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新课标强调了语文实践的重要性,而实践性阅读教学活动把本来单调、枯燥、乏味的语文知识传授用生动有趣的教学形式组织起来,使学生乐学、会学,活学活用,达到寓教于乐,寓学于用的目的,让学生真正成为了学习的主人。同时,也使教师真正成为了学习的组织者和引导者。实践性语文阅读教学活动要注重活动的情趣性、自主性、整合性,使学生在课堂学习中"活"、"动"了起来,从而促进学生主动、生动、活泼地发展。  相似文献   

语文课程是实践性课程,教师在阅读教学过程中要树立强烈的导学意识,让教学牢牢定位于学,让学先于教,使语文课堂真正走向学生的自主学习实践,提高语文教学的实际效果。  相似文献   

薛国梅 《教师》2010,(3):43-43
《语文课程标准》进一步强调了学生的主体地位,倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式。要使学生真正成为学习的主人,须从培养学生学习语文的兴趣人手,让学生在动手、动脑的语文实践活动中,兴致勃勃地走进语文世界。下面结合教学实践,浅谈笔者在语文阅读教学中如何激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生在整个阅读教学过程中保持浓厚兴趣。  相似文献   

小学语文教学的最终目的是促进学生的发展,为学生的终身学习、生活和工作奠定基础,因此,在阅读教学中培养学生的自主学习能力尤为重要。叶圣陶先生说:"学语文主要靠学生自己读书,自己领悟。"因此,作为教师应努力为学生创造自主学习的氛围,提供探究摸索的时间和空间,多给机会让他们去选择,多给时间让他们去思考,多给问题让他们去解决,挖掘学生在学习活动中的潜能,使学生在阅读教学中自己发现、自己学习、独立思考,使学生真正成为学习的主人,形成自主学习的能力。  相似文献   

程小华 《中国教师》2013,(Z2):30-31
一、设计理念"语文课程是一门学习语言文字运用的综合性、实践性课程"。综合性就是要综合学生的课内外生活、综合各学科、综合各种学习方式、综合各同学的学习方法等。所谓实践性,就是要联系学生的原有知识实践、联系学生的生活实践、紧扣语言文字运用的实践。阅读教学就是要有意识的落实这些理念,从而教给学生阅读的策略和学习的方法,这样才能全面提高学生的阅读能力,真正培养学生学语文、学阅读、学运用的能力,只有这样才能提高学生的语文素养。  相似文献   

阅读教学是语文教学的重中之重,然而,现在的阅读教学效果却不理想,需要我们积极研究,寻找对策,解决这个问题。而"学为中心"就要为学生构建一个"学为中心,互动共享"的课堂,使学生能够在教师的引导下主动参与到教学中来,更有个性地学习。在阅读教学中引入"学为中心"的理念,就能真正实现学生的个性化阅读,使学生的阅读能力得到提高,从而使阅读教学取得实效。  相似文献   

<语文课程标准>首次提出了"探究性学习"的要求,提出要考查学生"探究内容"的能力."探究性学习"表现学生对阅读材料、学习材料、学习问题等进行探索研究,从而培养出学生的语文能力和创造精神.语文阅读教学是一种研究性学习活动,也是一种有效的学习方法.作者从语文学科的性质特点,从自身的教学实际出发,在阅读教学中分别从"质疑问难"的探究式阅读和勤于表达的"写读"等方面进行了有益的尝试.  相似文献   

教师有效引导为辅助,学生的独立思考为基础,强化语文本体为原则,以“理”导行,才能在阅读教学中真正实现学生自行发现问题、提出问题、探究问题及解决问题的自主性,使自主、合作、探究学习走上理性化的轨道。  相似文献   

我对阅读教学艺术的研究,主要足从两个层面展开的.一是学生学习的层面,重点研究课堂语文实践活动的设计,研究的内容可用"学生活动充分,课堂积累丰富"12个字来概括.  相似文献   

研究性学习具有开放性、探究性、实践性的特点,它使学生在广阔的空间里学习语文,让学生尽情地朗读,默默地思考,大胆地探索,自主合作,在教师的引导下,学生通过语文实践活动不断地表现自我,实现自我,超越自我。因此,在小学进行研究性阅读教学旨在激发学生的阅读兴趣;让学生学会自主阅读和学会用心去感悟文本,养成自主阅读的习惯,学生真正成为学语文,爱语文,用语文的主人。  相似文献   

Teachers should not only be concerned with the products of learning but also with the processes of learning as good teaching involves teaching pupils how to learn effectively. The importance of teaching pupils ‘to learn how to learn’ has gained momentum as recent research provides more and more evidence that substantial variance in learning outcomes can be attributed to learning approaches adopted by pupils (Marton, 1976; Marton and Sayo, 1978; Svenssin and Theman 1983; Marton and Saljo, 1984; Biggs, 1987; Chew 1988; Cheng, 1985).  相似文献   

