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近年来经济迅猛发展,人们的生活水平、环保意识不断提高,传统的铸铁排水管材因为不能满足现代环保要求,已逐渐被淘汰.随着石油化工的飞速发展,石油深加工技术日趋完善,诞生了各种塑料排水管材,UPVC管材经济环保,资源来源丰富,有着诸多优异性能,因而被广泛应用,成为铸铁排水管的首选替代管材.  相似文献   

王锋 《华章》2012,(20)
UPVC排水管,作为一种新型的建筑材料,其质轻、光洁、美观、水阻小、组配灵活、安装省时省力,日益受到人们的青睐.UPVC排水管代替传统的铸铁排水管,独特的施工安装,专业的噪音消除.塑料排水管的组配很灵活,配接尺寸紧凑.  相似文献   

塑料排水管在市政工程中的选材应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析对比了不同材质不同结构的市政塑料排水管的特性和生产成本,发现市政排水管使用实壁管不及使用结构壁管经济;并分析了不同塑料管材的生产工艺,从合理经济的角度提出了常用市政排水管的适用范围和选材要点.  相似文献   

刘飞 《华章》2011,(23)
随着我国经济的飞速发展,政府正加大对市政设施的投入.塑料材料作为一种新型化学建材,塑料排水管与传统的排水管材相比具有明显优势,在市政工程中得到了广泛应用.本文通过分析塑料排水管的特点,针对塑料排水管在市政工程建设及改造中的应用问题进行探讨,以期通过本文的阐述规范施工技术,对促进塑料排水管产业发展提供技术支持.  相似文献   

水落管是一般民用建筑屋面排除雨雪水常用的方式。它由格栅排水口、雨水斗和水落管等部分组成,依据排水管的使用情况。发现相当数量的水落管程度不同的存在各种问题,未达到预想的排水效果。  相似文献   

丁云成 《电大理工》2000,(1):27-31,34
本文利用MCS-51单片机、8255 I/O接口、系统控制软件,通过键盘操作,实现了对CA6140型普通车床的计算机自动控制,从而提高了杌床的加工效率和精度,同时,满足了产品对车床设备的“柔性”要求。  相似文献   

齐祥玲 《电大理工》2001,(2):39-40,43
对计算机常用串行总线的发展过程及现状进行了归纳总结,指出了各种串行总线的优点及不足,介绍了各种串行总线的应用范围,可供读者了解目前串行总线接口知识及在运用中选型提供帮助。  相似文献   

树脂基复合材料的性能及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了国内外树脂基复合材料的应用现状及其发展。树脂基复合材料以其优越的力学、物理、化学等性能得到了建筑、医学、生物等多方面的广泛应用。树脂基复合材料是航空、航天领域中的新型重要结构材料。本文着重介绍了树脂基复合材料的工艺特点及目前树脂基复合材料常用的拉挤成型工艺。  相似文献   

在分析高等教育改革和计算机相关技术发展现状的基础上,阐述了培养计算密切型专业人才的必要性,提出了计算机密切型专业人才柔性培养模式的涵义与意义,进行了计算机密切型专业柔性培养模式的实践,探索了计算机密切型专业定位和发展方向、师资遴选和管理机制、柔性教学模式和教学方法,完成了计算机密切型专业课程体系构建、教学资源和实践环境设计以及柔性考核体系构建。  相似文献   

小朋友们,你们知道洗手池的排水管为什么是弯的?可能很多小朋友会回答,直管和弯管都能排水,而且直管可以节省材料。为什么要用弯管呢?以前,我也是这么想的。可现在,我全明白了。经过实验证实:使用直管有两大缺点:1、下水道里的臭气会顺排水管返回室内。2、顺排水管流下的残渣,堆积起来会堵塞下水道口,难以清理。而U形管却恰恰弥补了这两大缺点。U形管的好处是:1、防止臭气逸出。因为U形管这种特殊的形状,使U形管内一直充满水,而且两边水面相平,既不会影响排水,又隔绝了臭气从下水道返回的通路。当臭气逸出时,排水管内的水阻碍了臭气逸出。…  相似文献   

An accurate understanding of the condition of a pipe is important for maintaining acceptable levels of service and providing appropriate strategies for maintenance and rehabilitation in water supply systems. Many factors contribute to pipe deterioration. To consolidate information on these factors to assess the condition of water pipes, this study employed a new approach based on Bayesian configuration against pipe condition to generate factor weights. Ten pipe factors from three pipe materials (cast iron, ductile cast iron and steel) were used in this study. The factors included size, age, inner coating, outer coating, soil condition, bedding condition, trench depth, electrical recharge, the number of road lanes, material, and operational pressure. To address identification problems that arise when switching from pipe factor information to actual pipe condition, informative prior factor weight distribution based on the literature and previous knowledge of water pipe assessment was used. The influence of each factor on the results of pipe assessment was estimated. Results suggested that factors that with smaller weight values or with weights having relative stable posterior means and narrow uncertainty bounds, would have less influence on pipe conditions. The model was the most sensitive to variations of pipe age. Using numerical experiments of different factor combinations, a simplified model, excluding factors such as trench depth, electrical recharge, and the number of road lanes, is provided. The proposed Bayesian inference approach provides a more reliable assessment of pipe deterioration.  相似文献   

