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陕西为中国当代的文学创作做出卓越的贡献,但陕西的当代文学创作从第一代作家起,就缺乏必要的现代意识的高度,并深深地影响着新时期的作家。主要原因在于作家对传统文化的认同意识,主要表现为题材相同、话语选择和叙事结构相似。陕西文学应从传统中走出,创作出既有丰富的生活底蕴,又有现代意识的文学作品  相似文献   

20世纪侗族作家长篇小说的创作 ,从反映历史生活的真实性、革命历史题材的现实意义 ,描写当代知识分子和描写少数民族生活、斗争的丰富多彩 ,表现手法的民族化大众化等方面 ,肯定了侗族作家创作的长篇小说 ,无论是反映生活的深度和广度 ,塑造人物的多样性和丰富性以及在民族化和大众化探索等方面 ,都取得了令人注目的成就。  相似文献   

革命历史题材小说的创作,一直在中国当代小说史中占有极其重要的位置,也曾铸就五六十年代该类题材长篇小说创作的辉煌。革命英雄主义和革命理想的呈现,似乎成为该类题材的永恒主题;然而,到了80年代中期,新历史小说以一种全新的姿态出现在文坛并引起关注。历史的变奏一直延续到90年代,至今仍具有方兴未艾之势,本文就这一文学现象提出一点自己的见解。  相似文献   

日本当代著名作家井上靖以孔子为题材,创作了一系列诗歌,并创作了长篇小说《孔子》。在这些以孔子为题材的诗歌中,阐释了诗人对孔子思想的见解,抒发了对孔子的景仰之情。这些诗歌为作家后来创作长篇小说《孔子》奠定了基础,不仅成为小说的题材来源,也是孔子形象塑造的出发点。  相似文献   

本文将陕西的长篇小说创作当做中国当代文学中具有典型意义的局部存在,以地域性的陕西文学为切入口,探讨中国长篇小说在新中国成立以来的几次时代变革,陕西长篇小说创作对中国当代文学独到的艺术贡献以及历史的局限,当下的困境和问题,进而引向对未来文学发展的预期性思考。  相似文献   

近年在文坛上兴起的辞赋创作热,体现了文学创作的古典主义倾向。然当代辞赋创作尚处草创时期,还存在各种各样的问题。辞赋作者要发挥辞赋“润色鸿业”、“体物写志”等多方面的功能价值;在题材上,注重传统题材的重写与新题材的开拓;应以诗人之赋代辞人之赋,彰显辞赋创作的主体意识;在不违背赋体基本规范的原则下,不断创新当代赋体形式;辞赋作者还应不断加强学养,树立良好的文德与文风。  相似文献   

长篇小说的结构犹如一座巨大的建筑物的间架一样,历来是成功的小说家要呕心沥血地精心处理的问题。冈察洛夫说长篇小说的结构,就是“大厦的结构,足以耗尽作者的全部智力活动:思量和考虑参与主要任务的人物,他们彼此之间的关系,事件的安排和进程,人物的作用,……总而言之——象喝干海水一样困难。”(见《古典文艺理论译丛》第一册第188页)而创作革命历史题材长篇小说也许比创作其它题材的长篇小说更难于驾驭其结构。这是因为对于已经过去三十多年的我国新民主主义革命时期辉煌复杂、惊心动魄的革命斗争历史,作家  相似文献   

新时期达斡尔族长篇小说的发展极大地改变了长期以来达斡尔族长篇小说创作的停滞和困窘状态。在新时期思想解放的历史大背景下,创作观念、题材观念及历史观念的演变使达斡尔族作家们拓展了审视历史的视野,特别是长篇历史小说的作者力图以现代意识和新的审美眼光,观照达斡尔民族发展的历史,从历史的兴衰演变中发掘令人惊醒和深思的内容,以寻求民族振兴的通途。在艺术形式上,达斡尔族长篇历史小说大都具有情节曲折生动,结构壮美,情节描写与心理分析相交织,节奏鲜明,张弛有度等特征。  相似文献   

尤·邦达列夫是苏联当代著名作家。他自1949年开始发表作品,多以卫国战争为题材,被称为“战壕真实”派作家之一。七、八十年代,邦达列夫发表了三部长篇小说《岸》(1975,荣获苏联国家奖)、《选择》(1980)和《人生舞台》(1985),引起文学评论界和广大读者的广泛关注。研究和探讨尤·邦达列夫的创作,尤其是他的八十年代的创作,对了解当代苏联文学发展的趋势、倾向和特点具有重要的意义。长篇小说《人生舞台》是尤·邦达列夫近期创作的主要作品,它体现了邦达列夫文学创作进程的新拓展,新成就。邦达列夫在《人生舞台》中提出了当今世界、人类社会  相似文献   

贾平凹长篇小说创作从题材、主题到叙事手法有一个发展的过程。文章通过探讨贾平凹最新长篇《山本》的叙事艺术,揭示了贾平凹民间立场的历史叙事的最新特色,并把贾平凹的这种历史叙事的创新置于中国当代乃至历史上的文学叙事视域中去考量,力求彰显贾平凹民间立场的历史叙事的价值和限度。  相似文献   

