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少儿的心理、生理等方面“可塑性”非常大,在这一阶段学习游泳技术有着较大的优势.从各方面分析和总结少儿阶段学习游泳技术的优势及需要注意的问题,便于对少年儿童科学地进行游泳技术教学与训练,为其以后游泳技术的学习和技能的培养打下坚实的基础.  相似文献   

郑仕斌 《考试周刊》2011,(43):151-152
作者运用文献资料法,并通过多年的实践教学积累的经验和心得,结合流体力学的原理,从游泳初级教学的四个过程,论述滑行技术在少儿游泳初级教学中的重要作用。认为少儿游泳初级教学阶段应注重滑行技术的教学,将滑行技术的教学贯穿于少儿游泳教学的始终,增强教学效果,为更加深入地学习游泳技术打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

兴趣是少儿参加体育活动和体育训练的主要动力,对搞好少儿游泳教学的作用是肯定的。文章指出少儿在游泳学习过程中兴趣容易丧失,提出了培养少儿游泳学习兴趣的方法,以促进少儿游泳教学的发展。  相似文献   

<正>1.激发少儿对游泳的学习兴趣兴趣是学习过程中最活跃的心理因素,它在游泳教学中起着重要的作用。绝大多数少儿对游泳都有强烈的兴趣,并对游泳活动表现出积极的参与倾向,这对游泳教学是十分有利的,应加以诱导和保护。对于少数对游泳学习缺乏兴趣或兴趣不浓厚的少儿,应采用适当的教学手段激发他们的兴趣。游泳是一个全身协调的运动,入水以后的水感是少儿应最先体会的。少儿往往对水有一种恐惧心理,害怕呛水或者不敢在水中久留,这样即使  相似文献   

“内地的学生,在英语口语方面比较薄弱.这可能影响他们在海外的工作和发展。”一位到内地招生的澳门大学负责人表露出对大陆学生发展的担忧。 中国学生无力应对国际化交流中的英语能力要求,也反映出从少儿阶段到大学阶段,中国整个英语教育体系的弊病。一位教育学家表示,中国英语教育必须从教学理念和方法上全面改进,而整个变革,从少儿阶段就要开始。  相似文献   

从生理学上分析,少年儿童大脑皮层的可塑性强,故对各种竞技技术动作的模仿常表现出较高欲望,再加之少年儿童怕水的心理相对比成年人少,且具备这个年龄段的独特的生理、心理特点,所以少年儿童能表现出很高的游泳才能。但这个阶段少儿游泳训练,如前期不进行扎实的基础训练,就容易造成诸多的错误技术定型,这样在很大程度上就会影响少儿游泳水平的迅速提高。  相似文献   

李东升  康睿 《教师》2010,(11):110-110
本文通过文献资料法,结合本人在陕西省游泳中心暑期游泳培训班教学实践经验,分析了影响少儿游泳技术学习的因素。  相似文献   

本文通过文献资料法,结合本人在陕西省游泳中心暑期游泳培训班教学实践经验,分析了影响少儿游泳技术学习的因素.  相似文献   

多媒体电子阅览室怎样为未成年人提供绿色网络空间   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
少儿图书馆作为社会公益事业单位、未成年人的第二课堂,有责任为孩子提供健康、安全的绿色网络空间。少儿图书馆应重视多媒体电子阅览室的建设,开展具有少儿特色的网络服务,让他们在“网海”中学会“游泳”,远离不健康信息,利用网络得到更多有益学习和身心的信息资源。  相似文献   

目前,我国许多家长和一些教育界人士普遍认为“外语学习越早越好”,但笔者认为:在什么年龄阶段开设外语课,从理论上到实践上都没有充分的科学依据。早一点接触外语的少儿比迟一点接触外语的少儿略具优势;不同的年龄阶段开设外语课即要有科学实验的手段,还得量力而行。  相似文献   

年龄因素一直是二语习得领域的一个研究热点,"外语学习是否应该越早越好"这一问题一直悬而未决。研究表明,儿童学习外语并非具有绝对的优势,而是受到其自身生理因素、心理因素、认知水平以及外部学习条件等因素的影响和制约。结合国外研究者的不同观点和我国幼儿英语教育的现状可以看出,我国的幼儿英语教育在师资水平、教学模式和教学效果等方面在还存在诸多有待提高的因素。因此,家长、教师和社会应该对其有更加理性的认识和预期,并在教学过程中采取科学有效的手段,以求达到更为理想的教育效果。  相似文献   

