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The paper describes the numerical techniques implemented in the finite-element code NOSA for structural analysis of masonry constructions. The code is then applied to the analysis of “Buti’s bell tower”, a medieval structure located on the Pisa mountains, under two different conditions: firstly, with the structure subjected to its own weight alone, and then while subjected to both its own weight and a horizontal load, which models an earthquake. The displacement and stress fields, as well as the distribution of cracking have been calculated with NOSA, and the numerical results analysed and compared to the actual distribution of fractures in the tower.  相似文献   

In this paper we apply a recently-developed statistical model that explicitly accounts for the extreme uncertainty surrounding film returns. The conditional distribution of box-office returns is analyzed using the stable distribution regression model. The regression coefficients in this model represent what is known about the correlates of film success while at the same time permitting the variance of film success at the box office to be infinite. The empirical analysis shows that the conditional distribution of film returns has infinite variance, and this invalidates statistical inferences from the often-applied least-squares regression model. The estimates of the stable regression confirm some earlier results on the statistics of the movie business and the analysis demonstrates how to model box-office success in the movie business where “nobody knows anything”.  相似文献   

The project for Domus Aurea reopening to the public was carried out by Soprintendenza Archeologica di Roma in cooperation with CISTeC. The principal technical problems faced are classified in three main categories related to: a) structural and safety analysis and works; b) control of the internal environmental conditions; c) elimination of water infiltration. The purpose made survey and the stability study carried out by applying the finite elements numerical methods add new data to the knowledge already acquired. The structural analysis and model show clearly that the complex of the octagonal hall and the surrounding parts form a well constructed and ingeniously conceived building, with low strain, mostly directed to the foundations. The project for the closure of the ‘eyeˈ in the octagonal hall is also illustrated in this article. On the basis of many experimental measurements and numerical simulations, a plan has been drawn up to gradually close a number of air sources and to define the number of daily visits. Finally, the project for the impermeabilization is explained: sodium bentonite laid on a layer of raw (unfired) bricks has been chosen to drain the rain water to the sewage system and far from the Domus Aurea structures.  相似文献   

Rock weathering is defined as the process of rocks alteration as a result of the adjustment of its internal constituents by the action of physical, chemical and biological factors, to the prevailing conditions of the atmosphere and in the environment. In humid polluted areas “red weathering” is one of the major deterioration forms that characterize most granitic rocks. Several intervention steps are required to remove and treat all surfaces affected by this form. It is one of the most aggressive forms of deterioration which are essentially composed of some complex species of clay minerals “Kaolinite, Illite, Montmorillonite and Tosudite”, in addition to some species of salts as “Gypsum” pigmented by “Hematite” as a colorant. After several investigatin techniques, these crusts need several intervention and conservation steps to remove and eliminate the aggressive effects resulted from the red crusts through three essential steps: “cleaning, gap filling and strengthening and stabilizing”. After evaluating all materials and methods that were performed by “DBN, SEM, EDX, and AAS”, the present study suggests that the most suitable cleaning methods are composed of three essential steps “dry and vacuum cleaning (DVC), ultra-sonic cleaning (USC), poultice cleaning (PC)”. Furthermore, the elected gap filling material composed of “Araldite AY-103” mixed with “Granite powder as petro-filler.” Finally, different evaluation methods proved that “Wacker H” is the most suitable strengthening and stabilizing material for consolidation purpose.  相似文献   

In the cultural heritage area, it is of fundamental importance to characterize and classify the conservation state of the materials constituting ancient monuments, in order to study and monitor their decay. Generally, the decay diagnosis is provided by “naked eye” analysis done by expert scientists “walking around” the artifact and recording the conservation state of each individual element they observe. In this paper, a color image segmentation approach, based on histogram threshold and edge detection techniques is presented, to extract degradation regions, characterized by holes or cavities, from color images of stone-materials. The goal is to provide an aid to the decay diagnosis by segmenting degraded regions from color images, computing quantitative data, such as the area and perimeter of the extracted zones, and processing qualitative information, such as various levels of depth detected into the same zones. Since color is a powerful tool in the distinction between objects, a segmentation technique based on color, instead of intensity only, has been used to provide a clearer discrimination between regions. The study case concerns the impressive remains of the Roman Theatre in the city of Aosta (Italy). In particular, we have processed and analyzed some color images of the theatre puddingstones, acquired by a camera.  相似文献   