The present research sought to determine if primary school students differentiate between classes that are challenging and those that are difficult, and how these distinctions relate to their motivation and achievement. Results indicated that there are three types of challenges/difficulties. Challenging classes are those that are demanding of the students but within their ability, are important and are tied to interests; students in these classes are more likely to adopt mastery goal orientations. Purely difficult classes are not valued, require a lot of effort, but are threatening to students’ efficacy. Classes that are difficult compared to others are those that are more demanding for the student than other students or other classes. These classes are not valued and are also seen as a threat to efficacy. Both purely difficult and difficult compared to others classes were negatively related to achievement, and students in these classes are more likely to adopt performance avoidance goal orientations.  相似文献   

Volitional issues are important in today’s classrooms where autonomous students are expected to manage school demands on their own. A new kind of challenge has appeared with the advent of free Internet access in the classroom. Motivational conflicts may therefore arise between (1) immediate rewards of electronic chatting, surfing, and games and (2) the long-term rewards of academic achievement. Paradoxes of our educational system are emerging in the technology-rich classroom, for example, the basic need of student autonomy versus dealing with constraints to regulate one’s own behaviour. The main purposes of this article are, first, to discuss volitional issues on a theoretical level. Second, a field study is used to identify how students are using volitional (or self-discipline) strategies in technology-rich laissez-faire classrooms. Third, how schools may design institutional arrangements which can scaffold the student’s use of self-discipline strategies are discussed. The strategies which are enumerated may contribute to school programs that are to build self-discipline. Understanding how to design institutional features to influence students’ choices in directions that improve their academic achievement is one of the major challenges in education.
Eyvind ElstadEmail:

Literature has shown that on-the-job professional development programs are most beneficial when they are long-term, focused on students’ learning, and linked to the curricula. We hypothesized that the higher the control teachers have over job professional development processes, and the greater the resemblance of these processes to the typical teaching culture in classrooms, the greater the teachers’ satisfaction with job professional development processes. The findings of this study demonstrate that the main factors affecting teachers’ satisfaction with the instructional programs are related to their desire to maintain instructional processes “close to home”, and to shape these processes in accordance with their needs and expectations. The implications of the study are discussed with relation to decision-makers in the school setting and at the local authorities’ level.  相似文献   

Post-16 providers in the UK now offer a wide range of courses and training in order to respond to the expanded, diversified and 'non-traditional' post-16 market. School leavers are invited to 'choose' from a range of courses and pathways which are being provided in a variety of post-16 educational institutions. These providing institutions are in competition with one another and 'need' the students as their funds are contingent upon successful recruitment (and retention). As a result, many post-16 providers are turning to aspects of marketing in order to publicise their courses and maintain or increase their share of the market. This paper examines two major tactics in the promotion and marketing of post-16 provision-brochures and open days-in relation to issues such as access, targeting, response to 'difference' in the client group/market segment and 'professionalism' of approach. The paper argues that market tactics do semiotic 'work' as class-taste markers.  相似文献   

Rates of students engaging in nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) are rising and additional supports in the schools are needed (Nock, 2010, Ann Rev Clin Psychol, 6, 339–363; Stargell et al., 2017, Prof Sch Couns, 21, 37-46). School psychologists, school counselors, and school nurses are key personnel in responding to self-injurious behaviors within the school setting. The results of a practice-based research project are described, in which school psychologists, school counselors, and school nurses participated in training to increase their self-efficacy, knowledge, and response in regard to NSSI. The training provided information regarding best practice in responding to NSSI in youth (Hasking et al., 2016, Sch Psychol Int, 37(6), 644–663; Kanan et al., 2008, Sch Psychol Forum: Res Prac, 2, 67–79; Walsh & Muehlenkamp, 2013, Sch Psychol Forum: Res Prac, 7, 161–171). This exploratory study indicated that training positively impacted participants' perceived self-efficacy and knowledge with respect to responding to youth who engage in NSSI. Handouts and resources for school-based staff are included. Limitations and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

This article is a result of a completed survey of the mainly cognitive science literature on the transferability of those skills which have been described variously as ‘core’, ‘key’, and ‘generic’. The literature reveals that those predominantly cognitive skills which have been studied thoroughly (mainly problem solving) are transferable under certain conditions. These conditions relate particularly to the methods and environment of the learning of these skills. Therefore, there are many implications for the teaching of key skills in higher education, which the article draws out, following a summary of the main findings of the research literature. Learning of principles and concepts facilitates transfer to dissimilar problems, as it creates more flexible mental representations, whereas rote learning of facts discourages transfer. Transfer is fostered when general principles of reasoning are taught together with self-monitoring practices and potential applications in varied contexts. Training in reasoning and critical thinking is only effective for transfer, when abstract principles and rules are coupled with examples. Transfer is promoted when learning takes place in a social context, which fosters generation of principles and explanations. Transfer improves when learning is through co-operative methods, and where there is feedback on performance with training examples. The specificity of the context in which principles are learned reduces their transfer. Transfer is promoted if learners are shown how problems resemble each other, if they are expected to learn to do this themselves, if they are aware of how to apply skills in different contexts, if attention is directed to the underlying goal structure of comparable problems, if examples are varied and are accompanied by rules or principles (especially if discovered by the learners), and if learners’ self-explanations are stimulated. Learning to use meta-cognitive strategies is especially important for transfer.  相似文献   

