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This article presents an extended vignette describing a good practice model for implementing SEAL small group work at ‘Mellington Primary’, a fictional school. The vignette/model was developed from in-depth case studies at five primary schools in the north-west of England during a national evaluation of primary SEAL by the authors. The case studies comprised interviews and/or focus groups with pupils, staff and parents, observations of small group sessions and other settings, and document analysis. Key principles of effective small group work implementation presented in the model include allocation of sufficient time and space, a triangulated referral procedure for children, providing additional support outside of the intervention setting and making explicit links with whole-school SEAL work. Recommendations are made for the future development of SEAL small group work, including increasing the length and intensity of interventions and engaging in additional work with parents.  相似文献   

Despite the wide implications of attachment theory there remains a lack of research exploring interventions which encapsulate the principles of an attachment-based framework in the school context. The aim of this research was to address this gap by implementing an intervention for a group of five primary-aged pupils with identified insecure attachment styles, and a key adult figure in the school context. The 10 week intervention consisted of weekly sessions based in a mainstream primary school. The research adopted a mixed methodology, with a predominant qualitative focus. The perceptions of children in relation to attachment concepts were explored both before and following the intervention. The findings revealed positive changes in the children’s behaviours and experiences, in that the children’s Internal Working Models were positively shifted, and impacted on their social and emotional behaviours.  相似文献   

We report on an effectiveness trial of ‘New Beginnings’, a short social–emotional intervention for primary‐aged children. The sample comprised 253 children (aged 6–11) attending 37 primary schools across England. Data on social and emotional competence and mental health difficulties were collected using child self‐report, and parent‐ and teacher‐informant report questionnaires in a pre‐test–post‐test control group design. One hundred and fifty‐nine children took part in the intervention, and 94 children acted as a comparison group. Children in the intervention group attended weekly 45‐minute small group sessions for seven weeks. Child self‐report data indicated that the intervention was successful in promoting social and emotional competence, and that improvements were sustained at seven‐week follow‐up. However, this finding was not replicated in either the teacher or parental data. We conclude that future iterations of the intervention may need to be more intensive and lengthy in order to produce changes in behaviour that are salient to teachers and parents.  相似文献   

Children and young adults who are ‘looked after’ can present teachers and teaching assistants with a variety of day-to-day classroom challenges and a range of complex behaviours due to adverse childhood environments. This group of vulnerable young people have very complex social and emotional behaviours that require a considered approach of support and interventions. The types of interventions deployed in schools, however, may depend on staff knowledge, staff self-confidence, and interpersonal skills to support the child's learning and complex behaviours. An example of an intervention is the key adult intervention programme, which is purported to develop staff knowledge and self-confidence when working with looked after children. training in key adult intervention occurred at a special school, which had a high percentage of looked after children, situated in an East Midlands town. The purpose of the study was firstly to support the children through in-depth knowledge development for supporting staff, and secondly to investigate staff confidence and understanding of the needs of looked after children. In addition, supporting factors of the key adult intervention and a discovery of any barriers to its implementation were sought. Using a mixed methods approach, data were collected from participating staff using questionnaires and focused conversations. Qualitative data were analysed using Cresswells six-step process. Findings suggest that the key adult intervention is an effective means to support staff confidence and understanding and offer support for looked after children. Recommendations for future practice include increased training and support for teaching assistants, teachers and the school community as a whole. In addition, targeted professional and emotional support for the teaching assistants deployed, and increased communication between senior leaders and teaching assistants is crucial. The current research, therefore, adds to existing literature by providing an evaluation of the key adult intervention within a special school setting with evidence gathered from teaching assistants.  相似文献   

Government guidance in 2008 endorsed the “Targeting Mental Health in Schools” (TaMHS) agenda, which sets out to promote mental health in schools through the delivery of universal and targeted interventions. This paper initially defines mental health and outlines the TaMHS initiative. It then offers empirical findings from four focus groups with schools who took part in the TaMHS initiative in one local authority. Socio-cultural activity theory is used as an analytic framework to explore perceived outcomes of TaMHS, as well as providing insight into the processes of TaMHS implementation. Data were analysed using thematic analysis. Findings are consistent with existing literature and suggest positive outcomes for children, staff and the whole-school system. Implications for the role of educational psychologists in continuing to promote mental health in schools and considerations for effective implementation are discussed.  相似文献   

