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Although there has been great discussion and numerous workshops on obtaining tenure and promotion to associate professor, there has been little exploration of the expectations regarding the next step—promotion to full professor. To fill this void, this study gathered information from full professors teaching in 33 US doctoral programs in criminology and criminal justice. Survey questions asked subjects to note what they believe are the most important criteria for promoting a candidate to full professor. The study found that journal articles were critical for promotion, while grants, publishing a book, and service were not. Furthermore, individual variables such as gender, degree field, prior work as a criminal justice practitioner, and the department context such as program rank, the percentage of women, and number of full professors had significant impacts on the ranking of a candidate’s contributions, and the recommendation for promotion. The findings and implications are discussed.  相似文献   


This paper stems from conversations between the authors who recently came to work together in staff and educational development. Having pursued different academic careers in Higher Education (HE), we questioned whether we had a common understanding of our academic community. In particular, we discussed two aspects. First, the extent to which our different disciplinary backgrounds influenced our perspectives on academic practice and our attitudes and approaches to staff and educational development. If we held different views on academic practice, how many other variations were we likely to encounter? Second, we felt it important to be sensitive to the needs of our colleagues in terms of their practices. The research that emanated from our discussions began with an empirical study, reported in this paper. We explore tensions between the various work activities performed by academics at the University of Sheffield. Eighty staff maintained a diary over a specified week early in the academic year 1997‐98. They recorded time spent on the activities of research, teaching, administration, external work, and professional development. Biographical data, including staff grade, length of service in HE, and length of service at the University were collected via a questionnaire attached to the diary. It would appear that the majority of academics surveyed support a role in both teaching and research, with a preference to spend more time on research at the expense of administration but not at the expense of teaching. These empirical data help us to understand more about the role of academics in changing times, and how we, as staff and educational developers, might become more effective and efficient.  相似文献   

This article examines how Latina/o professors perceive, experience, and reflect on the tenure and promotion process. Findings for this longitudinal study are drawn from a purposive sample of nine female and seven male, Latina/o tenure-track faculty participants. Using a Critical Race Theory, Latino Critical (LatCrit) Race Theory, and Chicana Feminist framework, this article documents fundamental inequities in the tenure and promotion policies and practices that affected the Latina/o faculty in this study. Using narrative data, educational biographies, in-depth semi-structured interviews, and unstructured ethnographic interviews, this study found four common themes: (1) tenure and promotion processes functioned as a “tool of fear,” (2) the tenure and promotion process was like a “moving target,” (3) tenure provided limited forms of respect but not full membership, and (4) Latina/o supervivencia enabled the professors to thrive despite unsupportive and sometimes hostile campus and departmental climates.  相似文献   

Dorfman et al. (1982) compared the professional activities of retired professors from liberal arts colleges, a comprehensive university, and a major research university. This companion piece based on the same survey compares the professors' reactions to retirement. Results show that a majority of faculty from all types of institutions plan for retirement, are positive about retirement, and give suggestions for institutional retirement policy. The retired professors recommend the following: (1) help in planning, (2) more information about retirement, (3) support for continued work, (4) gradual retirement. Major differences among institutions are the following: (1) comprehensive university faculty plan for retirement more than do faculty from the other institutions, (2) faculty from both universities begin financial planning at a younger age than do faculty from the liberal arts colleges, (3) research university faculty miss work and like having time to spend on professional activities more than do faculty from the other institutions.  相似文献   

Universities generally have clear expectations for teaching and scholarship, and often a faculty member’s publications, research and scholarship are the primary factors in tenure and promotion decisions. Many universities do include service as one component in annual reviews as well as in assessing progress toward tenure and promotion. Unfortunately, criteria for evaluating service are often not specified. Having vaguely outlined expectations for service sends a message that service does not matter, ultimately doing a ‘disservice’ to faculty who need guidance on appropriate levels of service. As much as possible, department chairs, governance bodies that represent the faculty, and administrators who are responsible for evaluating faculty need to ensure that faculty members understand how they will be assessed in the area of service and to make evaluation in this area as transparent as possible.  相似文献   

Sex and Race Differences in Faculty Tenure and Promotion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data from the 1993 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty are used to explore sources of the lower representation of women and minorities among tenured than tenure track faculty and among full professors than lower ranking faculty. A 2-step approach is used. First, differences in the probability of being tenured rather than on a tenure track are explored. Then, differences in the probability of holding the rank of full professor among faculty who are tenured are examined. Logistic regression analyses are used to isolate the effects of sex and race on the dependent variables after controlling for human capital, productivity, and structural characteristics. For both tenure and promotion to full professor, separate analyses are conducted for women and men in order to explore sex differences in the tenure and promotion processes. All analyses are conducted separately for full-time faculty working at public 2-year institutions and full-time faculty working at 4-year institutions.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine the perceptions of expectations and practices that contribute to decisions regarding promotion and tenure for counselor educators. Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs liaisons for 74 counselor education programs responded to an Internet‐based survey about perceptions of promotion and tenure practices in their programs and institutions. The responses indicate that relatively equal emphasis is placed on teaching, scholarship, and service. Implications for defining promotion and tenure criteria are discussed, and recommendations for further research are provided.  相似文献   

