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Despite the heavy reliance on textbooks in college courses, research indicates that college students enrolled in first‐year science courses are not proficient at comprehending informational text. The present study investigated a reading comprehension questioning strategy with origins in clinical research based in elaboration interrogation theory, which outlines how to encourage readers to recall relevant background knowledge while reading text materials. The theory suggests that the strategy increases the likelihood that readers will integrate what they read with what they know to make new knowledge. The setting for the study more closely resembled classroom conditions compared to similar studies in the past. Unlike previous studies on reading comprehension, students read a challenging passage from the textbook used in a science course in which they were enrolled. In addition, the text was longer than that used in clinical research. The college students (n = 294) in this study were randomly assigned to either a questioning strategy treatment or a rereading placebo‐control. While reading, treatment students were presented with statements taken from regular intervals in their textbook (about every 150 words) and asked a simple why question about each of these statements. Significant differences were found favoring elaborative interrogation theory and its question strategy treatment over the placebo‐control in terms of science comprehension even after significant estimated predictors of prior knowledge and verbal ability were statistically controlled or accounted for by removing the statistical contributions of these predictors to the main effects. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 47: 363–379, 2010  相似文献   

高职生阅读存在主要问题是缺乏良好的阅读习惯、阅读能力较低、读书时间不多、依赖网络阅读。高职生阅读能力培养对策是:分析、掌握阅读心理,帮助树立正确阅读观念,培养阅读兴趣,激发阅读热情,开展导读教育和信息检索知识教育。  相似文献   

当前,我国仫佬族地区普通高中生命教育的现状不容乐观,有60.5%的学生不太清楚什么是生命教育,13.2%的学生不知道什么是生命教育;59.9%的学生认为所在学校很少进行生命教育,16.7%的学生认为所在学校没有进行过生命教育.导致该状况的主要原因是教育工作者对生命教育的认识存在误区、教材建设滞后、责任不明确、部分教师生命素养有待提高.建议通过在仫佬族地区加强生命教育宣传和生命教育教材建设,独立开设生命教育课程,增强生命教育研究者的本土意识等措施来改善这一状况.  相似文献   

目前高中英语教学中泛读教学现状已无法满足形势发展的要求,影响着中学英语教学质量、学生英语水平的提高及实际应用能力的发展。重视高中英语教学中的泛读教学是形势发展的必然要求,是理论与实践的必然要求,是英语教学本身的必然要求,以完成《同步阅读》教材为基础扩大阅读量。是搞好高中英语教学的基本途径。  相似文献   

In recent years two radically different views have dominated discussions about the way in which children learn to read and write. The first view is that the crucial hurdle in learning to read is the discovery of how to do the correct phonological analysis. The second view is that the crucial factor is the use of context, and that children use what they know about the meaning — and particularly the semantics and the syntax — of the passages that they are reading to help them decipher and learn about difficult written words. Learning to read is ‘a psycholinguistic guessing game’ according to this view and children set about it in much the same way as they set about learning to speak. Thus according to the first view children’s semantic and syntactic skills will determine their progress in reading and according to the second it will be their phonological skills. We present longitudinal evidence about a group of children in their first year at school which shows that both kinds of skill do play a part, but that they make entirely different contributions. Semantic and syntactic skills determine how well children make use of the context of what they are reading. Phonological skills affect their use of letter-sound relationships.  相似文献   

当前,大学生劳动权益被侵犯的事件屡屡发生,许多大学生在面对侵害时知法却不知用什么法以及如何用法,其主要原因就在于缺乏《劳动法》相关的理论和实践教育,而高校面向非法学专业学生的法治教育多是以法治基础理论为主要内容,很少涉及具体的部门法。为此,高校应为大学生提供劳动法治的培育,在培育形式上必修与选修并举,在培育方法上理论与实践结合,在培育目标上教学与育人统一,以及大学生喜闻乐见的新形式,用劳动法治培育新时代劳动者,确保大学生在未来遇到自身劳动权益被侵犯时不仅知法,还知怎样用法。  相似文献   

随笔作为一种比较自由的写作方式,可以实现心理辅导的意义表达、情绪宣泄、沟通与建构功能。在开展学生心理辅导过程中,教师通过学生的随笔了解学生,与学生对话,引导学生在随笔中吐露心声,反思生活,建构意义。教师在通过批语或面谈与学生对话中要坚持平等、理解、鼓励的原则。另外也可以通过随笔展示开展师生间、生生间的对话,以扩大辅导效果。  相似文献   


As STEM educators, we know it is beneficial to train students to think critically and mathematically during their early mathematical lives. To this end, the author teaches the College Algebra/Precalculus course in a flipped classroom version of an inquiry-based learning style. However, the techniques described in this paper can be applied to a variety of freshman and sophomore mathematics courses (and above). In particular, in this model the students read the textbook before class and formulate questions, submitted prior to class via a learning management system, about the material to be covered in class the next day. During class they solve problems about that topic, and solutions are presented and discussed before the end of the period. After class, students complete standard homework about the topic, and are encouraged to bring any unresolved homework, worksheet, or reading questions for the next class period. This paper will discuss this method of engaging students, focusing on how student questions evolve during the semester, and student feedback.  相似文献   

图的矩阵表示法,有着重要的意义。一般离散数学教材中对邻接矩阵的概念及其作用的介绍是零散的,学生感觉不到其重要性,也不知如何应用。为了让学生掌握如何利用矩阵来解决图论中的一些问题的知识,对邻接矩阵的作用进行有意义的总结和归类,并对教学内容进行设计,在教学实践中取得好的效果。  相似文献   

