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This study examines general help-seeking behaviours and preferences for the counsellor, characteristics of gender and ethnicity specifically, in a sample of 448 secondary school students in Singapore. The relationship between the age of the student and his/her preference for the gender and ethnicity of a counsellor was also examined. Findings indicated significant differences in preferences for the gender of the counsellor, with most females preferring a same sex counsellor and most males preferring an opposite sex counsellor. Male and female students did not differ in responses regarding preference for ethnicity of counsellor. The findings also indicated a developmental shift in perspective regarding preference for gender and for ethnicity of counsellor. Neither gender nor ethnicity of counsellor mattered to the oldest group of students. In comparison, the younger students either reported a distinct preference for gender and ethnicity of counsellor or stated they were unsure of their response. Findings from the present study that are helpful to counsellors working with an Asian secondary school population will be discussed in the light of previous research.  相似文献   


After termination of personal counselling at a large urban Canadian university, 72 subjects and their counsellors were asked to rate their satisfaction. The subjects were asked to rate to what extent the counselling had helped with the presenting problem, and with other secondary problems, and to rate their degree of overall satisfaction. Statistical analyses conducted to investigate the relationship among number of sessions attended and client and counsellor satisfaction, led to these results: clients who attended a brief number of sessions (1-3) reported no significant difference in satisfaction with the counselling compared to those who attended more sessions; and the majority of clients who had only one session were satisfied with their counselling; counsellors, however, were less satisfied overall with the briefer counselling process, and the author suggests that they were biased against it. The author recommends more research on this critical topic of counsellor expectations toward briefer treatment.  相似文献   

高校辅导员职业倦怠现状调查研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
高校辅导员是当前高校中的一个特殊群体,他们与学生的关系最为密切。辅导员的工作热情、工作情况关系到人才培养的质量。本文采用Maslach的职业倦怠问卷(MBI)对88名福建省高校的辅导员进行了调查研究。研究表明,高校辅导员的职业倦怠情况并不严重,去个性化水平较低,但个人成就感偏低。  相似文献   

This article describes the personal experiences of a teacher turned counsellor developing a student counselling service in a school setting. It explores how a school seeking to become an emotional literate community enabled the development of a counselling service and a Learning Mentor programme, both of which focused on the needs of individual students. This diverse school community reflected a range of social circumstances from professional affluence to unemployment and deprivation, and it is recognized that emotional need is not confined to those from the latter. Open access to personal support enables every student to really feel that they matter. The significance of relationship is highlighted for its capacity to engender a sense of personal worth and of mattering within the community that is staff and students. Key learning from the development is explored for governors, school leadership teams and classroom teachers, and a culture of open and supportive involvement is seen as a means to enable young people to develop a sense of worth and belonging in the school community and thus in wider adult society.  相似文献   

以分层取样的方式选取541名大学生,采用社会性问题(故事)情境和SCL-90,考察了创造性的社会问题解决的结构及其与心理健康的关系。结果表明,(1)大学生创造性的社会问题解决策略的独创性、流畅性、变通性、适当性、有效性具有良好的内部一致性,通过探索性因素分析可抽取发散思维能力和适宜性两个主因素,累积解释率为89.68%;(2)创造性的社会问题解决与心理健康不存在显著相关;(3)计算机专业在SCL-90上属低分组的学生的发散思维能力显著高于高分组,管理专业学生问题解决总体上显著高于艺术和计算机专业。专业类型在创造性问题解决与心理健康之间具有调节作用,特定专业(如管理专业)的训练更可能改善创造性社会问题解决的策略(包括适宜性和发散思维能力)。  相似文献   

This is a preliminary study that was conducted in regard to 180 gifted students who attended the ‘Malaysian Gifted Centre’s School Holiday Camp’ in 2011. Data indicated that only about 7 % of the respondents had a tendency to seek a counsellor’s help to solve their problems, and the need for counselling services was higher among female than male students. It was also found that career counselling was the most preferred type of counselling service needed by the Malaysian gifted students. Findings from the study reveal five different elements that need consideration when providing counselling services for gifted students: counsellor personality, student issues, the therapeutic environment, approaches used by the counsellor, and the counsellor’s role.  相似文献   

