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职前教师专业发展是教师终身专业发展的基础阶段,为了促进信息技术职前教师专业发展,探究信息技术职前教师专业发展途径。提出改革与教师专业发展不适应的课程设置,培养教师自主专业发展意识,改革和拓展信息技术教学论教学,加强教育实践和教育研究,从而加速职前教师的成长和发展。  相似文献   

信息技术职前教师专业发展途径探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职前教师专业发展是教师终身专业发展的基础阶段,为了促进信息技术职前教师专业发展,探究信息技术职前教师专业发展途径。提出改革与教师专业发展不适应的课程设置,培养教师自主专业发展意识,改革和拓展信息技术教学论教学,加强教育实践和教育研究,从而加速职前教师的成长和发展。  相似文献   

开设适合的技术类课程以应对当前技术教育不断发展的新形势是师范院校亟待解决的关键问题。新西兰职前技术教师教育框架是奥克兰大学、梅西大学等六所高校共同开发的一个共享资源,旨在支持六所高校在职前技术教育方面保持信息一致,提升职前技术教师教育质量。该框架由技术哲学、技术教育的原理、技术课程和技术教学四个关键要素组成,在强调技术知识和技术教学知识的同时,关注技术价值观和目的观教育,并提供相应素材支持课程开发与实施。新西兰职前技术教师教育框架对我国技术教师教育具有重要启示。  相似文献   

The education for sustainability (EfS) literature espouses participatory, praxis-orientated, place-based and holistic approaches to teaching and learning. The introduction of a first-year EfS unit for pre-service teachers at James Cook University provided an opportunity to explore their attitudes toward EfS and their perceptions of the relevant aspects of the unit to their learning. In this mixed-methods study, pre-service teachers (N = 100) completed a Likert-style survey at the beginning and end of the unit that examined their attitudes toward EfS. Three pre-service teachers were also interviewed to explore further their perceptions and experiences, one semester after completing the unit. Significant improvements were found in pre-service teachers’ EfS self-efficacy, and familiarity with and interest in sustainability issues. Participants also perceived EfS to be relevant to their learning, particularly the praxis-orientated pedagogies in which they engaged, as they believed it developed their knowledge, skills and confidence to teach sustainability in schools. For one pre-service teacher, her experiences of EfS during her practicum enhanced its relevance, as she was able to link theory and practice. The implications of these findings for both teacher education and pedagogical practice for EfS in higher education are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a preliminary investigation into primary pre-service teachers' pedagogical reasoning skills. Results from this investigation led to the development of a problem-based learning model which focused on improving primary pre-service teachers' pedagogical reasoning skills. The problem-based learning model uses pedagogical reasoning as the basis for creating problem situations for the pre-service teachers to investigate. The paper reports on pre-service teachers' views on the use of the approach to improve their pedagogical reasoning skills. Specializations: science teacher education, learning in science, chemistry education. Specializations: student learning, conceptual change, technology education, curriculum evaluation.  相似文献   

人类教育发展的历史证明,教师在教育中处于中心地位并对教育产生重大影响。在对政策、课程内容和过程方法等教师教育的主要方面进行改革的同时,信息技术的使用、质的评估、研究、网络等也异常重要。教师专业化不应局限于传统意义上的对学历资格的要求、对知识与技能的掌握,还应该包括今日优质教学所必需的个人品质、价值和态度。21世纪呼唤一种基于四大学习支柱的新教育范式的产生。一种教与学的整体分析方法旨在培养学生认知、情感与积极的态度,提高学生在知识、理解力与洞察力、价值与态度、技巧等方面的综合能力,并倡导一种更加灵活多样的评价方法。  相似文献   

Research in teacher education repeatedly suggests that the background and underlying beliefs held by pre-service teachers about teaching and assessment act to shape their interpretations of ideas, powerfully influencing their praxis and their developing teacher identity. This paper explores how a young New Zealand secondary science teacher, raised and educated in Māori-medium and then English-medium New Zealand schools, develops his identity as a teacher as he navigates a range of educational contexts and experiences. His views on assessment provide a focus. The paper presents a case study drawn from a two-year longitudinal study, comprising a series of interviews with the teacher, as he transitioned from a university graduate to a qualified science teacher working in his first school. The complexity of teacher identity development is highlighted, particularly for teachers for whom cultural identity and indigenous world view is important. It suggests that beginning teachers need more time in their pre-service teacher education to reflect on the influence their formative educational experiences have on who they are becoming as a teacher.  相似文献   

