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目的:探讨亲属活体供肾肾移植术的安全可行性。方法:本组32例,供受体均为有密切血缘关系的亲属。供者身体健康,ABO血型相同30例,相容2例。进行组织相容位点配型(HLA)均相配4个位点以上。全部供受者淋巴细胞毒交叉配型试验均阴性,群体反应性抗体(PRA)阴性,手术选择最佳时机,同期进行供肾切取和异体肾脏移植。结果:供肾切取及肾脏移植手术均成功,供者术后12d康复出院,受者术后肾功能及尿量逐渐恢复正常。人/肾存活率100%。结论:亲属活体供肾肾移植术具有肾源广、等肾时间短、组织配型好、供肾缺血时间短、排异反应少、免疫抑制剂用药量小,手术时机可选择等优点,可临床推广,建议治疗前进行自愿捐肾社会公证。  相似文献   

无细胞百白破疫苗免疫安全性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
了解无细胞百白破三联疫苗(APDT)用于儿童免疫的安全性。方法:2002~2005年在新乡市红旗区预防接种门诊将3200名3个月至2岁儿童分成2组,其中1600名接种APDT,1600名接种全细胞百白破三联疫苗(WPDT),观察局部与全身反应。结果:接种APDT和WPDT者,基础免疫全身反应发生率分别为0.79%、7.90%,局部反应发生率分别为0.90%、7.83%;加强免疫全身反应发生率分别为2.63%、19.00%,局部反应发生率分别为2.69%、16.13%。以上反应发生率均为WPDT组高于APDT组,差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.005)。随针次增加,接种副反应率有增加趋势。结论:APDT较WPDT接种副反应发生率低,用于儿童免疫安全性较好。  相似文献   

目的:探讨持续不卧床腹膜透析(CAPD)患者不同腹膜转运功能下微炎症的发生情况、心脏结构、营养状况及存活率情况。方法:腹膜透析患者腹膜透析治疗3个月~1年并除外炎症、肿瘤、急性冠脉综合症等伴随疾病的患者人选本研究,通过腹膜平衡试验(PET)判断腹膜通透性,根据试验结果将患者分为2组:高转运、高平均转运的患者为高通透性组(H/A;D/Pcreat≥0.65,D为透析液肌酐浓度,P为血浆肌酐浓度);低转运和低平均转运患者为低通透性组(L/A;D/P〈0.65)。对入选患者随访26个月或腹膜治疗终点(死亡或转为血液透析或行肾移植),观察结束检测患者血CRP,了解患者微炎症的发生情况。同时检测患者的血白蛋白、血红蛋白、主观综合营养评估(SGA)、KT/Vurea,心脏B超检查记录各心腔的大小,计算左心室心肌重量指数,并对两组间生存率分析。结果:高通透性组CRP升高(CRP〉5mg/L)的比例大于低通透组(P〈0.05);营养状况较低通透组差并普遍存在左心室肥大(P〈0.05),但小分子清除率方面差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);高通透组2年生存率79.24%,低通透性组两年生存率89.39%。结论:腹膜高通透性患者微炎症的发生率高于低通透性患者,且营养情况差,左心室肥大发生增加,存活率降低,提示我们对腹膜高通透性患者应早期给予干预措施以提高患者存活率、改善预后。  相似文献   

美国加速高等教育改革   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
自20世纪90年代初以来,美国经济始终保持着持续、稳步发展,至今已近10年。1999年,美国国民生产总值为8.79万亿美元,比上年增长4.3%,失业率4.2%,通货膨胀率2%。在整个20世纪,美国共经历了5次经济增长周期,90年代经济增长因素与其他4次经济增长因素(如战争、资本投入)不同,主要依赖科技进步,依靠人的素质提高。目前,美国技术与知识进步方面约占生产力提高因素的80%,高于欧洲发达国家。近几年来,美国科技发展之所以如此迅猛,人口素质得以改善,应该说高等院校为此做出了不可磨灭的贡献。为了迎接21世纪的挑战,维持其在…  相似文献   

目的:探讨持续腰池引流加亚冬眠疗法治疗蛛网膜下腔出血的疗效。方法:选择符合诊断标准的住院观察病例90例,随机分为持续腰池引流加亚冬眠疗法治疗组(A组),持续腰池引流治疗组(B组),常规内科治疗组(C组),每组各30例,采用1995年全国第四届脑血管病学术会议修订的神经功能缺损程度积分和病残程度改善情况评定疗效。结果:A组治愈率40.00%,总有效率90.00%;B组治愈率26.67%,总有效率80.00%;C组治愈率13.33%,总有效率53.33%。A组优于B组(P〈0.05),B组优于C组(P〈0.05),A组优于C组(P〈O.01)。三组分别比较.均有显著差异。结论:持续腰池引流加亚冬眠疗法治疗组优于持续腰池引流治疗组.更优于常规内科治疗组。  相似文献   

