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教师专业学习社群是当前教师专业发展与教师学习研究领域的一个主要议题。历经三十余年的演进,建立和发展教师专业学习社群以促进教师学习、提升学校效能已成为各主要国家教育政策与学校改革的共识。与之相应,研究者对不同情境中的教师专业学习社群也已开展了广泛且深入的探究,然而已有研究都未能系统检视教师专业学习社群研究与实践所持的价值立场、求知兴趣与研究意图。借鉴哈贝马斯所界定的认知旨趣,我们归纳了已有教师专业学习社群研究所遵循的三种研究范式(技术性、实践性与批判性研究范式)及其衍生的六种研究论述(重构论述、效能论述、社群论述、文化论述、批判论述与转变论述),总结了不同研究范式下研究者对教师专业学习社群所持的基本主张、研究重点与发展概况。基于本文所做的范式性分析,我们讨论了研究者应该如何看待三种研究范式之间的关系,并展望了不同范式中教师专业学习社群研究未来可能的发展方向。  相似文献   

在深入“互联网+教师教育”创新行动过程中,基于社交媒体的教师网络学习社群成为教师自主学习和专业发展的重要途径。然而,大部分教师网络学习社群面临群体动力不足的瓶颈问题,导致研修和学习效果有限。基于此,文章依托在线实践社区理论和群体动力理论,采用质性访谈和量化分析相结合的混合研究方法,探究了不同群体动力水平的教师网络学习社群的群体动力特征和群体行为模式。文章发现,教师主体认知视角下强动力社群和弱动力社群在社群目标、群体结构、社群管理等多个特征要素上存在差异;与教师研修课程平台相比,基于社交通讯工具的网络学习社群表现出圈人、情绪表达、冲突、干扰等六种特殊的群体行为;强动力社群的交互行为丰富,以驱动行为和凝聚行为为主;强动力社群存在多种显著的行为序列模式,按照不同的触发行为可分为话题辩论、求助分享、组织管理三种。文章的研究可为打造强动力、高质量的教师网络学习社群提供参考,并可为建设基于互联网的学习型社会提供理论依据和实践思路。  相似文献   

陈婕 《江苏高教》2021,(10):53-56
现如今"以本为本"已经成为国家意志和学界共识,然而该理念在推进过程中,却遇到三个方面的问题:内涵悬浮,对"以本为本"内涵的把握,停留在"以本科阶段教育为本"层面,没有深入"以本科生发展为本"这一核心层面;制度悬浮,促进教师教学投入、促进学生学习投入的核心制度没有成为大学主要的改革举措;主体悬浮,落实"以本为本"的主体链条"政府—大学—教师—学生"发生断裂,教师和学生的主体性没有彰显.针对这三个悬浮问题,文章尝试探索与阐述其中原因,并提出了落地思路和基本对策.  相似文献   

以不同教师对于"萃取"的教学设计为例,分析了教师"二次开发"教材时的两种不同的取向,指出教学应基于对教材编写思路的理解,制定合理的认知目标。  相似文献   

燕山前进中学建校20多年来形成了"在奋斗中不断前进,在前进中不断创新"的办学思路.在"学校以教师为本,教师以学生为本,学生以终身发展为本"的教育理念指导下,坚持内涵发展,以提升全体教师的综合素质为核心,实现着打造精品教育的目标.  相似文献   

创建于1995年的山东省宁阳县实验小学幼儿同,一直坚持“以人为本,以发展为本”的科学发展观,在管理上,实施“以教师为本的民主管理”;幼儿园的有关重大决策.教师可通过教代会参与,提出意见和建议,经教代会讨论通过后将结果公布于众;注重制度管理和人心管理相结合,园领导走入教师当中倾听她们的意见与建议,教师与园领导之间逐渐形成了一种文化.  相似文献   

新课程改革要求数学教育的目的是以学生发展为本,培养具有更高数学素养的公民.江总书记在第三次全教会上指出:"教师一定要转变教育观念,改变人才培育模式,积极实行启发式和讨论式教学,激发学生独立思考和创新的意识,切实提高教学质量,让学生感受和理解知识产生和发展的过程,培养学生的科学素质和创新思维习惯."作为讲授基础学科的数学教师,必须更新教育观念,努力贯彻素质教育原则,发挥学生的主体作用,调动学生的积极性,使学生充分参与到教学过程当中,充分体现数学在培养学生科学素质方面的独特作用.  相似文献   