In the last 15 years, New Zealand has experienced a range of educational “reforms” driven by a neo-liberal agenda which has insisted that the education system serve the goal of enhancing the nation's economic performance and its competitive edge through the inculcation in learners of the skills requisite to the pursuit of this goal. Fuelled by a perception that the education system needed quality management and greater accountability to its clientele, a series of administrative reforms were put in place in the late 1980s and were followed by a series of radical, state-dictated curriculum and assessment reforms. The subsequent reshaping of curriculum and assessment has had a profound impact on the nature of teachers’ work and their identity as professionals. Using research undertaken in New Zealand in the later 1990s, this article examines ways in which 1990s reforms in New Zealand have worked to reconstruct the professional knowledge (including pedagogical knowledge) of secondary English teachers. It further examines the implications of these changes in teachers’ work for professional identity and discusses some of the implications of these “reforms” for pre-service teacher education.  相似文献   

This study identifies proficiency levels in pre-service physics teachers' pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and reveals how teacher education can promote transitions into higher proficiency. Teacher education plays a fundamental role in supporting pre-service teachers' PCK development. Proficiency levels are a powerful source when evaluating this PCK development because they characterize what learners are likely to be able to know on a specific level. Previous research has presented a model of proficiency levels in pre-service physics teachers' PCK; however, evidence for the model's validity is still lacking. According to the Refined Consensus Model of PCK, factors such as teachers' content knowledge (CK), their teaching experience, and their beliefs about teaching and learning science promote PCK development. Thus, understanding how and when pre-service physics teachers' CK, teaching experience, and beliefs contribute to their proficiency can bring insights into how teacher education can promote PCK development. To address this issue, N = 427 observations of pre-service physics teachers were analyzed. Utilizing the scale anchoring procedure, four different proficiency levels in pre-service physics teachers' PCK were identified. Analyzing these proficiency levels showed that lower levels can be characterized as remembering content-unspecific knowledge, whereas higher levels encompass content-specific strategies to structure and elaborate lessons. Additionally, logistic regression models revealed that pre-service physics teachers' CK is crucial for an increase in PCK proficiency. However, transitions into higher levels of PCK additionally require teaching experience and adequate beliefs about teaching and learning. Thus, our proficiency levels can be used to bring insights into how proficiency in PCK can be supported during teacher education. For example, teacher education should provide courses focusing on the science curriculum and the assessment of student learning to promote pre-service physics teachers' progression in PCK.  相似文献   

教师专业发展的实质是指教师在教学技能、教学能力和教学艺术等专业领域的共同提高。通过建立基于教学专长三维结构的职前教师教育模式,以适应教师专业发展的规律和教师专业标准的要求。  相似文献   

职前教师教育中视频案例教学的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在职前教师教育中采用视频案例教学是发展师范生教学技能和提高教师专业能力的一个新方法。本文在梳理教师教育中视频案例教学重要概念的基础上,考察了国内外教师教育中视频案例教学研究的现状,最后作者提出了应用于职前教师教育中的视频案例学习环境创设框架,它包括有机联系的六个要素:案例与资源、活动、工具、支架、共同体和评价。  相似文献   

融合教育的深入开展给普通教师的职前培养工作带来了前所未有的挑战,教师教育者需对教师职前培养作出调整和变革以更好地满足融合教育实践的需求.本文通过对融合教育背景下美国普通教师职前培养的变革历程、趋势和特征进行总结和分析,发现美国普通教师培养中融合教育课程的定位经历了从"知识补充"到"技能提升"的转变,始终以融合教育实践需...  相似文献   

The narrative of one ethnic minority early childhood student teacher tells of her journey as she (re)constructs her identities as a Cook Island woman and as a pre-service teacher, during a teacher education course in New Zealand. This story conveys her experiences of learning across different pedagogical paradigms. Findings show that teacher education lecturers can significantly enhance the learning experience for ethnic minority pre-service teachers by incorporating existing knowledges and understandings in course content and delivery.  相似文献   

