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肖小斌 《高中生》2012,(30):30-31
一、时间状语从句高考重点考查的时间状语从句引导词有以下几组:1.由as soon as,immediately,directly,instantly,the moment/instant/minute等引导的时间状语从句。如:例1Mary rushed home__she heard the news,only__that her husband was gone.A.as soon as;finding B.immediately;to find  相似文献   

汉语中的“一……就……”用来表示两个动作或状态时间上的前后关系。译成英语时,可用连词,名词词组或介词等。本文拟就“一……就……”的常见英译法结合中学教材作一归纳,以供教学参考. 一、连词 1.no sooner…than No sooner had she said it than she realized her mistake.话刚一说出口,她就认识到错了。 I had no sooner closed my eyes than I heard her cry of alarm.我刚闭上眼睛,就听到她惊骇的叫声。 2.hardly…when Hardly had the game started when Brown scored a goal.比赛刚一开始,布朗就进了一个球。 Mother had hardly shut the door when the wind blew it open again.母亲刚把门关上,风就又把它吹开了。 3.scarcely…when/before  相似文献   

Q有这样一道同义句改写题,我不知所措:The minute I sat down in front of the TV,my mom came over.=My mom came overI sat down in front of the TV(.池州舟舟)A这里的the minute/moment...相当于as soon as...,意思为"一……就……"。再如:I need to see her the minute she arrives.=I needto see her as soon as she arrives.所以,横线上应填写as soon as。(思迈)  相似文献   

play 1.see sb doing sth意为“看见某人在做某事”。如: I saw her playing the piano.我看见她正在弹钢琴。She saw him waiting at the gate.她看见他在门口等着。2.hear sb doing sth意为“听见某人在做某事”。如: I heard him singing.我听见他在唱歌。We heard him crying in the next room.  相似文献   

I used to think highly of myself as I was always ready to help others. But after one incident, I became less sure.One morning, I was on the way to school by bicycle. A man of about forty was walking a bike with a girl student called Ma Ying sitting on it. I heard that something was wrong with the girl's leg and her father had to take her to school. The man must be her father.  相似文献   

“一…就”的几种表达 as soon as后接状语从句。如: 1)As soon as I get to Beijing,I will contact you by telephone.我一到北京,就跟你电话联系。 had hardly done+when+过去时的句子。如: 2)He had hardly turned the key in the lock when he heard a strange noise in-  相似文献   

1.我已经很长时间没有收到她的来信了。[误] I haven’t heard from her letter for a long time. [正]I haven’t heard from her for a long time. [析]hear from sb.=get/receive a letter flom sb.,因此不可在hear from后加letter。2.虽然天色已晚,但他们仍继续工作。[误]Though it was late,but they still went on working. [正]Though it was late,they still went on work- ing. [析]汉语的“虽然……但是……”译成英语时,用了though就不可再用hut;同样,用了hut,就不可再用though。故此句也可说成:It was late,but they still  相似文献   

这是发生在美国的一个真实的故事,很多年后的今天,我依然为故事中那个小女孩的执着和信念所感动……A n eight-year-old child heard her par-ents talking about her little brother.A ll sheknew was that he w as very sick and theyhad no m oney left.W hen she heard her  相似文献   

Humour Page     
A young mother was having a consultation with a doctor. As they spoke, her 6-year-old son could clearly be heard disturbing the people in the waiting room - yet she made no attempt to restrain him."Clang!"Soon they heard some clattering in another room, but still she did nothing."Krak!Wham!"Finally, after a very loud crash, the woman told the doctor nonchalantly, "Oops. I hope you don't mind my little Jimmy playing in there."No, no, not at all," said the doctor calmly. "I'm sure he will calm down as soon as he finds the poison."  相似文献   

A gift left to herEarly in the morning,I was taken in a ny-lon bag into a truck.I felt horrible as well as1.What would she do with me?She wasalmost mad after the2of her husband.A few minutes later,I heard the truck3its engine and move fast.I kept makingsounds to show my protest,but failed to makeany4.Finally she put me down in a5place.Maybe she didn’t want me to die fromlack of air;she untied the bag.I6out and looked up,only to seemany strange faces and fingers pointing at me.It turned ou…  相似文献   

1.我很长时间没有收到她的来信了。误:I haven’t heard from her letter for a long time.正:I haven’t heard from her for a long time.析:hear from sb.相当于get/receive a letter from sb.,因此不可在hear  相似文献   

