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教学素材是教师开展教学活动所必需的,也是学生有效参与教学活动、掌握知识、提高学习能力的重要媒介。不同的素材,或是相同素材呈现方式不同,都会得出不同的教学效果。重新解读教材和课程标准,结合学生已有的认知基础,针对课堂教学中存在素材选择和处理过于简单、素材利用率低等问题,结合对人教版教材二年级下册的"轴对称图形"一课教学素材的分析,探索有效选择和应用教学素材的方法和对策,以此提高课堂教学的有效性。  相似文献   

教科书是教师开展教学活动的基本素材,也是学生学习活动的基本线索。用好教科书是生物教学活动的核心。在这个过程中,教师不应该只是教科书的使用者,更应该是教科书的开发者、设计者。换句话说,教学是教师对生物教科书的再创造活动。所以,在使用教科书从事教学时,还必须融入本地特色,选取适合本地学生的教  相似文献   

教学素材是教师开展教学活动的基本内容,在完成教学任务中发挥着不可替代的作用。教师通过精选教学素材、创新教学素材、巧用教学素材,能使教学素材更有效的服务与课堂教学活动,让学生通过对教学素材的认识最大程度地吸收教学内容,提高课堂教学有效性,对促进数学活动开展具有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

<正>《品德与社会》教材是编者依据课程标准中的课程内容,来设置教学主题、选取教学素材、设计教学活动的。由于教材的使用范围大,教学素材的选取和教学活动的设计要考虑到教材的普适性,因此也就不可能具有特定区域的针对性。为了提高教学活动的针对性和实效性,教师在教学活动中就必须学会灵活运用和处理教材。教师在教材处理及教学活动中,不必"唯教材是上",更不要"死教教材",而要根据教学主题和  相似文献   

教学素材在美术课堂教学中的应用是非常广泛的,而且面对的是不同年龄段的小学生,他们的思维呈现个性化,对美术概念的理解也有很大差异.教师要给学生展示教学素材,并利用这些教学素材进行教学活动,让学生建立素材形象和美术概念的关系,进而完成美术习作.教师可以向学生展示实物素材、图片素材,也可以利用多媒体信息技术投放各种有声有色的视频素材;为促使学生建立抽象思维,还可以将文本素材引入美术课堂教学中.有形素材和无形素材的综合运用,可为学生美术创造性学习提供重要帮助.  相似文献   

麻白娟 《辅导员》2010,(8):24-24
教学反思是教师通过对其教学活动进行的理性观察与矫正,从而提高教学能力的活动,对教师的成长是非常必要和重要的。通过无处不在的教学反思,教师在深入学习专业理论、新课改理论知识的同时积极地提高着教育教学水平,它能为教育科研提供素材,主要表现在两个方面:  相似文献   

在当前的技校信息技术教学中,教学工作面临着一定的难度,一方面,来自于学生自身的信息技术学习基础方面,技校学生在这一方面的学习基础较为薄弱,为Photoshop等学习难度较大的软件运用教学活动造成了一定的制约;另一方面,Photoshop教学内容深奥,其处理功能强大,实际运用较为复杂,加上素材搜集单一,学生的学习难度较大。针对这样的教学实际状况,教师应当注重教学活动的创新,优化教育教学活动,提升教学成效。  相似文献   

纠错教学是以学生的学习错误为教学素材的矫正性教学活动.快速准确掌握学生在学习中存在的问题是纠错教学是否有效的关键因素.手阅与机读相结合的混合式作业模式可以帮助教师快速、精准地定位学生学习中的错误,帮助教师分析产生错误的原因,从而使得传统的纠错教学能做到精准.文章通过教学实践谈谈基于混合式作业的精准纠错教学的具体方法.  相似文献   

地理教学中多媒体手段从最初的地图处理、视频播放到现在音、形、动画等的综合运用,给地理教学活动和学生地理学习融入了新的活力。多媒体学习素材不单单是图像、动画、音频、视频等媒体的简单堆砌,而是教师在充分把握知识和学生的认知规律的同时,将自己的教学思想、教学方法溶入其中.利用多媒体的手段呈现给学生。因此,制作多媒体学习素材必...  相似文献   

