ,它对练习所需的场地和器材的要求较低 ,适合任何人进行练习。但是由于慢跑是机械性动作 ,而且练习的距离长 ,容易使人在练习时觉得枯燥无味 ,过于单调 ,再加…  相似文献   

广州市成年人锻炼人群体质状况与相关活动因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对参与2000年广州市体质测试的6335名成年人进行了分析.结果表明:广州市成年人锻炼人群的体质比不锻炼人群好,总体达标率高于1997年的全国平均水平;参与锻炼者在40岁后仍可保持较高的达优率和达标率;参与锻炼组总体上对反映心血管功能的台阶指数的作用不显著,提示锻炼人群仍需加强科学锻炼、提高锻炼效能.  相似文献   

锻炼行为和锻炼动机的跨理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于跨理论模型,采用对587名知识分子问卷调查数据,对不同锻炼行为阶段的人群的锻炼行为和锻炼动机进行了比较分析,结果表明:①处于坚持阶段的锻炼者每次锻炼时间最长、每周锻炼次数最多,行动阶段的锻炼者参与的体育锻炼项目数量最多;②随着锻炼行为阶段向前发展(前意向→意向→行动→坚持),锻炼频率呈现持续递增的趋势;③处于行动阶段的锻炼者锻炼动机最强;④在前意向→意向→行动的变化阶段,锻炼动机都呈现出增强的趋势,但在行动→坚持的变化阶段变化非常小,且有减弱的趋势,锻炼动机对锻炼行为阶段发展的推动作用主要表现在前3个阶段.  相似文献   

太极推手锻炼对中老年人焦虑水平影响的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章采用焦虑自评量表(SAS)对115名中老年人进行太极推手锻炼前、锻炼3个月后的测试。结果显示:锻炼前、后的数据比较具有非常显著性差异,表明短期的太极推手锻炼对降低中老年人焦虑水平、提高心理健康状况具有显著功效,也为其广泛推广提供了心理学方面的理论支持。  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to describe and compare the specific physical activity choices and sedentary pursuits of African American and Caucasian American girls. Participants were 1,124 African American and 1,068 Caucasian American eighth-grade students from 31 middle schools. The 3-Day Physical Activity Recall (3DPAR) was used to measure participation in physical activities and sedentary pursuits. The most frequently reported physical activities were walking, basketball, jogging or running, bicycling, and social dancing. Differences between groups were found in 11 physical activities and 3 sedentary pursuits. Participation rates were higher in African American girls (p < or = .001) for social dancing, basketball, watching television, and church attendance but lower in calisthenics, ballet and other dance, jogging or running, rollerblading, soccer, softball or baseball, using an exercise machine, swimming, and homework. Cultural differences of groups should be considered when planning interventions to promote physical activity.  相似文献   

The aims of the present study were to determine whether available "fasting" and oral glucose tolerance test-derived insulin sensitivity indices could effectively discriminate between individuals with higher than normal insulin sensitivity, and whether they would all provide similar information in clinical practice. Sprint runners (n = 8), endurance runners (n = 8) and sedentary controls (n = 7) received a 75-g oral glucose tolerance test. All participants were healthy lean males, aged 21-29 years. Besides glucose and insulin responses, a total of nine such indices were computed. Fasting as well as post-load glucose concentrations were similar in the three groups, while basal plasma insulin and the insulinaemic response to glucose were both higher in untrained individuals (at P < 0.05 and P < 0.02, respectively). There were no differences between endurance and sprint runners. The results for insulin sensitivity, however, were quite variable: three indices showed that both groups of athletes were more insulin-sensitive than controls; three indicated that this was the case for endurance runners only; one indicated that this was the case for sprint runners only; and two showed that sprint runners were more insulin-sensitive than either sedentary individuals or endurance runners (all differences were significant at P < 0.05). Controlling for total body weight or lean mass did not effectively resolve this disagreement. Apparently, the various insulin sensitivity indices examined provided different quantitative and qualitative information, despite insulin action being greater in both groups of athletes relative to controls, as reflected by their similar glucose tolerance with lower insulin concentrations. We suggest, therefore, that the use and interpretation of such indices among physically active individuals be made with caution.  相似文献   

不同锻炼方式对自我观念和生活满意感的影响   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
张立敏  张力为 《体育科学》2004,24(12):54-60
选取和心理健康密切相关的自我观念和生活满意感作为指标,将不同锻炼方式对自我观念和生活满意感的影响作为切入点,探讨不同锻炼方式与心理健康的关系。以太极和健身操作为不同锻炼方式,分2个部分在不同人群中进行追踪实验,考察自我观念中身体自我、整体自尊和生活满意感与锻炼方式的关系,促进人们对身体活动与心理健康关系的认识,同时为人们健身方式的选择提供参考。  相似文献   

The aims of the present study were to determine whether available “fasting” and oral glucose tolerance test-derived insulin sensitivity indices could effectively discriminate between individuals with higher than normal insulin sensitivity, and whether they would all provide similar information in clinical practice. Sprint runners (n = 8), endurance runners (n = 8) and sedentary controls (n = 7) received a 75-g oral glucose tolerance test. All participants were healthy lean males, aged 21?–?29 years. Besides glucose and insulin responses, a total of nine such indices were computed. Fasting as well as post-load glucose concentrations were similar in the three groups, while basal plasma insulin and the insulinaemic response to glucose were both higher in untrained individuals (at P?<?0.05 and P?<?0.02, respectively). There were no differences between endurance and sprint runners. The results for insulin sensitivity, however, were quite variable: three indices showed that both groups of athletes were more insulin-sensitive than controls; three indicated that this was the case for endurance runners only; one indicated that this was the case for sprint runners only; and two showed that sprint runners were more insulin-sensitive than either sedentary individuals or endurance runners (all differences were significant at P?<?0.05). Controlling for total body weight or lean mass did not effectively resolve this disagreement. Apparently, the various insulin sensitivity indices examined provided different quantitative and qualitative information, despite insulin action being greater in both groups of athletes relative to controls, as reflected by their similar glucose tolerance with lower insulin concentrations. We suggest, therefore, that the use and interpretation of such indices among physically active individuals be made with caution.  相似文献   


