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阅读教学是小学语文教学的中心环节,培养阅读能力是小学语文教学的重要组成部分。阅读教学的目的之一是培养学生独立阅读的能力和认真阅读的习惯。笔者结合教学实践,就小学语文阅读教学应该具有的"三要"进行了探讨。  相似文献   

陈静 《教育教学论坛》2011,(22):211-212
数学是学好其他学科的基础。目前在小学数学教学中,忽视小学数学阅读教学现象比较普遍,往往只注重算术计算步骤,而忽略了对数学语言的阅读理解。因此,重视数学的阅读教学,培养学生的数学阅读能力,将成为小学数学教学的重要任务之一。  相似文献   

阅读教学是小学语文教学的重要组成部分,在完成小学语文教学任务中占有重要的地位。新课标中阶段目标从"识字与写字"、"阅读"、"写作"、"口语交际"、"综合性学习"五个方面提出要求。不仅学生的阅读能力必须通过阅读教学来培养,而且学生的识字能力、写作能力、口语交际及综合性学习能力也有赖于阅读及阅读教学来奠定基础,提供范例。因此可以说,阅读教学的质量在很大程度上决定整个语文教学的质量,阅读教学是小学语文教学的中心。  相似文献   

小学数学阅读教学活动的有效开展可以让学生数学问题解决效率得到有效提升,数学阅读本身具有灵活性、抽象性特点,数学阅读教学可以让学生数学阅读习惯得到培养,进而提升学生自主学习能力。本文首先对小学数学阅读与问题解决做出阐述,然后对小学数学阅读现存问题及原因进行分析,最后结合笔者实际教学经验,提出几点小学数学阅读教学改进主要措施。  相似文献   

胡燕飞 《广西教育》2011,(19):35-36
阅读是小学语文教学的重要内容。实施新课程以来,在"新理念""新方法"的指引下,小学阅读教学发生了翻天覆地的变化,学生阅读的兴趣浓了,阅读量大了,个性化解读多了。但是,由于一些教师对阅读教学存在认识上的误区,导致阅读教学出现了内容过"胖"、环节过多、形式过"花"的现象,偏离了语文教学的"根"。由于语文教学是人文性和工具性的统一,所以阅读教学应该"简约化",即简简单单教语文、扎扎实实促发展,这样才能切实提高阅读教学的效率。  相似文献   

吴培 《学苑教育》2012,(24):42-42
小学数学课堂教学中存在着"被动"有余"主动"不足、"术语"有余"口语"不足、"理论"有余,"生活"不足的现象,教师要结合教学实际,变"旁观"为"亲历",变"枯燥"为"有趣",变"单一"为"多样",从而提高小学数学课堂教学的有效性。  相似文献   

刘胜祥 《生活教育》2014,(24):33-34
通过结合自身从事小学语文教学的实践经验,就"研学后教"课堂教学模式下小学语文阅读教学的有效性作简要探讨。在强调学生自主性的"研学后教"课堂教育模式下,进一步探索小学语文阅读教学策略,是提高小学语文课堂教学有效性、提高学生阅读能力的迫切要求。  相似文献   

近年来对小学语文教学的关注越来越多,其中对阅读教学的关注尤其多。因为阅读教学是小学语文教学的中心环节,培养学生的阅读能力是小学语文教学的重要组成部分。小学语文阅读教学必须抓住"读"字,使学生在读的过程中理解语言文字、理解课文内容、提高阅读能力。  相似文献   

阅读教学是"变"与"不变"的辩证法与复合体,在创新求变与坚守品位之间求得一种平衡是小学阅读教学的艺术性所在。那么,在复杂多样的阅读教学教法背后潜藏的不变之"道"是什么呢?有老师认为,是主宰小学生阅读理解过程的"解释学循环";有老师认为,是"三维教学目标"的一以贯之;还有老师认为,那是对本真语文课堂的求索……我们认为:把小学阅读教学融为一体的不仅仅是上述线索,更重要的是核心语文知识,小学语文教师必须树立核心语文意识。  相似文献   

随着新一轮的课程改革的推进,小学数学课堂教学已由传统的"讲数学"、"听数学"、"练数学"转向引导学生在实际情境中去探索、去"做数学"的新的教学方式,这是现代小学数学教学观对小学数学教师提出的新要求。随着《数学课程标准》的颁布,我力求营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围,把数学变成"有趣的数学"、"现实的数学"、"思考的数学"、"学习者获得不断成功的数学"。  相似文献   

This study, situated in a multilingual, English-medium educational context, draws on theory from mathematics and language education to capture teachers’ perspectives on the place of language in their mathematics pedagogy. The benchmark study explored this topic through surveying and interviewing teachers. Additionally, it sought to relate teachers’ views to their practice by focusing on observing three teachers’ mathematics lessons at primary one, three, and five. Findings are that mathematics teachers placed importance on teaching language, being specifically concerned with language as input and comprehension. They taught vocabulary and reading skills in supportive ways explicitly yet differently at the three grade levels. Particularly at the lower levels, teachers contextualised language in the concrete examples employed for mathematics teaching. At all three levels, prominence was given to teaching pupils how to read word problems as well as how to solve them. However, at primary three, a tension was observed between the two aims of teaching mathematical vocabulary and teaching the reading skills for word problems. This paper illustrates the tension and discusses its possible causes.  相似文献   