本试验应用0.3%的过氧乙酸和1:3000百毒杀对肉种鸡进行带鸡消毒,以观察带鸡消毒对肉种鸡存活率及生长发育的影响,同时测定鸡体细菌灭活率,试验结果表明带鸡消毒可明显提高肉种鸡存活率(40日龄可提高3.6%,80日龄提高4.1%),而对肉种鸡生长发育无显著影响,鸡体杀菌率可达88.9%。  相似文献   

徐州地处苏、鲁、豫、皖四省交界,下辖2市4县5区,总面积11258平方公里,总人口916.85万人,是江苏的人口大市、教育大市。全市共有各级各类学校1972所,在校生193万人,基础教育教职工近10万人。学前三年幼儿入园率79%,义务教育入学率1009/6、巩固率99%以上,高中阶段教育入学率84.39/6,高等教育毛入学率33%,新增劳动力人均预期受教育年限达12年。  相似文献   

目的:探讨肝内胆管结石并肝门部胆管狭窄的外科治疗.方法:回顾性总结本院1995年1月~2003年6月治疗肝内胆管结石并肝门部胆管狭窄54例的临床经验.结果:修复手术类型:用脐静脉修复狭窄占6例;用高位胆管狭窄切开整形、胆管空肠吻合术修复者占43例;用皮下通道型空肠肝门胆管成型术修复占5例.其中2l例行肝部分切除术.54例均得到随访,随访率100%,随访1~7a,平均3.3a.总优良率83.3%(45/54)。残石率5.6%(3/54),并发症发生率为11.1%,疗效满意.结论:充分显露肝门部胆管并解除胆管狭窄,合理地选择手术方式,彻底清除肝内结石及相应病灶并结合术后综合治疗,可提高治愈率.  相似文献   

据相关资料显示:我国是近视眼的患病大国,1995年有3亿人患有近视眼,占世界近视眼病人的33%。其中病理性近视眼超过200万人。近年来近视眼的发生率越来越高,上海、北京等大中城市近视率可达50%-60%,在医学院校。近视率甚至高达70%-80%,小学3,4年级的近视率也达到30%-40%。最近的一份调查显示:我国小学生的近视发病率为22.78%,中学生为55.22%,而大学生高达76.74%。近视已经成为困扰中国学生的严重问题。  相似文献   

我院生殖中心于2000年3月至11月,运用试管婴儿技术对9例双侧输卵管不通的不孕症患者进行治疗,每例均通过控制超排卵,B超介导经阴道取卵术,培养,移植,9例促排卵后发育卵泡136个,取卵获得109个卵细胞,获卵率80.1%,平均每例获卵12.1个,84个授精卵,授精卵77%,卵裂65个,卵裂率77.3%,移植胚胎33个,平均每周期移植3.7个胚胎,移植后测尿免及血HCG阳性2例,妊娠率22.2%。  相似文献   

Effective use of immunosuppressive agents to avoid the occurrence of nephrotoxicity and rejection in recipients with delayed graft function (DGF) is a concern for physicians. We investigated the outcomes of treatment with enteric-coated mycophenolate sodium (EC-MPS) in combination with a low-dose of tacrolimus (Tac) in renal transplantation for recipients with a high risk of DGF. We conducted a retrospective study of 61 recipients with a high risk of DGF who were treated with EC-MPS and low-dose Tac. The recipients were separated into a no-DGF group and a DGF group, based on whether DGF actually occurred. The results showed that although EC-MPS and Tac doses were similar in both groups, the percentage of recipients whose mycophenolic acid area under the curve 0–12 h (MPA-AUC0–12 h) was below 30 (mg·h)/L was significantly higher and the Tac trough concentration significantly lower in the DGF group one week after transplantation. Notably, a higher incidence of biopsy-proven acute rejection (BPAR) was found in the DGF group and among all recipients whose MPA-AUC0–12 h was less than 30 (mg·h)/L at one week after transplantation. One-year graft survival, patient survival, allograft function, and the incidence of the most common adverse events were similar in the two groups. In conclusion, the immunosuppressive regime is applicable to Chinese kidney transplant recipients, and early low exposure to EC-MPS was related to acute rejection in the recipients at a high risk of DGF.  相似文献   



Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) transplantation is a promising therapy for ischemic heart diseases. However, poor cell survival after transplantation greatly limits the therapeutic efficacy of MSCs. The purpose of this study was to investigate the protective effect of angiopoietin-1 (Ang1) preconditioning on MSC survival and subsequent heart function improvement after transplantation.


