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"隐性辍学"已经成为中职学校教育中不容忽视的问题,不少班级或多或少都有"隐性辍学"的学生群体。主要是家庭、学校和学生自身等三方面的原因造成"隐性辍学"现象的产生。班主任利用关爱打开学生心扉、赏识教育发现学生闪光点等方法,可以有效帮助"隐性辍学"学生回归课堂。  相似文献   

"科教兴国",使国家的教育得到稳步发展,但在学校里存在着一种不可忽视的现象,即"隐性辍学"。"隐性辍学"是指那些有学籍,人虽在学校,但心却游离在学校与课堂外面的学生。就高职院校产生"隐性辍学"问题指出原因,并为了更好地避免发生"隐性辍学"给出对策。  相似文献   

"隐性辍学"近年来在农村初中生群体中愈演愈烈,其危害巨大,影响学生发展,削弱教育质量,阻碍社会进步。初中隐性辍学呈现出明显的城乡差距,并且随年级递增,与性别的相关性并不明显,特殊结构家庭学生隐性辍学率高于核心家庭,主动型隐性辍学高于被迫型隐性辍学。改善农村初中隐性辍学的状况,要从社会、家庭、学校以及个体等方面着手。  相似文献   

隐性辍学学生群的基本结构——《隐性辍学论》之二   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
隐性辍学的学生群是一个核心明确、外缘模糊、具有张力、变动不居的球形群体.这个群体的核心部分十分明确.是由"差等生"构成:外缘部分相对模糊.是由"中等生"构成.这个群体的存在基础是对学习缺乏主动性兴趣和对学校生活缺乏热情.因而形成隐性辍学的内部张力.这种张力不仅使"差等生"的隐性辍学程度越来越深.使"中等生"逐步滑进隐性辍学的泥沼.而且使"优等生"成为这个群体的潜在构成部分.这个群体的构成时刻处于变化之中.内部张力和外部因素的强弱变化.都会影响隐性辍学学生群的变化.因此,缩减核心、减少张力、增强外因成为克服和防止隐性辍学的关键.  相似文献   

农村初中学生辍学已严重影响了民族地区教育均衡和协调发展.就西藏而言,党和国家不断增加的教育投入不仅大大改善了学校的教育教学条件,而且通过"三包"政策免除了学生上学的一切费用,但农村初中多数学生辍学的情况并没有得到根本性改变.这一现象说明西藏农牧区学生辍学不同于一般意义上的辍学,而是表现为学生不喜欢学校教育,继而表现为学校教育未能满足学生的教育需求.学生辍学这一现象的本质即为民族地区学生由于所生活的自然环境和社会环境的差异有着与其他地区不一样的教育需求.解决学生辍学问题关键在于明确学生有什么样的教育需求,进而根据需求提供学生满意的教育.  相似文献   

<正>在后"普九"时代,辍学率已经得到有效控制,但隐性辍学成为新的关注点。辨析辍学与隐性辍学的区别与联系及内涵,对巩固"普九"成果、提高教育质量有一定的价值。一.辍学教育学界对与"辍学"这一概念的界定,存在着不同的解读。《简明中小学教育词典》中界定,"辍学是指除正常的毕业(结业)、升级、留级、转学、死亡和按规定办理了休学手续以外,学生中途离开学校,不再上学的行为。"[1]《义务教育效益研究》(由国  相似文献   

辍学与隐性辍学含义辨析——《隐性辍学论》之一   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
辍学的衡量标准有"学年界定"、"课时界定"、"课程界定"几种,在实际操作中,"学年界定"被偷换为"学籍界定",显性辍学转化为隐性辍学.以"学籍界定"为辍学衡量标准而形成的隐性辍学,其特殊含义指的是"有辍学的前期或后期表现,毕业时未能完成规定课程的学习,但仍然保有学籍的个体或群体教育状况."我国的隐性辍学群大致由"名在人不在"、"人在心不在"、"人在爱不在"、"人在力不在"四部分学生来源构成,具有量大、面广、构成复杂、常态存在的特点.辍学是一个从隐性到显性的变化过程,隐性辍学是显性辍学的过渡阶段,显性辍学是隐性辍学的可能结果.控制过程比控制结果更为重要,控制隐性辍学才是"控辍保学"的治本之途.  相似文献   