学生学习的关键能力主要表现为阅读能力、思考能力和表达能力。数学关键能力主要表现为数学的阅读能力、运用数学知识的思考能力、借助数学知识的表达能力。为此,在小学数学课堂教学中实施“读思达”教学模式,以提升学生学习数学的关键能力。  相似文献   

The aim of the present longitudinal study was to investigate factors contributing to mothers' and fathers' teaching of reading and mathematics to their children during kindergarten and Grade 1. It was assumed that mothers' and fathers' teaching during kindergarten would be influenced by their socioeconomic status and their own learning difficulties, whereas during Grade 1 by their children's academic performance. A total of 189 mothers and 165 fathers filled in questionnaires regarding their teaching of reading and mathematics twice, once in kindergarten and once in Grade 1. Children's reading and mathematics performance was also examined twice, once in kindergarten and once in Grade 1. The results showed that the lower the socioeconomic status of mothers and fathers, the more teaching of reading and mathematics they reported. Moreover, the lower the children's academic performance in reading and mathematics in the beginning of Grade 1, the more teaching by mothers and fathers reported later on. Overall, the results suggest that mothers and fathers adjust their teaching to the actual skill level of their children when their children enter primary school.  相似文献   

张慧 《成才之路》2020,(3):84-85
数学阅读教学可以有效转变课堂教学模式和学生思维模式,加深学生对知识的理解,帮助学生融会贯通各学科知识,并且为教学改革提供助力。开展数学阅读教学时,教师应让学生明确数学阅读教学的重要性,为学生创造足够的数学阅读条件,创设阅读情境,激发学生兴趣,充分发挥自身在阅读教学中的指导作用。  相似文献   

随着中学数学课程改革的深入,高中数学教材中增加了研究性学习内容,新课程对学生的数学学习提出了更高要求,教学阅读成了教学的延伸.本文通过对数学主题阅读的研究,结合自己在教学中的探索实验,试图找到符合数学主题阅读的教学策略来开展研究性学习.  相似文献   

指导师范生进行小学数学概念教学,首先应立足基础,使其在整体把握小学数学概念体系及其特征的基础上,切实掌握数学概念教学的基本要求,最重要的是培养其对小学数学概念进行学术解构和教学解构的教学基本能力,最后通过案例教学,架起教学理论与实践的桥梁,提升教学有效性。  相似文献   

数学教育技术是指运用各种理论和技术,通过对数学教与学的过程和资源的设计、开发、利用、管理和评价,以实现数学教育教学优化的理论和实践.中小学数学教师教育技术应该包括:数学教育技术的应用意识、数学教学设计、数学教学媒体使用技术、数学教学资源的利用与建设、数学教学实施、数学教师专业成长的技术.  相似文献   

The article first investigates the basis for designing teaching activities dealing with aspects of history, applications, and philosophy of mathematics in unison by discussing and analyzing the different ‘whys’ and ‘hows’ of including these three dimensions in mathematics education. Based on the observation that a use of history, applications, and philosophy as a ‘goal’ is best realized through a modules approach, the article goes on to discuss how to actually design such teaching modules. It is argued that a use of primary original sources through a so-called guided reading along with a use of student essay assignments, which are suitable for bringing out relevant meta-issues of mathematics, is a sensible way of realizing a design encompassing the three dimensions. Two concrete teaching modules on aspects of the history, applications, and philosophy of mathematics—HAPh-modules—are outlined and the mathematical cases of these, graph theory and Boolean algebra, are described. Excerpts of student groups’ essays from actual implementations of these modules are displayed as illustrative examples of the possible effect such HAPh-modules may have on students’ development of an awareness regarding history, applications, and philosophy in relation to mathematics as a (scientific) discipline.  相似文献   

沈浩 《远程教育杂志》2007,(3):56-58,65
以网络为代表的现代教育技术,是数学学科开展教学改革的基本环境和现实需求。基于网络的教学环境可以突破传统数学教学的局限,推动中学数学教改思路和新教学理论的实践。基于网络的数学教学要进行观念的调适,并优化和改善教学策略,探索和选择合适的教学模式。  相似文献   

《数学教育概论》是中小学数学教育教学的指导性读物,内容涉及教学实践和教育理论2部分,其中数学文化论述是重要的内容之一.苗族侗族地区有着丰富的文化遗产,它浓缩着2个民族的文化精髓,折射着民族的整个历史,蕴含有丰富的苗侗民族数学文化资源.拜读名著《数学教育概论》,认识数学文化的民族性、地域性,指导多侧面地开展数学文化研究,挖掘原生态民族数学文化,实施揭示数学文化内涵的地方性教育.  相似文献   

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