Research Findings: The current study's main aim was to implement a multifocused, community-based intervention for preventing conduct problems in preschool children. Our assumption was that the same intervention program could be delivered concomitantly as a universal prevention program for all children as well as an indicated prevention program for high-risk children selected after screening for social and emotional competencies development. We used a quasi-experimental design with a between-subjects variable (intervention vs. comparison) and a within-subjects variable (preintervention, postintervention, and 3-month follow-up). The efficacy of the intervention was assessed for high-risk children targeted by the indicated intervention as well as for moderate- and low-risk children, who received the universal intervention. Practice or Policy: First, our results demonstrate the capacity of classroom-based interventions, without added pull-out sessions, to generate significant changes in high-risk children's competencies as well as externalizing and internalizing problems. Second, similar results were found for the moderate-risk, but not the low-risk, group, and these data suggest that marginally at-risk children are the most likely to benefit from participating in universal interventions. And third, comparing data from social and emotional competence risk groups indicates that underdeveloped emotional competencies might have a prolonged negative effect on children's social skills, which increases as a function of higher risk status.  相似文献   

Research into children with autism indicates that therapeutic sessions with dogs might provide a way of encouraging social interaction and reducing solitary or repetitive behaviours. With recent educational ASD interventions aimed at providing ways of encouraging intrinsic motivation to socially engage, it is possible that sessions with dogs could be used in a similar way. The present study involved three students with ASD who were given five sessions with a dog and their teacher. Sessions followed a semi‐standardised approach and were recorded and coded on social behaviours, with qualitative observations made. Pre and post measures entailed ADOS‐2 assessments and teacher questionnaires. Results suggest that students' responses in sessions were highly individual; all showed an increase in meaningful social interactions with dog and teacher, reduction in solitary or repetitive behaviours within the sessions and reported generalisation effects in some areas. The study lends support to the research base on the beneficial impact of dogs for children with autism and suggests that sessions with dogs in school could act as a way to strengthen interactions and engagement with teachers.  相似文献   

While it is well known that resilience develops from a young age, specific interventions that might promote resilience in very young children remain to be developed. The A.R.Y.A. Project addresses 4-year-old inner-city kindergartners. The project comprises individual sessions, 20 minutes each, and group sessions (involving either part of or the entire kindergarten)—lasting altogether for an approximately 8-month period. In both the individual and group sessions, children learned and discussed various topics concerning animal stress and coping behavior. Subsequently, they are guided to adapt this knowledge to their own personal life. First-year evaluation indicates that both kindergarten teachers' and parents' evaluations as well as children's responses support the assumption that the project positively affects children's resilience.  相似文献   

Recent policy highlights schools' responsibility for safeguarding children and promoting their health and welfare and addressing their emotional and behavioural needs. In doing so, it is anticipated that their emotional literacy and social competence might be enhanced. Recognizing that an increasing number of children exhibit emotional and behavioural difficulties affecting their learning, Wrexham Local Education Authority implemented a Student Assistance Programme (SAP). SAP offers primary prevention and early intervention to pupils who exhibit high-risk behaviours and supports those whose circumstances affect their ability to engage with others at home and school, through participation in support groups. A study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of SAP. The study aimed to illuminate changes in student behaviour as described by themselves and facilitators, and to identify any wider implications of the SAP in terms of its effects on peers, teachers and family members. Using an interactive, responsive evaluation design, 11 focus group interviews were conducted involving 21 facilitators, seven head-teachers and 64 children. Data were analysed using qualitative content analysis. The findings revealed benefits, challenges and issues of sustainability. This paper discusses the findings of the study and the implications for future sustainability.  相似文献   