Faculty members in higher education institutions frequently have the responsibility of providing service activities to their institutions, professional societies, and external communities. This responsibility, however, generally carries little reward in the workplace and does not play a major role in promotion criteria. For the study we report here we drew upon a sample of 4,400 research university faculty members to explore their satisfaction with service roles by academic rank. Findings showed that mid-career faculty members at the associate professor rank were significantly less satisfied with their service functions, including workload, equity, work balance, recognition, and institutional support, when compared with both assistant and full professors.  相似文献   

Rankings of graduate and professional programs have become commonplace since Cartter's study for the American Council on Education was published in 1966. Much of the research up to the present has focused on discovering proxy variables, such as departmental size, which correspond to departmental ratings, as well as observing how the ratings of departments change over time. This study examines the relationship between the peer ratings reported by Roose and Andersen in 1970 and resource allocation patterns, represented by average salary figures, among fifty major American universities. It also shows the relationship of these ratings and other resource allocation measures within one of the fifty institutions. Results indicate that among the fifty universities, average salaries are higher at the highly rated institutions than at the lower rated ones, with senior professors being the chief beneficiaries of the higher wage scales. Similarly, within one institution the senior professors of higher ranked departments are better paid, compared to their junior colleagues, than those of lower rated departments. The higher rated departments share commonalities as to proportion of senior professors and teaching load assignments as well. Both across and within universities, departments found to be prestigious by Roose and Andersen do tend to exhibit common characteristics concerning resource allocation procedures.Presented at the Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research, Houston, Texas, May 1978.  相似文献   


A brief profile of scientific staff in the State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) in India is described. The data collected through a survey sketches the scientific staff background, age, gender, education, mobility, career details and time spent on various activities. Interesting differences were found in the activities of scientific staff of different grades. The findings show certain positive and negative features. The positive features are: scientific staff spend time on all four activities of SAUs, namely, research, teaching, extension and administration; increase in the number of scientific staff from urban background; increase in female scientific staff, and satisfactory career growth. Negative features are: lack of training opportunities; senior scientific staff in management grade spend more time in administration at the cost of teaching and research, and scientific staff selection becoming more localised. Amongst the scientific staff, readers are relatively more associated with academic activities, whereas professors are more associated with administration.  相似文献   

Utilizing a nationwide sample of university professors in the United States, this study explored job satisfaction levels of academicians and the differences between perceived satisfaction of faculty in professional schools and that of faculty in other disciplines. The results were based upon responses from 336 faculty representing 24 universities selected on a stratified basis which included large, small, public and private universities. Teaching dimensions and research requirements were the most satisfying elements of the academic work environment; support and compensation aspects were the most dissatisfying. Faculty from professional schools reported higher levels of satisfaction for almost all of the 22 separate environmental dimensions, and these faculty also reported higher salaries and less stringent requirements for tenure and promotion. The demographic variables which explained the greatest amount of variance in work satisfaction scores were tenure, teaching load, sex, institution (public-private), and age. Salary and academic rank, which a priori are considered to be significant in an academician's satisfaction with work, appeared to have a lesser impact.  相似文献   

对全国11个省份68所大学3612名大学教师的调查发现,教师的性别、职称、所在大学层次等因素,都对其工作时间长短和工作时间分配产生了显著的影响。与女教师相比,男教师工作时间长,科研时间比例较高,教学时间比例较低。高职称与低职称教师相比,正教授工作时间最长,讲师工作时间最短。与一般大学教师相比,985大学教师的工作时间长,科研时间多但教学时间少。尤其是,985大学男性正教授的工作时间最长,985大学的助教在服务与管理上占用的时间太多。这些结论为大学教师发展提供了政策参考。  相似文献   

