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通过对现今高职院校管理存在问题的思考及对学习型组织理论的理解,文章认为高职院校创新管理可以从领导者、团队结构、信息共享、参与式战略以及适应性文化等五个方面着手变革,并提出一些相应的对策建议.  相似文献   

在经济全球化与信息科技时代,高职院校治理系统受到前所未有的冲击。由于外部生态系统的经济与社会关系网络问责和内部生态系统的自组织分权参与诉求,传统的院校线性治理模式无法对高职院校外部生态更迭给出即时性信息回馈与系统性解决方案,迫切需要引入新的院校治理范式,即组织内部营销治理范式。内部营销理论与高职院校治理变革在内核上具有高度契合性,具有把握院校治理本质与引领治理变革动向的价值,能够揭示高职院校治理变革过程中混沌与复杂现象的生成机理及规律。组织内部营销强调教师乃高职院校多重困境的"最佳解决方案",高度重视教师在院校发展和治理中的地位,通过建制高效的内部治理通路和建构统合性人力资源策略,激发教师参与院校治理的动力。技术进路层面,高职院校通过为教师群体实施教育训练、凝聚沟通、管理支持、激励鼓舞和参与授权等内部营销策略,有助于提升高职院校竞争力、达成院校治理变革目标。  相似文献   

以H省C学院国家示范性高职院校建设为例,通过对大学组织转型相关文献和现阶段高职院校实践探索的梳理,总结归纳出高职院校组织变革转型的四个核心要素:领导核心、组织结构和资源配置、组织学习、培养模式变革和校企合作。  相似文献   

组织创新理论框架下的高职院校创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
整体规模扩张、院校数量的激增以及外部市场的不断变化给高职院校发展带来了严峻挑战。高职院校应学习企业体系推行创新变革,以提升教育质量并加强竞争力,谋得长远发展。鉴于组织结构、组织文化和组织激励对高职院校创新具有重要影响,应从策略规划、教学、科研、行政服务等方面提升高职院校创新能力。  相似文献   

构建一种合乎高职院校伦理要求的管理决策框架和规范,既反映了社会发展对职业教育的外在要求,同时也是高职院校内在属性及其管理变革的一种必然。通过对恩德伍德"综合模型"的思考,提出伦理组织、伦理规范与伦理评价是高职院校实现教育管理伦理决策的关键。  相似文献   

高职院校规模扩大以来,管理执行力问题成为研究的热点问题。本文分析影响组织执行力的主要因素,探讨了高职院校执行乏力的成因,并从干部队伍建设、组织结构变革、执行制度建设、监督沟通机制建设、执行文化建设等方面提出提升高职院校执行力的对策。  相似文献   

高职院校组织文化是学校在长期办学过程中所积淀的信念和价值观,以及在价值观指导下所形成的一系列规范和行为。文章基于复杂系统理论探讨了高职院校组织文化的自组织性和涌现性的特点,并提出了高职院校组织文化诊断和变革的步骤。  相似文献   

目前,我国高职院校普遍采用科层制的组织结构,这与高职教育人才培养目标和教学过程的实践性、开放性和职业性不相适应。本文从高职教育的办学功能定位出发,分析高职院校组织结构创新的必要性,并提出高职院校组织结构创新的初步设想。  相似文献   

在高职院校的教学改革进八了一个新的阶段的同时,高职院校的党建工作,尤其是大学生党建工作还相对滞后,面临许多困难和问题。高职院校党组织要从创新组织运行机制入手,进一步健全领导指导机制、组织管理机制、组织保障机制和党建研究机制,推进高职院校大学生党建工作上水平、上台阶。  相似文献   

面对环境变化带来的竞争压力,高职院校应效法企业体系推行组织创新变革,实现规模与内涵的协调发展来提升教育质量和竞争力,以谋得可持续发展。本文以组织创新理论为基础,探讨了规模与内涵协调发展对高职院校发展的现实需要问题,提出了高职院校规模与内涵协调发展的组织创新策略。  相似文献   

This article looks across effective collaborations involving schools and colleges of education and other organizations to identify most commonly voiced reasons for collaboration and factors perceived as being most important to collaboration. Partnerships are often founded as means for a school or college of education to better fulfill its own mission through working with other departments on campus, community organizations, and schools. Those involved with effective collaboration report that willingness to listen, mutual respect, long-term commitment, frequent communication, flexibility, and careful selection of partners were key factors in the success of their collaboratives.  相似文献   

我国正处于社会转型的关键时期,各种利益矛盾凸显,农民增收问题再次引起国家和全社会的高度关注。农民合作经济组织的建立和发展为农民增收提供了新的契机,但是农民合作经济组织自身依然存在诸多问题。为此.应该从确立市场推动模式下的政府角色定位、优化农民合作经济组织发展模式、加大财政扶持力度、坚持以农民为本的发展理念、因地制宜、采取多种发展模式等方面着手建立健全新型的农民合作经济组织。  相似文献   