MSCs were cultured with or without 50 ng/ml Ang1 in complete medium for 24 h prior to experiments on cell survival and transplantation. 3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) and Hoechst staining were applied to evaluate MSC survival after serum deprivation in vitro, while cell survival in vivo was detected by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase biotin-dUPT nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay 24 and 72 h after transplantation. Heart function and infarct size were measured four weeks later by small animal echocardiography and Masson??s trichrome staining, respectively.


Ang1 preconditioning induced Akt phosphorylation and increased expression of Bcl-2 and the ratio of Bcl-2/Bax. In comparison with non-preconditioned MSCs, Ang1-preconditioned cell survival was significantly increased while the apoptotic rate decreased in vitro. However, the PI3K/Akt pathway inhibitor, LY294002, abrogated the protective effect of Ang1 preconditioning. After transplantation, the Ang1-preconditioned-MSC group showed a lower death rate, smaller infarct size, and better heart functional recovery compared to the non-preconditioned-MSC group.


Ang1 preconditioning enhances MSC survival, contributing to further improvement of heart function.  相似文献   

以食用仙人掌的茎片为外植体,研究了食用仙人掌离体快繁的若干影响因素。结果表明,幼嫩的茎片较成熟的茎片易于进行表面消毒。适宜的培养基为:侧芽诱导MS+6-BA2.0mg/L NAA0.1mg/L,继代与增殖MS+6-BA2.0mg/L NAA0.1mg/L,培养21d,增殖倍数6.9,生根培养基为1/2 MS+NAA0.1mg/L,称载基质为泥碳:珍珠岩=1:1,成活率98%。  相似文献   

目的:总结70岁以上老年普胸病人的手术指征,手术治疗及围手术期处理体会.方法:1996.6~2005.6月我院共施行普胸手术578例,其中70岁以上的老年患者118例,占20.4%(118/578).现对118例70岁以上老年患者手术治疗及围术期处理进行回顾性分析.结果:术中术后出现或加重的循环系统并发症34例占28.8%(34/118);呼吸系统并发症29例占24.6%(29/118);消化系统并发症19例占16.1%(19/118);精神神经系统并发症10例占8.5%(10/118);经综合治疗均治愈出院.术后1、3、5年生存率分别为90.0%、77.6%、42.8%.结论:对70岁以上老年普胸病人围术期处理十分关键,因老年人全身各系统器官的衰退及疾病本身的并发症相互叠加,风险较大;但只要手术指征选择合适,手术中间处理严密,围术期处理恰当,70岁以上老年患者施行普胸手术效果理想.  相似文献   

Use and effects of liver specific antigen in orthotopic liver transplantations were researched in this study. Group I: syngeneic control (Wistar-to-Wistar); Group II: acute rejection (SD-to-Wistar); Group III: Thymic inoculation of SD rat LSA day 7 before transplantation. The observation of common situation and survival time, rejection grades, NF-κB activity of splenocytes and IL-2mRNA expression of grafted liver were used to analyze acute rejection severity and immune state of animals in different groups. The common situation of group I was very well after transplantation and no signs of rejection were found. Recipients of group II lost body weight progressively All dead within day 9 to day 13 posttransplantation; median survival time was 10.7 ±0.51 days. It was an optimal acute rejection control. As for group III, 5 out of 6 recipients survived for a long time and common situation was remarkably better than that of group II. Its rejection grades were significantly lower than that of group II(P<0.05). NF-κB activity was only detected in group I at day 5 and day 7 after transplantation, whereas high activity of NF-κB was detected at all time points in groupII and the low NF-κB activity detected in group III was significantly lower than that of group II (P<0.05). No IL-2mRNA expression was detected at any time point in group I, whereas high level expression was detected at all time points in group II and the low level expression only detected at day 3 in group III was significantly lower than that of group II (P<0.05). Conclusion: LSA is an important transplantation antigen which is involved directly in the immunorejection of liver transplantation. We report here for the first time that intrathymic inoculation of LSA can alleviate the rejection of liver allotransplantation; and that grafts can survive for a long time thereby, thus leading to a novel way to achieve liver transplantation immunotolerance. Project (NO. 011106206) supported by the Science and Technology Bureau of Zhejiang Province Foundation  相似文献   

以丽格海棠巴科斯品系叶片为材料,进行外植体的诱导培养、不定芽继代增殖培养、无根苗生根培养等组织培养技术研究,探索其适宜的培养基和培养条件.结果表明:在MS+BA1.0mg/L+NAA0.2mg/L培养基上丽格海棠叶片诱导不定芽效果最好;在MS+BA0.1mg/L+NAA0.0lmg/L培养基上继代增殖效果较好;在1/2MS+NAA0.2mg/L培养基生根诱导培养效果较好.苗高6cm可出瓶过渡移栽,并保持90%以上的空气湿度,温度为(25±3)℃,成活率最高.  相似文献   