Incorporating controversial issues into pre-service teacher education provides teacher candidates with opportunities not only to gain effective civic competence but also to develop skills and experience in their teaching of controversial issues. The purpose of this study was to ascertain social studies teacher candidates' views on the controversial issues involved in their courses in Turkey. The study was based on semi-structured interviews with 15 teacher candidates. It was found that controversial issues were not sufficiently included in teacher candidates' courses and that teacher candidates have difficulty in discussing critical issues in class. This study also introduced the idea that teacher candidates experiencing controversial issues in pre-service teacher education can gain positive attitudes towards teaching such issues in their professional lives and can form their own teaching strategies. Teacher candidates came to believe that good teachers should include controversial issues related to the course content and both teachers and teacher candidates should prepare for their discussion phase.  相似文献   

Background:?A newly elected centre-right coalition government in New Zealand was forced to deal with the cumulative fiscal consequences of two unforeseen challenges: a global financial crisis in September 2008 and two major seismic events in the country's second largest city in 2009 and 2010. This paper examines the way in which policies for initial and continuing teacher education were reshaped thereafter and the justifications provided by government for these changes.

Purpose:?The paper examines the plausibility of the government's contemporary ‘crisis’ discourse and aims to show how ‘rational’ education policy changes also carry broader ideological and political agendas for teacher education. Thus, current changes to teacher education policy are located in the historical context of trends over the last two decades.

Sources of Evidence:?The paper uses official statements by government and officials to show how they justified the policy changes as the only possible responses to an external economic crisis. Secondary sources of statistical economic data and policy texts are used to demonstrate that equally plausible alternative responses were overlooked, rejected or ignored.

Main argument:?The paper construes teacher education policy as both text and discourse. It is argued that the media statements of politicians and officials are intended to secure popular approval for public education austerity measures, while at the same time masking an underlying political and ideological project and ignoring the informed policy rebuttals of some educationists.

Conclusions:?The steps taken in New Zealand to respond to a short- to medium-term national fiscal crisis have major long-term consequences for teacher education. Most apparent is the continued failure to acknowledge the major incremental reductions in public subsidies for initial teacher education that have occurred year on year since the early 1990s and, instead, to reiterate the new public management ideology of further public service efficiencies.  相似文献   

我国教师教育课程的突出问题是理论与实践的割裂,为促进信息技术教育专业的师范生实践性知识的发展,作者尝试在高师信息技术教学法课程中实施全新的课程设计,将"真实问题"、"可操作的"项目、"大学-中小学合作"的学习环境和"反思性行动"四要素融入课程教学,完成信息技术教育专业师范生实践性知识的发展。  相似文献   

New Zealand is moving towards increased qualification requirements for early childhood educators. There is an underlying assumption that there is a correlation between quality early childhood education, teacher qualifications and quality practices in teaching and learning. Two fields of literature, early childhood pedagogy and science specific pedagogy, are reviewed briefly to provide a framework with which to consider why student teachers' attitudes, misunderstandings and misconceptions in science can limit their ability and willingness to create quality teaching and learning opportunities. The study reported in this paper highlights, in general, that early childhood student teachers' subject knowledge in science was poor. It also emerged that the student teachers were unaware of how little they knew and how this might affect their ability to provide appropriate science experiences for young children.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a combined university–school research project involving three associate teachers from the pre-service teacher education degree at the University of Otago, New Zealand in the examination of their literacy teaching practice. The provision of resources for this collaborative study allowed the teachers to design the project in response to the learning needs of the children in their classrooms. The paper specifically analyses the research experience for the teachers as they theorized their classroom literacy practice and utilized the research findings to inform the content and processes of teaching at both the primary and tertiary classroom levels.  相似文献   

教师专业能力的发展是个连续统一体。职前教师教育作为教师教育的起步阶段,扮演着重要的角色。然而综观职前教师的培养过程,皆缺乏有效培养课堂教学临床能力的机制。随着教育技术在教育教学中的广泛应用,视频技术和网络技术的发展为教育类课程的教学提供了新的视野。为此,我们试图设计通用于教育类课程、培养师范生教学能力的视频案例资源。并基于混合学习的理念,建构了一种基于视频案例资源、集课堂案例教学和网络案例学习于一体的教学模式。  相似文献   

This paper presents the rationale behind the reconceptualization of a computer education programme for pre-service and in-service teachers in Singapore. It indicates the new directions for computer literacy in teacher education. The courses in the programme begin with using the computers as information processing tools and progressively incorporate knowledge and skills in using computer assisted learning packages across the curriculum and in programming. The results of the implementation of the courses are also discussed.  相似文献   

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