隐性辍学是相对于显性辍学而言.指的是在学校教育中现存的学生虽保留学籍正常缴费。正常参加考试。但整日游离于教室和课堂之外,静待毕业的一种非常态教育。隐性辍学不仅仅是一个名词。更是一个沉重的现实,一种逼近的危机。关乎一群活生生的迷茫而又无奈的孩子,是对家长、学校、社会良心和责任的拷问。  相似文献   

农村初中辍学现状调查及控制辍学对策思考   总被引:35,自引:1,他引:35  
农村初中学生辍学率呈现出明显的城乡差距和随年级递增的趋势,隐性辍学现象较为严重,总体上辍学率与性别的相关性不明显。辍学原因既涉及教育投入、学校管理方式、课程、教学质量,又涉及家庭状况、初中后学生出路等。在辍学相当严重的情况下,科学分析其原因,制订切实可行的策略,是控制农村学生辍学的当务之急。政府和有关部门应以立法的形式保证对农村义务教育的投入,调整教育格局,合理分配和使用教育经费,提高农村教师专业化水平,制订适于各地经济社会发展水平的不同的控辍标准。  相似文献   

农村初中学生的严重辍学问题一直是农村初中教育的一大难题.笔者了解到,以往农村初中学生年辍学率平均在10%~15%之间,个别学校高达20%以上.近年来,随着国家"两基"攻坚对控辍力度的加强,各级政府和学校采取了一些相应措施,使农村初中学生的辍学得到了一定缓解.  相似文献   

This study examined the dropout trajectories of racial and linguistic minority students and explored the effects of students' contextual factors on their high school dropout risks. Our motivation was to identify the dropout patterns of Black, Hispanic, and Hispanic English language learner (ELL) students, who have comparatively high dropout rates, and to suggest ways to promote high school completion. We employed a survival analysis using the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 (NLSY97) from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The results showed that the 3 minority groups displayed significantly higher dropout risks than the White group. The overall pattern of dropout risks increased over time, with the dropout rates of the Black students high in the 1st and 2nd years of high school and the highest dropout rates for Hispanic ELL students in their senior year. A gender difference was found among the students, with male students having higher dropout risks than female students. It was also found that students' positive relationships with their teachers were associated with lower dropout risks.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify the unique contributions of a comprehensive set of predictors and the most salient predictors of school dropout among a nationally representative sample of students with learning disabilities (LD). A comprehensive set of theoretically and empirically relevant factors was selected for examination. Analyses were conducted to explore the unique contribution and relative importance of these factors in predicting dropout. Results indicated that the most salient predictors of school dropout included a set of malleable individual (grades, and engagement in high‐risk behaviors), family (parent expectations), and school (quality of students’ relationship with teachers and peers) factors. The findings validate multicomponent dropout prevention and intervention models for this population while at the same time illuminating specific key components that appear to be of particular importance in school dropout among students with LD.  相似文献   

Data from a large school district in the southwestern United States were analyzed to investigate relations between student and school characteristics and high school freshman dropout patterns. Application of a multilevel logistic regression model to student dropout data revealed evidence of school-to-school differences in student dropout rates and school-to-school differences in the relation between student characteristics and student dropout status. Investigation of the school differences revealed that school organization and schools' social context were statistically significant predictors of several of the dropout outcomes. Evidence of school context and school practice effects on student dropout outcomes suggests that school personnel may need to consider how characteristics of the school environment interact with the background characteristics of students when developing and focusing dropout prevention strategies. Implications for school policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study is to examine the mediation role of academic achievement and absenteeism in the relationship between multidimensional amotivation and intention to school dropout among Turkish high school students. The results have shown that multidimensional amotivation has direct and indirect effects on intention to school dropout. In addition, it has been revealed that academic achievement and absenteeism mediate the association between multidimensional amotivation and intention to school dropout. Finally, the findings suggest that the relationship between amotivation and intention to school dropout varies by gender. These results have shed light on two mechanisms that clarify the relationships between amotivation and intention to school dropout.  相似文献   

