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高等院校"实验心理学"课程体系建设的实践   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本是在心理学理科基地“实验心理学”名牌课程建设和国家21世纪教改项目——“心理学课程体系、教学内容、教学手段、实验体系的改革与实践”的基础上,对高等院校“实验心理学”课程体系建设、“实验心理学”在心理学基础和专业课程中的地位与作用、课程设置的依据、教学原则与目标以及教学方法与手段等进行了总结,并提出了“实验心理学”课程体系建设的一些建议。  相似文献   

为了提升“学前儿童心理学”课程思政教学的实效性,文章首先阐述了高职“学前儿童心理学”课程的基本特征,然后分析了高职“学前儿童心理学”课程思政的内在逻辑,最后论述了高职“学前儿童心理学”课程思政的总体思路。  相似文献   

设计心理学具有显著的学科交叉性和边缘性,“设计心理学”课程内容具有知识面较宽泛、理论较抽象、实践较复杂等特点。案例教学是最节约时间、成本最低的实践模式,在工业设计专业“设计心理学”课程的本科教学中引入案例教学法,符合课程教学目标中理论联系实践的要求。从课程导入到课程具体知识点的讲解,再到课程知识的运用,以案例推进课程学习,能使抽象内容具体化,使学生的学习变被动为主动,提高教学效率。  相似文献   

文章主要探讨《教师教育课程标准(试行)》背景下,儿童发展心理学课程的教学改革。儿童发展心理学课程的教学应该牢固树立“育人为本”的教学理念,凸显“一个关键词,两条主线,四大基本规律”等重点内容,实施“三级课堂”教学,构建“点、线、面、体”的立体知识程式,注重考核的“实践”取向,以提升儿童发展心理学课程的教学效果。  相似文献   

“实验心理学”是心理学专业的核心专业基础课程之一 ,该课程对培养心理学各专业学生的基础研究与应用研究能力有十分重要的作用。但是 ,在“实验心理学”教学中长期以来存在形式刻板、内容枯燥陈旧、可操作性差等问题 ,被认为是教师教学难度大、学生学习兴趣不高的一门课程。在教育部理科基地名牌课程、世界银行贷款教学改革项目的支持下 ,我们对实验心理学的理论和实验课程体系、教学方法方面进行了多年的教学改革尝试 ,在实际教学过程中取得了良好的教学效果。下面谈一谈我们在教学改革中的一些体会。一、提高学习的积极性、主动性 ,增强…  相似文献   

案例教学法在《营销心理学》教学中的应用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
案例教学以教学案例为载体,是基于一定的教学目标,选择一定的教学案例从事教学的一种教学法。在《营销心理学》课程教学中运用案例教学法,是该课程性质和教学目标的特殊性所要求的,中专“能力本位”的教学理念、中专生学习的特点,使得运用案例教学法不仅必要而且可能。本文结合营销心理学课程具体的课堂教学实践活动,探讨营销心理学教学中案例教学法的实施。  相似文献   

本文借用拓扑心理学“折断”的概念,来论述小学科学教学设计的操作技术,引用具体案例,阐述了课程“折断”的大致含义,并通过分析课程系统与教学系统的差异,说明课程折断对于教学的价值,同时探讨了小学科学教学设计中课程“折断”的操作要义。透过这些论述,试图在技术层面提出小学科学教学设计的可行方法。  相似文献   

高师公共心理学课程教学改革实践探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高师公共心理学课程是高师教育类特色课程之一,本文通过对高师公共心理学的教学,指出了教学中存在的问题,总结了我们的教学改革实践成果。新的教学模式有利于激发学生的学习兴趣、提高学科的实用性、体现课程的“师范性”,在师范生的教育中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

心理学是师范类学校学生的专业课,该课程的学习对师范生将来做好教学工作,提高自身心理素质具有重要的作用。但心理学教学在教学内容、教学方法、考核等方面仍存在不少问题。针对这种现状,本文对心理学教学改革进行探讨,提出了课程、教材、教法、学法、考核等“五位一体”综合教改的实践操作构思,目的是建立心理学教学的整体观,倡导心理学教学的生活观,确立心理学教学的学生主体观,强化心理学课堂教学的实效观,落实心理学教学的实践观。  相似文献   

刘静 《教师》2015,(11)
“精神科护理学”课程的教学方式以实践操作为基础,因此将心理学中的角色扮演法引入课程教学中,有利于调动学生课程学习的积极性,增加学生实践操作的机会,突破传统教学方式的局限.本文就角色扮演法在“精神科护理学”教学中的应用进行研究,提出适合我国医学院课程实际的角色扮演运用策略,提高角色扮演法在我国医学教学中的推广率.  相似文献   

问题式学习(PBL)在高师公共心理学教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高师公共心理学是高师院校一门重要的专业必修课,但目前实际的教学效果不佳,不能发挥应有的作用。可以借鉴目前欧美的一种新颖的上课方式——问题式学习(PBL),并应用于高师公共心理学教学中以检验其效果。  相似文献   

结合实验心理学的教学实践,对实验心理学教材和教学的现状进行分析,对高职高专实验心理学教材的内容体系(实验心理学的基本理论、基本实验、新技术)的建构进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