为提高英语学习效能,培育儿童创造力,教师需要以学生为主体进行创新教学,创遣良好的英语学习氛围,注重素材和手段的新颖与直观性,以情境式教学为核心,积极开展多种课外教学活动,让学生在快乐、新颖的氛围中学习。  相似文献   

Innovative designs on instructional strategies and activities for teaching English among younger learners were integrated into a language teacher education program in a university in northern Taiwan. This study analyzed 90 pre-service teachers’ final projects, questionnaires, and class materials to explore their innovations on English activity designs and materials. This study had three major findings. First, participants failed to identify the authentic materials taken from daily life. Second, participants integrated the materials into warm-up, presentation, or production of the lesson, rather than incorporating them throughout the whole instruction. Third, participants, their peers, and in-service teachers had different perceptions of innovation criteria. In order to effectively foster pre-service teachers’ innovation in designing instructional activities, three suggestions are provided.  相似文献   

思想政治课堂气氛不活跃的原因在于传统的教学理念和教学模式的束缚。在新的课程理念指导下的课堂应是学生自主、合作与探究的学习过程,活动内容和活动形式不受教材的限制,活动成为传递教学信息的主要渠道。教学过程中教师注重学生参与课堂活动、自主学习的评价,开发多种教学资源,让学生在娱乐中学习、感悟知识,在动口、动手、动脑的过程中发展能力、增长才干、获得自我价值,把学习过程变成轻松、愉快的活动过程,从而实现政治课教学的最终目的。  相似文献   

课堂志:回归教学生活的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
课堂志研究是教学研究者深入到研究对象之中,直面研究的现象,搜集第一手的研究资料,全面描述课堂中的课程实施与教学活动的现象,或探究其发展规律,或进行合理的解释与说明,进而将自己的发现和体验用一种较微观的整体描述方法进行归纳和分析的研究方法。课堂志研究的特点主要表现在它是质性的研究、直观的研究、描述性的研究和微观的研究等几个方面。课堂志研究的一般过程包括研究对象的确定、课堂参与观察、撰写课堂志三个主要环节。  相似文献   

江文 《职教通讯》2021,(4):111-117
通过分析新冠病毒肺炎疫情期间直录播线上教学的学生满意度调查数据,对这种线上教学的满意度进行实证研究。运用四分图模型,科学选取了知识点教学视频、知识点拓展视频、课堂活动、上课环境、课前课后活动质量5个维度共21个具体指标进行研究。满意度评价结果与实际情况基本一致。建议在今后的混合式教学中,教师要通过进一步提升教学基本功、补充高质量多形式的知识点延伸资料、充分利用线上平台展开丰富的课堂活动、建立高效反馈机制促进平台功能完善等方法来进一步提升教学的学生满意度。  相似文献   

Two classes (one experimental and one control) in a public elementary school located in southern Taiwan participated in this study. Number sense activities were conducted in the experimental class as supplementary teaching materials, while the control class followed the standard mathematics curriculum. Data indicate that there are statistically significant differences between pretest and posttest (pretest and retention-test) scores for the experimental and control classes at the 0.01 level. The scores for the experimental class increased 44% after instruction (the mean score went from 12.35 to 17.81), while the scores for the control class increased only 10% after instruction (the mean score went from 11.29 to 12.42). Compared to the control class, the experimental class made much more progress on number sense tests. Results indicate that students in the teaching class (not including the students in the low level) advanced in their use of number sense strategies when responding to interview questions. The data demonstrate that the teaching of number sense activities, executed in the experimental class, is effective in developing children's number sense. Furthermore, the results of retention demonstrate that the students' learning was meaningful and significant.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine how teachers enact the same written algebra curriculum materials in different classes. The study addresses this issue by comparing the types of algebraic activity (Kieran, 2004) enacted in two 7th grade classes taught by the same teacher, using the same textbook. Data sources include lesson observations and an interview with the teacher. The findings show that students in the two classes were offered somewhat different algebraic experiences. At one school, more emphasis was placed on global/meta-level activities (activities that are not exclusive to algebra and suggest general mathematical processes), whereas at the other school, more emphasis was placed on transformational activities (“rule-based” algebraic activities). Analysis of the sources of the differences related to the ways in which the teacher used and enacted the curriculum materials in the two classes revealed that these were linked to the teacher’s attempts to be attentive to the students in the class and to the nature of the students’ work.  相似文献   


