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周进  叶俊民  李超 《电化教育研究》2021,42(7):26-32,46
学习情感是影响学生认知加工与学习效果的重要因素,如何利用多模态数据开展学习情感计算是当前亟待解决的问题.文章在分析情感计算源起与多模态数据融合的基础上,阐述了多模态情感计算的发展动因,构建了多模态学习情感计算的研究框架,包括以教育场景为导向采集情感数据、依据情感模型展开建模与识别、利用可视化方式表达与反馈情感、结合情感归因来干预与调节学习过程等.基于现有研究案例,将多模态学习情感计算的应用归纳为开发学习情感识别系统、增强智能学习工具、支持学习干预与决策、探索学习情感的作用机制等方面.未来多模态学习情感计算应平衡数据采集侵入性与真实性、提升数据模型可解释性、综合衡量学习状态以及拓展教育应用探索与创新.  相似文献   

如何精准识别学习者情绪,深度融合各模态情绪数据,剖析情绪发生的作用机制,已成为智能教育发展的关键问题。本研究提出学习者多模态情绪融合分析概念,从学习者多模态情绪融合分析的动因、框架与路向三个维度,探索多模态情绪数据之间的有机融合,精准感知学习者的情绪状态,挖掘多模态情绪数据的潜在价值,实现对学习发展规律的细粒度解析,推进学习者情绪识别领域的实践探索。  相似文献   

多模态学习分析是指利用“多模态”的思想和方法对学习者的内在学习状态、特征与变化进行深度诠释,旨在挖掘学习规律、优化学习过程、促进精准教学。在教育大数据研究范式下,多模态学习分析应运而生并形成了诸多研究成果。运用系统性文献综述方法对国内外多模态学习分析相关研究进行梳理发现:当前多模态学习分析研究聚焦于数据采集、数据融合和数据建模三大方面。在数据采集上,得益于智能感知技术的发展,文本、语音、动作、表情、眼动、生理等模态数据备受关注且获取方式愈加便捷;在数据融合上,主要以数据层融合、特征层融合、决策层融合为主,因应深度学习算法的发展,混合式融合初见端倪;在数据建模上,涌现出面向知识、认知、情感、交互状态的学习者模型,且基于多元学习状态的整体性模型日益受到重视。未来多模态学习分析研究应加强情境感知,实现场景数据的混合采集;深挖理论基础,促进数据融合的科学精准;重视情境依存,强化数据建模的情境适用。  相似文献   

群体投入特征画像是教育与信息技术交叉学科关注的重要研究议题。目前的研究,尚需要在群体投入维度与指标构建、多模态交互数据的融合表征,以及群体多维投入特征刻画等方面取得突破。鉴于此,如何采用多模态交互信息来表征协作学习参与者的投入状态,成为应对当前挑战的关键问题。因此,结合德尔菲法与层次分析法建立群体多重投入特征的分析指标及权重,利用多模态交互分析方法融合与表征多维投入特征,并从群体投入状态差异与时序变化等角度,刻画协作知识建构中参与者的投入特征。研究结果认为:行为参与、社会关系、观点建构和共享调节是刻画群体协作学习投入状态的重要指标,基于多模态数据刻画群体投入特征方法需处理的关键问题是多模态交互数据的融合比例与数据对齐方式;在群体知识建构活动中,个体在各子投入维度的不均衡表现与小组内部成员相互影响的投入表现是协作学习投入的主要特征。  相似文献   

计算机支持协作学习中的情感反馈系统将情感计算、机器学习与学习科学研究相结合,致力于研究如何利用快速发展的信息技术为学习者提供情感支持,进而推动学习者协作学习,现已成为信息科学和学习科学交叉融合的重要研究领域之一.CSCL环境中情感反馈系统框架由情感状态获取、情感状态分析和情感反馈处理三个部分组成:首先从情感状态的表征即...  相似文献   