A longitudinal study was performed to determine differences in physiologic variables, health behaviors, risk factors, or clinical status between former athletes (FA) (N = 345) and nonathletes (NA) (N = 75). The subjects, 420 self-referred white males aged 25-60 years old, were examined for prior athleticism and health. Athleticism was determined through self-reported high school or college athletic history. Baseline physiologic and health behavior characteristics were not different between the two groups. Of those study participants (N = 203 FA, 48 NA) who were sedentary at baseline, 208 (N = 167 FA, 41 NA) voluntarily began an exercise program during the followup period (average followup = 56 months). These numbers correspond to exercise adoption rates of 82 and 85 % for FA and NA respectively, and were not statistically different (95% CI FA = 0.76, 0.88, NA = 0.73, 0.97). Repeated measures analysis of covariance was performed to determine if physiologic responses to adoption were different between FA and NA. No statistically significant difference was found between the two groups, time effects were similar in the two, and no significant interaction of time by group was observed. We conclude that prior athleticism has little apparent impact on health and health behaviors, thus suggesting that contemporaneous exercise has more impact on clinical variables.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to examine the effects of arm-swing and sporting activity on jump height and jump height variability of countermovement jumps in adolescent students to inform correct jumping technique in different settings. Altogether, 324 students (grades 5–11) performed three countermovement jumps with bilateral arm-swings and three countermovement jumps without arm-swings on a force platform. The participants were divided into three groups based on sporting activity. The groups with the most (“active group”; more than 6 h formal athletics in a sport club per week) and least active (“sedentary group”; less than 3 h formal athletics in a sport club per week) participants were compared. Jump height was calculated for all jumps, and the best trial of three was used for further analysis. Jump height variability was indicated by the coefficient of variation over three jumps. The reliability of jump height was determined using the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) over three trials of each jumping technique. The reliability of jump height was very high for all conditions (ICC: 0.90–0.96). Jump height was significantly higher for countermovement jumps with than without arm-swings for both groups. Jump height in the active group was significantly greater than in the sedentary group for both jumping techniques. A significant interaction between jumping technique and sporting activity indicates a greater benefit of arm-swing in the active than in the sedentary participants. No significant differences between groups were observed for jump height variability. Jump height can be measured reliably in active and sedentary adolescent individuals for both jumping techniques. The relevant jumping technique should be chosen with respect to the context of its application and based on its suitability for the individual and task of interest.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study was performed to determine differences in physiologic variables, health behaviors, risk factors, or clinical status between former athletes (FA) (N = 345) and nonathletes (NA) (N = 75). The subjects, 420 self-referred white males aged 25-60 years old, were examined for prior athleticism and health. Athleticism was determined through self-reported high school or college athletic history. Baseline physiologic and health behavior characteristics were not different between the two groups. Of those study participants (N = 203 FA, 48 NA) who were sedentary at baseline, 208 (N = 167 FA, 41 NA) voluntarily began an exercise program during the followup period (average followup = 56 months). These numbers correspond to exercise adoption rates of 82 and 85% for FA and NA respectively, and were not statistically different (95% CI FA = 0.76, 0.88, NA = 0.73, 0.97). Repeated measures analysis of covariance was performed to determine if physiologic responses to adoption were different between FA and NA. No statistically significant difference was found between the two groups, time effects were similar in the two, and no significant interaction of time by group was observed. We conclude that prior athleticism has little apparent impact on health and health behaviors, thus suggesting that contemporaneous exercise has more impact on clinical variables.  相似文献   


This paper reports on the validity of a 14-day recall measure of leisure time physical activity (LTPA) in a sample of Australian adults (N = 986). Submaximal cycle ergometry was used to assess physical work capacity per kilogram of body mass (pwc75/kg). The self-report energy expenditure estimates were used to categorize respondents as vigorously active, moderately active, and low active/sedentary. Multiple regression analyses showed that pwc75/kg increased significantly across energy expenditure categories for adults aged less than 40 years; that the vigorous and moderate activity categories had greater mean pwc75/kg values than the low/sedentary category for 40 to 59-year-olds; and, that there were no differences in pwc75/kg between activity categories for those aged 60 years or older.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine which of three intensities of treadmill training produced changes in body composition in rats as evidenced by body weight, percentage of fat and specific gravity. Subjects were 60 male Wistar rats 25 to 30 days old when obtained. They were randomly assigned to one of five groups: sedentary controls, spontaneously active controls, and three groups of rats forced to exercise on a treadmill at intensities of 75, 125 and 175 fpm. Forced exercise was applied three times a week for 8 weeks, after which measures of body weight, specific gravity, and percentage of body fat were obtained. Results indicated that the sedentary controls had significantly higher mean body weights than did those which exercised. Rats forced to exercise at 75 fpm had significantly lower specific gravity measures than rats trained at 125 fpm. Sedentary controls had lower specific gravity values than did all rats allowed to exercise. Intensity of treadmill training had no effect on percentage of body fat as determined chemically. However, exercise was effective in reduction of body fat.  相似文献   

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