杨士平 《辽宁教育》2012,(16):54-55
哈佛大学校长曾经指出:"以尊重的态度欢迎对方,以充沛的活力追求开放的思想、自由的探索以及真诚的交流,这些都是寻找知识的必由之路。"在当前教育改革突飞猛进的今天,我们不但要强化学生的主体地位,更应当重视教师在教学管理中的地位,若没有教育管理活动中的以教师为本,又怎能让老师们做到以学生为本。因此,学校管理中以人为本,首先应该是以教师为本,无论是制度的制定,还是管理的过程,推行柔性管理,做到"宽严有致,张弛有度",将"严"制度和"软"管理有机结合,充分调动教师的积极性和创造性,遵从教师的人本需要,满足教师的发展需要,为教师的个  相似文献   

《语文课程标准》指出:"语文课程应致力于学生语文素养的形成与发展。"语文素养是学生学好其他课程的基础,也是学生全面发展和终身发展的基础。苏教版小语教材就充分体现了"以学生发展为本"的编写特色。那么,教师如何在课堂教学中体现这样的教育思想呢?笔者以为可从如下方面入手:一、营造学习氛围,促进学生发展情绪心理学家曼德勒认为:"环境刺激引起认知解释,认知解释引起唤醒的知觉,唤醒的知觉导致情绪体验。"在语文教学中营造一个恰当的氛围,可以使学生充分开阔思路,发展思维。  相似文献   

在主题为本的教学中,学生的学习属于浅层学习,处于低认知水平,他们仅仅学到了"具体性的学科知识",学生的概念性思维却得不到有效提高。主题为本的教学无法根本改变当前课堂教学中"过于强调接受学习、死记硬背、机械训练"的现状。依据当前社会对人才的需求以及教育改革发展的目标,可以勾勒出概念为本的教学设计的理论框架,概念为本的教学可以提升学生的概念性思维,实施概念为本的教学设计时应着重关注抽取聚合概念、编写基本理解、设计基本问题等环节。  相似文献   

This article explores the social and professional dynamics “when teachers face teachers” seeking to impact colleagues’ instructional practices to improve student learning. Specifically, it examines a group of 40 teachers leading staff development sessions at their schools in an effort to bring more literacy strategies into the pedagogies of disciplinary teachers. Drawing from the research on distributed leadership and teacher leadership, the study looks at how three factors impact teacher leaders: (1) the actions of the principal; (2) relationships among teachers; and (3) teachers’ own beliefs about leadership.

Using primarily qualitative methods, supplemented by pre‐and‐post quantitative survey data, the study found: strong administrative and collegial support for teacher leadership, the use of savvy and emotionally attuned leadership techniques by teachers, and overall impactful sessions. However, not all school environments were conducive to teacher leadership. The article concludes with suggestions for better utilizing teacher leaders for the local enhancement of education reforms.  相似文献   

依靠源自学校内部的力量而进行的持久的学校革新,应该采取不同于以往的革新方式;促成教师基于角色转型和职业生活方式改变的专业力量的兴起,是决定学校变革成败的关键因素。教师领导这一新的角色被视为教师增权、促进变革和教师专业社群建设的必然选择。教师领导意味着教师要成为促进学生学业发展的领导者,要推动其他教师改进教育教学实践,促进学校内部领导群体的形成。教师领导的途径包括"参与"、"互动"和致力于生成"合作文化"。  相似文献   


Although Chinese teachers commonly participate in school-based professional development activities, there is a remarkable scarcity of large-scale quantitative research into the effectiveness of teacher professional development in China, which is characterised as an institutionalised practice. Based on a conceptual framework applying recent research knowledge, this study investigates the relationships between teacher participation in school-based professional development and its individual and school contextual antecedents and effects on teachers and teaching in the context of mainland China. A total of 1506 secondary school teachers responded to a questionnaire survey. The results show that teachers’ willingness to attend teaching research activities and supportive principal leadership facilitated teacher participation. Among the three dimensions of teacher participation, it was collective lesson planning and teacher collegiality, not the frequency of participation, that improved teacher efficacy and the adoption of desirable teaching strategies. These results enrich the knowledge about the characteristics and effectiveness of teacher professional development in China. The implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This article focuses on teacher leadership, an important dimension of the work of the Leadership for Learning network which is the focus of this special issue. More specifically, the article focuses on the launch of a journal – Teacher Leadership – as a strategy for promoting key values: shared leadership, teachers’ leadership of development work, teachers’ knowledge building and teachers’ voice. Material published in the first two issues of this new journal is used to illustrate how these values are realised in action enabling teachers to lead innovation and contribute to the development of professional knowledge. The article begins with an exploration of the place of teacher leadership within the wider context of shared or distributed leadership.  相似文献   