Where are the world's organizations headed? What do they see as their primary destination and contribution? What do they commit to deliver and to whom? How rigorous are they in defining their destinations? What label do they use to describe statements of their intended future? To find the answers to these and other questions, we examined 26 of the leading organizations internationally as well as 60 leading organizations in the United States. Based on this sample of world organizations, we found indications that many organizations see some aspect of societal good as basic to their future, while many others regard their own organization's well-being as what is most important. We find no clear favorite for what organizations label their statements of purpose: most use “mission” while some use “vision,” and some use “values” or “philosophy.” Few of the organizations in our sample state their intended destination in measurable performance terms. From these data, we discuss the implications in terms of an increasing emphasis in the literature on organizations having to deliver outputs that contribute to external clients and society. We also note that purpose statements must be accompanied by appropriate actions to achieve those intentions. In addition, we discuss how this move toward socially-responsive organizations is impacting the role of the performance technologist.  相似文献   

The Systemic Change Model for Leadership, Inclusion, and Mentoring (SLIM) concentrates on systemic changes occurring in child care organizations where the director builds caring, consistent relationships with the total system and empowers the staff and others through leadership. The model recognizes the importance of focusing on system changes by the organization's director. Leadership qualities related to concepts used in business organizations are included in the training. A mentoring program will help the director focus on his or her leadership capabilities in moving the organization to change. An important collaboration component of the model is working with inclusion of children with special needs. Included in the model are: collaboration components, systemic change, director leadership role, business model related to child care, mentoring, and inclusion of children with special needs.  相似文献   

Zapp  Mike 《Prospects》2019,47(4):321-337
PROSPECTS - Many analyses of globalized education have directed growing attention to a problematic local-global nexus, with a particular focus on international organizations (IOs) as coercive and...  相似文献   

This article describes the change of the Open University of the United Kingdom during the 1990‐1993 period from being a domestic to an international organization, with the expansion of its provision throughout the whole of the European Union and a range of other European countries, including Austria, Bulgaria, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Switzerland. As a case study, it raises issues about the development of universities from the unique organizations which they have been in European society to international organizations which understand their roles in business terms, and suggests that distance teaching universities, because of their industrialized nature and volume of activity, may become leading examples of this trend.  相似文献   

We conducted an online survey to examine religiosity, sexual health knowledge, and behavior and sexual health information sources among undergraduate students affiliated with student religious organizations (n?=?45) and unaffiliated students (n?=?82). Analyses included Fisher’s exact tests, t-tests, and exact regression models. Students reporting religious affiliation considered religious sources to be believable (p?=?.004 for sexual health; p?p?=?.0042). Although religiously affiliated students reported fewer sexual partners in the past year (p?=?.020), their reported condom use was not significantly different from that of unaffiliated students. Future research should explore the focus and content of romantic relationship information provided by student religious organizations. Health practitioners and educators should consider strategies for collaborating with religious organizations to meet the information needs of these students.  相似文献   

市场导向是一个很重要的现代营销和管理观念。随着非营利组织在全球范围内的兴起,市场导向的观念开始被应用于非营利组织。而目前国内外学者们主要是把市场导向观念同营利性机构结合起来进行研究,而对非营利组织市场导向观念的研究相对缺乏。文章对非营利组织市场导向理论做了探索性的研究,介绍了非营利组织市场导向观念的内涵及分类、前因变量和测量、以及营销的途径,以期为我国非营利组织管理实践提供理论指导。  相似文献   

企业与机关事业单位有着不同的工资体制和退休金计算办法,由此导致了其退休人员在退休待遇上存在较大的差距,这种情况的存在违背了养老保险的原则,也不符合社会公平的原则,不利于人才流动,也增加了社会不稳定因素。因此,要加快改革机关事业单位的养老保险制度,进一步完善企业的养老制度,同时根据本省实际采取针对措施,逐步缩小企业与机关事业单位退休人员待遇上的差距,以尽快解决这一社会不平衡问题。  相似文献   

Misspecification of the nature of organizations may be a major reason for difficulty in achieving performance improvement. Organizations are often viewed as machine‐like, but complexity science suggests that organizations should be viewed as complex adaptive systems. I identify the characteristics of complex adaptive systems and give examples of management errors that may be made when these characteristics are ignored. Command, control and planning are presented as managerial tasks that come to the fore when a machine view of organizations dominates thinking. When we treat organizations as complex adaptive systems the focus of managerial activity changes, and sensemaking, learning and improvisation become appropriate strategies for performance improvement. Each of these is defined and described. A modest research agenda is presented.  相似文献   

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