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所谓虚拟团队.是指分散在不同区域的人员.为完成共同的目标和任务,通过现代通讯和信息技术连接在一起.并密切配合共同进行工作的团体。虚拟团队与传统的组织形式相比,具有明显的优势.一是人才优势.虚拟团队可以抛开地域限制,网罗世界各地的优秀人才,众多单项优势的联合,必然形成强大的竞争优势:二是信息优势.虚拟团队成员来源广泛.能够充分获取世  相似文献   

随着信息化社会的到来,在很大的程度上打破了原先的办公模式,由此产生了知识型员工的虚拟状态下的沟通问题。文章从虚拟团队的沟通与传统团队沟通的区别的角度,分析了可能影响到虚拟团队沟通的一些因素,最后提出了针对虚拟团队中的沟通问题的一些解决办法。  相似文献   

虚拟团队是管理领域的新概念。它的特点与开放教育有许多相似之处,在开放教育中引入虚拟团队的概念是适宜和必要的。开放教育中应该构建教师、学生以及教与学三走虚拟团队。为了维护虚拟团队的正常运行,应该注意包括有效的沟通和监控在内的四个问题。  相似文献   

知识是组织中带来持续竞争优势的战略性资源。而新兴组织形式——虚拟团队越来越多的成为利用、整合并且应用分布在组织之间和协作网络中知识的首选机制。因此,虚拟团队内部的知识转移研究也就成为了一个非常有意义的课题。虚拟团队的知识转移过程分为:知识搜寻、知识阐明、知识流动、知识理解和知识创新五个阶段。  相似文献   

虚拟团队是利用现代信息技术密切协作以完成工作任务的一种新型团队,是人力资源虚拟化管理的代表性模式.团队中的信任是决定虚拟团队成败的关键因素之一,本文立足于虚拟团队不同于传统团队的特性,分析了虚拟团队信任关系构建的重要性,从团队成员的交流、团队成员的素质和领导者的素质与能力等方面提出了相应的构建策略.  相似文献   

虚拟团队作为继虚拟组织、虚拟企业等之后出现的新型管理模式,有自身的优点和长处,也有自身的缺陷和不足,其中,标管理是虚拟团队运作最重要的影响因素,因此,首先应当建立明确的团队宗旨、目标和愿景,并使成员充分理解、共享,同时,出台有效激励、约束机制,建立有效的信息反馈、更新系统,保障团队目标的及时更新和调整。  相似文献   

20世纪末,信息技术革命和Internet的崛起将人类带入了网络经济时代。网络改变了人们的工作和信息交流方式,拓宽了人们的工作空间,虚拟团队帮助我们在高度变化与动态的现代环境中灵活、便捷地提高资源利用率并聚集体智慧。在上世纪末本世纪初,通过电子网络形成了许多虚拟团队,网络式虚拟型学习团队作为一种虚拟团队被广泛应用。  相似文献   

虚拟团队本是源于管理领域的概念。基于虚拟团队特点,我们可以将虚拟团队理念引入远程开放教育,视教师队伍为虚拟团队。本文说明了教师虚拟团队的构建,并对远程开放教育环境下教师虚拟团队的管理以及多层次监控进行了分析。  相似文献   

虚拟团队本是源于管理领域的概念。基于虚拟团队特点,我们可以将虚拟团队理念引入远程开放教育.视教师队伍为虚拟团队。本文说明了教师虚拟团队的构建,并对远程开放教育环境下教师虚拟团队的管理以及多层次监控进行了分析。  相似文献   

虚拟团队是信息时代最基本的工作单元,其团队成员的沟通更加依赖于信息传播技术.已有文献表明,在传统环境下领导决策风格与团队效能显著相关.本研究选择9个虚拟协作团队共计53名成员开展实验研究,探讨了不同类型协作支持方式对于团队效能的影响及中介过程.实验结果表明,在互联网环境下虚拟协作支持成为完全中介变量,领导决策风格和团队效能变得不显著相关.  相似文献   

Effective and efficient teams communicate, collaborate, and perform, even if these teams are not co‐located. Although much is known about enabling effectiveness on face‐to‐face teams, considerably less is known about similarly enabling effectiveness on virtual teams. Yet the use of virtual teams is common and will likely become more commonplace as organizations continue to update and use increasingly sophisticated technology. Cohort and individual trust between team members is a significant component on most effective teams, virtual or face‐to‐face. This paper examines research on virtual teams and trust across disciplines, including management, e‐learning, business communication, decision making, human resource management, psychology, and IT, to identify major characteristics that increase our knowledge of how to establish and maintain trust in the virtual environment and on virtual teams.  相似文献   