A study of 148 primary school teachers and 4867 Grade 4 pupils in Hong Kong found no support for the proposal that boys learn to read better when taught by men teachers. In fact, it was found that both boys and girls learnt better when taught by women. Responses to a teacher questionnaire indicate significant differences in the preferred patterns of teaching favoured by male and female teachers. Responses from men teachers suggest they are more authoritarian, prefer to control pupils' learning, engage pupils in whole-class reading and like to read passages aloud while pupils follow the text. Responses from women teachers suggest they prefer to teach reading in groups, to group pupils according to reading ability, set tasks that suit pupils' stage of learning, allocate more time for pupils to read books and use the school library and encourage pupils to discover for themselves the meaning of new vocabulary encountered in text. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper summarises findings from several systematic research reviews about the contribution of research to effective continuing professional development and learning (CPDL) activities and their impact on pupils and teachers. It starts with a review of how teachers engage in and with research as part of CPDL, how teachers and researchers shape professional learning activities and identifies key processes linked to positive outcomes. Finally it explores how different research contributions can be developed to make a more visible contribution to CPDL.The paper highlights common characteristics of effective CPDL, including: sustained collaboration with professional colleagues, including both making use of specialist expertise and structured peer support for embedding specialist contributions; an understanding of and commitment to professional learning, including enquiry-oriented learning and learning to learn from looking; a focus on refining teaching and learning, working towards aspirations for specific pupils side by side with theory; and effective scaffolding and modelling of learning by both teachers and leaders for colleagues and for pupils. The key implications of these findings are explored in the conclusions and include the importance of conceptualising researchers’ contributions to CPDL as specialist expertise and/or researchers and Masters tutors harnessing the potential of peer support between teachers. They also explore overlaps between core research and teaching skills and the need for a shared language between teachers and researchers to enable concepts like analysis, theory and criticality to be valued as practical tools for enhancing professional practice.  相似文献   

The paper reports on a participatory action research study conducted in six rural primary schools in Uganda in 2013 to establish why children taught in the local language had difficulties in reading and writing. Findings through interviews, focus group discussions, reviews of exercise books and lesson observations indicated that though it was easier for pupils to learn the concepts in the local language; challenges ranging from poor translation, inadequate teachers’ language proficiency, lack of instructional materials, high pupils’ enrolment, lack of administrative support and teacher-centred approach of teaching, affected pupils’ learning to read and write. Participants recommended adopting the child-centred pedagogy, incorporating instructional materials, conducting continuous assessment and recording pupils’ competencies attained in reading and writing. Teachers need to engage more in Participatory action research in order to reflect on their practices and pupils’ learning, and collaboratively decide what works best and what needs improvement in their classrooms.  相似文献   

A key assumption underpinning formative assessment strategies is that individual pupils must be fully involved in the process. While such engagement and attention on the individual is important, studies suggest that teachers do not always readily engage with formative assessment as a reciprocal process which involves pupils. Additionally, a focus on individual differences between pupils can be problematic if the work that is set for some is differentiated to such an extent that they are not able to participate in classroom activities with others. Inclusive pedagogy is an approach to teaching and learning that attends to individual differences between pupils but avoids the marginalisation that can occur when pedagogical responses are designed only with individual needs in mind. Using participant observation and video footage from three classrooms that captured ‘learning moments’ identified by teachers and pupils, this study documents how the professional craft knowledge of teachers develops as they learn to use what their pupils have to say about learning in the context of whole class teaching. By concentrating on the findings from one site, this paper shows how teachers can use what they learn from listening to pupils’ self-assessments of their learning in ways that meet the standard of inclusive pedagogy.  相似文献   

An approach to teaching spelling similar in some ways to the Breakthrough to Literacy scheme for teaching reading – where children choose for themselves the words they want to learn – is being developed by David Moseley, reader in applied psychology, School of Education, Newcastle University. The classroom study described here suggests that the principles underlying the precision spelling course and related computer programs, which have been used successfully with pupils who have specific spelling difficulties, could be usefully adapted to help pupils with mild and moderate learning difficulties.  相似文献   

The project reported in this paper addresses the issue of trainee teacher learning with regard to special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) during the school placement element of one-year postgraduate teacher training programmes in England. Through a focus on the university/school partnership, school organisational and classroom pedagogic processes, the project aimed to improve knowledge and understanding about teacher education relevant to the special educational needs and inclusive education fields. Specifically, the project examined and compared the school-based learning and outcomes of postgraduate teacher trainees in primary and secondary programmes that used different approaches to preparing teachers for the special needs aspects of their future teaching. Three kinds of school-based approaches are examined: one that involved a practical teaching task; a second which involved a pupil-focused task (but not practical teaching); and a third where there was no specific pupil-focused SEND task other than class teaching practice.

The paper reports on what and how trainees learned about teaching pupils with SEND and on differences related to the use of SEND tasks. Findings indicate that what trainees learn about teaching pupils with SEND is strongly interlinked with what they learn about teaching in general. The pedagogic knowledge learned from undertaking planned pupil-focused SEND tasks, however, centres on pupils’ personal learning needs, something that was less likely to be learned from only whole-class teaching experience. Implications for schools, initial teacher education (ITE) providers, national and international policy are presented as evidence-informed questions with possible options.  相似文献   

随着新一轮课程改革的不断深入,倡导学生主动参与探究学习,让学生经历探究的过程,已被广大教师所认同。特别在空间与图形领域,更应抓住新旧知识的连接点,激发学生探究欲望;开展实践探究活动,展现个体建构过程;教给学生学习方法,培养学生探究能力;体验成功喜悦,让学生乐于探究。  相似文献   

英语是当今世界应用最广泛的语言,也是大中小学生必学一门语言课程。"教师如何去教、学生如何去学、学习效果如何"也就成了教师、学生、家长、社会共同关注的焦点。尤其是在新课程背景下,英语教师该如何改进教学方式、提高教学效果呢?笔者以中职英语阅读教学为例,谈了一些自己的方法和策略。  相似文献   

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