The analysis of environmental risk in historical cities facilitates the development of conservation strategies that can minimize the deterioration of historical heritage sites. Risk maps built with GIS software provide information about the probability of the main hazards in a region, and is a very useful tool to identify, evaluate and prioritize the restoration budget of a city in order to manage preventive conservation. In this paper, new methodologies are applied based on the vulnerability matrix and its relationship with static and structural factors, climate conditions, air quality and social agents. This technique has some obvious advantages in the application of risk analysis for cultural heritage conservation, such as the capability of simultaneous risk assessment and geographical references. The vulnerability study implies an on-site diagnosis analysis and requires an adapted protocol for archaeological heritage. The validation of this methodology was carried out in the historical town of Merida (Spain) with a GIS application (ArcGIS software), where the main monuments of this UNESCO World Heritage site were studied.  相似文献   

Modelling and analysis of a basilica under earthquake loading   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper a basilica-type church is analysed in order to assess its structural behaviour and seismic vulnerability. For this purpose, an effective two-step procedure has been used, consisting of: (a) 3D static and dynamic linear analyses of the structural complex, and (b) 2D nonlinear push-over analysis of the single macro-elements. The results obtained through push-over analyses have been compared to the collapse loads derived from limit analysis, proving the ability of finite element (F.E.) nonlinear model to provide reliable simulation of the actual response of masonry elements. Then, the strength demand on each single structural macro-elements, resulting from the 3D linear analyses, has been compared to the macro-element ultimate strength capacity. The comparison demand vs. capacity has been carried out for all transversal and longitudinal macro-elements of the church, allowing a direct, though approximate, assessment of the seismic safety level of the church. The comparison demand vs. capacity confirms the susceptibility of this type of buildings to extensive damage and possibly to collapse, as frequently observed. The insertion of rigid diaphragms, which represents a widely used retrofit technique, has also been investigated; such intervention triggers concentration of strength demand in the stiffest macro-elements, so that the seismic capacity of the building is not necessarily increased.  相似文献   

The paper focuses on an interdisciplinary research project concerning the preservation of the XVII century monumental building of Monte di Pietà in Naples, Italy. The building underwent a series of restorations being the structural walls affected by humidity and cracks. The importance of this monumental building in the historical city center of Naples led to design an extensive surveying program to provide the designers of strengthening with a detailed investigation of the geometry of the entire structure, and particularly of the entrance façade, with great details on several materials, thicknesses and restraints. A preliminary investigation was performed on the historical phases of this monumental building to have a clear knowledge of its vicissitudes, and then in situ structural assessment included 3D laser scanner techniques probing radar, in situ stress measures. This surveying phase was crucial especially for the subsequent Finite Elements modeling (F.E.M.) of the façade. The scope of the numerical refined analyses was to evaluate the state of stress in the structural elements of the façade putting in evidence structural ‘weak points’ and finally to design a retrofit intervention having a detailed map of the ‘intervention areas’. The theoretical damage assessment has been compared with on-site assessment and in situ stress measures. The damage primarily concerned the entrance façade and its valuable decorations. Furthermore, the basic principles for the design of the strengthening have been discussed.  相似文献   

The sarcophagus containing the remains of Federico II, located in the Cathedral of Palermo (Sicily, Italy), was opened on 1998 to perform a multidisciplinary survey [1]. Next to the remains of Federico II and in close contact with them were laying two other skeletons belonging, according to historical records, to Pietro II di Aragona and to an anonymous person (“The Third Individual”), probably a woman. The bones appeared severely deteriorated. Chemical analysis performed on bone samples excluded that the bodies underwent some kind of embalming process. The analysis of mtDNA from bone samples taken from the three skeletons was successful in only one of the two labs involved. The HVR1-mtDNA sequence (region: from nt 16,035 to nt 16,395), obtained from the bone samples of Federico II and “The Third Individual” appear identical but bear double peaks at the same nucleotide positions, suggesting mixing (i.e. contamination) of different mtDNA types. The HVR1 sequence obtained from the bone sample of Pietro II di Aragona does not present double peaks and differ from the Cambridge Reference Sequence (CRS) at six nucleotide positions. Cloning experiment of the Federico II amplicon demonstrated that the mixed mtDNA types are only two: one identical to CRS, the other identical to the sequence of Pietro II di Aragona. A reconstruction of these data are proposed in the Discussion. Due to the problematic context in which this study was carried out (mixed and deteriorated biological material, failure to replicate results in two different labs), our results and reconstruction can only be offered on a tentative basis. It is hoped that the data presented in this study will reveal useful, for future comparison, if further molecular genetics research will be carried out on the royal dynasties that ruled Sicily in the early centuries of the past millennium.  相似文献   