The number of youth with serious emotional disorders has increased tremendously; unfortunately, meeting the needs of such children has been a challenge. In an effort to deal with the challenging behaviour exhibited by children and youths, expensive out‐of‐home placements such as juvenile justice centres and clinical and psychiatric hospitalisation, have been used. Unfortunately, these approaches have not been effective in reducing the rate of challenging and violent behaviours. Therefore, researchers continue seeking evidence‐based and cost‐effective strategies to use when dealing with children and youths with severe emotional disorders. One of the approaches that have emerged out of this search is the systems of care model, which places emphasis on shifting placement of individuals with severe emotional disturbance from restrictive institutional settings to less restrictive settings. Central to the systems of care model is the wraparound process. The approach involves providing a set of coordinated individualised services and natural supports to the child and family in their natural environment. The purpose of this paper is to provide a literature synthesis on the wraparound process.  相似文献   

The National Institute for Clinical Excellence identifies educational psychologists as appropriate specialists to deliver interventions to promote the emotional well-being of children and families. A role for practitioner educational psychologists in providing specific therapeutic interventions has also been proposed by commentators. The present study reports an evaluative case study of a narrative therapy intervention with a young person who self-harms. The analysis of data suggests that the narrative therapy intervention was effectively implemented and resulted in attributable gains in emotional well-being, resilience and behaviour for the young person. The authors discuss the role of the educational psychologist in delivering specific therapeutic interventions within a local authority context and school-based setting. Consideration is also made of the development of the evidence base for the effectiveness of narrative therapy intervention with young people who self-harm.  相似文献   

Social‐emotional competence is a critical factor to target with universal preventive interventions that are conducted in schools because the construct (a) associates with social, behavioral, and academic outcomes that are important for healthy development; (b) predicts important life outcomes in adulthood; (c) can be improved with feasible and cost‐effective interventions; and (d) plays a critical role in the behavior change process. This article reviews this research and what is known about effective intervention approaches. Based on that, an intervention model is proposed for how schools should enhance the social and emotional learning of students in order to promote resilience. Suggestions are also offered for how to support implementation of this intervention model at scale.  相似文献   

The concept of early screening and response to intervention has been recognised as key to success in literacy. In this article, an implementation model, which combined a published screening test with a free open access short‐term intervention, was piloted and evaluated over several years. Significant improvements in risk levels for literacy difficulties were identified following a series of 12‐week interventions for 1 hour weekly, split into three small group sessions. In phase 1a, 54% of 224 children were no longer ‘at risk’, and in Phase 1b, 51% of 151 children were no longer ‘at risk’, with evidence for transfer to reading over time. In phase 2a, the approach included whole class screening, (670 children, 25% risk at pre‐test reduced to ‘no‐risk’ in 17.4%). In Phase 2b, targeted support was provided for 306 children in reception, year 1 and year 2. After the intervention, 57% of these children were no longer ‘at‐risk’, with reception children making greatest progress. The model has successfully impacted on greater awareness of ALN and approaches to intervention in the teachers involved. Interviews with users indicated a high level of satisfaction and the approach has been recommended for wider application, following further research.  相似文献   