Behavioral disengagement from school is a proximal predictor of dropout. Therefore, the enhancement of behavioral engagement is a useful point of entry for dropout prevention. In this study, we examine the behavioral engagement of at-risk and non-at-risk students in Dutch senior vocational education (SVE), a sector confronted with high dropout rates. Using multilevel regression analyses, we assess the role of students’ background characteristics and perceived fit with the school environment in their behavioral engagement. Findings indicate that students in highly urbanized areas are significantly less engaged in school. The perceived proportion of autonomous work is most prominently correlated to students’ behavioral engagement. Whereas in general SVE students are more engaged if their program requires little autonomous work from students, engineering students appear to favor autonomous work forms.  相似文献   

School dropout is an important social and economic problem. This paper investigates the effect of an intensive coaching program aimed at reducing school dropout rates among students aged 16–20. Students received support and guidance with their study activities, personal problems and internships in firms. The coaching program lasted one or two years. Students were randomly assigned to the coaching program. We find that one year of coaching reduced school dropout rates by more than 40% from 17 to 10 percentage points. The second year of coaching further reduced school dropout by 1 percentage point. The program is most effective for students with a high ex-ante probability of dropping out, such as students no longer obliged to be in formal education, male students, and students not living with both parents. Cost-benefit analysis suggests that one year of coaching is likely to yield a net social gain.  相似文献   

One of the Millennium Development Goals is to ensure universal access to primary education by 2015. However, primary school dropout remains a challenge in many developing countries. While official statistics in China report aggregated primary school dropout of only 0.2 %, almost no independent, survey-based studies have sought to verify these dropout rates in rural areas. The primary objective of our study is to document the dropout rate in primary schools in rural China and compare the dropout rate of ethnic minorities and Han students. Using a first-hand dataset of 14,761 primary students in northwest China, we demonstrate that the annual dropout rate in poor rural areas is 2.5 %, suggesting a cumulative dropout of 8.2 %. Importantly, Hui and Salar minority students drop out at rates that are significantly higher than the official rates. Most noteworthy, 23 % of Hui girls and 22 % of Salar girls are dropping out by the end of grade 6. Our findings call for more attention to China’s primary school dropout issue—especially in minority areas. Policymakers should begin to examine new ways to increase the chances for minority students to succeed in the educational system.  相似文献   


This study evaluates the effects of school desegregation by court-ordered busing on the subsequent dropout rate of majority and minority students. Using before and after busing measures of dropout rates, school records and personal interviews, this research finds majority dropout rates are not affected by desegregation procedures. While the dropout rates of bused minority students appear to be identical to those of non-bused minority students, large disparities between minority rates in various bused sectors indicate highly uneven educational experiences of bused minority students. School socio-economic composition and the expectations of teachers concerning student behavior are used to analyze the disparities, with the conclusion reached that the more favorable expectations of teachers at higher socio-economic climate schools produce lower minority student dropout rates. Desegregation produces a positive benefit for this most crucial dimension of minority student educational accomplishment, when the school to which the minority student is bused is one where teachers' expectations are positive and supportive.  相似文献   

This study tests an empirical multidimensional model of school dropout, using data collected in the first year of an 8-year longitudinal study, with first year high school students aged 12–13 years. Structural equation modeling analyses show that five personal, family, and school latent factors together contribute to school dropout identified at 19 years of age: poor parent–teenager relationships, youth depression and family difficulties, negative classroom climate, negative school interactions, and poor academic achievement. This model increases our understanding of the dropout process in the general population and has direct implications for the development of high school dropout prevention programs.  相似文献   

Over the years, the minimum dropout age has been raised to 18 in 21 states. Although these policy changes are promoted for their educational benefits, they have been shown to reduce crimes committed by youths in the affected age groups. However, an unintended consequence of increasing the minimum dropout age could be the displacement of crime from the streets to schools. We use data from the Youth Risk Behavior Surveys to estimate the relationship between minimum dropout age laws and student victimization. Our results suggest that higher minimum dropout ages increase the likelihood that females and younger students report missing school for fear of their safety and younger students are more likely to report being threatened or injured with a weapon on school property. Our results also yield some evidence that students are more likely to report being victims of in-school theft when the minimum dropout age is higher.  相似文献   

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