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This study examines imagined professional and linguistic communities available to preservice and in-service English as a second language and English as a foreign language teachers enrolled in one TESOL program. A discursive analysis of the students' positioning in their linguistic autobiographies suggests that the traditional discourse of linguistic competence positions students as members of one of two communities, native speakers or non-native speakers/L2 learners. The analysis also suggests that contemporary theories of bilingualism and second language acquisition, in particular Cook's (1992, 1999) notion of multicompetence, open up an alternative imagined community, that of multicompetent, bilingual, and multilingual speakers. This option allows some teachers to construe themselves and their future students as legitimate L2 users rather than as failed native speakers of the target language.  相似文献   

为帮助我国大学英语教师讲授和学习者习得英语情态动词can的语义,在语料库的基础上,调查中国大学英语学习者对can的语义习得情况,发现英语学习者笔语中英语情态动词can的语义使用频率分布与英语本族语使用者的使用频率分布存在明显差异,即大学英语学习者对can的语义习得不地道。试图从学习者的语言输入(主要针对教材)和母语迁移两个方面分析其习得不地道的原因,结果显示,中国大学英语学习者对情态动词can的语义习得不地道的这一现象,受其使用的大学英语教材影响不大,而可能受其母语影响。  相似文献   

通过分析母语、目的语对外语教学产生的影响,得出结论,即尽量用目的语,适当使用母语进行教学是外语教学的一个重要原则,这一结论有助于促进外语教学,使学生更好地学习语言。  相似文献   

为了提高学生的外语(或二语)水平,很多国家降低了学生学习外语的年龄。这种做法和神经科学关于双语者二语习得起始年龄的研究结果相一致。相关的研究表明,早期的二语习得者其二语大脑加工模式类似于第一语言和母语单语者,而晚二语者的二语加工有激活脑区扩大、激活水平提高的倾向。早二语者更有可能获得接近母语者的二语水平。让学习者在较小的年龄接触外语是一个有效的方法。汉语是外语教育低龄化的受益语言,覆盖低龄学习者,帮助国外解决低龄学习者汉语教学师资问题应该成为汉语国际推广的重要内容。国内的对外汉语教学界要加强针对低龄儿童的教学研究,建立低龄儿童汉语教学师资培训机制,以顺应国外外语教育的发展趋势,促进汉语国际推广。  相似文献   

本从中外教师的教育理念、语言素质、教学方法、化素质、个人素质等方面对比分析了中外英语教师的素质,认为中外英语教师各有所长,应相互学习、互通信息、取长补短,对教学资源进行优化组合,以达到最佳教学效果。  相似文献   

This case study aims to reveal how conceptualization of native speakership was constructed and reinforced in a South Korean university classroom of English as a foreign language (EFL). In addition, it examines how this conceptualization positions native speakers, a non-native EFL teacher, and learners, and what learning opportunities were provided in this classroom. The participants of the study were one instructor and his students. The data include classroom observations, interviews with the teacher and students, and student surveys. The findings indicate that the students had been exposed to American English more frequently than any other English variety. Also, they wanted to learn American English in and outside of the classroom. Furthermore, this study shows that American English norms were revealed in the teacher’s beliefs and reinforced in his classroom through his instructional materials, classroom practices, and evaluation of the students. Thus, as a mediator between native speakers and learners, the teacher positioned native speakers as authoritative possessors of correct pronunciation and expressions for his students to imitate. Consequently, the students learned about pronunciation and informal expressions as modeled by American native speakers rather than learning to use the L2 communicatively as recommended by the institutional policy. This study has important implications for English language teaching in South Korea, specifically in terms of the concepts of native speakership, student learning, and teacher education.  相似文献   

董晨妍 《海外英语》2012,(12):61-62,66
The distinction of’native speakers’(NSs) and’non-native speakers’(NNSs),and their roles in English teaching has led to great discussion in the field of EFL and ESL recently.Despite the limitations of this distinction,it is meaningful in the field of language teaching when both groups of speakers’potential advantages and disadvantages in language teaching are equally recognized.The distinction of NSs and NNSs English teachers tells about the background information of the two groups,and therefore enables the teachers and professions to assess the pros and cons of them in real teaching practice,so as to initiate possible cooperation or to design reasonable syllabi for teacher training programs.  相似文献   

通过教学途径学习的英语和英美日常生活中使用的英语有一些差别,这些差异会在跨文化交际中引起一些交际困难或失误。利用真实的视听材料如原版电影安排教学活动,可以让英语学习者熟悉和适应这些差异,弥补课堂教学的不足,丰富了学习情境。英语电影欣赏的内容、方法、教材编写等方面还有待于进一步探讨。  相似文献   

浅谈语用学与大学英语教学   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我国的大学英语教学普遍存在着重知识轻能力的弊端.长期以来以教授语法、词汇为中心的教学模式,培养的学生只会做各种试题,机械地应付考试,面对实际应用时,听不懂,说不出,常常犯一些语用错误.在大学英语教学过程中应该注重培养学生的语用能力,从而提高学生的跨文化交际能力.  相似文献   