The oil painting “La Medusa” executed by Caravaggio at the end of the XVI century on a wooden shield, was investigated by integrated physical–chemical and analytical methodologies in order to obtain scientific data capable of elucidating the state of conservation and the painting technique. Optical (OM) and electronic (SEM-EDS) microscopy, micro-FT-IR spectroscopy, gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) and pyrolysis GC–MS were applied on two microfragments and some organic samples obtained by solvent extraction using the swab cleaning technique. The obtained results indicated that Caravaggio probably reused an old shield as a previous gypsum preparation layer has been detected under the original painting layers. He used white lead, natural earths, verdigris and lead–tin yellow type I mixed with drying oils to paint. The considerable amount of amorphous particles of copper chlorides found in the green pigment verdigris suggests that it could have been produced according to the ancient recipe of verde salsum described by Theophilus. Mordant gilding has been identified on the upper part of the shield that can be related to an abandoned experiment to give the painting a mirror-like reflecting effect. Three different varnishes layers have been detected above the painted surface. The original and restoration varnishes have been identified and they contain a mixture of drying oil, mastic and turpentine and some beeswax. Cleaning tests, performed with different organic solvents, suggest the use of isopropyl alcohol as cleaning agent because it is less efficient in comparison to others solvents; thus it ensures a careful and controlled removal of the varnishes.  相似文献   

Along the Umbria-Marche stretch of the Flaminia Consular Road (220 B.C.) several archaeological finds of the most important monumental works, are well preserved. The stones, employed to build many bridges, substructions and sewerages, are represented by carbonatic breccias whose geological environment of formation and source areas had never been established. On the basis of mineralogical, petrographic and micropalaeontological analyses, two groups of these lithotypes employed in Roman age were distinguished: “monogenic carbonatic breccias” only constituted by clasts of the Maiolica Unit (Late Jurassic – Early Cretaceous) and “polygenic carbonatic breccias” made of fragments (in different proportions) of Calcare Massiccio (Early Jurassic), Corniola (Early Jurassic), Maiolica (Late Jurassic – Early Cretaceous) and Scaglia Rossa (Late Cretaceous – Early Paleogene) Units. The possible source areas of the breccias are compatible with stratified slope-waste to scarp-base deposits of periglacial origin belonging to the Upper Pleistocene. In particular, among the seven investigated areas, we pointed out the most probable provenances (Monte Faeto-Colle, Costacciaro, Scirca, Foci, Secchiano) along the flanks of the Apennine Mesozoic chain of the Umbria and Marche regions. Although the Romans could have exploited the whole thickness of some outcrops (now disappeared) of these carbonatic lithotypes at the deepest part of the valleys, we have constrained a local provenance of the breccias so commonly used in the monumental works of the Flaminia.  相似文献   

The scientific approach to the restoration and monitoring of mural paintings, at S. Girolamo Chapel – SS. Annunziata Church in Florence, is reported as a fruitful example of the synergic collaboration between restorers and scientists in the planning and development of conservative interventions. Before restoration, the painting technique and the state of preservation of the pictorial cycle have been investigated firstly by close examination of the painted surfaces and then by optical and/or SEM-EDS microscopy and μFT-IR spectroscopy on appropriately selected samples. In particular, the original constituent materials and those belonging to subsequent restorations were characterized together with those originating from decay processes. In this mural painting cycle, a peculiar “fresco” technique has been used although an auxiliary binder for pigment distemper has been also employed. The use of this technique, sometimes in an improper way together with uncorrected restoration interventions, are the main responsible of the unsatisfactory state of conservation of many painted areas. Preliminary conservation trials and scientific studies were carried out to design the most convenient restoration intervention and to verify the correctness and non-invasive of the necessary operations. Special attention was devoted to cleaning procedures, continuously monitored by a physico-chemical methodology, mainly based on microinvasive, microscopic and spectroscopic investigations, to evaluate the efficiency, advantages and drawbacks of the proposed cleaning procedures and define the most appropriate ones. Finally, specific decay markers have been recognized, by a comparison of the results obtained from the detached samples with those deriving from artificially aged models, to be used for a correct future monitoring and maintenance of the wall paintings.  相似文献   