School attendance problems are associated with a range of adverse consequences, and educational practitioners play a role in identifying and responding to attendance problems. This qualitative study explored educational practitioners’ experiences of working with students with attendance problems and interventions to address them. Focus groups were conducted with sixteen practitioners across three secondary schools. Data were analysed using thematic analysis. Attendance problems were considered resource-intensive and emotionally challenging. Practitioners expressed difficulty understanding causes, although individual/family factors were emphasised over school factors. A range of interventions were described, including adaptations to school context and providing emotional support. Views on punitive approaches were mixed. Individualised interventions implemented at the first sign of problems, and a team approach, were considered important. Findings highlight the important role of educational practitioners in identifying attendance problems and implementing interventions. Recommendations include early intervention, team-work, and emotional support for students with, and staff responding to, attendance problems.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to ascertain whether collaborative group work on a computer, facilitated by an adult, could provide a means for a primary schoolboy with Asperger's Syndrome (AS)—moderately‐highly affected in all areas of the “triad of impairments”—to develop appropriate task‐related interactions with his peers. Data were gathered before, during, and after group work sessions. A combination of interviews and questionnaires established background data and concerns of parent and teachers. Sociometric testing of classmates was used to determine social acceptance and friendship grouping among the child's immediate peer group. During the adult‐facilitated ICT sessions an interaction process schedule (IPS) was used to record interactions of the three children involved. The results indicate moderate improvements in the child's ability to interact with his peers, both in social and task‐related contexts, as well as a raised social profile among his classmates in general. Although this was a discrete setting, the findings are encouraging and this strategy may be replicated in schools to support mainstream inclusion for children with AS.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study evaluates the effects of expert-assisted child abuse and neglect case management in the German child welfare and healthcare system as perceived by the case workers themselves. METHODS: Case workers with different professions (social workers, counselors, clinic-based and office-based psychotherapists, and physicians) participated in the study. They were responsible for 80 child protection cases which were enrolled for the study and randomly assigned either to expert-assisted case management or to case management as usual. The sample represented a broad range of child protection problems with alleged or confirmed physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse and/or neglect. The victims were between 0 and 18 years of age. The intervention group received two to six case review sessions provided by child protection experts from outside of the case workers' own institution within 6 months after referral of the case. The case workers' satisfaction with the perceived degree of child protection, their level of certainty in the process of investigation, risk assessment and intervention planning, the quality of inter-institutional communication, and the involvement of children and families were evaluated. RESULTS: Overall, only few between-group differences indicated effects of the intervention program. There was a statistical tendency toward more satisfaction with the perceived degree of child protection in the intervention group. Certainty in the estimation of suspected child abuse decreased significantly in the intervention group, compared with the control group, whereas certainty with respect to intervention planning increased. There were no group differences in the estimation of inter-institutional communication. Case workers in the intervention reported significantly fewer legal prosecutions of the perpetrators than case workers without expert assistance. However, the involvement of children in planning the interventions was significantly lower in the intervention group. CONCLUSIONS: Expert-assisted case management may change the case workers' perception of the evidence for abuse and guide their interventions to provide child protection. Modifications of the method should consider improved participation of the child.  相似文献   

The Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) programme is an example of an individualised intervention to support pupils experiencing a range of social and emotional needs. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to explore parents’ constructions of several aspects of the programme: its aims and how these are achieved; its impact on children, within school and home contexts; the function and value of parental contact with ELSAs; and ways in which the programme could be improved. A thematic analysis of the data indicated that a majority of parents perceived the programme to impact positively on social and emotional aspects of development, with skills learned within the ELSA sessions transferring to the home context. Parents also noted several ways in which the programme could be enhanced: improved home–school communication; agreed and measurable targets and outcomes; and plans for children’s next steps. Implications for developments and extensions of the ELSA programme are discussed and the role of educational psychologists within this process is highlighted.  相似文献   

The study investigated the effectiveness of a primary prevention educational support group for children of divorce. Subjects were 60 children, ages 9–11, paired for sex and time since parental separation. Experimental subjects participated in eight weekly group sessions while their yoked controls attended regular classes. Subjects completed pre-and posttest measures of depression, anxiety, divorce information, and feelings about divorce. The group intervention resulted in significant decreases in depression, anxiety, and negative feelings about divorce. Experimental group scores increased significantly on divorce information. The study suggests that preventive group interventions can result in improved adjustment outcomes for children of divorce.  相似文献   

The training of positive social behavior in children and youth holds particular significance in contemporary culture. One setting that holds great appeal for implementing social behavior interventions is public school physical education in which sport education is a part of the curriculum. This study describes the changes in a number of positive social behaviors of a cohort of at-risk adolescent youth during the implementation of a sport education season. Twenty 7th- and 8th-grade boys from a small rural school in the south participated in an experimental subject matter curriculum consisting of a 20-lesson unit of "kangaroo ball." During the latter part of the season, 2 specific fair-play interventions were introduced, and changes in student compliance, interpersonal behaviors, and leadership behaviors were measured. Results indicated that exposure to the curriculum model produced increased student positive peer interactions, as well as accurate self-monitoring by students of their social interactions. Implications for the importance of providing specific prosocial objectives in physical education are discussed in light of this study's findings.  相似文献   

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