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本文研究列举了整系数多项式在Q上不可约的判定条件,并给出了多项式f(x)存在虚根的条件.  相似文献   

本文给出了唯一分解整环上的系数满足一定条件的本原多项式不可约的一个判定方法。  相似文献   

作为高等代数课程教学内容的补充,给出了判定整系数多项式不可约性的Eisenstein判别法的一个推广.  相似文献   

本文论述了整系数多项式的无整数根的充分性、三次整系数多项式在有理数域上不可约的充分性、n次整系数多项式在有理数域上不可约的充分性、整系数多项式无复重根的充分性等整系多项式的若干性质,这些性质对研究整系数多项式及其应用有重要的意义。  相似文献   

给出了判别整系数多项式在有理数域上不可约的几个充分条件,并根据多项式的系数之和判别某类整系数多项式有理根的存在性及在有理数域上不可约性  相似文献   

给出了判别整系数多项式在有理数域上不可约的几个充分条件,并根据多项式的系数之和判别某类整系数多项式有理根的存在性及在有理数域上下不可约性。  相似文献   

给出了与艾森斯坦因判别法等价的整系数多项式在有理数域上不可约的判定定理,并将艾森斯坦因判别法进行了推广。  相似文献   

我们熟知整数的哥德巴赫命题是:每一个大于2的偶数都可写成两个质数的和。这个命题的正确性至今尚未得到证明。在《数学爱好者》1980,1期刊载的《容易证明的“1 1”》(以下简称文[1])一文中提出了一个有兴趣的定理: 定理1.每一个整系数n(≥1)次多项式可写为两个n次不可约整系数多项式的和。这个定理的证明依赖于下述整系数多项式不可约的艾森施坦因判定法则定理2.整系数多项式 f(x)=a_0x~n a_1x~(n-1) … a_(n-1)x a_n (1)  相似文献   

多项式在有理数域上可约的问题可以归结到整系数多项式能否分解成次数较低的整系数多项式的乘积的问题.Kronecker和Eisenstein分别给出了整系数多项式在有理数域上是否可约的判别方法,本文给出了另外一个判别整系数多项式不可约的判别法,对Eisenstein判别法予以补充.  相似文献   

对Eisenstein判别法作了进一步推广,给出了判定整系数多项式在有理数域上不可约的又一定理及其5个重要推论.  相似文献   

Theodore Dreiser is now regarded as one of the pre-eminent American realistic novelists of the first half of the twentieth century.an anatomist of the American Dream.In his great work An American Tragedy,Dreis- er exposes and criticizes mercilessly the corruption and black side of American society.The disillusionment of the American Dream is an important theme of the fiction.This paper illustrates "An American Tragedy" is the re- flection of disillusionment of the American Dream in the perspectives of the tragedy of a mortal,the tragedy of American society,and the tragedy of the American Dream.  相似文献   

弗洛伊德坚持“性欲乃是人类取得的一切成就的源泉”,认为“本能的升华是最引人注目的文化发展的特征;正是由于升华,高级的心智活动、科学活动、艺术活动或思想活动才成为可能。”人们对此很有异议。其实,弗洛伊德是在对“性”的最广泛意义的理解基础上创建他的“动力心理学”的,他试图从他对人的个体心理理解的立场出发,来解释人类的全部历史、全部事件和社会生活的结构,并以此建立一整套关于人类精神生活规律的学说和理论。深入探寻弗洛伊德性学说的底蕴,澄清他的“性力”、“原欲”概念的内涵,真正领悟其“升华”思想的真谛,才有可能拓宽我们的视野,深化对复杂纷繁的人的精神世界的研究。  相似文献   

Victor Soucek 《Interchange》1995,26(3):241-255
This paper discusses the current radical changes in the Australian education policy. Central to the argument is the claim that the radical restructuring of the public sector hastened the loss of the possibility of any critical evaluation of national policy.The paper argues that this shift has been forced on the Australian state by the objective conditions expressed in a new realignment of the dominant transnational capital with the subordinate domestic capital, and in the shifts in a global capacity for consumption. The argument is underpinned by the claim that a new, post-Fordist (or flexible specialization) regime of capital accumulation is at present replacing the Fordist regime of mass production and consumption.The paper further argues that in order to achieve the system-preferred changes in the Australian education policy, the Australian government introduced radical changes in the production rules of policy formation. This involved a narrowing of policy making context and, crucially, an exclusion of voices critical of the shift towards economic reductionism.This loss of a critical sensibility constitutes the central concern of this paper. To advance the argument, in Part One, the paper discusses the relationship between the Australian state and the post-Fordist objective conditions of capital accumulation. Part Two argues that the lack of intellectual tradition in Australian public life was at least partially responsible for the easy passage given to neoclassical economics1 perspective in becoming a dominant public policy paradigm. Part Three locates the role of education within the context of the European philosophical tradition. It provides the link between critical sensibility, the project of Western civilization (which clearly extends beyond the modern vs. postmodern dichotomy), and the role of public discourse. Finally, the paper argues that education policy needs to take the issue of critical sensibility seriously. For this reason, it needs to be informed by a desire to go beyond the mere technical fit between graduates and the workplace, and allow itself to be inspired by new ideas, and new ways of seeing.Parts One and Two of this Article appeared in INTERCHANGE, Vol. 26, #2, 1995.  相似文献   