In this article we argue that student learning is enhanced by theoretical eclecticism, which we define as intentionally drawing on different theories of learning when making instructional decisions to provide students with the instructional support they need to be successful. We briefly review the literature on four views of learning and on learner-centered approaches to instruction and then integrate this literature with Barr and Taggs (1995) distinction between the instruction paradigm and the learning paradigm. Finally, we present examples from a teacher education course to illustrate how theoretical eclecticism can be used to support student learning.Anastasia S. Morrone is the Executive Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning and an Associate Professor of Educational Psychology in the School of Education at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. She received her B.S. degree in Technical Communication from the University of Minnesota and her Ph.D. degree in Educational Psychology from the University of Texas at Austin. Her research interests center around instructional practices that promote college student motivation and learning. Terri A. Tarr is the Director of the Instructional Design and Development unit of the Center for Teaching and Learning and the Director of Associate Faculty Development at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. She is also an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Psychology. She earned the Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from Purdue University as well as an M.A. in School Psychology and a B.A. in Psychology from Ball State University. Her special interests are individual differences in learning and effective practices in faculty development  相似文献   

Grades,learning, and student evaluation of instruction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the first experiment, the author employed three different grading standards, identified as stringent, moderate, and lenient, in separate sections of the course Psychology of Learning. Other aspects of the course were the same for each section. The different grading standards resulted in substantially different grade distributions in the anticipated direction. Evaluations of both the instructor's performance and the couse decreased as the stringency of the grading criteria increased. Every item on the evaluation questionnaire was systematically influenced by the grading criteria. The amount learned, as measured by performance on the objective part of the final test, increased as the stringency of the grading criteria increased. In the second experiment, the subjects were the students in two sections of the course Introductory Psychology, taught by the author during the same term. The same textbook, course notes, and grading criteria were employed. The manipulated variable was test frequency, with the two sections receiving either weekly or biweekly tests. Students in the section receiving weekly tests scored 11.9% higher, on the average, over all tests. This resulted in a substantial difference in grade distributions. The ratings of the section receiving lower grades were substantially lower on every item of the rating form. Students appear to rate instructors on the basis of a global impression (liking) which they form, which is strongly influenced by the grade the student receives.  相似文献   

"3L"教学模式是上海电视大学经过不懈的探索所构建的一种适合现代远程教育的教学模式.本文重点阐述了<教育心理学>课程在操作层面上对"3L"教学模式进行的探索和尝试,提出了适合该课程特点的导学策略、自学措施和助学手段,分析了其在实际运作中的成效及问题,并给出了解决问题的一些建议.  相似文献   

心理学史是心理学的核心课程和基础课程.学习心理学史会养成学生一定的理论素养和批判性思维.但是,今天心理学史教学在诸如教学态度、教学方式、教学内容及教学方法等方面还存在着亟待解决的问题.所以,变革传统教学模式,建立符合时代发展的新型教学模式,是今天心理学史教学必须面对的课题.  相似文献   

新的英语课程标准从实验到全面推行,激发了成人师范院校对英语教育专业的改革,特别是“英语教学法”课程的改革。基于人文主义心理学要求,建构主义学习理论和反思教学模式的基础,“英语教学法”课程应更新成人师范院校教学双方的教学理念,建构英语教学理论知识的体系,突出英语师范教育的鲜明个性,提高学生教育实践能力,为基础教育课程改革培养合格的师资。  相似文献   

心理素质教育是高等教育的重要组成部分,课程化则是大学生心理素质教育的主导方式。以大学生心理素质教育课程为基本论域,重点探讨心理素质教育课程的教学方法问题,分析几种主要教学方法(角色扮演法、价值观辨析法、榜样引导法和行为强化法)的理论基础与实施原则。  相似文献   

Students in a large human development course rated the accuracy of 50 developmental claims. Half of the claims were specifically embedded in the course content, but the remaining claims were not addressed in the course. Students also identified the major information source for each developmental claim rated. From the beginning to the end of the course, students (especially high performers) improved in evaluating the accuracy of course-related developmental claims and increasingly attributed their ratings of these claims to professional information sources. Our study underscores the importance of sensitizing students to the role of research evidence in judging the credibility of claims in general education courses.Sherry K. Bain is an Associate Professor in Educational Psychology and Counseling at the University of Tennessee and a member of the school psychology graduate faculty, Her research has included investigations of common beliefs in areas such as giftedness and educational psychology and their relationship to data-based evidence. Robert L. Williams is a Professor in Educational Psychology and Counseling at the University of Tennessee. His current research focuses on the role of critical thinking in a large human development course. Rachael Isaacs and Ashley Williams are doctoral students in the School Psychology Program at the University of Tennessee. Susan Stockdale is an Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology and Middle Grades Education at Kennesaw State University. Her recent research has related to critical thinking and cooperative learning in higher education  相似文献   

"大学生心理学"精品课程建设包括教育理念的创新、课程目标的明确、课程内容建设、教育教学模式的构建、师资队伍等方面。加强"大学生心理学"精品课程建设,有助于对大学生普及心理健康知识,提升大学生的心理调适能力,减少心理问题的发生。  相似文献   

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