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布朗诉教育委员会是美国教育法中里程碑式的案件。本文以弗吉尼亚州为例,分析了布朗案实施过程中抵制力量所使用的三个政策工具——学生派位制度、以"介入权"为标志的源于州权利的对抗、"选择的自由"。资料来自弗吉尼亚州议会和政府的史料、布朗及布朗案后一系列的法院判决、美国地方和国家媒体的报道以及相关的美国历史研究。分析表明,政策的执行并不是一个自上而下的简单过程,而是具有"纵横交错"的互动特点。  相似文献   

1954年,美国最高法院在布朗诉托皮卡教育委员会案中判决,公共教育设施中的隔离但平等原则违反美国宪法。不久,蒙哥马利市爆发了抵制公共汽车种族隔离运动,拉开了民权运动的序幕。布朗案判决因此被视之为民权运动史上的分水岭,标志着一个新时代的开始。然而,自1980年代以来,这种在美国占统治地位的学术观点不断遭到宪法史学家的质疑和挑战。  相似文献   

美国少数民族追求教育平等的过程是以取消学校种族隔离、实现种族同校为主线的。在美国教育发展的进程中,种族隔离一直占居着主导地位,直至联邦最高法院对布朗诉托皮卡教育委员会案的隔离但平等违宪的裁决,才在法律上确  相似文献   

在"基础"课中如何运用热点法治案件是关系思政课教育效果的重要问题。以轰动全国的天津赵春华案为例,在思政课教育中要站在全面依法治国的视野,引导学生科学理解法律规定,深化对"法治"的理解。基于对"赵春华案"的分析,运用热点法治案件在"基础"课中开展法治教育的反思,包括科学定位"基础"课的法治教育;对热点法治案件的讲述要注重弘扬主旋律,真正立足中国实际讲述中国法治发展;深入挖掘热点法治案件,用好、用足这些鲜活素材;帮助大学生树立科学的法律观,中心在于法治思维与法治理念的培育。  相似文献   

纵观中国历史上形形色色的文字狱,可知大多数案件都是由诗文创作、史书编纂而引发的。但是发生在清乾隆年间的《字贯》案,是作为字典工具书而引发的文字狱。它被称为"江西第一文字狱",它的发生曾震惊朝野,影响非常深远。文章基于案件事实,分析它发生的背景、原因、经过及影响。  相似文献   

作为出版商和殖民地当局之间最著名的一次冲突,曾格案是早期美洲殖民地人民在争取新闻自由之路上的标志性事件,对日后殖民地政治自由和新闻自由的发展产生了深刻的影响。本文试图将曾格案放在一个大的历史环境之下,从而分析曾格案发生的背景,讲述案件发生的过程,并论述此案带来的影响。  相似文献   

胡适与雷震案件张忠平一雷震案件是国民党政府退守台湾以来最大的一次文字狱,也是继孙立人案、吴国桢案之后所发生的又一起重大的政治案件。雷震字儆寰,1897年生,浙江长兴人,1917年在日本留学时加入中华革命党,1954年因与台湾当局政见不合被注销党籍。曾...  相似文献   

近年来,我国刑事司法领域发生了很多广受社会各界关注的著名案件,比如邓玉娇案、梁丽"金首饰"案、孙伟铭醉驾案、习水官员嫖宿幼女案,等等。这些案件的处理,为日后法律职业人运用刚性法律应对纷繁复杂的具体事案提供了绝佳借鉴;同时,这些名案背后也深藏着许多艰深的刑法理论问题,有待刑法研习者加以深入研究。  相似文献   

嘉庆八、九年间浙江发生截米案,案件发生的两个原因是徽、浙两地缺米的现实和运米过程中商人的利益之争。同时,在缺米问题的背后,徽商与浙商的竞争与垄断才是案件的本质所在。案件发生后,不同阶层基于自己的立场,做出了不同的反应。  相似文献   

对一起冒名顶替上大学案的教育学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南方某省的万某冒充同学卢某上大学并顺利毕业、就业的案件,即卢某案经媒体披露而轰动全国,引起公安部、教育部的高度重视。此案的发生与学生所在中学、教育招生部门、户籍管理部门及高等学校等都有直接关系,此案给当事学生带来伤痛的同时,降低了人们对高考制度的公信度,留给人们诸多思考,警示人们要采取有效策略防范类似案件的再度发生。  相似文献   