英语中有一些副词、名词(短语)、分词或介词短语等,在句中起连接作用,相当于连接词。下面分别列举如下:一、immediately,constantly,directly可用来引导时间状语从句,表示“一……就……”,意义上相当于as soon as。例如:1.The young man rushed out of the hall immediately he heard the noise.那位年轻人一听到声响就冲出了大厅。2.Jenny came directly she got Linda's message.詹妮一接到琳达的信就赶来了。二、the moment,the instant,the minute,the second等名词短语可用来引导时间状语从句,表示“一……就……”,意义上相当于as soon as。例如:1.I'll ask Tom to call you the minute he comes back from work.汤姆一下班回来我就叫他给你打电话。  相似文献   

This is a book on policy study in the Chinese mainland by an insider with an outsider perspective.With contemporary policies on minban schooling in Shanghai as a case study,Ding illustrates and analyzes a case of policy metamorphosis in the contemporary Chinese mainland. The book is based on a well-designed qualitative study with 65 in-depth interviews in 2001 and 2004.Ding tries to figure out the logic of policy implementation in Shanghai as an "insider" while having a clear awareness of the dilemma of studying a policy issue in her own culture.She makes the best use of her identity as an insider,not only as a Chinese but as someone who knows some "inside" stories concerning the issue interviewed.As Ding pointed out,"I had obtained some firsthand information about minban education in Shanghai,so that when I sensed that the informants were talking superficially,I let them know that I had heard some inside stories (which usually had very different versions).In this way,sensitive data emerged." (Ding,2011,p.145).This is true,since the views expressed in most interview data Ding collected cannot be found in public or official documents,and are also rarely found in the academic literature.  相似文献   

I listen to her hum as she slowly scurries around the kitchen preparing breakfast. Well,she's scurrying in HER mind anyway.She snaps her fingers as she remembers she almost forgot the butter.While she turns to get it,I enter the kitchen area and take a seat.She reaches for the pepper and I appreciatively examine the table.She's made the coffee,and the creamer sits patiently in the tiny pitcher waiting to be poured.It ripples with her every step as they vibrate through the  相似文献   

Once upon a time.there was a mollse in a mouse-hole.One day it sat up and listened attentively,and as it did So it heard someone bark……“Now,”thought the mouse,“that’ll be a dog,I might as well go out.I don’t think dogs eat mice.”  相似文献   

王晓 《英语辅导》2000,(12):4-4
Throughout the Depression Years. my brothers,sisers and I often heard our Granny say,“One of these days,my ship is coning in.”Of coiurse Grany‘s ship was just a dream——her escape frjon the reality o9f being poor most of her life.But to us it was very real.  相似文献   

I have often heard teachers say 7 always ask the students if I have a problem with the computers'. So, imagine my surprise when a student in my pre-intermediate class put her hand up and explained to me slowly and carefully (with diagrams) that she was  相似文献   

1.(not) a shirt to one's back 一无所有A: Mrs. Brown deserves everybody's pity. B: I heard she became a widow last summer. A: And a fire left her without a shirt to her back. B: Bad luck. 甲:布朗夫人值得大家同情。乙:我听说去年夏天她丈夫死了。甲:并且一场大火使她一无所有。乙:真倒霉。  相似文献   

L.7·1 the same…as:和…一样,与…相同She looked at me,her face the same color asher hair almost,她望着我,脸色苍白得几乎象她的头发一样。L.1·2 drop into:跌入,落入,随便进入She dropped into the chair,hard,her hand ather breast.她重重地一下子坐到椅子上,手搁在胸前。L.1·3 bet on:在…上打赌、下赌注Americans are fond of betting;they bet onhorse races,baseball and football games and evenon the election.美国人喜欢打赌,他们对赛马、棒球和足球比赛,甚至选举都打赌。L.1·4 when it comes to:谈到,关于,就…而论These rebels are like rats when it comes tohiding.这些反叛分子们躲起来就象耗子一样。L.1·6 die away:消失,减弱,停息。We heard his spurs in the hall and on  相似文献   

On the evening of July 13th, I heard the exciting news that the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.We are all wild with joy. China is the winner in the competition and it will be a rich prize for her.In modem times, there are more and more  相似文献   

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