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美国特许学校运动经过20年轰轰烈烈的发展,终于得到了社会各界逐渐的认可和支持。美国特许学校与我国公办转制学校有着天然的可比性,但实践中却折射出截然不同的社会感知和教育效应,通过两者之间的对比研究,大胆剖析并借鉴特许学校的成功办学经验,并结合中国具体国情和教育发展需要,最后提出4点具体建议和设想:加快政策跟进,转变政府职能和构建教育中介体系,建立通用的办学绩效责任体制,处理好转制学校的收费问题。  相似文献   

公立学校转制是我国教育体制改革的一种新的探索和尝试,转制的出发点是对自身的扬弃,是为扭转我国传统公立学校日益暴露的投资渠道单一、经费不足、管理机械、特色暗淡等弊端,以增强我国公立学校的活力,加速薄弱校建设,保证义务教育的顺利完成.为了探究我国公立学校转制的经验和发展趋势,我们完全有必要从教育发展的国际视野中,重新审视一下21世纪末风靡美国的特许学校的发展轨迹,以期能对我国公立学校转制具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

从我国公立学校转制看美国特许学校   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公立学校转制是我国教育体制改革的一种新的探索和尝试 ,转制的出发点是对自身的扬弃 ,是为扭转我国传统公立学校日益暴露的投资渠道单一、经费不足、管理机械、特色暗淡等弊端 ,以增强我国公立学校的活力 ,加速薄弱校建设 ,保证义务教育的顺利完成。为了探究我国公立学校转制的经验和发展趋势 ,我们完全有必要从教育发展的国际视野中 ,重新审视一下21世纪末风靡美国的特许学校的发展轨迹 ,以期能对我国公立学校转制具有一定的借鉴意义。一、美国特许学校(一)特许学校特许学校(CharterSchool)是美国一种新型公立学校 ,主…  相似文献   

美国的特许学校特许学校是美国20世纪90年代出现的一种新型办学形式,属于半公立学校,经费来源与传统公立学校类似。办学者相当广泛,可以是教师、家长甚至商业界人士。在课程、教学和管理方面可以采取更为灵活的措施,而不受州和学区那些繁文缛节的限制。但是他们必须与管理机构签订特许状,保证在一定的时间内提高学生的成绩,如果到期不能达到目标的话,学校就会被关闭。特许学校的创建一般有两种途径,一是办学者新建,二是由公立或私立学校转制而来。新创建学校意在服务于某类型学生的特殊需求;公立转制学校寻求实现新的教育理念;私立转制而来…  相似文献   

针对美国特许学校的十项辩论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
特许学校是美国公立教育改革的产物,围绕特许学校的产生和发展一直有赞成和批评两种截然相反的态度。通过对特许学校的辩论,可以了解特许学校办学机制和内外部条件。  相似文献   

贾涛 《黄山学院学报》2009,11(6):137-140
特许学校作为美国近10年发展起来的一种新型公立学校形式。以其灵活的办学形式、高效的办学绩效极大地促进了美国教育的公平。对这一办学形式产生背景、内在特性的分析以及与我国基础教育公平程度现状的比较,可以发现我国在促进教育公平的进程中可积极实施分类特许学校制度。引入绩效考评机制、逐步改变教育投资重心,明确国家责任,从而形成一个全社会重视基础教育公平建设的氛围。  相似文献   

特许学校作为美国近一二年发展起来的一种新型公立学校形式。以其灵活的办学形式、高效的办学绩效极大的促进了美国教育的公平。对这一办学形式特点、本土化分析以及与我国基础教育公平程度现状的比较后。可以发现我国在促进教育公平的进程中可积极实施分类特许学校制度,引入绩效考评机制、逐步改变教育投资重心,明确国家责任,从而形成一个全社会重视基础教育公平建设的氛围。  相似文献   

特许学校改革是美国择校运动发展到近期出现的教育改革运动,是美国公立教育改革的重要组威部分.然而从美国第一所特许学校诞生的那天起,特许学校就受到来自各方面的争议,其中最大的担忧就是改革可能造成教育的分化与不公.本文从社会学视角出发,指出经过近20年发展,特许学校一方面促成了基于不同教育理念的社会分化,另一方面也更好地满足了不同社会群体的教育需求.特许学校改革的复杂性和未来的不确定性对我国教育改革有一定的启发意义.  相似文献   

美国的特许学校与我国的公立中小学“转制”都发生在上个世纪的90年代,似乎具有相同的时代背景,都是将公立学校委托给某些人经营管理。但实际上两者产生的背景、设立程序、经费来源、运行机制和结局都完全不一样,更重要的是,我国的公校转制严重地有悖教育公平。  相似文献   

特许学校是美国20世纪90年代出现的一种新型公立学校.经过10多年的发展,特许学校的办学绩效引起了美国教育界的广泛关注.本文介绍了美国加州关于特许学校绩效分析的一份最新报告.  相似文献   

In Pursuit of School Ethos   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The purpose of this paper is to examine the linkages and relationships between the officially prescribed school ethos and that which emerges from social interaction. Qualitative data drawn from one Grant-Maintained-Integrated and one Catholic primary school in Northern Ireland show how school ethos, defined as the observed practices and interactions of school members, often departs considerably from school ethos defined as those values and beliefs which the school officially supports. On the basis of the data it is argued that much of what we understand of school ethos is superficial and contradictory. With this in mind the paper concludes by presenting a new angle on ethos which, when taken in conjunction with the other perspectives, further enhances our understanding of how schools work.  相似文献   