Flipped classes are well-known for reversing the typical in-class lecture and out-of-class homework structure by instructing students to learn by themselves from on-line learning materials and inviting them to ask questions based on their individual difficulties in class. Many attempts at integrating this teaching method into English as a foreign language (EFL) classrooms have proven to be beneficial to students’ learning achievement and motivation. However, there is little research on how to organize interactive, engaging and effective in-class activities for an EFL flipped classroom. In this study, a student response system (SRS) is proposed to support teachers in organizing in-class activities in a flipped class. To investigate the effectiveness of this approach, a quasi-experiment was conducted in an EFL classroom in an engineering school. The experimental group used the SRS to do in-class activities while the control group followed the conventional method. The results showed that the use of the SRS increased students’ learning motivation and self-efficacy in learning English grammar and improved their participation and engagement in the in-class activities of the flipped learning process. Furthermore, the questionnaire results showed that students accepted the SRS as an instructional method in an EFL flipped class. However, the use of the SRS was not effective in improving students’ grammar learning achievement.  相似文献   

One of the difficulties faced by many English learners is taking the knowledge learnt in the classroom and applying it to real world situations.Simply participating in class does not guarantee that a student will be able to cope in real world interactions,especially in casual or informal settings.Many structured teaching materials in classroom have missed out significant elements which reflect the nature of informal communication.Several factors will be discussed here that could affect the quality of spoken language teaching materials in the classroom.These include the structure and content of teaching materials and classroom activities,the types of external resources used in class or recommended as a complementary learning tools,and the way that specific skills are taught.Identifying these areas of weaknessallows students to develop the practical skills to independently bridge the gap between classroom activities and real life interactions.  相似文献   

This chapter reports a 6-month study that used a matched-pairs pre-test, post-test control group design to evaluate the effectiveness of extensive reading with remedial reading students in a Philippines secondary school (n=60). Ninety percent of students at the school come from low-income homes where reading materials tend to be scarce. The dependent variable, reading proficiency, was assessed using the Informal Reading Inventory and the Gray Standardized Oral Reading Test. Each day, both groups received the same 40 min of English instruction, plus a remedial class. In their remedial class, the control group studied via a traditional approach, emphasizing intensive reading and phonics. For the extensive reading group, the remedial reading class involved reading self-selected materials and doing a variety of post-reading activities. Results suggest that extensive reading led to greater gains than traditional reading instruction. Details on how extensive reading was implemented and a rationale for extensive reading are provided.  相似文献   

The purpose of this case study was to explore the issues involved in implementing a technology-enhanced student-centered unit in order to provide recommendations to improve and enhance these types of learning activities. Specifically, the study examined problems students encountered in completing the unit activities, problems the teacher encountered in facilitating the delivery of the unit to her students, and strategies to improve and enhance these types of learning activities. One teacher and the 21 students in her intact United States history class participated in the study. The central unit problem required students to determine the strategies that should be pursued in 1968 to continue the struggle for a more just, equal United States society. Students worked in teams to gather data from an electronic database of primary- and secondary-source materials, and use the data to develop solutions to the unit problem. Results of this study suggest that a variety of factors impact the success or failure of student-centered activities, including student orientation to the unit problem, student collaboration, teacher management strategies, and student accountability mechanisms. These results also provide insight into how the design of these types of activities can be improved. Perhaps the most important considerations that need additional attention are the additional aids required by teachers as they struggle to implement these types of activities in their classrooms.  相似文献   

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