The United States Congress’ Southern Congressional Delegation promulgated the Declaration of Constitutional Principles, popularly known as the Southern Manifesto, on March 12, 1956. The Southern Manifesto was the South’s primary means to effectively delay implementation of public school desegregation as ordered by the United States Supreme Court decision, Brown v. Board of Topeka, Kansas (1954; as cited in Day, 2014). This essay places the desegregation of American public school system within the larger context of the time period in which it transpired, and explains how racial disparity in public education was perpetuated after the Jim Crow caste system was dismantled in the 1960s. Ironically, while de jure desegregation of American public schools was effectively accomplished by the early 1970s under the administration of President Richard M. Nixon, government spending during the era after World War II, perpetuated racial and economic disparity in America’s public schools that prevails up to the present day.  相似文献   

Fifty years after the Brown v. Board of Education decision outlawed de jure segregation in American schools, many school districts remain segregated. Despite numerous efforts aimed at desegregation, residential segregation—the primary barrier to significant school desegregation—remains entrenched throughout the United States. The Miami-Dade County Public Schools, the nation's fourth largest school system, provides an excellent example of a segregated metropolitan region that produced a segregated school system and defied numerous efforts at significant school desegregation.  相似文献   

In this article, we describe the development and implementation of a project, “Our Leaders Are Us: Youth Activism in Social Movements”, that we undertook with New York City high school students exploring events leading up to and following the Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Brown. As part of a 50th anniversary celebration of the Brown decision, we designed a series of three workshops that sought to extend urban students’ knowledge of Brown, segregation, and activism and to examine the roles of young people in critical civil rights campaigns. In addition, we discussed with students the ways in which young people can be involved in contemporary social movements and the strategies they can use to effect what they perceive to be needed changes in their lives. Along with the researchers’ extensive field notes, the participating students completed questionnaires throughout the project so that their understanding of Brown and related issues could be documented. Using our findings, we suggest ways that educators can develop and implement similar programs for use in schools.
Erica N. WalkerEmail:


This article illustrates the historic relationship between the Brown v. Board of Education decision and the school choice movement. It will discuss the immediate push back to Brown particularly from Southern states that were resistant to desegregating public schools; a move that would provide African-American parents with educational choice for their children. Within the United States Congress 101 members, most from formerly Confederate states, drafted what is commonly known as the Southern Manifesto intent on reversing the Court’s decision and urging states to defy the law. Sixty years after the signing of the Southern Manifesto, there is still a coalition pushing for “freedom of choice,” this time with a sincere interest in the well-being of students trapped in the nation's lowest-performing schools and a mandate for equal opportunity, racial, ethnic, and gender equality.  相似文献   

This article is an account of the decision by an independent school to participate in its local Healthy Schools Scheme. One of the factors that influenced this decision was the value the school gained from a pupil survey. The same survey was used to track the impact of the school's Personal, Social and Health Education curriculum and pastoral work on pupils' experience of the school, and academic achievement. In particular, the authors explore the role of survey analysis and consultancy advice in interpreting survey results and developing school practice. The survey contributed to pupil participation in school development. The use of an external consultant as critical friend was perceived as an aid to school reflection and self-review.  相似文献   

The idea of collective decision making in schools has been a popular democratic educational reform model. One of its claims is that participation in school decision making empowers teachers and improves teaching. This research investigates this claim by exploring seven teachers’ experiences with a unique democratic school reform in Porto Alegre, Brazil, the election of principals by teachers, students, parents, and staff. Results showed that the elections reshaped the school authority relations, resulting in greater freedom for teachers to introduce democratic teaching methods, while articulating the school as a democratic institution and teachers as citizens.  相似文献   


This article is an account of the decision by an independent school to participate in its local Healthy Schools Scheme. One of the factors that influenced this decision was the value the school gained from a pupil survey. The same survey was used to track the impact of the school's Personal, Social and Health Education curriculum and pastoral work on pupils' experience of the school, and academic achievement. In particular, the authors explore the role of survey analysis and consultancy advice in interpreting survey results and developing school practice. The survey contributed to pupil participation in school development. The use of an external consultant as critical friend was perceived as an aid to school reflection and self-review.  相似文献   

"I feel like a winner" was the recollection of Mrs. Vivian Scales as she reflected on hearing the Supreme Court's decision in the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, case on May 17, 1954. Scales was one of the original plaintiffs who challenged the existence of separate elementary schools for African American and White students in Topeka. Excerpts of interviews conducted with Mrs. Scales and Rev. Oliver Browns' daughters, Linda Brown Thompson and Cheryl Brown Henderson, are referenced in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Brown decision.  相似文献   

健康第一指导思想是党中央从当代世界发展和中华民族伟大复兴的战略高度,针对应试教育现象做出的英明决策.健康第一指导思想不仅明晰了学校体育在学校教育界中的地位,同时也为深化学校体育改革指明了方向。  相似文献   

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