学习投入是学生学习表现的关键影响因素,学习投入的自动识别是被广泛研究的问题。随着信息与传感技术的发展,在真实课堂中采集学生的多模态数据成为可能,如何利用多模态数据提升学习投入识别的准确率是值得研究的问题。文章分析基于外显或内隐信息的单模态模型和基于早期、晚期、混合融合方法的多模态模型,探究:(1)多模态数据相比于单模态数据在识别学习投入状态上的优势;(2)多模态数据融合方法对学习投入状态评估的影响。结果表明:结合外显与内隐信息可以更准确地识别学习投入状态;基于早期或混合融合方式的多模态模型在学习投入状态识别任务上有更佳的表现;融合方式对于最终结果准确性非常重要,不当的融合方式可能引入噪声,降低模型表现。  相似文献   

协作学习投入面临多维、动态数据采集与多元数据融合分析的挑战,而多模态交互分析能够提取并融合动态、多维度的投入信息,对表征协作学习交互过程具有重要价值。基于此,文章构建了基于多模态交互信息的协作学习投入分析指导框架,并从投入水平的整体性表征、投入状态的多维性分析和投入信息的时序性挖掘等角度,阐述了协作学习投入分析应考虑的关键问题。此外,文章还提出了包含多模态信息采集、多模态特征提取、多模态特征融合分析等三大模块构成的多模态交互信息分析路径。研究结论显示,多模态交互信息能实现对协作交互过程全方位、细粒度地记录,进而对小组协作学习投入的状态进行动态表征与持续分析。未来研究可能的方向在于基于智能语音处理技术的交互会话分析、基于仪表盘的投入信息可视化呈现以及基于智能代理的协作投入适应性支持。  相似文献   

随着计算机支持的协作学习在教育教学领域的深入应用,如何促进高质量的协作互动备受关注。多模态视域下的群体感知蕴含着丰富多元的感知信息,有助于学习者充分感知协作群体/同伴的协作状态,能够有效提升协作互动质量。然而目前有关群体感知工具内部机理和外部作用间关系的研究尚不明确。基于此,从多模态视域出发重新审视群体感知的内涵,系统回顾与分析国内外有关群体感知的相关研究。研究发现,群体感知工具通过采集多模态的学习者协作学习数据,对数据进行处理,并以可视化方式呈现给学习者,以帮助学习者获取对协作群体/同伴状态的有意识理解,促使学习者调节内部和外部的协作策略。在厘清群体感知工具内部机理和外部作用间关系的基础上,构建了多模态视域下的群体感知实现框架,并指出多模态视域下的群体感知在多模态展示和感知监控两方面的实现路径,以期为促进高质量协作交互提供参考。  相似文献   

阅读投入是衡量中小学生在多种阅读情境中的参与水平与努力程度的有效指标,基于多模态数据对其进行精准表征与适时预警是促进良好阅读习惯养成、提升阅读素养的重要途径。鉴于此,研究明确了阅读投入的内涵与情感、认知、行为、社交四个构成维度,构建出混合场景下的阅读投入模型,并基于阅读过程中生成的文本、日志、图像、语音、生理、心理六种模态数据,形成了多模态数据表征阅读投入的框架与指标。以此为基础,阐述了不良阅读投入状态的预警路径,包括阅读投入的指标融合计算、状态识别分析、预警策略匹配和预警信息反馈。由此,可对中小学生阅读投入情况加以检视,及时发现学生的不良阅读状态并提供预警反馈,未来可通过阅读投入进一步揭示阅读理解能力的发展机制,并提供个性化干预策略。  相似文献   

宋瑶瑶  周益名  陈健 《大学教育》2023,(14):141-145
智能感知技术的发展推动了学习分析领域的变革,使多模态数据的获取和融合分析成为可能,也使传统在线教学评价向“第四范式”数据密集型评价迈进。文章首先立足于当前学习评价现状,剖析军事职业教育侧重结果性评价、评价主体单一、缺乏智能化手段支撑等问题;其次基于具身认知理论将多模态数据分为基础信息数据、个体特征数据、交互行为数据三类,依据数据感知技术和数据表征方式构建在线学习多模态数据测评框架;最后从多模态数据采集、多维度数据融合、多元化分析建模、精准化反馈改进等四个环节,探索数据驱动下的精准化学习评价路径,不断促进军事职业教育的内涵式发展。  相似文献   

