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同伴指导是校本教研的一种方式,以跨学科、跨年级的教育经验丰富的资深优秀教师为指导教师和多位处于相同阶段的初任教师结成同伴指导小组来促进初任教师专业发展,缩短了初任教师的"磨合期",在初任教师专业发展的起始阶段,同伴指导是促进其专业发展的有效途径.  相似文献   

初任教师处于教师专业成长的起始阶段,这一阶段是教师职业生涯发展过程中最具可塑性的阶段。完善和创新现有的师徒带教形式,开辟并推进校外指导教师渠道,构建初任教师专业成长的双导师制,能够为初任教师提供更有效的成长支持。双导师制的构建有利于指导教师多元化,能够为初任教师的专业成长提供多方帮助;有利于指导时间随机化,能够为初任教师的专业成长给予及时帮助;有利于指导内容多样化,能够为初任教师的专业成长予以广泛答疑。双导师制能够通过横向的帮助、支持和纵向的帮助、引领,构建立体的多元的指导帮助形式。  相似文献   

初任教师入职阶段,作为教育专业学生向教学专业人员过渡的时期,是教师专业发展的关键环节。教师教育理论研究者通常把这一阶段界定为“求生阶段”。研究表明,在美国,大约有30%的初任教师在刚开始从事教学的两年时间内便离开学校,其中一个重要原因就是他们教学上的失败。  相似文献   

入职阶段是初任教师进入教学专业、适应教师角色、掌握教学常规的关键时期。在这一阶段,初任教师为了在教学专业中适应和生存下来,在专业发展上有着一些特殊需求。文章从教学和心理两个维度对初任教师的需求进行了探析。  相似文献   

“师徒结对”指在我国广大的中小学校中.根据初任教师的实际情况和需要.配备了在业务水平和师德素养等方面都比较优秀的指导教师对其讲行“传、拉、帮、带”的指导.使新教师在老教师的指导和帮助下.对备课、说课、上课、听课、评课,作业的检查与批改.教学效果的考核.班主任工作及撰写教育教学论文等教育教学工作的各个环节都能很快熟悉和熟练掌握.提高初任教师的教育教学和科研能力.从而达到促进和加快初任教师专业发展的目的。  相似文献   

初任教师入职阶段,通常被教师发展理论研究界定为“求生阶段”。根据初任教师在这一阶段的教学中所遇到的问题和专业需求,开展有针对性的入职教育,乃是加速教师成长、促进其专业发展的最有效措施。本主要对新泽西州的葛拉斯保罗(Glassboro)州立学院的初任教师入职教育计划作一简介。  相似文献   

正初任教师课堂管理的有效性是有效课堂教学的前提,是衡量教师专业发展水平的重要指标。文章通过研究发现,初任教师对课堂管理问题缺乏研究和反思;职前教育课程设置不合理,忽视了教师课堂管理能力培养;任职学校不重视,选拔指导教师不严格;初任教师教学期望与现实出现偏差等因素是导致初任教师课堂管理低效的重要原因。为此,需要采取加  相似文献   

初任教师由于经验缺乏,实践知识不足,故需要一个成长过程。现代信息网络技术的发展.为初任教师的成长提供了网络指导,也促进了中学初任物理教师的专业成长进程。  相似文献   

初任教师是教师由教学专业学生走向教学实践的起步阶段,也是教师成长的重要阶段。入职期是初任教师专业成长的关键环节,初任教师能否获得顺利的入职教育,直接影响其整个职业生涯发展,因此,如何对初任教师开展富有针对性的入职教育显得尤为必要。在分析我国初任教师所接受的入职教育的实际情形的基础上,结合初任教师的实际和入职教育的作用,对我国初任教师的入职教育提供一点建议。  相似文献   

初任教师专业成长阶段,作为教师入职阶段的关键时期,在教师专业发展过程中面临着诸多挑战。通过阐释初任教师的专业发展特点,初任教师在教学、知识结构、融入学校文化、心理健康问题所面临的四方面挑战,分析其内在和外在原因,试图从师范院校、教师进修学院、教师入职学校和初任教师自身四个方面提出改善和解决初任教师问题的相关对策。  相似文献   

教育实习指导教师作为教育范式轨迹的鲜活的代表,为实习教师提供一套可以让他们采用、修改或拒绝的模式,因此教育实习指导教师的身份认同表现对实习教师的专业成长具有一定的影响。通过对指导话语所表现的身份认同进行对比分析,揭示了当今教育改革背景下实习指导教师身份认同的新特点,以及对实习教师具有启迪作用的指导教师身份认同表现,即课堂和生活中本真自我与指导身份认同的交融。  相似文献   