浅谈大学生挫折容忍力及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生经常遭遇六种挫折,即环境变化原因挫折、生理原因挫折、人际关系挫折、学业原因挫折、感情上的挫折、家庭原因导致的挫折。大学生遭遇挫折后主要出现五种行为反应:攻击性的泄愤、退化行为、顽固性偏执、冷漠及情绪低迷自闭、妥协行为。对大学生的挫折认识水平和挫折容忍力的五种解决思路是:加强学生的思想政治工作,指导其树立正确的人生观和世界观;扩充学生知识面,利用典型事例引导,提高其对挫折的认识水平;为学生提供更多的社会实践活动机会,增加其阅历;建立良好的师生沟通机制;脚踏实地地设定奋斗目标及期望值、扩大人际交往,积极主动改善人际关系。  相似文献   


In this article the writer explores the importance of and difficulty surrounding dialogue between students and teachers. This discussion is set within the wider context of a debate about the education of the emotions in our society and the argument is that this dialogue has a part to play in the education of the emotions. Thinking in the field of psychotherapy is drawn on as well as the writer’s experience as an educator, counsellor and trainer. She is currently working in higher education and concerned with teacher education and research. This background is relevant in that this experience is drawn on and it also shows up the focus of much of the work. This is concerned with personal, social and emotional development in education and with making this integral to education and organizations.  相似文献   


A study was conducted to examine the nature of moral problems as formulated by gifted adolescents. Subjects from Grades 9‐12 were asked to generate stories involving a moral problem and to provide a solution. As in Kohlberg's moral dilemmas, students depicted a central protagonist as well as a definite subsidiary character. There was a significant relationship between the sex of the student and the sex of the protagonist. The protagonist and subsidiary characters were approximate to the age of the subject. Half (53 per cent) of the moral problems involved friendship or a love relationship between the protagonist and the subsidiary character. Most subjects (92 per cent) were able to give guidelines for a solution to their moral problem. Solutions to moral problems were categorized as indicating primarily either a personal (focus on self) or social (focus on group or society at large) perspective. The majority (55 per cent) of subjects gave solutions based on a social perspective, while 45 per cent offered solutions indicating a personal perspective. Comparisons by sex and grade revealed that older students (Grades 11 and 12) tended to resolve their moral problems from a personal perspective while the younger students (Grades 9 and 10) more often took a social perspective. Comparisons were also made between the stories written by gifted adolescents, the Kohlberg dilemmas, and the moral dilemmas formulated by a general population of adolescents (Yussen, 1977).  相似文献   

This study explored the counselling self-efficacy of students in a counsellor education programme, in regard to age, gender, and ethnicity characteristics. To assess counselling self-efficacy, the Counselling Self-Estimate Inventory (COSE) of Larson et al. (Counsellor Education & Supervision 41: 120–130, 1992) was administered at the end of a semester to counselling students engaged in different stages of a counsellor training program. No significant differences were found in regard to gender and age-group categories, but significant differences were found among ethnic groups. It was found that Asian and White students generally had similar and also lower counselling self-efficacy means than the other ethnic groups in the sample in regard to several counselling-specific categories. Implications for counsellor educators in training counselling students of diverse characteristics are discussed.  相似文献   

In this article the writer explores the importance of and difficulty surrounding dialogue between students and teachers. This discussion is set within the wider context of a debate about the education of the emotions in our society and the argument is that this dialogue has a part to play in the education of the emotions. Thinking in the field of psychotherapy is drawn on as well as the writer's experience as an educator, counsellor and trainer. She is currently working in higher education and concerned with teacher education and research. This background is relevant in that this experience is drawn on and it also shows up the focus of much of the work. This is concerned with personal, social and emotional development in education and with making this integral to education and organizations.  相似文献   

To date, the counsellor in North America has been inadequately trained, and consequently ineffective in dealing with client problems involving human sexuality. The purpose of this paper is to help the counsellor increase his awareness and understanding of the sexual attitudes and behaviour of the clients with whom he interacts in the therapeutic setting. This task is undertaken by examining the empirical findings from some current Canadian sex research to determine some of the dominant changes in attitudes that have occurred within the past decade. The findings from this research have indicated that there has been a major change in the personal outlook of Canadian youth, as well as the viewpoint of the public at large, leading to a more general acceptance of a permissive sexual ethic. There are also signs that public attitudes toward prevalent social codes of sexual behaviour are being reappraised and redefined. The implications of these changes in Canadian sexual mores as a significant factor in the counselling process are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated college student perceptions of the (in)appropriateness of instructor disclosures and perceived functions of instructor disclosures. An interpretive analysis of 35 college students identified that family relationships, life experiences and background, and everyday talk and activities were forms of appropriate disclosures; whereas, intimate relationship details, personal problems, personal opinions, and drinking behavior were considered inappropriate topics for instructors to disclose. In terms of the function of instructor disclosures, students perceived that these disclosures worked to humanize instructors, make instructors approachable, and create affect for instructors and courses. Implications and future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