Toward constructivism for adult learners in online learning environments   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Since online learning has a different setting from the conventional classroom, online educators need to use some special techniques and perceptions to lead to success. Moreover, adults have special needs and requirements as learners compared with children and adolescents, thus online educators should know how adults can learn best because of their special characteristics. Philosophical and methodological shifts also affect instruction. Many researchers have suggested that constructivism should be applied in distance education. Thus, this paper attempts to examine the impact of constructivism in online learning environments when focusing on adult learners. The author develops the connection between constructivism and adult learning theory. In addition, the paper proposes instructional guidelines using the constructivist approach in online learning for adults.  相似文献   

对比幼儿母语习得与外语教学之间的差异发现,幼儿和外语学习者在学习目的、学习动机、所接触的语言文化环境和对待语言文化及错误的情感因素上都存在差异;同时发现学习语境中教授者的合作性和对待偏误的态度也存在差异。文章建议外语教学从学习者和教授者两方面入手,学习幼儿母语习得的成功因素,以提高外语教学的效能。  相似文献   

Behavioural strategies have made an important contribution to the development of programs for children with special needs. A review of theory and research suggests, however, that the behavioural task analysis, stimulus‐response approach is not an appropriate nor effective model for interactive teaching. Behavioural methods present problems because they emphasize the control of learning by the instructor, thus devaluing pupil initiation and its importance in an educational setting. Interactions between learners and teachers usually are more complex than those involved in behavioural instruction; i n particular, mainstream teaching strategies allow for some pupil control over learning. This paper compares approaches to teaching derived from behavioural technology with those used by effective teachers and examines some of the implications for educational programs for children with special learning needs, in particular those with severe multiple disabilities.  相似文献   

One way children are remarkable learners is that they learn from others. Critically, children are selective when assessing from whom to learn, particularly in the domain of word learning. We conducted an analysis of children’s selective word learning, reviewing 63 papers on 6,525 participants. Children’s ability to engage in selective word learning appeared to be present in the youngest samples surveyed. Their more metacognitive understanding that epistemic competence indicates reliability or that others are good sources of knowledge has more of a developmental trajectory. We also found that various methodological factors used to assess children influence performance. We conclude with a synthesis of theoretical accounts of how children learn from others.  相似文献   

幼儿汉语教育存在的误区表现在理论及实践两个方面:理论上,关于儿童言语习得的理论忽视了儿童意义世界的整体性和动态性;实践上,将儿童的语言教学与民族语言文化特性相割裂。对幼儿母语进行教育,可以遵循的原则包括:意义优先原则、文化内涵原则、情景关联原则、审美灌注原则。  相似文献   

总结中国近代史上幼童留美的经验教训,可以为我们认识、分析当代的留学教育提供一个观察的角度。从宏观上讲,洋务派缺乏整体观念只进行零星教育改革以及留学政策制定上的随意性弊端,我们当引以为戒。从微观上讲,今天的少年留学生缺乏当年留美幼童的一些有利条件,对待留学当持谨慎态度。  相似文献   

阐述儿童习得语言的外部环境是自然的,而学生的外语学习则是一种非自然活动。探讨把一些语言习得经验迁移到外语教学活动中,以改良外语教与学的模式。  相似文献   

马春兰 《民族教育研究》2012,(2):106-108,49
本课题以Lenneberg的关键期假设为理论背景,通过调查166名少数民族大学生初始英语学习年龄以及大学英语四级考试成绩,探讨初始年龄对英语学习成绩的影响。调查结果显示,早期接触有利于儿童将来的英语学习。其原因除了处于关键期的儿童大脑可塑性强、对语言输入敏感外,少数民族学生从小学一年级开始学习汉语,这种二语习得的经验对英语学习具有促进作用。  相似文献   

Computers are everywhere, and they are transforming the human world. The technology of computers and the Internet is radically changing the ways that people learn and communicate. In the midst of this technology‐driven revolution people need to examine the changes to analyze how they are altering interaction and human culture. The changes have already permeated societies around the world, altering learning, teaching, communication, politics, and most aspects of human interaction. The possibilities for improving educational effectiveness seem powerful, as a result of an information revolution with online access to infinite information and numerous teaching and learning activities of adults and children at school, at home, and in public places. An urgent need is for systematic longitudinal studies of what happens with learning and teaching as people use computers and play with the Internet. Perhaps the new technologies make possible a new kind of constructive dialogue, with intertwining of teaching and learning in a dynamic double helix of questions and answers, of modeling and experimentation. This special section will deal with (1) uses of new technologies to help people teach and learn more effectively, (2) uses of individual laptops to help children learn, (3) creation of new tools for learning and assessment, and (4) techniques that image brain structure and activity.  相似文献   

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