作文教学一直困扰着聋校语文教学,让教师、学生甚为苦恼。现对聋生学习写作的现状,以及对形成此种现状的原因进行了初步的解析。并着重从激发聋生的写作兴趣、指导聋生观察、加强阅读和教会聋生评改这四个方面,针对性地提出了教学策略,让聋生写作时做到有话愿说、有话可说、有话会说、有话说好。  相似文献   

合理的阅读理解问题的设计可以帮助英语阅读者更好的在阅读中与文本之间发生有效互动。教学中我们不难发现,如果阅读理解问题的分类方法能够很好的和提问的形式结合起来,不仅学生的英语阅读能力有所提高,阅读教材的设计者还可以通过此种分类法来检验自己设计的阅读理解问题是否恰当,教师也可以借鉴这些分类来自主设计阅读教学中的各类问题,使得英语阅读教学事半功倍。另外,这种分类法还可以用来帮助分析教学材料,帮助设计合理的问题,对学生阅读理解能力的提高起到促进作用。  相似文献   

《College Teaching》2013,61(4):111-116
Do our students actually read and use the feedback we provide? If so, what purpose does it serve them? Although these should be concerns, if we provide the adequate tools and guidance on how to use our feedback, this question should not be a pedagogical burden. Ultimately, learning, thinking, and understanding are the products of good feedback to a student, which includes feedback that may not be as concrete as students would like. But concrete ambiguity may be the key in helping our students develop their thinking, as well as their writing.  相似文献   

In The Secret Identity of a Biology Textbook: straight and naturally sexed, Jesse Bazzul and Heather Sykes conduct a case study of a biology textbook as an oppressive instructional material. Using queer theory they explore how the text of the biology textbook produces “truths” about sex, gender, and sexuality. Their analysis is complemented by the Forum papers by Jay Lemke and Francis Broadway who broaden the analysis examining the way that what counts as knowledge in science is a political decision while also encouraging authors, including Bazzul and Sykes, to also look critically at their own theoretical lenses. In this paper I pull together their ideas while exploring cultural contexts for a more nuanced representation of biological knowledge and the politics of what it means to know science.  相似文献   

Historical case studies of scientific concepts are a useful medium for showing how scientific ideas originate and how they change over time. They are thus a useful tool for conveying knowledge about the nature of science. This paper focuses on the concepts of heat and temperature and discusses some issues related to choosing the content for a historical case study which incorporates not only nature of science perspectives but understandings related to what we know about the teaching and learning of these concepts. The case study is designed for first-year university chemistry students as an introduction to their study of thermodynamics. The paper includes a general chemistry textbook analysis of the heat and temperature concepts and a discussion of the caloric theory of heat, thermometry, and a brief survey of how the energy concept transformed our understanding of heat and temperature.  相似文献   

学校教育中开设学习方法课程是建设学习型社会的需要,也是学生自身发展的要求。开设学习方法课程的目的是使学生树立正确的学习观与择业观,帮助学生掌握正确的学习方法和提高自主学习的能力。学习方法课程的内容应包括:为什么要学习,为什么要进学校学习;为什么要学习现在的课程;老师扮演什么角色;每个人都有自己的特点与长处,要自尊、自爱、自强;怎样学习与怎样思考会学得更好;为什么要看书,应怎样看书;怎样结合自己的特点选择工作并为之努力。  相似文献   

It is considered important for students to participate in scientific practices to develop a deeper understanding of scientific ideas. Supporting students, however, in knowing and understanding the natural world in connection with generating and evaluating scientific evidence and explanations is not easy. In addition, writing in science can help students to understand such connections as they communicate what they know and how they know it. Although tools such as vee-maps can scaffold students?? efforts to design investigations, we know less about how these tools support students in connecting scientific ideas with the evidence they are generating, how these connections develop over time, or how writing can be used to encourage such connections. In this study, we explored students?? developing ability to reason scientifically by examining the relationship between students?? understanding of scientific phenomena and their understanding of how to generate and evaluate evidence for their ideas in writing. Three high school classes completed three investigations. One class used vee-mapping each time, one used vee-mapping once, and one did not use vee-mapping. Students?? maps and written reports were rated for understanding of relevant science procedural and conceptual ideas. Comparisons between groups and over time indicate a positive relationship between improved procedural and conceptual understanding. Findings also indicate that improved procedural understanding preceded improved conceptual understanding, and thus, multiple experiences were needed for students to connect evidence and explanation for science phenomena.  相似文献   

培养学生的课外阅读能力是小学语文教学的重要任务。本文先简单阐述了小学生课外阅读的作用,然后围绕读什么、怎么读、读出来三个层面探讨了小学语文课外阅读能力培养策略,最后研究了小学生课外阅读的兴趣培养、习惯养成和分享协作。  相似文献   


This article discusses the use of text messaging as an effective way for faculty to communicate with students in between class meetings or within an online course. The benefits of text messaging will be discussed, as well as the tools one faculty member has used when texting students or groups of students. Text messaging can be used to give student “nudges” to increase the likelihood students will act in accordance with what the faculty member expects (i.e., read textbook prior to class, attend tutoring sessions, submit homework on time). It can also be used to streamline group work.  相似文献   

This is a report and analysis of a survey of A-level textbook use in physics, chemistry and biology by sixth-form students, taken at the end of their courses in English secondary schools. Texts are being used but primarily after the lesson, at the student's discretion and with great variations between students as far as the amount read is concerned. Biology texts were used, on average, the most and physics texts the least. Differences also existed in the detailed nature of use. The implications for textbook critics, writers, teachers and teacher trainers are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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