The legal and administrative systems for handling child abuse cases in England and The Netherlands are briefly described and it is argued that the two systems illustrate respectively the “legal” and “medical” models. The implications for this in practice are contrasted. In England the stress is on careful adherence to criteria for abuse, on procedures for placing children's names on child abuse registers, and removing them if they are no longer at risk, while in The Netherlands the stress is on family need with the abusive incident being regarded as no more than a signal that help is needed. This allows a much wider definition of abuse. In England sexual and emotional abuse are still relatively rarely used as grounds for intervention whereas in the Netherlands concepts such as “cognitive abuse” and “sexual neglect” are gaining currency. Other implications of the models such as differences in attitudes to confidentiality and public attitudes to authority and to seeking help are considered, as are the consequences for incidence figures. The handling of two cases with very similar circumstances are compared. Finally, it is argued that while each system might present the other with new ideas, the systems have to be seen in the social context of the two countries and neither system is likely to appear superior to professionals in the other country.  相似文献   

Many universities strive to become world-class and two of Singapore’s universities are almost there, being ranked 12th and 13th in the QSWUR 2015/16. This study looked into the details of indicator rankings and found that the two universities are comparable to those in the top 10 universities in the same ranking in practically all indicators with the exception of Citations. Further analysis of the data of the 58 highest ranking universities with complete data revealed discrepancies in the assigned and attained indicator weights. Moreover, the Academic and Citations categories were not able to be used in stepwise regression calculations. These indicate that the computed Overall result is not what the ranker intended it to be and needs re-interpretation. If rankings are not anchored in statistical ground, discussions on rankings are at the abstract and verbal level, similar to discourses on alchemy (faith) vis-a-vis chemistry (facts).  相似文献   

The South Africa Schools Act requires every child to “attend school from the first school day of the year in which such learner reaches the age of seven years until the last day of the year in which such learner reaches the age of 15 years or the ninth grade, whichever comes first” (Republic of South Africa, 1996). This paper addresses three questions in relation to this. First, to what extent has this legal requirement been met? Second, what are the trends in relation to achieving universal access to compulsory education? And third, what are the factors related to and characteristics of those learners of compulsory school age who are not attending? To address these questions, we have made use of the Statistics South Africa dataset, Community Survey 2007. Our analysis suggests that the size of the compulsory age population who are not attending school may be slightly higher than some government sources have suggested. The trend associated with access remains consistent, with the only major change over the past 10 years being the improved levels of enrolment of six and seven year old children. With regard to the factors related to and the characteristics of children who are not attending school, our analysis reveals that certain sub-populations have higher non-attendance ratios: coloured boys; children whose parents, particularly mothers, have died; children born outside South Africa; children who have moved in the past five years; children with disabilities; and children living in some specific rural communities. A number of broad but interrelated factors may account for children not being in school: disability; family structure; children living in households that are eligible for social grants but are not receiving them; and geographic and racial characteristics. To be poor in South Africa may mean exclusion from the mainstream of the economy, but it does not necessarily mean exclusion from access to basic state services like enrolment in schooling or social grants. Children not attending are not only likely to be living in households that are excluded from participation in the mainstream economy, but are also on the fringes of state services; they may also be on the fringes of households. The paper concludes with recommendations for further research to identify reasons why children in these vulnerable sub-populations are less likely to be enrolled.  相似文献   


This paper will discuss the ways that Native Hawaiian scholars are engaging in innovative strategies that incorporate ancestral knowledges into the academy. Ancestral knowledges are highly valued as Indigenous communities strive to pass on such wisdom and lessons from generation to generation. Ancestral knowledges are all around us no matter where we are, they are evident and valued in every setting, whether out on the ocean and land or in a four-walled classroom. However, contrary to Indigenous beliefs, ancestral knowledges are continually threatened by formal education systems – institutions that would have us believe that they have no place in the university setting; whereby Indigenous ways of learning are replaced with Western forms. Ancestral knowledges are devalued due to the fact that most institutions of higher education are not multi-generational, reflecting a bias against elders and elder knowledge and an overemphasis on ‘new’ knowledge. Furthermore, these institutions are dependent on Western epistemologies and ways of thinking. Building upon my own experiences. This paper aims to unveil the ways in which Native Hawaiians have combated alienation and isolation of ancestral knowledges in higher education and to re-imagine what Native Hawaiian higher education could be. More specifically, I analyze exemplary practices at the level of individuals, community, and institutions to illustrate the ways that scholars have refused such exclusion of ancestral knowledges within the academy.  相似文献   

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