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We form the First Conditional with two clauses: If + a Present Simple verb / will + an infinitive. For example: a) If we go by train, it will be much quicker. b) If you don't tell her, she'll be angry.  相似文献   

1.一般将来时的构成(以动词 study 为例)否定式 疑问式 否定疑问式 简单回答I shall/will notstudy.Shall I study? Shall I not study?(Shan’t I Study?)Yes, you will.No, you won’t.You will notstudy.He/She/It will not study.We shall/willnot study.You will notstudy.They will notstudy.Will you study?Will he/she/it study?Shall we study?Will you study?Will they study?Will you not study?(Won’t you study?)Will he/she/it notstudy?(Won’t he/she/it study?)Shall we not study?(Shan’t we study?)Will y…  相似文献   

1.过去进行时的构成过去进行时由“was/were+现在分词”构成。(以动词work为例)肯定式否定式疑问式简单回答I(He,She,It)was working.We(You,They)were working.I(He,She,It)was not working.We(You,They)were not working.Was I(he,she,it)working……?Were we(you,they)working……?Yes,you were,No,you were not.Yes,I was.No,I Was not.Yes,he(she,it)was.No,he(she,it)was not.Yes,he(she,it)was.No,he(she,it)was not.Yes,you(we,they)were.No,you(we,they)were not.2.过去进行时的用法(1)过去进行时表示过去某一个时刻或…  相似文献   

人称代词是用来指人的代词,它有主格、宾格之分。主格在句子中作主语。我们可用下列歌诀记忆人称代词主格: “我”是I“你(们)”you. “他们”是they“我们”we. 他的形式样儿多, 男he女she.it物。用于动词或介词之后作宾语的人称代词是宾格。他们是me(I),us(we),you(you).him(he),her(she),it(it),them  相似文献   

What you say . How much is it, please? What' s the total amount? Are you going to buy it? How much are you going to spend? How much do you earn a month? How much have you got in savings? How many bank accounts do you have? Did you save any money last month? Shall we go shopping? How much did that cost you? Where did you get that? Was it expensive/cheap? I' ll get this one. / I' II pay for this. Lunch is on me. / I' II get lunch.  相似文献   

A: Tongue Twister Try repeating this ten times as quickly as you can. "A swan swam over the pond. Swim, swan, swim. Swan swam back again. Well swum, swan."C: Connected speech Look at these sentences. See if you can say them with connected speech. Then, Listen to the CD to check your answers. I. Do you like what I' m doing? 2. What are you doing? 3. I couldn't see what he was doing? 4. She doesn't know what l'm doing? 5. Do they like what they' re doing? 6. We don't know what we' re doing?  相似文献   

The Order John: John Biggins. How can I help you? Meg: Megan Spears from The Home Hub calling. John: Oh, hi Megan. How' s it going? Meg: Fine. I was just calling (1) we placed for 600 pots of paint about two weeks ago, which haven't arrived. We were told that they'd be in our warehouse by (2) . Can I get a revised delivery date?  相似文献   

1. You've just entered a bar with some friends. What do you do? a) I ask everyone what they want, and go and order the drinks. b) I rush up to the bar and get myself a drink quickly, 2. A work colleague has just found out that he has a terrible illness. How do you react? a) I tell him how sorry I am, and ask if he' d like to talk about it. I also offer my assistance for anything he may need. b) I tell him how I've been feeling a bit ill recently too. 3. What' s your favourite topic of conversation? a) Whatever anyone else wants to talk about--the latest news, a bit of celebrity gossip, anything really. b) Me!  相似文献   

1.现在进行时的构成现在进行时由“am/is/are+动词现在分词”构成。肯定式否定式疑问式简单回答I am/’m working.He(She,It)is working.We(You,They)are/’re working.I am not/’m not working.He(She,It)is not/isn’working.We(You,They)are not/aren’t working.Am I Working……?Is he(she,it)working……?Are you(we,they)working?Yes,you are.No,you aren’t.Yes,I am.No,I’m not.Yes,he(she it)isn’t.No,he(she,it)isn’t.Yes,we(you,they)are.No,we(you,they)aren’t.2.动词—ing形式的构成及其读音(1)一般在动词原…  相似文献   

1. There' s a new employee just arrived in the office. What do you say to him? a) Here, I'll show you around and introduce you to everyone. b) I' m the boss here and don't forget it, Now go and make some teat2. A junior colleague comes to you for help understanding a document. What do you say?  相似文献   

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