海德格尔认为"美"源自审美状态,而审美状态并非是主体的某种精神状态,而是"存在"的本然状态。美是存在者自身的显现,"存在"即是美的本质,也是美的功用,美不是显现的结果,而是"显一现"这个动态过程。存在之显现之所以美是因为,人无法在流变的世界中领会与观照存在之本质,存在必然在生活的日常状态中被遗忘,只有打破了这种遗忘状态,人才能获得真正的自由,获得存在之澄明,这种获得存在之澄明状态过程,就是获得美的本质与本源的过程,美就是存在者的澄明之光,是存在之光。  相似文献   

在我国构建和谐社会的实践中,对于唯物辩证法对立统一学说的认识需要深化。我们长期以来坚持的"矛盾的斗争性是无条件的绝对的,矛盾的同一性是有条件的相对的。矛盾的斗争性的绝对性体现了物质运动的绝对性,矛盾同一性的相对性体现了物质静止的相对性"的认识值得反思。实践表明,矛盾的斗争性和同一性都既有绝对性的一面,又有相对性的一面。运动的绝对性和静止的相对性是与矛盾普遍性的绝对性和矛盾特殊性的相对性直接相联系的。我们必须完整科学地把握马克思主义经典作家关于对立统一学说的论述,深化矛盾斗争性和同一性关系和作用的认识。  相似文献   

言意关系有着深远的文化背景。言说形式、言说者、言说对象是言意关系的三个要素,这三个要素在历史文化背景下的演进描绘了人文奋进的轨迹;由巫术而祭祀、占卜再进而到哲理这三要素完成了言意关系在先秦的具体形态的展开。对具体言说形态的辨析归纳出言意关系的症结在于形式的意蕴能否包容对象的意义、言说的意图能否抵达目的对象这两种关系和言说形式、言说者、言说对象这三个要素。  相似文献   

不平衡作为社会发展的一种状态,在社会发展进程中是不可避免和经常发生的。在我国现代化进程中,社会发展的不平衡性主要表现在社会有机体发展的不平衡和社会区域发展的不平衡上。无论是哪一种不平衡都是我国社会全面、协调发展的制约因素。它是多种因素相互作用的结果。要防止和克服社会发展的极度不平衡,必须切实贯彻和落实科学发展观,坚持社会发展普遍受益的原则,强化社会控制,以经济的和非经济的手段对社会发展的不平衡性加以经常性的调整。  相似文献   

中西方美学分别产生于春秋战国与古希腊罗马时期。先秦美学强调人与人之间的协调性、艺术对情感的表现性及善与美的教化性;古希腊美学强调人与自然的和谐性、艺术对现实的再现性及真与美的功利性。中国的艺术哲学产生于魏晋时期,《文心雕龙》完成了中国古代美学体系的建构。西方直到文艺复兴时代随着人性复苏、艺术哲学的发展,康德与黑格尔的美学体系才得以诞生。中西方美学体系形成之展开方式虽有不同,但基本规律一致。  相似文献   

本文有感于汉语词汇学、传统训诂学和中国古典解释学研究的深层需要,尝试着提出了“词义的召唤性与训诂的创造性”的理论范畴。上篇论述词义的召唤性及其形成的根据与功能,下篇探讨训诂的创造性及其形成的根据与效应。从而强调:词义的召唤性,是词义的基本特性之一,它体现了人与词义、人与世界的关系;训诂的创造性,是训诂的基本特性之一,它反映了人与文化典籍、人与解释活动的关系。而词义的召唤性,又是训诂创造性的形成根据;训诂的创造性,又是词义召唤性的语用效应。二者互动共变。  相似文献   

This study examined whether the graphemic structure of words modulates the timing of handwriting production during the acquisition of writing skills. This is particularly important during the acquisition period because phonological recoding skills are determinant in the elaboration of orthographic representations. First graders wrote seven-letter bi-syllabic words on a digitiser. We measured movement duration and fluency and evaluated reading performance. In Experiment 1, the words varied in number of graphemes and grapheme structure. In Experiment 2, the words varied in graphemic structure but the number of graphemes was held constant. The results revealed that the children wrote the first syllable of the words grapheme-by-grapheme, irrespective of the number of letters that composed them. They prepared the movement to produce the first grapheme before starting to write. The following graphemes were processed on-line. They then prepared the movement to write the second syllable. The progressive decrease of duration and dysfluency values towards the end of the word indicates that the children prepared the entire syllable in advance. Movement time and dysfluency measures presented very similar patterns in the two experiments. Furthermore, there was a significant correlation between reading performance and handwriting measures. The grapheme and syllable structure of the words therefore modulates the timing of motor production during handwriting acquisition. Once the children have learned the phonological recoding rules, they apply them systematically, irrespectively of the size of the graphemes they have to write.  相似文献   

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