This study investigated how a collaborative mentoring program influenced beginning science teachers' inquiry-based teaching and their reflection on practice. The one-year program consisted of five one-on-one mentoring meetings, weekly science education seminars, weekly mentoring group discussions, and self-evaluation activities. The participants were three beginning science teachers and three mentors at the middle school level (7–9th grades) in an urban area of South Korea. For each beginning teacher, five lessons were evaluated in terms of lesson design/implementation, procedural knowledge, and classroom culture by using the Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol. Five aspects of the beginning teachers' reflections were identified. This study showed that a collaborative mentoring program focusing on inquiry-based science teaching encouraged the beginning teachers to reflect on their own perceptions and teaching practice in terms of inquiry-based science teaching, which led to changes in their teaching practice. This study also highlighted the importance of collaborative interactions between the mentors and the beginning teachers during the mentoring process.  相似文献   

Mentoring pedagogical knowledge is fundamental towards developing preservice teachers’ practices. As a result of a train-the-trainer mentoring programme, this study aimed to understand how mentors’ engagement in a professional development programme on mentoring contributes to their mentoring of pedagogical knowledge practices. This qualitative research analyses the mentoring of pedagogical knowledge from six paired mentor teachers and preservice teachers (n=12) after a four-week professional school experience. Findings indicated that the train-the-trainer model was successful for mentoring pedagogical knowledge on 10 of the 11 advocated practices. This suggested that a well-constructed professional development programme on mentoring can advance the quality of mentoring for enhancing preservice teachers’ practices.  相似文献   

The purpose of our study was to determine the extent to which differences in a mentor model for science and mathematics teachers accounted for variances in mentoring effectiveness and persistence rates of teachers. School district designee, mentor, and teacher perceptions of mentoring support were collected through the use of interviews and surveys and analyzed using the grounded theory approach and open coding. Findings revealed that teachers and mentors recommended that future mentor models provide strong support and more face-to-face meetings. The most common change mentors made was that they incorporated new strategies into their teaching. Findings offer insight for structuring mentor models to increase effectiveness and persistence of teachers and build the capacity of mentors.  相似文献   

This study examines whether targeted mentoring can make a difference during the induction years. The effects of a mentoring intervention based on principles of instructional quality and effective professional development were studied. Learning to lead classroom discussions is a high-leverage practice related to effective teaching. Forty-two beginning elementary teachers participated in yearlong mentoring to lead discussions for higher-order thinking. These novices were compared to 41 beginning teachers in the same high-poverty school district who did not receive the mentoring treatment. Qualitative and quantitative findings illustrate significant differences in beginning teacher practices based on involvement in the intensive mentoring.  相似文献   


This study employed conventional and reverse mentoring to form the theoretical basis for bidirectional mentoring. Using the analytic hierarchy process, the relative weights of bidirectional mentoring functions were measured and analyzed. A focus group method was employed to plan a structured on-the-job training course framework for bidirectional mentoring. Analysis of research data indicated that role modeling is the most crucial bidirectional mentoring function, followed by psychosocial support and career development. Psychosocial support, role modeling, teaching, teamwork, and communication skills were the most crucial elements of career development. This paper proposes seven training courses, totaling 59 h, based on the mentoring development plan. This study intends to use the proposed structured on-the-job training framework for bidirectional mentoring to promote career development and psychosocial support for new teachers, to improve role modeling for senior teachers, and to enhance the teaching skills of new and senior teachers.  相似文献   

Even though teacher education has been successful in preparing students for their future profession, the classroom reality can differ greatly from the inservice training. Many novice teachers therefore find the transition from student teacher to inservice teacher overwhelming To support beginning teachers, mentoring programs—where more experienced teachers support novice teachers—have become commonplace in many schools worldwide. In Sweden, mentoring for beginning teachers has been a frequent feature of support since 2001. This study, conducted in Sweden, examines seven novice teachers and the impact the mentoring process had upon them during their first‐year teaching. Based on interviews, it was found that these experienced both professional and personal support from their mentors. The study also showed the significance of observant leaders within the mentorship program following up on the development of the mentor–mentee relationship.  相似文献   

教师专业发展的阶段、模式、策略再探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在继续专业社会化阶段,教师专业发展经历适应与过渡、分化与定型、突破与退守、成熟与维持、创造与智慧五个时期,其对应的结果是教师分别成为适应型、经验型、知识型、混合型、准学者型、学者型和智慧型七类教师。教师专业发展有剑宗派、气宗派和剑气合一派三条道路可供选择。突破与退守是教师专业发展的高原期,也是决定发展水平的关键期,内驱力的激发、专业自主权的尊重、反思性教学与专家引领是促进教师专业发展的有效策略。  相似文献   

成人教育是终身教育体系的重要组成部分,高职院校成人教育教师队伍的综合素质直接关系到成人教育的成效。文章阐述了产教融合背景下高职院校成人教育教师专业发展的重要性,分析了高职院校成人教育教师专业发展过程中面临的现实困境,提出了产教融合背景下高职院校成人教育教师专业发展的路径建议:建立保障制度,提高教师专业认同感;健全激励机制,增强教师专业发展意识;加大政策扶持力度,促进教师队伍建设;创新考核机制,提升教师科研和社会服务能力;完善评价体系,激发教师专业发展的内生动力。  相似文献   

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