The procedures for making and applying a new family of high viscosity aqueous polymeric dispersions based on poly(vinyl alcohol)-borax (PVA-borax) matrices are presented. A specific system of this type has been used to remove an oxidized varnish coating from the surface of “Coronation of the Virgin with Saints”, a 15th century egg tempera painting on wood by Neri di Bicci (Florence, 1418–1492). FTIR spectra showed that the oxidized varnish was constituted of highly aged shellac resin. Good cleaning performance was attained when the liquid portion of the dispersion consisted of a mixture of water and acetone. Rheological investigations indicate that the acetone content does not affect the mechanical properties of the polymeric dispersion. Those mechanical properties permit easy removal of the cleaning agent simply by peeling it from the surface by means of a forceps or spatula once it has carried out its cleaning function. Optical microscopic and FTIR investigations show that the cleaning agent is able to remove the oxidized varnish coating from the surface of the Neri di Bicci painting without leaving detectable residues.  相似文献   

The Minerva of Arezzo is an ancient bronze statue located at the Museo Archeologico in Florence and currently under repair at the Restoration Centre of the Soprintendenza Archeologica of the Tuscany Region. We assembled a complete three-dimensional (3D) digital model of the Minerva before the restoration started. More 3D models will be produced to keep track of the variations that occurred during the restoration process, up to the final acquisition of the form of the restored artwork. The modelling of the Minerva will be the focal point of an ambitious “Minerva Project” that involves the integration of data from other sources in a 3D digital model of the object. Besides this, the project is aimed at showing how 3D techniques can be used to design useful and easily manageable new tools for the diagnostics of archaeological objects. 3D measurements have been realized by means of a high-resolution laser scanner developed at National Institute for Applied Optics (INOA). The instrument is composed of commercial low-cost components in order to be competitive with the very expensive commercial devices. Besides this, our scanner is supported by an efficient and flexible software developed by Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) that supports all the post-processing phases of a 3D scanning session (range data alignment, merge and simplification).  相似文献   

The present study dealt with the characterisation of marble surfaces coated by three kinds of polymeric material usually employed in stones conservation and with the evaluation of the removal of these coatings from the surfaces by means of new nanocontainer aqueous systems constituted of micellar solutions (MS) and oil-in-water microemulsions (MC). The polymeric coatings were also subjected to accelerated artificial ageing in order to detect possible effects associated to natural photochemical ageing. The aim of the work was the assessment of the performance of such nanocontainer aqueous systems taking acetone (Ac) as a reference “traditional” solvent for the removal procedure. The characterisation was carried out by means of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy (ESEM), Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopies and the results obtained showed that the performance of these innovative methods based on nanocontainer aqueous systems can be considered highly promising in the view of a “green approach” to the conservation of cultural heritage.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the structural behaviour of existing masonry requires a multi-level approach, with the proper application of diagnostic and assessment methodologies. The structural performance of masonry wall structures can be understood provided that the history of their construction, their geometry, the characteristics of their masonry texture, and the characteristics of the masonry as a composite material are known. In order to obtain all these data, an effective on-site testing program, which can involve the application of different test methodologies as a combination of destructive tests (DT), minor destructive tests (MDT) and non-destructive tests (NDT), needs to be performed. Furthermore, the effectiveness of applied methodologies for the assessment of historical masonry structures strongly depends on the type of investigated structure, as well as on the appropriate numerical model for the analysis. However, the unclear aspects of any testing programme remain the same – how efficient is a particular testing technique, and how can it be assessed? Following the results of recently carried out EU and national research projects, a comprehensive set of data regarding the effectiveness of different testing methods, depending on the type of problem, have been collected and analyzed. Within this framework, several masonry heritage structures from Slovenia, which differ both from the historical and structural point of view (Pi?ece Castle, the Carthusian Monastery at ?i?e, and a typical stone-masonry house from the So?a Valley region), have been investigated by means of different techniques, and numerically analyzed. For this purpose, two different models were used: a push-over model based, on the structural element method, and FEM analysis. It was concluded that the effectiveness of any particular diagnostic technique for the investigation of masonry structures, and for the planning of their restoration, depends on numerous factors. An attempt to determine which of the techniques could be appropriate, depending on the problem, was made. No single test is self-sufficient for the solving of a particular problem, so a combination of different NDT, MDT and DT should be performed. Summarizing all the results, it can be said that, in the process of assessing the state of a structure, even a simple investigation technique is better than none. The effort will always be repaid - if not already in the planning stage of the restoration and retrofitting actions, then certainly in the execution stage of the revitalization works, on site.  相似文献   