基于BROWN,LOB,CLEC三个书面语语料库,通过对比英语本族语者与中国英语学习者英语书面语中模糊限制语的使用情况,探讨影响中国英语学习者英语写作中模糊限制语使用的因素,指出学生在英语写作中应尽可能避免文化思维差异及母语迁移对写作的影响,而教师在教学中应尽量加强对模糊限制语的研究,使学生在表达中增强正确使用模糊限制语的意识,达到成功交流的目的。  相似文献   

过渡语是学生在外语学习过程中形成的介于母语和目的语之间的一种过渡性语言,是一种过渡语错误,在教师的正确引导下,随着学生语言水平的提高可以得到不断的修正与完善。因而,教学中如何有效处理和对待语言错误对学生的学习将产生重要影响。通过问卷和访谈的方式,对民族地区中学英语教学中师生对待错误的观念和态度展开调查,目的是发现现有教学中师生在对待语言错误上存在的问题,并结合问题提出改进建议。  相似文献   

Affected by the different cultures and customs,when the foreign language learners communicate in the target language,pragmatic failures will happen which will breakdown the communication. No matter how long the learners have studied the language,there will still exist some mistakes when they talk with native speakers. To avoid pragmatic failures in communication,it is required that the teachers should pay more attention to the students'pragmatic competence. This thesis analyzes the phenomena and the causes of pragnmtic failures in spoken English in Chinese students,then sives some suggestions to cultivate and improve the students'pragmatic competence in teaching English.  相似文献   

英语是中国推行“一带一路”倡议工作中的重要交流工具。但是,不同文化背景下的英语受母语的影响,有独特的特征。分析了中国企业对商务英语毕业生的新需求,提出高职商务英语人才应该在教材选用、教学内容和实践教学上做出相应的调整。这对高职院校培养符合社会需求的合格人才具有一定的实际意义。  相似文献   

Culture and language are both products of hum an society. This paper concerns the close relationship betweelanguage and culture. Some social scientists consider that language is the keystone of culture. Language is a media of communicationwhich is culturally conditioned. Culture, as a significant feature of human society and the soil for language emergence as well abackground for language use, is closely knitted together with language. However, current teaching syllabus in China does noprovide a system of the specific cultural contents to be included in any teaching program. Culture as a set of traits is by and largeneglected area and has drawn little attention. According to a famous professor Hu Wenzhongs paper, more than 90% students admithat there is a cultural gap between native English speakers and Chinese English learners and all of them think that awareness ocultural difference should be made a goal in language learning and teaching. In intercultural communication, culturamisunderstanding is often worse than linguistic one and tend to create ill feeling between native speakers and Chinese speakers oEnglish. Therefore, cultural mistakes as well as linguistic mistakes should be avoided in order to be successful in inter culturacommunication.  相似文献   

文章以母语迁移为理论依据,探索以布依语为母语的学生在学习第三语言(英语)的过程中所受到母语的影响。调查研究表明:布依语句法结构对英语四种句子类型习得既产生正迁移,又产生负迁移;同时,第二语言汉语也会产生一定的正迁移,从而降低母语负迁移的程度。此研究成果将会改变布依族学生将英语视为第二语言来学习的现状,为学生提高英语学习效果具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Within the United States, a priority has been placed on the area of reading assessment as mandated by the US Department of Education (2004) . Confusion still exists as to how to assess students who are not being taught in their native languages ( Wright and Choi 2006 ). Solorzano (2008) concludes that standardised tests are not appropriate for non-native language speakers. This debate continues to occur on a global level ( Wyse and Styles 2007 , Edwards and Potts 2008 ) and speaks to a need for research that investigates reading assessments used with non-native speakers. The research within this article contributes to a larger discussion of the use of assessments with non-native and native language speakers. The article presents the results of a study that took place at a kindergarten through eighth grade elementary school in central Arizona. The study investigated how six students from various language backgrounds made meaning of informational texts over the course of a year. It proposes that teachers need to be allowed to teach and assess each student based on his or her strengths and needs.  相似文献   

本文运用定性和定量分析相结合的方法,从发展趋势、研究对象、研究主题和研究方法四个方面对国外1985-2016年发表的外语课堂创造力研究的相关论文进行综述.结果表明:1)研究趋势总体呈动态上升趋势;2)研究主题不断拓展,正在由本体研究逐步拓展到其他领域;3)研究对象更加多元化,既有教师,又有学生;既有成年学习者,又有儿童...  相似文献   

This research explored the congruence and disparity between teachers’ and students’ attitudes towards French as a second language (L2) teaching strategies in a non-target language classroom context in the USA. The findings suggest students’ and teachers’ attitudes towards the direct and indirect teaching strategies were generally consistent, but not in terms of the collaborative teaching strategies. The findings also indicate that the beginner and elementary level students held different preferences for all the three teaching strategies. The underlying reasons could be learners’ different language proficiency levels, and how well teachers execute these different teaching strategies in class. This study concludes with some implications for foreign language teacher education.  相似文献   

本研究通过三个线上阅读(词-词呈现、部分-部分呈现和整句呈现)测量反应时间的实验,旨在探讨基于频率标准的词串结构能否作为一个整体在语言处理中进行存储和提取。受试包括英语本族人、高水平和低水平英语学习者。结果发现,本族人和高水平英语学习者拥有相似的语言处理机制,能够利用词串结构的整体性更有效地处理实验句中的词串结构,而低水平英语学习者则不能。作者同时用研究结果对二语学习者的隐性词汇知识作了探讨。  相似文献   

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