情绪智力理论的问题是将情感性的非认知能力称为智力,而这些能力实际是情感适应机能或自我调节机能,应正确定义为情绪能力.本研究建构了情绪能力的九因子模型.测量结果证实了这一模型的有效性,所编制的情绪能力量表有较好的信度和效度.同时发现情绪能力是学业成绩的一个重要影响因素.研究结果肯定的情绪能力的科学地位,而且对目前存在的偏重认知能力轻视情绪与社会能力的错误认识提供了很好的反驳证据.情绪与社会能力不仅影响学习成绩,而且是适应社会和事业成功的重要条件.  相似文献   

Nonverbal communication is the primary channel for the communication of emotion. The abilities to express, control, and decode emotions are important social skills. In this study, we investigated the effects of hemispheric brain dominance and sex on emotional social skills, specifically emotional expressivity, sensitivity, and control. Using the measurements of handedness, we classified participants as being standard, mixed, or anomalous dominant. We presumed that hemispheric brain dominance and sex would interact to influence emotional expressivity, sensitivity, and control. Analysis revealed that brain dominance and sex interacted to influence negative emotional expressivity and emotional control. Specifically, mixed dominant (MD) males scored highest in negative emotional expressivity and lowest in emotional control, whereas MD females scored lowest on negative emotional expressivity and second highest on emotional control. In general, MD men and women reported behaviors opposite of traditional sex differences in emotional expression.  相似文献   

本文提出体育课堂的情境化教学是将内容进行分析、整理,通过设计,将学生带入相适应的情境世界;并且采用情感驱动、暗示、角色转换等教学手段。使学生从心理上有身临其境的主观感受和情感体验;生理上轻松、快乐的锻炼。改变了“直接传递”的教授法,使学生在人格、品德、审美、社会等方面受到更深层次的教育,以达到情境教育的目的。并且将情境化教学的效果进行实验与分析,证明情境化课堂的可行性与可推广性。  相似文献   

Child maltreatment is a public health concern with well-established sequelae. However, compared to research on physical and sexual abuse, far less is known about the long-term impact of emotional maltreatment on mental health. The overall purpose of this study was to examine the association of emotional abuse, emotional neglect, and both emotional abuse and neglect with other types of child maltreatment, a family history of dysfunction, and lifetime diagnoses of several Axis I and Axis II mental disorders. Data were from the National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions collected in 2004 and 2005 (n = 34,653). The most prevalent form of emotional maltreatment was emotional neglect only (6.2%), followed by emotional abuse only (4.8%), and then both emotional abuse and neglect (3.1%). All categories of emotional maltreatment were strongly related to other forms of child maltreatment (odds ratios [ORs] ranged from 2.1 to 68.0) and a history of family dysfunction (ORs ranged from 2.2 to 8.3). In models adjusting for sociodemographic characteristics, all categories of emotional maltreatment were associated with increased odds of almost every mental disorder assessed in this study (adjusted ORs ranged from 1.2 to 7.4). Many relationships remained significant independent of experiencing other forms of child maltreatment and a family history of dysfunction (adjusted ORs ranged from 1.2 to 3.0). The effects appeared to be greater for active (i.e., emotional abuse) relative to passive (i.e., emotional neglect) forms of emotional maltreatment. Childhood emotional maltreatment, particularly emotionally abusive acts, is associated with increased odds of lifetime diagnoses of several Axis I and Axis II mental disorders.  相似文献   

