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初任教师入职教育质量如何,直接影响到其角色意识和适应能力,关系到中小学师资队伍的整体素质。我国中小学初任教师入职教育体系尚未健全,入职教育发展相对缓慢。分析初任教师入职教育的现实困境,在借鉴国外经验的基础上提出我国的入职教育对策,促进初任教师顺利完成由学生到合格教师的角色转换,推动我国中小学教师队伍整体素质的提升,已是当务之急。  相似文献   

幼儿园初任教师入职教育对于教师的职业生涯和学前教育事业的稳定发展具有不可忽视的作用。但是,当前幼儿园初任教师入职教育存在着对入职教育认识不充分、内容针对性不强、形式单一、入职教育保障制度不健全以及入职教育评价不完善几方面的现实困境。幼儿园初任教师入职教育应积极开展入职教育培训需求调查,基于需求分析设计和丰富入职教育内容,采取多样化的入职教育形式,建立健全入职教育的政策保障体制以及完善入职教育的评价机制。  相似文献   

初任教师是教师由教学专业学生走向教学实践的起步阶段,也是教师成长的重要阶段。入职期是初任教师专业成长的关键环节,初任教师能否获得顺利的入职教育,直接影响其整个职业生涯发展,因此,如何对初任教师开展富有针对性的入职教育显得尤为必要。在分析我国初任教师所接受的入职教育的实际情形的基础上,结合初任教师的实际和入职教育的作用,对我国初任教师的入职教育提供一点建议。  相似文献   

本文从教师准入制度、入职教育目标、分工与职责、评价体系和院校合作五个方面审视和分析了美国中小学初任教师入职教育的特点,并在此基础上,提出了对我国教师入职教育的可行性建议.  相似文献   

高校初任教师入职培训机制探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从初任教师及入职教育的概念及其内涵出发,分析了我国当前高校教师入职教育的现状及其存在问题,对初任教师入职培训方案进行了优化设计,提出ACMTE的优化方案。  相似文献   

目前我国有世界上最庞大的教师队伍,每年都有大量初任教师进入教师行业,帮助这些初任教师尽快适应并热爱教师工作,对于我国教师队伍的建设意义重大。而初任教师入职引导是教师教育的第二阶段,是连接职前教育和职后继续教育的桥梁,因此有必要加强对初任教师的入职引导研究,不断进行理论和实践探索。文章着重对初任教师入职引导的教学辅导进行探讨,或许能对初任教师有些帮助。  相似文献   

论教育法制与中小学教师教育制度建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中小学教师教育包括职前培养、入职教育和在职培训,三者与教育法制有着密切的关联。现行教育法律法规是中小学教师职前培养制度改革的主要依据;中小学教师入职教育制度建设应当以教育法制的完善为前提;完善的中小学教师在职培训制度必须有健全的教育法制予以保障。  相似文献   

初任教师通常指入职1~3年的新教师,由于在职前教育中缺乏充分的角色实践机会,初任教师未能完成角色社会化的任务。无论是在职业价值的内化、职业技能的掌握、职业规范的认同,还是在职业性格的形成等方面,都存在不足。为此,需从创建良好的学校文化、完善初任教师入职制度、促进教师之间的社会互动和发展校本培训等方面着手促进初任教师继续社会化。  相似文献   

职业学校初任教师入职教育是帮助教师提高教学有效性,尽快适应教师角色的有效途径。然而,当前入职教育在制度、内容、形式、评价等方面存在诸多不足。因此,基于职业学校实际情况,集中各种资源,通过合理定位入职教育目标、科学选择入职教育内容、丰富入职教育形式、完善入职教育评价机制,针对性地开展"校本入职教育"对于职业学校教师的职业生涯和专业发展具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

初任教师阶段作为一名教师的职业生涯起点,在该阶段内所接受的培训与教育,对于教师的专业成长、职业发展、人生规划有着重要的意义。本文选取中小学新教师入职培训为研究对象,基于美国中小学新教师入职培训政策与实践的发展趋势,笔者从我国现阶段新任教师入职培训中存在的问题出发,借鉴美国的经验,对现行入职培训中所存在的问题提出了完善政策法规、创新培训模式、构建评价体系的优化策略。  相似文献   

新西兰被认为是拥有世界上最好教育体制的国家之一,特别是在教师教育制度方面另有一套完全独立的教育体系。"入职指导计划"是新西兰教师委员会为新教师的专业学习提供实践支持的一项教育指导计划,旨在提高教师专业发展能力,促进新西兰教师教育职前培养、入职指导和在职专业发展的一体化进程,以推动教师终身教育体系的形成与完善。  相似文献   

This paper reports on an initial teacher education programme that has been designed to facilitate and support Māori student teachers in New Zealand. This paper highlights the ambiguity in New Zealand on the theoretical foundation of initial teacher education. Therefore a background on transformative praxis and how it has impacted on the education system of New Zealand is first presented. Then the tauira’s (student teacher’s) narrative is presented which has been informed by two years of a Te Ao Māori (Māori worldview) programme. The programme was built upon critical theory to facilitate transformative praxis in student teachers. Specifically, this narrative was a vehicle for how her own past in mainstream education and the programme has impacted upon how she sees teaching and being the teacher. The paper highlights the positive impact a culturally responsive programme can have on the self‐efficacy of marginalised members of society.  相似文献   