This work presents an account of the results of diagnostic analyses on the lesions that were first detected in Michelangelo's David in the mid-1800s. After summarizing the events that may have affected the statue's stability and the state of deformation, the authors present the results of the Finite Elements Method (FEM) tests conducted on the digital model of the statue's surface. The analysis of these results made it possible to identify the static conditions that generated the cracks in the lower part of the left leg and in the tree trunk of the David. Lastly, the current situation was analyzed from the perspective of both deformation and stresses, evaluating the statue's stability also as regards its structural response to the seismic activity at the level expected for the Florence area.  相似文献   

The ASTM D6819-02e3 standard for testing the accelerated ageing of paper, published in 2002, recommends using closed glass vials in order to keep the degradation products in contact with the paper and thus permitting a better simulation of the natural ageing conditions inside closed books. In the present study, the actual conditions and their stability inside closed vessels have been evaluated. The necessity of assuring a very high sealing performance (tightness) of the systems in order to avoid leakage of water vapour is the main drawback of this ageing method. Systematic studies presented in this publication tried to monitor this tightness and have provided data that helped to answer the question of what circumstances could lead to achieving its improvement. Both gravimetric monitoring of water content in vials and “in situ” IR measurements of the aged paper humidity have been applied for this purpose. As a result, better sealing materials (gaskets and caps) than those recommended by the ASTM standard, have been found. Additionally, application of a dynamometric spanner for closing the vials is recommended, as this is a guarantee of reasonably high and recurring tightness of the systems used in tests. Nevertheless, the systematic, linear with time, loss of moisture for all used vials was observed. A 9% loss of the initial moisture content in samples of the aged paper was observed for the tested conditions (14 days at 90 °C). Therefore, it seems that including some kind of gravimetric control for ageing tests performed in closed vessels is of essential importance.Kinetic studies of accelerated ageing in both closed and open systems, as monitored by DP and breaking length measurements, unexpectedly show that no statistically meaningful difference of degradation rates can be observed. On the other hand, the pH and whiteness index values reveal a meaningful difference between the rates of ageing in these systems, thus confirming the basic assumption of the ASTM test concerning the interaction of paper degradation products with the paper itself.  相似文献   

The idea of multiple markets, conceptualised as a variety of concrete market configurations, was fruitfully developed in the socio-material networks research programme. However, it has not yet been able to solve the following puzzle: the differentiation and specification of multiple markets that exist at the same time in the same place. In this paper, I argue that White’s model of ‘markets from networks’ can contribute to filling this gap, since it is centred on the specification of a market’s structural and cultural boundaries. His model allows for the analysis of concrete market practices intertwined with more abstract concepts of markets formed in discourses that move firms and markets across different levels – from local markets to market sectors. An in-depth analysis of the emergence of the World Music market demonstrates the advantages of employing this model in the analysis of multiple markets.  相似文献   

The binding media of the polychromy of Qin Shihuang's Terracotta Army   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The “Terracotta Army” is a worldwide known archaeological finding in China. It is a part of the burial complex of the emperor Qin Shihuangdi (259–210 BC), which is still under excavation and study. The fact that the sculptures, chariots and weapons of the First Chinese Emperor's Terracotta Army were originally all painted in bright colours is still not widely known. The chemical characterisation of the paint medium was performed through an analytical procedure based on GC-MS. The proteinaceous binder was identified for the first time through a desalting procedure used in proteomics. The identification of egg as a paint binder is extremely interesting in terms of the historical significance of the work of art itself and important in terms of the method of conservation. Moreover it represents one of the first steps towards an understanding of the painting technique used on ancient sculptures in China, of which – despite their fame – nothing is yet known.  相似文献   

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