Emotional maltreatment is a common form of child abuse with a powerful negative impact on mental health. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of emotional maltreatment on mental health and mental well-being in a general population of Swedish 12- to 13-year old girls and boys. Data was collected via self-report questionnaires in classroom settings from 1134 students. Emotional maltreatment had significant effects on mental health and mental well-being for both girls and boys. Moreover, there were significant interaction effects between gender and levels of emotional maltreatment. Girls reported decreased mental health and mental well-being at lower degrees of emotional maltreatment compared to boys. Furthermore, girls reported larger decreases in mental health in response to exposure of emotional maltreatment. For internalizing symptoms, mental well-being and psychosomatic symptoms, exposure level of emotional maltreatment seemed to magnify the gender differences. For externalizing symptoms, there were no differences between girls and boys in the group reporting no emotional maltreatment and the increase in externalizing symptoms were of equal magnitude for both genders. Given the impact of emotional maltreatment on mental health in the general population, results from this study implies that a trauma-informed perspective is necessary in understanding gender differences in mental health in early adolescence. Further research is needed in order to understand the underlying processes generating the differences in girls and boys responses to emotional maltreatment.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to offer some theoretical as well as empirical examples that describe the interrelations between pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and emotional knowledge in teaching and learning. The argument put forward is that there is a need to expand current conceptions of PCK and acknowledge the role of emotional knowledge. It is shown how a teacher's emotional knowledge about teaching and learning is an inextricable part of the ecosystem of teacher knowledge; this is called emotional ecology. Our research shows that the construct of emotional ecology occurs on different planes as there are different types of emotional knowledge that are aspects of PCK. The implications for pre-service and in-service teacher development are discussed.  相似文献   

儒家的"仁爱"思想中蕴涵了极为丰富的情感因素,随着"仁爱"思想的发展,诸多儒家代表人物提出了大量极具情感色彩的经典命题。从孔子的"仁者爱人",到孟子的"仁民爱物",再到张载的"民胞物与"和二程的"万物一体",儒家仁爱思想的情感视域也得到了不断的拓展。仁爱的施予从人走向物,仁爱的性质从伦理走向生态,这便构成了这种情感逻辑的基本线条。但是,这种"仁爱"思想的情感在施与的过程中却产生了问题。尤其是在处理人与自然的关系的时候,我们会遭遇到一个仿佛不可克服的悖论。对于这个悖论的两极,我们只能通过实践来达到一种动态的平衡。  相似文献   



Although there is growing evidence that the emotional dimensions of child maltreatment are particularly damaging, the feasibility and appropriateness of including emotional maltreatment (EM) in child welfare statutes continues to be questioned. Unlike physical and sexual abuse where investigations focus on discreet incidents of maltreatment, EM is not as easily defined and delimited. Through a review of legislation and child welfare investigation practices in Canada, this paper examines (1) whether Canadian child welfare services respond to EM with the same level of perseverance as with other forms of maltreatment and (2) the extent to which the introduction in 2008 of a more specific EM taxonomy distinguishes between EM and family problems that could lead to EM.


Following an analysis of the legislative framework for EM across Canada, investigations practices in Canada are examined using data from the 1998, 2003 and 2008 cycles of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (CIS). Using data from the 2008 cycle, EM investigations are compared to other maltreatment investigations for all of Canada (N = 15,980). Changes in EM investigations over time are then compared using data from the three cycles of the study, excluding Québec because of limited data availability in 2003 (N = 5,360 in 1998, 11,562 in 2003 and 14,050 in 2008).


EM is included as a form of reportable maltreatment in all provincial and territorial statutes in Canada. Over 11,000 cases of EM were substantiated in Canada in 2008, at a rate of 1.86 cases per 1,000 children. While EM investigations were substantiated at a lower rate as other forms of maltreatment, a higher proportion of EM cases were referred for specialized services, kept open for on-going child welfare services, lead to an out of home placement, and lead to an application to child welfare court. Using a broad definition of EM the number of investigations classified as EM in Canada, excluding Québec, nearly tripled from 1998 to 2003. In 2008, using more specific definitions focusing on caregiver definitions, the number of investigations classified as EM nearly returned to their 1998 level, with nearly twice as many cases being classified as risk of future maltreatment.


EM is a well established category for child welfare intervention in Canada, however, more emphasis should be given to distinguishing between EM and family problems that place children at risk of EM.  相似文献   

This study analyses the relation between disruptive behaviours and the emotional abilities of children in primary education. To do this, disruptive behaviour and emotional abilities were evaluated in 1422 pupils aged between 6 and 12 years of age at 11 education centres using EQIjv. No relation was found between disruptive behaviours and age, but one was found for sex and emotional abilities. Boys presented more disruptive behaviours than girls. However, there was a significant relation between disruptive behaviours and the general index of emotional intelligence. The most related abilities were stress management and interpersonal relations. Implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

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