以学习型组织理论为支撑,以我市某高校的理科学院组建创新团队的实践为研究对象,探讨了学习型组织建设对学习型高校科研团队建设的要求;通过分析目前高校科研团队建设中存在的问题,提出了构建学习型科研团队在完善建设目标、合理组织机构、建设团队文化、完善激励机制等方面的对策,以期对组建高校科研创新团队提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a curriculum project in which principles of instructional design are integrated with real-world experiences in a corporate environment. Working in design teams, graduate students served as instructional developers in a corporate environment. The course instructor acted as project leader. Initially, both the client organization and design teams expressed confusion concerning their roles in relation to the course instructor. Design teams initially used technical language not readily understood by the client. The lack of guidance in instructional models on the development of appropriate instructional strategies was noted by all teams. Design teams concluded that knowledge of instructional design principles is a necessary but not sufficient preparation for professional activity as instructional developers. By the end of the three-month project, both the client organization and the design teams expressed strong satisfaction with the process and the outcome.  相似文献   

高校学术创新团队建设应注意的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校科技要出更多的原创性科研成果,就必须抓住机遇,建设强有力的学术创新团队。因此,目前学术创新团队的建设已成为高校十分重要的任务和目标。处理好学术创新团队的定位、人员组成、团队文化等问题是学术创新团队建设成功的关键。  相似文献   

良好团队文化能够促进高校教学团队健康的发展。教学团队具有自己的文化特性,共同的愿景、创新的精神和团队合作等文化内涵。在教学团队发展过程中,其文化特性并未得到彰显,还存在着愿景规划缺失、创新精神不足和团队合作缺失等问题。要重塑教学团队文化需要合作氛围的营造、激励机制的建立、制度的建设和团队的反思。  相似文献   

福建省竞技武术散打教练员队伍现状调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法等方法,对福建省竞技武术散打教练员的基本现状进行调查.对教练员队伍结构、教练员队伍指导思想以及教练员基本素质等方面进行深入的分析,对存在的问题提出了对策,以期为福建省竞技武术散打的发展和教练员队伍整体水平的提高提供参考依据.  相似文献   

As commonplace as teams are in today's organizations, so too are the frustrations reported by members of many teams. Some of this frustration may be attributed to the lack of organizational support for team efforts. In this article, we draw on Kolb's components of clear direction and accountability, appropriate staffing and training, adequate information and resources, and rewards for team effort to describe and discuss a framework that was developed to support a series of 29 project teams. We use case study methodology to examine a university‐community initiative designed to increase collaboration between members of a university community and stakeholders external to the university. This design resulted in a continuous learning and feedback cycle that encouraged reflective thinking and improvement in procedures and outcomes. The focus is on the framework that was developed and executed to select, support, and evaluate these teams.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to examine how interdisciplinary teaching teams were used in a newly opened Midwestern middle school to produce a work environment different from the one found in most traditionally organized schools. Five salient features of the work environment are described: organization around interdisciplinary teams, shared leadership, focus on children, the influence of the principal, and integrated programming for children. The article includes an analysis of how interdisciplinary teaching teams at this school affected some traditionally problematic aspects of teachers' work. Interdisciplinary teams are discussed as one illustration of self-managing work groups in school organizations.An earlier version of this article was presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, April 7, 1988.  相似文献   

实验技术队伍在实验教学、科学研究、人才培养和实验室管理中起着重要作用,提高实验技术队伍的整体水平是建设一流大学的基础条件。目前高校实验技术队伍建设存在许多问题,学校要通过提高实验技术队伍的地位、加强实验技术队伍综合培训、明确岗位职责、完善管理和激励机制提高高校实验技术队伍整体水平,为向"世界一流大学"的目标迈进奠定基础。  相似文献   

As teams have become fundamental parts of today’s organisations, the need for these teams to function and learn efficiently and effectively is widely emphasised. Also in military contexts team learning is vital. The current article examines team learning behaviour in military teams as it aims to cross-validate a team learning model that was originally developed and tested in an educational context. This team learning model includes several socio-cognitive factors that precede, constitute, and result from team learning behaviour. Findings based on path analyses indicate that psychological safety, social cohesion and group potency are positively related to team learning behaviour in military teams. In addition, team learning behaviour does not only foster the construction of mutually shared cognition and transactive memory systems, but also relates positively to the effectiveness of military teams.  相似文献   

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