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湖北谷城沈垭天主教堂自清朝以来一直是天主教在鄂西北的活动中心,当时在全国颇有影响,在罗马教廷档案中也曾有所记栽。笔者采用田野考察的方法,对沈垭天主教堂的历史发展进行研究,以找到中国近代天主教的发展特点在这一地区的具体呈现。  相似文献   

教堂是基督教举行宗教仪式的建筑,希腊文中的原意是“主的居所”,我国俗称为“天主堂”、“礼拜堂”。最早的教堂多由宫殿改建或仿照宫殿式样建造,后因教会内部分裂成罗马公教会(天主教)和希腊正教会(东正教会),遂逐渐形成两个体系的  相似文献   

作为一种渗透性很强的宗教,天主教一直谋求向中国进行积极的传播。在其向云南传播的过程中,昭通具有不可或缺的历史地位。清以前天主教进入云南的传播历史有籍可查的资料甚少;清代以降,尤其是以鸦片战争为界,天主教在昭通的传播随着清廷政策的改变而显示出完全不同的气象。借助现有资料的爬梳,有助于理清天主教在昭通传播的历史痕迹和渊源。  相似文献   

磨盘山天主教社区是中国天主教历史上最早的由教会管理的地方。经过三百年的积淀。这里仍然集中居住着虔诚的天主教信徒。通过《上主的葡萄园——鄂西北磨盘山天主教社区研究(1636—2005》一书,可以发现,一个社区的历史几乎是大历史的浓缩;小地方的个案分析在探讨国家与社会关系中有着不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

"礼仪之争"是中西文化交流史上非常重要的历史事件。它的发生终止了明清之际天主教在华传教的繁荣局面。究其原因,天主教的两种传教政策——"适应政策"和"征服政策"产生着重要影响。在中国对天主教教义有限接受的背景下,适应政策必然失败;而征服政策的难以实行,亦是天主教廷开始考虑终止传教活动的重要原因。因而,"礼仪之争"的发生有其历史的必然性。  相似文献   

近年来,天主教在我国西北农村地区发展十分迅速,天主教进入这些地区已经有很长的历史了,在传播过程中,经历了文化、价值、认同的冲突和妥协,也有传播过程中寻求本土化契合性的探索。W镇是天主教在西北农村发展的典型案例。天主教在W镇经过了一百多年的发展,已成为当地教区重要的农村教会。  相似文献   

本文概述了1615年至1670年法国天主教雷哥列派和耶稣会在法属殖民地加拿大的传教活动,指出当时法国王室和国内各界人士的支持是法国天主教在加拿大维持传教的重要条件,并对传教概况、效果、影响作了初步探讨,论述了法国天主教在早期殖民地加拿大社会发展中的历史作用。  相似文献   

宁夏天主教区是近代天主教在宁夏的传教机构,但在固原地区则是西班牙嘉布遣会负责传教,与宁夏教区无涉,只是统一受罗马教廷领导。有关宁夏天主教的文献主要为法,佛莱芒(与荷兰语接近)、英文等,可与汉文史料为印证。以往国内记载涉及到宁夏天主教时,多难以见到外文文献,故多有记述含混不清处,本文试图利用搜集到的外文文献重建天主教宁夏教区的历史。  相似文献   

本阐述了16世纪中叶天主教在日本最初传播的情形,进而对其给日本社会的影响作了多方面的分析,使读了解近代日本社会的一段历史时期的外来化的传入及其历史意义。  相似文献   

近代西方文明与东方文明的交往是以西方宗教文化为前趋的,在少数民族地区依然如此。本文详细梳理了基督教和天主教在铜仁地区的传播历史,以及少数民族接受基督教和天主教文化的历史背景。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the manner in which the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland attempted to impose denominational control on the system of vocational education introduced by the state in 1930. Considerable research on education has been conducted within the period in question; however, the area addressed in this paper has been largely neglected by scholars in the field. The position of the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland is examined in the context of Church–state relations within Europe with particular reference to the issue of control in education. The paper argues that the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland sought denominational control over vocational education through the introduction of various amendments to legislation dealing with the system.  相似文献   

A review of research on US Catholic education reveals that race is not treated as an important area of analysis like class and gender. Black Catholics are rarely studied in education let alone mainstream writings. This article examines the social and educational history of blacks in the US Catholic Church and the dual reality of inclusion and exclusion within a Church and its schools. This paper focuses on the intersection of the Church and Black Catholic schools as enduring institutions of opportunity for Black families and their communities. This paper unearths the shared values, assumptions and beliefs about African American Catholics quest for literacy. The article uses Black Theology as a frame to explain how the intersections of culture, history and religion influence meaning and educational decision-making. African Americans pursued Catholic education for two reasons. First, they sought to be educated which both advanced their individual freedom but vastly improved their community’s economic, social, and political standing. Second, they inserted their own unique cultural and social experiences into Catholic schools which espoused service and academic excellence. Black Catholic schools well-defined values and academic excellence is still viewed by African Americans as places of hope and opportunity for students of color.  相似文献   