采用脾移植实验对额河银鲫两个不同的雌核发育系进行了遗传分析。并对同系移植中出现少数排斥现象的原因进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Surgical management of gastric stump cancer: a report of 37 cases   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Objective: To observe the clinicopathological characteristics of gastric stump cancer (GSC) and evaluate the benefits of radical surgery of GSC. Methods: The clinicopathological characteristics and postoperative survival time of 37 GSC patients who underwent surgery were investigated retrospectively. The survival time was compared according to the type of surgical pTMN stage. Survival curves were traced by using Kaplan-Meier methods. Results: Most GSC (32/37) was detected in patients who had received Billroth Ⅱ reconstruction after partial gastrectomy for benign gastric disease. The lesser curvature side and the suture line of anastomosis were the most frequent sites where GSC occurred (27/37). Differentiated adenocarcinoma was the dominant histopathological type (24/37). The postoperative 5-year survival rate of early stage GSC patients (n=9) was significantly higher than advanced stage GSC (n=12) (55.6% vs 16.5%, xL2=1 1.48, P<0.01). Five-year survival rate of 21 GSC patients with radical resection were 75% (3/4) for stage Ⅰ, 60% (3/5) for stage Ⅱ, 14.2% (1/7) for stage Ⅲ, and 0% (0/5) for stage Ⅳ respectively.The median survival time of 21 GSC patients who underwent radical resection was longer than those undergoing palliative operation (43.0m vs 13.0m, xL2=36.31, P<0.01), the median survival time of stage Ⅳ patients with radical resection was 23.8months. Conclusions: Without remote metastasis, radical resection for GSC is possible, and is an effective way to improve the prognosis of GSC. Even in stage Ⅳ GSC, radical resection can still prolong the survival time. It is necessary for the patients with benign gastric diseases who received partial gastrectomy to carry out the endoscopy follow-up, especially in patients with Billroth Ⅱ reconstruction procedure at 15-20 years.  相似文献   



We retrospectively reviewed the urethral stricture cases treated in our tertiary center, and assessed the safety and feasibility of the high-pressure balloon dilation (HPBD) technique for anterior urethral stricture.


From January 2009 to December 2012, a total of 31 patients with anterior urethral strictures underwent HPBD at our center, while another 25 cases were treated by direct vision internal urethrotomy (DVIU). Patient demographics, stricture characteristics, surgical techniques, and operative outcomes were assessed and compared between the two groups. The Kaplan-Meier survival analysis was applied to evaluate the stricture-free rate for the two surgical techniques.


The operation time was much shorter for the HPBD procedure than for the DVIU ((13.19±2.68) min vs. (18.44±3.29) min, P<0.01). For the HPBD group, the major postoperative complications as urethral bleeding and urinary tract infection (UTI) were less frequently encountered than those in DVIU (urethral bleeding: 2/31 vs. 8/25, P=0.017; UTI: 1/31 vs. 6/25 P=0.037). The Kaplan-Meier survival analysis showed that there was no significant difference in stricture-free rate at 36 months between the two groups (P=0.21, hazard ratio (HR)=0.65, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.34 to 1.26). However, there was a significantly higher stricture-free survival in the HPBD group at 12 months (P=0.02, HR=0.35, 95% CI: 0.14 to 0.87), which indicated that the stricture recurrence could be delayed by using the HPBD technique.


HPBD was effective and safe and it could be considered as an alternative treatment modality for anterior urethral stricture disease.

目的:探讨RNA干扰T细胞mTOR表达后诱导T细胞分化对小肠移植免疫耐受的影响。方法:通过shRNA干扰T细胞mTOR表达后,诱导T细胞向Foxp3+Tregs细胞分化。对60只雄性SD大鼠施行30次异位节段小肠移植,随机分为A组(mTOR-shRNA转染组)、B组(mTOR抑制剂RAD001干预)和C组(移植对照组、注射生理盐水)。观察小肠移植后受体大鼠的体重变化、生存时间及移植小肠病理切片评估排斥反应程度。结果:构建的mTOR-shRNA质粒表达载体在体外能有效地抑制大鼠骨髓细胞mTOR基因mRNA和蛋白的表达。RNA干扰大鼠T细胞mTOR基因可调节T细胞的定向分化,Tregs细胞增多,而Th17细胞分化减少。抑制mTOR基因可诱导大鼠异位小肠移植的免疫耐受,减轻受体抗移植物的排斥反应,显著延长移植物的存活时间。结论:RNA干扰T细胞mTOR表达后诱导T细胞分化对小肠移植耐受的研究为mTOR抑制剂(RAD001)在移植后的临床应用提供理论和实验依据。  相似文献   

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