In the last 15 years, New Zealand has experienced a range of educational “reforms” driven by a neo-liberal agenda which has insisted that the education system serve the goal of enhancing the nation's economic performance and its competitive edge through the inculcation in learners of the skills requisite to the pursuit of this goal. Fuelled by a perception that the education system needed quality management and greater accountability to its clientele, a series of administrative reforms were put in place in the late 1980s and were followed by a series of radical, state-dictated curriculum and assessment reforms. The subsequent reshaping of curriculum and assessment has had a profound impact on the nature of teachers’ work and their identity as professionals. Using research undertaken in New Zealand in the later 1990s, this article examines ways in which 1990s reforms in New Zealand have worked to reconstruct the professional knowledge (including pedagogical knowledge) of secondary English teachers. It further examines the implications of these changes in teachers’ work for professional identity and discusses some of the implications of these “reforms” for pre-service teacher education.  相似文献   

教师素质是决定教育质量高低的主要因素。新西兰建立了较为严格和完善的教师资格标准和专业标准体系,以确保教师队伍的素质,提高教师质量。了解新西兰在教师资格认证与管理方面的做法以及新西兰中学教师专业标准、教师教育毕业生标准的主要内容,对我国认识教师专业素养、制定教学专业标准、建立教师质量保证体系都有着借鉴意义。  相似文献   


The article analyses initial teacher education (ITE) policy and practice in Aotearoa New Zealand over forty years. Central to the local ITE context was the incorporation of the ‘monotechnic’ colleges of teacher education into the university sector in the 1990s and 2000s, following New Zealand’s structural adjustments to the state education sector in 1989 and 1990. Policy ideologies of ‘marketisation’ and ‘professionalisation’ raised expectations of the abstract knowledge base and competencies that university-based teacher education graduates would acquire, while simultaneously degrading the rich immersion in cultural, curriculum and subject studies and learning by doing that were the hallmark of the former colleges. Indigenous staff and students arguably suffered most during the incorporation years. The final section looks to New Zealand’s future demographic, environmental and socio-economic imperatives and asks how ITE can be recast to enable teacher educators and beginning teachers to face the realities and challenges of the decades ahead.  相似文献   

新自由主义与新西兰的教育改革   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
80年代以来,新西兰开展了一系列的教育重建改革。这场改革被指标为以新右思潮为指导思想、以纯市场为范式的改革使新西兰的教育观念、教育体制发生了根本性的转变。经过近20年的发展,新西兰的教育改革面临许多困难,并受到国内学术界的强烈批评。了解和认识新西兰的教育改革对理解和认识我国教育改革有着重要的启示借鉴意义。  相似文献   

新西兰高质量的教育离不开新西兰完备的教师质量监控体制。新西兰教师委员会是保证新西兰教师高质量核心结构,多种教师注册类型是新西兰促进教师职业发展的体现,严格的教师准入标准是新西兰教师高质量的基础。鉴于此,我国应从提高教师教育质量、提高教师准入标准、加强教师培训和完善教师考核标准四方面来提高我国教师的质量。  相似文献   

开设适合的技术类课程以应对当前技术教育不断发展的新形势是师范院校亟待解决的关键问题。新西兰职前技术教师教育框架是奥克兰大学、梅西大学等六所高校共同开发的一个共享资源,旨在支持六所高校在职前技术教育方面保持信息一致,提升职前技术教师教育质量。该框架由技术哲学、技术教育的原理、技术课程和技术教学四个关键要素组成,在强调技术知识和技术教学知识的同时,关注技术价值观和目的观教育,并提供相应素材支持课程开发与实施。新西兰职前技术教师教育框架对我国技术教师教育具有重要启示。  相似文献   

An examination of recruitment materials and interviews with personnel involved in the employment of teacher educators to positions in university-based New Zealand initial teacher education (ITE) courses reveals three constructions of teacher educator as academic worker: the professional expert, the dually qualified, and the traditional academic. However, this study’s analysis shows how these constructions allow universities to pursue a bifurcated approach for the employment of teacher educators, an approach that maintains binaries within teacher education and hinders development in the field. Furthermore, as the spectre of a major cultural shift in the provision of New Zealand ITE arises, the extent to which the professional expert and traditional academic constructions of teacher educator might serve the scope of work required of postgraduate ITE going forth is questioned.  相似文献   

Research in teacher education repeatedly suggests that the background and underlying beliefs held by pre-service teachers about teaching and assessment act to shape their interpretations of ideas, powerfully influencing their praxis and their developing teacher identity. This paper explores how a young New Zealand secondary science teacher, raised and educated in Māori-medium and then English-medium New Zealand schools, develops his identity as a teacher as he navigates a range of educational contexts and experiences. His views on assessment provide a focus. The paper presents a case study drawn from a two-year longitudinal study, comprising a series of interviews with the teacher, as he transitioned from a university graduate to a qualified science teacher working in his first school. The complexity of teacher identity development is highlighted, particularly for teachers for whom cultural identity and indigenous world view is important. It suggests that beginning teachers need more time in their pre-service teacher education to reflect on the influence their formative educational experiences have on who they are becoming as a teacher.  相似文献   

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