This article examines a grassroots movement among African-Americans to reestablish Howard W. Blake High School, named for a historically black high school closed during the desegregation process in Tampa, Florida. The establishment of Blake High School was contentious, involving negotiations by multiple and conflicting interests—school officials, black leaders, alumni of the historically black high schools that had existed prior to desegregation, the federal judge overseeing the 1971 desegregation order, and civil rights leaders. Analyzing the debates over Blake's status as a magnet, its location, and its attendance zone, this article highlights the paradox of desegregation for African-American communities in Tampa. This case reveals the tension between the desire for community schooling and the consequences of resegregation.  相似文献   


Within the context of fierce global economic competition, school diversification and specialist schools have been seen by governments as cornerstones of education policy to engineer school improvement in both England and Singapore for more than a decade. In both systems, the policy has manifested in different school types, school names and sometimes buildings – in England, specialist status schools, academies and most recently free schools; and in Singapore, specialist schools and niche schools. Diversification is promoted by each school emphasising distinctiveness in its curriculum – often with implications for its funding and degree of autonomy – which differentiate it from others. There is normally the intention to scale-up curricular innovations school-wide. The paper addresses three aims in respect to both countries: first, it profiles the evolution of specialist schools' policies in both states in relation to school improvement and secondly, social justice; thirdly, it undertakes a comparative policy analysis in order to draw conclusions as to how the relationship between central government and schools has re-configured in both countries – arguing that the policy in England is radical, that in Singapore, conservative.  相似文献   

This study utilizes public data mining to explore participation divides of all available K-12 institutional Twitter accounts in the U.S. (n?=?8275 accounts, n?=?9,216,853 tweets). Results indicated that U.S. schools used Twitter to broadcast information on a variety of topics in a unidirectional manner and that hashtags included a variety of intended purposes, including affinity spaces, education topics, emotive language, and events. Those schools in wealthier, more populated areas were more likely to use Twitter, with wealthy, suburban schools being the most likely to use it and poor, rural schools being the least likely. Furthermore, factors such as charter school status and urbanity influenced the content of school tweets on key issues, with schools in more populated areas tweeting more about coding and college than schools in less populated areas and charter schools tweeting more about college and the politicized educational issue of common core than non-charters. These results reveal participation differences between schools based upon demographics and provides a basis for conducting future large-scale work on publicly available artifacts, such as school tweets, that may be meaningfully used as education research data.  相似文献   

深化内涵建设是办人民满意职业教育的必然要求,也是中职学校自身改革发展的客观需要,在加快发展现代职业教育的大视角下,深化中职学校内涵建设,必须进一步转变学校发展方式,着重从主体方面、机制方面、管理方面、自身方面找准深化中职学校内涵建设的问题.文章从福建省龙岩华侨职业中专学校实际出发,以重点项目为着力点,以二级管理为基本点,以师资建设为侧重点,以校企融合为根本点,全面深化中职学校内涵建设,在具体实施过程中,必须统筹协调,与时俱进,戮力同心,分级落实,形成实效,并注重引领策略、创新策略、文化策略和品牌策略,以全面推进学校内涵式发展,打造海西一流职业学校,提高学校的核心竞争力,在更高更新的层面上为区域经济社会发展提供优质服务.  相似文献   

Multiple contexts interact to position any school on a spectrum from cumulatively advantaged to cumulatively disadvantaged. This article discusses a study of the contextual advantages and disadvantages experienced by primary schools in the south east of England, concentrating especially on schools in the least deprived 5% of schools nationally. The research highlights the central influence of advantaged socioeconomic contexts on day‐to‐day school processes and on the related perspectives and beliefs of head teachers as well as variations on this theme related to other external and internal contextual variables. It illustrates that England’s most socially advantaged primary schools are likely to have much in common including a high level of parent involvement, a strong focus on student learning and progress, considerable ability to raise funds, very good reputations and only a handful of students with serious learning or behavioural problems. They also have in common middle class forms of transience and profiles of special needs. The article concludes that while contextual variations amongst socially advantaged schools do exist and are talked up by head teachers, they usually have an impact that can be managed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to consider how mothers of kindergartners navigate their families’ experiences within a community and how their children’s school experiences affect their interactions and investment in a place. The questions this research asks is: How do mothers define and describe their neighborhood? What role does the school play as mothers navigate their children’s experiences in the community? Findings indicate that the way that families conceptualize and manage their context indicates that their values, needs, and life aspirations, which are clearly connected to their experiences and perceptions of the school.  相似文献   

School diversity and social justice: policy and politics   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper focuses on the long established diversity in the English education system – independent schools, grammar schools and religious schools – and in so doing explores tensions between education policy, politics and social justice. It explores the differential access to these different types of school, their social composition and implications for social justice and for wider society. It is argued that if social justice is to be a goal of government, further policy changes are needed over and above those that have already been made. However, the political challenges, which have limited policy changes to date, would be significant.  相似文献   


State-by-state comparison of charter school laws is complicated by the wide variation in terminology and by the idiosyncratic impact that interpretation and implementation by mid-level administrators has on the actual way in which charter school laws work. In this regard, each state is different and true comparison can best be accomplished by parallel studies conducted by local practitioners or researchers in each state. Also, longitudinal studies which trace the evolution of legislation over time provide greater insight into a state's charter school legislative environment in the same way that longitudinal studies of student achievement provide more information than one-point-in-time assessments.

This paper describes the first of such studies; a combined content-analysis and policy assessment of current charter school legislation in the state of Hawai'i. The current statutes are traced through eleven drafts and a 58-page report from a public Task Force brought into being as the result of earlier legislation. Lessons, which might be applied in other states, are explored. Similar studies of legislation in other states are proposed. doi:10.1300/J467v01n03_13  相似文献   

实行学院二级管理是教育管理体制改革的创新,不仅可行,而且必要。可以采取以校区为单位的管理模式,确定合理的收入分配比例,建立风险机制和监督机制。  相似文献   

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