教师的年龄,是反映教师生理阶段是处于青年期、中年期还是走向老年期的一个重要指标;工龄或教龄,是反映教师生存中,从事其教学、专业工作长短的一个指标,它也可以从一个侧面反映出教师的专业素质;教师的文化学历,反映了教师生存中,从事教学与专业工作的文化基础和文化起点,是教师生存压力大与小最重要的学术背景条件。调查表明:(1)各层次教师的平均年龄趋向合理,如教师的平均年龄为35岁,其中,教授52.5岁,副教授43.5岁,讲师35.7岁,助教27.2岁,见习教师23.2岁。但美中不足的是见习教师的年龄偏轻;(2)各级职务的教师中,都有一批很长工龄的教师,反映出部分教师晋职困难,如教授,最短工龄为19年;副教授,最长工龄为38年;讲师,最长工龄为36年;助教,最长工龄为21年。以上情况反映出:越是晋升更高一级的职务就越困难;(3)高学历教师在加速增长,但目前总的比例不高。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the outcome of a reform of the academic career structure in Norway. From 1993 on, associate professors can apply for promotion to full professorships on the basis of individual research competence irrespective of vacant professorships. This has now become a more important way of attaining a full professorship than through competition with other applicants. Only 30% of new professors are appointed the traditional way. The reform has led to a substantial increase in the number of full professors in the university sector, from 37% of the tenured academic staff in 1991 to 47% in 2001.  相似文献   

This research explored the perceptions of members (N = 454) from two national criminology/criminal justice organizations regarding the significance of book publications and publishing peer‐reviewed journal articles for tenure and promotion. The research revealed the sentiment that journal article publications were perceived to be important publications when it came to promotion to both the associate and full professor ranks. More specifically, white faculty, those employed at research institutions, held a doctorate, and had considerable journal article publications, felt peer‐reviewed articles were important for tenure and promotion. The authors close by arguing that tenure and promotion committees should be open to book publications.  相似文献   

Stress in academe: What bothers professors?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Traditionally, the professoriate has not been viewed as a stressful occupation. Academic freedom and tenure seemed to provide work conditions which were free of common stress producing pressures. Situations recognized as stressful in other occupations have now become common in academe. The study sought, inter alia, to identify the nature and extent of occupational stress in the professoriate. Data were collected by means of a questionnaire mailed to faculty in four Ontario universities. The respondents were from the professorial ranks in four areas of study. The research questions and hypotheses sought to test relationships between personal and occupational variables and perceived stress. It was found that quantity rather than the nature of the academic work was stressful. Teaching was the least stressful of the work functions and research the most, particularly among professors in the humanities. The hours spent on the job and tasks which had a time constraint were significant sources of stress for this sample. Rank rather than tenure status appeared to be more significantly related to perceived stress.  相似文献   

The heads of education divisions of 245 colleges and universities in the USA were surveyed regarding their opinions about faculty activities and reward procedures. Tenure, which was viewed as having the greatest effect on faculty behavior, received significantly more attention from decision‐making bodies in the colleges, and merit pay received significantly less. Education administrators at top universities and larger universities viewed the desire for reputation as more motivating than did other education administrators. The department chairs believed that internal satisfaction was more of a motivating factor than did deans. The deans rated merit pay, contract renewal, promotion and tenure higher as motivators than did the department heads. Although evaluations of teaching were considered the most important for year‐to‐year contract renewal, article and book publication were the most important considerations in merit pay, promotion and tenure. A factor analysis grouped faculty activities into three factors: teaching, service, and publication.  相似文献   

Based on a qualitative analysis of 38 interviews with midcareer professors at liberal arts colleges in the Midwest, this paper describes the teaching experiences of professors after 20-some years in the classroom. As a result of getting older and becoming more seasoned instructors, individuals cited an increase in their skill and efficiency in the classroom, better in-class performance, and more authority and respect among students. At the same time, respondents identified challenges that they viewed as unique to midcareer professors, including adjusting to a “new breed of students,” trying to hold on to the sacred classroom when institutional pressures pull them toward service and leadership, and balancing teaching with taking care of aging parents.  相似文献   

National opinion poll data provide access to the public images of the American professoriate. These data recorded images of college professors as trustworthy, honest, and engaged in important work through college teaching, research, and service but also recorded hesitations toward granting full academic freedom to teachers holding controversial ideas. The impact of events, such as the publication of ProfScam and other critical reports, can be determined through longitudinal measures of the image of college teachers.  相似文献   

Increasingly, higher education institutions are realising that higher education could be regarded as a business-like service industry and they are beginning to focus more on meeting or even exceeding the needs of their students. Recent research findings suggest that the factors that create student satisfaction with teaching (‘teaching satisfiers’) may be qualitatively differently from the factors that create dissatisfaction with teaching. Thus, this research uses the Kano methodology to reveal the characteristics of professors that students take for granted (‘Must-be factors’) and that have the potential to delight them (‘Excitement factors’). Kano questionnaires containing 19 attributes of effective professors taken from previous studies and focus group discussions were handed out in two marketing courses to 63 postgraduate students enrolled in a service marketing course. The Kano results corroborate previous US findings that revealed the importance of personality in general and support studies that stress the importance of professors creating rapport with their students in particular.  相似文献   

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