A sample of 357 students from two colleges of education selected some personal qualities which they considered necessary for successful attainments in their colleges and in their practice schools. They also selected certain problems which they had experienced in either of these institutions. Colleges gave rise to more problems than practice schools, and ‘professional’ problems were more numerous than ‘social’ ones. Colleges required comparatively more ‘individualistic’ personal qualities than practice schools, and schools required more qualities slanted towards ‘society's’ well‐being.  相似文献   

This paper examines the teaching practices of one American Indian teacher in a high school literature class. It explores the teacher's use of narrative as an instructional strategy designed to convey abstract concepts through concrete experience. The narratives engage students in critical thinking and personal reflection, and provide them with the opportunity to make connections between social and historical contexts. In addition, the teacher uses stories to contrast multiple contexts with personal experiences, which reflects teaching strategies previously identified as those used by effective teachers. There is evidence that sharing ideas and concepts through story is an important way of encouraging social relations and helping students make connections between what they are learning in school and what they know of the world. Based on data analysis, this study presents a model of the teacher's use of narrative as a strategy to pose critical questions, frame a context for discussion, encourage students to reflect on personal perspectives, and introduce ideas and concepts. The model provides a visual representation of the teacher's use of narrative as a way of clarifying course content, contextualizing meaning, and reinforcing understanding.  相似文献   

This paper studies the social talk of high school students in online discussion forums. On-task talk has generally been assessed as valuable discussion because it contributes directly to productive learning. Off-task conversation, on the other hand, is often regarded as useless and a waste of time. Should this social talk indeed be regarded as an off-task activity? Is social talk such as greeting, excusing, comforting and sharing personal feelings irrelevant to learning? This study analyzes threads and argues that social talk is interwoven with on-task talk. It is interesting to note that a substantial quantity of off-task messages served the latent function of guiding group discussion toward making progress in solving collaborative problems in a subtle and indirect manner. The power of “soft talk” embedded in off-task social conversation is explored and fully discussed.  相似文献   

让农村寄宿制学校学生远离校园欺凌伤害,健康快乐地成长,是每一位教育工作者值得认真研究的课题。学校要引导寄宿学生建立和谐的同学关系,远离不良的社会文化,增强自控力;作为家长要关心生活在寄宿学校的孩子,成为孩子的榜样;作为学校要重视寄宿学生人身安全管理,重视寄宿学生心理健康辅导。  相似文献   

As part of a research project investigating therapist/counsellor orientation and the therapeutic alliance with anorexic or bulimic clients, data was collected not only on therapist orientation but also on training, supervision and personal therapy of the counsellors. While no significant correlation was found between length of training or supervision and the therapeutic alliance score, there was a significant negative correlation between the amount of personal therapy the counsellors had had and the measure of the therapeutic alliance achieved with their clients. Further investigation produced other studies on personal therapy and effectiveness of counselling, in which at best no positive correlation was found between personal therapy and outcome, and at worst, personal therapy was negatively correlated with outcome.These research findings challenge the assumption often made that personal therapy is a desirable if not essential aspect of counsellor training. The arguments for and against personal therapy being included in the training of counsellors are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between children's emotional and behavioral problems and teachers' social responding. Elementary school students completed the Children's Depression Inventory and a parent completed the Child Behavior Checklist. Teachers rated children on measures of interpersonal attractiveness and personal rejection. Teachers' ratings of student interpersonal attractiveness were significantly correlated with the level of student depression, internalizing problems, externalizing problems, and overall psychopathology. However, teachers' ratings of personal rejection toward students only correlated with externalizing behavior problems. Family income was also related to child adjustment and teacher ratings. Externalizing behavior problems best predicted both lower interpersonal attractiveness and increased personal rejection, even after controlling for family income. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.  相似文献   

This study analysed secondary school students' expressed and actual preferences for counsellor sex and race and also investigated the influence of type of problem on these preferences. A sample of 430 fifth form (15–16 years old) students including 74 Maori/Polynesian males, 109 Maori/Polynesian females, 90 pakeha (European) males, and 87 pakeha females from six schools in two cities completed the Choosing a Counsellor questionnaire. Half the sample were asked to assume they had a vocational problem while the remainder assumed they had a personal problem.  相似文献   

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