为了探索双壁波纹塑料管用作水井井壁管和滤水器安装井管时的轴向抗拉能力,本研究以PVC双壁波纹管加工成的双壁波纹管滤水器圆管和条板材料为研究对象、并对其管接头采用密封圈加固,螺钉加固,铁丝绑扎,管箍铁件连接四种不同加固方式,在万能拉力机上进行拉力对比试验,结果表明:开有条形孔的管材的抗拉力明显低于末开孔的,开孔率越大,抗拉力越低;3个相同试件破坏时的拉力最大为3kN,最小为2.93kN,差值为0.07kN。相差不大;开孔率相同的板状试件.波纹糟中开孔的抗拉力较棱上开孔的高28%~63%;单纯承插连接,接头抗拉力太小,不能用于井管连接;螺钉加固,铁丝绑扎加固的接头抗拉力比较强,且成本低,管箍铁件加固抗拉力大,但成本高,故建议采用承插螺钉加固与铁丝绑扎加固用于浅井和中深井。管箍铁件加固用于深井。  相似文献   

Biofilm detachment caused by flushing can result in secondary contamination in drinking water distribution systems (DWDSs). To evaluate the impact of flushing on biofilm detachment, actual water supply pipes including ductile cast iron pipes (DCIPs), gray cast iron pipes (GCIPs), and stainless steel compound pipes (SSCPs) were used in this study. Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction and 454 pyrosequencing were used to quantify bacteria and analyse microbial community composition, respectively. The results showed that the pipe material greatly influences the resistance of a biofilm to flushing. Biofilms attached to DCIPs were able to resist quite strong flushing, while those attached to GCIPs and SSCPs were sensitive to flushing. Both flush-resistant and flush-sensitive bacteria were present in all the biofilms, but their frequency differed among the different metal pipes. Thus, the resistance to flushing of bacteria is related not only to the nature of the bacteria, but also to the pipe material. Although flushing can remove some of the biofilm and may be a good way to clean the DWDS, the shear stress needed to remove the biofilm differs among different pipe types. The results of this study provide technical support for the management and operation of DWDS.  相似文献   

在市政排水工程中,非大开挖的顶管施工技术能够有效地降低对附近建筑筑物和道路、管网的影响,目前被广泛应用。结合成都红星路南延线改造北支渠排水工程施工中成功应用顶管施工技术的经验,简要论述顶管施工采取的技术措施和施工工艺,对于类似工程具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

文章以钢铁行业污水回收利用为系统设计目标,将钢铁企业的节水工作从水源、管网、生产工艺、污水处理和回用等多方面形成一个系统工程,将污水资源化,设计并完成提高企业废水重复利用率及减少污水排放的一个系统工程。  相似文献   

介绍一种将能在工程领域获得广泛应用的新型的结构式垫板。这种垫板安全可靠,能将集中的应力逐步分散到大的受力面上,从而起到降低应力的作用。用它替代铸铁式垫板或者纯钢板式垫板,将达到节约大量钢材、降低运输费用及工程成本的目的。具有广泛推广应用的价值。此类铸垫板已获专利,专利号为:2008203001966。  相似文献   

The refrigerant mixture of ethanol aqueous was applied to the parallel type pulsating heat pipe (PHP). The operation characteristics of the PHP were analyzed by means of experiment and nonlinear chaotic theory. Moreover, the relationship between the running state and attractor was described. The results indicate that starting power, stable running power and dry burning transition power are about 64.08 W, 148.68 W and 234.0 W respectively. The cycle and amplitude of PHP initially decrease and then increase with the increasing power. However, the data are welldistributed in a certain range. The running state is in agreement with the attractors, and the changing process for attractors is as follows: the attractors first disperse in the whole phase space, then present mass status, and finally show band distribution.  相似文献   

提出了一种新型的桥梁钢梁与钢筋混凝土桥墩的刚节点联结形式.刚节点内部构件间的连接全部采用高强度螺栓连接方式且施工方便,能够较理想地将上部结构弯矩传递到下部结构,剪力传递钢板承受了大部分的水平剪力.通过静荷载反复试验获得了有关这种新型结构性能方面的有效数据,试验结果表明该结构内部应力传递路径明确,并具有良好的抗震性能.有关结构的强度和塑性变形的计算及试验结果均表明,这种结构即使在发生很大变形的情况下,也能保持良好的能量吸收功能且没有出现因应力集中而发生的局部曲屈现象.由于避免使用了价格昂贵的支座,采用这种新型组合结构形式不但具有良好的抗震性能,同时可以降低桥梁的建设成本.  相似文献   

铸铁管件是广泛应用于生活和工业生产的输送液体(水、油等)的工具,由于铸铁管件的耐腐蚀性差,易于生锈,刁利于长期使用。为了防止铸铁管件的锈蚀,延长其使用寿命,可将铸铁管件的表面进行镀层处理,本文对铸铁管件表面镀层实验逆行研究和讨论(镀层为钛—镍—磷合金,另加有少量lud3)。  相似文献   

根据钻具牙柱的工况,设计了牙柱材料的化学成分,制定了合金高铬铸铁的熔铸和热处理工艺,金相组织分析和性能测定表明,合金高铬铸铁是制作钻具牙柱的理想材料。  相似文献   

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