Roman Catholic schools represent an important sector in Hong Kong's education system, both in terms of number and historical significance. As in many colonies in other periods of history, the Roman Catholic Church, in addition to other Christian Churches, had a partnership relationship with the colonial government in the provision of education in Hong Kong. Was there any change in this relationship during the political transition to 1997? Did the prospective return of Hong Kong to the People's Republic of China (PRC) affect Catholic educational policies? This article examines these two questions in relation to the experience of other places in the world and in relation to the special nature of the Catholic Church in Hong Kong, namely its link with the Vatican and its relations with China where Church schools no longer exist.  相似文献   

近代以来,天主教势力开始侵入后套地区,为扩大传教规模,天主教会通过种种手段侵占了大量土地,并以入教为条件,把土地租给迫于生计的汉族移民进行剥削。与此同时,天主教会还组织教民开发了一系列水利工程,通过控制和扩张水利系统来继续扩大其势力范围。天主教会组织下的水利开发改善了后套地区的灌溉条件,客观上有利于后套地区农业的发展。  相似文献   

The Catholic laity currently faces some concerns that are of importance to its future. The current decline and ageing of clergy affects the availability of sacraments and leadership. Moreover, the plurality of views among Catholics on ordination, ethical issues and Church governance suggests that controversy may accompany concurrent increased lay involvement. Finally, in recent years theorists have argued that the traditional establishment of clergy and laity as distinct categories unhelpfully sustains the laity in a passive role. So if the Catholic school wishes to respond to these challenges, it would be prudent to have some awareness of how Catholic school adolescents are currently establishing themselves within the Church. This paper uses semi-structured interviews with 16 Catholic high school students to focus on the questions of (1) what images and expectations adolescents have of the laity; and (2) how they respond to the fact of an ageing and declining clergy. These questions are coordinated so that conceptualising about the laity leads to indicating participants’ assumptions about the basis for any action in the Church, thus illuminating how one might think about Catholic education contributing to ecclesial structures.  相似文献   

The initial focus of this research centred on a study of the extent to which government legislation and action since 1965 has threatened or eroded the Catholic Church's influence over its schools within the maintained sector [1]. However, it became clear that this focus was based on the assumption that the Catholic Church in England and Wales had a clear set of educational principles which were not only distinct from those of the state but involved different policy outcomes. Moreover, during the course of the study, evidence emerged which indicated that the Church had not given as much attention to the principles underlying its educational policy as it had to the maintenance and numerical expansion of the schools themselves. It was also realised that the nature of Catholic education cannot be determined solely by examining the Church's official documents. Whilst official Church pronouncements indicate what Catholic education ought to be, they may not correspond to a reality of what a particular Catholic community has made of Catholic education. Therefore, this paper examines some of the beliefs and attitudes of a sample of Catholics involved in Catholic schooling.  相似文献   

近代天主教、新教在豫北地区传播活动的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为基督教两大分支的天主教和新教,传播福音,使中国皈依基督是它们共同的目标,但由于教义、历史渊源、文化传统以及在华历史背景等因素的不同,天主教会和加拿大长老会在近代豫北地区的活动具有各自的特点和差异。本文主要从传教理念、传教方式和手段、传教经费来源三个方面,对天主教会和加拿大长老会在近代豫北地区的活动作一比较。  相似文献   

所有现存民族无不是经过漫长的演化过程,融合吸收了不同成份的人口和文明成果之后凝聚而成的.英格兰民族的形成道路亦是如此.她是在没有史前人类的不列颠群岛上,不断地吸收来自欧洲大陆的人口和文明成果,经过1000多年的演化,在与大陆封建主和罗马天主教会的对立与斗争中,最终形成一个拥有共同语言、宗教信仰、生活方式和历史文化传统的现代型民族.  相似文献   

《圣教新条例》是记载山西天主教潞安教区最原始的史料,较为详实地描述了近代化过程中潞安地区天主教会的发展与变革。在教会婚俗方面,传承地方婚俗与传统的同时也对当地长期存在的陋俗和恶习进行了一定程度变革。教会婚俗变革对吸引非教徒入教和改良当地风俗有积极意义,对促进地方社会近代化起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

This article provides the history of Catholic state-aided schooling in Zambia for over a century. It notes how the Catholic Church came to view its school to be a pivotal means of church development. By cooperation with the state it entered more fully into the nation’s future by offering high-quality state-sponsored schooling. This proved to engender its acceptance because this is what the younger generation of Zambians treasured. Progressively, the Catholic school faced a major challenge by becoming embedded in a paradigm of learning that ran counter to its religious mission. It will be argued that this dilemma remains and that the future of the Catholic school in Zambia and beyond pivots on a satisfactory outcome if it is to make a distinctive contribution.  相似文献   

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