This study tested the relationship between principals’ learning-centered leadership and teacher professional learning in Iranian primary schools, with a focus on the mediating role of trust and knowledge sharing behavior. Survey data collected from 886 teachers in 121 primary schools, representing a range of socioeconomic status, distributed across three districts in the city of Mashhad. Data were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. The results illustrate significant path relationships between the constructs, linking learning-centered leadership with teacher professional learning. Learning-centered leadership directly influenced the professional learning of teachers, and such a relationship was fully mediated by the teachers’ trust and knowledge-based sharing behavior in these Iranian primary schools. These results provide evidence that principals can enhance teacher learning by emphasizing teaching and learning to develop trust among teachers and foster knowledge sharing.  相似文献   

Building on evolving conceptions of teacher leadership in the literature, this article argues that an integration of both positional and empowering elements of teacher leadership are the seeds of an evolved approach to teacher leadership for instructional improvement. Using data from a study of quasi-formal teacher leadership, the research examines how teacher leaders play a positive role in schools and fulfil a series of needs of teachers. However, the constraints of teacher leaders’ instructional authority limits their ability to influence the instructional practices of their peers. The findings clarify the distinction between school-level and individual-level teacher leadership.  相似文献   

This study aims to illuminate how professional interactions among teachers form different types of teacher leadership in schools, which, in turn, shape different levels of teachers’ involvement in activities related to their professional learning community (PLC). To investigate certain patterns of teachers’ interactions that contribute to the formation of teacher leadership and thereby the development of PLC, two international schools that offer a full continuum of three International Baccalaureate (IB) programs were purposively chosen. The schools have similar numbers of students and are located in two different countries in East Asia. Using a mixed-methods research approach, the patterns of teacher professional interactions were first examined using social network analysis. Next, the degree to which teachers in the case study schools enact practices related to PLCs was assessed and compared through a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) test. Further, based on findings from social network analysis, in-depth semistructured interviews were conducted with selected key participants to understand the linkage between teacher leadership and teachers’ involvement in their PLC in each case school. From the findings, we propose four conceptual types of teacher leadership that explain how teacher leadership shapes different levels of teachers’ engagement in PLC in the two case schools.  相似文献   

权益保障对幼儿园教师队伍建设至关重要,也是影响教师职业压力的重要因素之一。采用问卷调查法,对全国东、中、西部11个省份18个城市的16253名幼儿园教师的待遇权益和专业权益保障状况及对其职业压力的影响进行考察。结果发现:幼儿园教师"五险一金"仍缺乏保障,同工同酬尚未实现;国家级培训机会依然不足,职称评聘难度大;幼儿园教师权益保障在城乡、办园体制、编制类型、教师学历上存在显著差异;幼儿园教师权益保障与其职业压力呈显著负相关,且能负向预测职业压力。因此,应关心不同教师群体的需求,保障幼儿园教师应有的合法权益;加快落实幼儿园教师的待遇权益和专业权益保障,缓解教师职业压力。  相似文献   

Teacher leadership lies at the heart of school improvement. Leadership development among beginning teachers, however, is often neglected. This paper examines the role of principal–teacher interactions in the leadership development of a group of beginning teachers. Using a case study design, interviews were conducted and documentary evidence was collected. The results showed that the beginning teachers were able to take up leadership roles in schools both formally and informally. Development of teacher leadership requires constructive and regular communication with teachers and encouragement of their continuing professional development. Three types of effects on principal–teacher interactions in developing teacher leadership were identified: ‘inspirational’, ‘empowering’ and ‘allowing’. These interaction patterns contribute to the international knowledge on teacher leadership development in schools. Implications for school leadership are discussed.  相似文献   


This paper concerns recognition of the authority of teachers’ personal practical knowledge. An Australian teacher reports on her three‐and‐a‐half‐year collaborative study with a Canadian junior high school teacher. The research follows a line of research on teacher knowledge (Elbaz, 1983; Clandinin, 1986; Connelly & Clandinin, 1988; Clandinin & Connelly, 1995) informed by Dewey's (1938) philosophy of education based on experience. Narrative inquiry (Connelly & Clandinin, 1990) is the methodology guiding the study. A summary of five papers on teacher knowledge emerging from the study is presented. These papers show how the research knowledge is constructed as the researcher and collaborating teacher examine their narratives of experience as a means to articulating their understandings of curriculum and teacher knowledge. This dissertation research argues for recognition of teachers’ personal practical knowledge as knowledge and for recognition of collaborative research as educative for teachers. The implications of this research concern teachers authoring their development and the ways in which teachers’ knowledge is systemically denied.  相似文献   

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