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A survey was conducted across three Australian universities to identify the types and format of support services available for higher degree research (HDR, or MA and Ph.D.) students. The services were classified with regards to availability, location and accessibility. A comparative tool was developed to help institutions categorise their services in terms of academic, administrative, social and settlement, language and miscellaneous (other) supports. All three universities showed similarities in the type of academic support services offered, while differing in social and settlement and language support services in terms of the location and the level of accessibility of these services. The study also examined the specific support services available for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) students. The three universities differed in their emphases in catering to CALD needs, with their allocation of resources reflecting these differences. The organisation of these services within the universities was further assessed to determine possible factors that may influence the effective delivery of these services, by considering HDR and CALD student specific issues. The findings and tools developed by this study may be useful to HDR supervisors and university administrators in identifying key support services to better improve outcomes for the HDR students and universities.  相似文献   

中央与地方高等教育财政责任安排的审视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国高等教育一直遵循中央与地方"分级负责"的财政责任安排。这一安排在克服原有的体制弊端,调动地方办学积极性方面发挥了重要作用,但同时也引发了一些问题,表现为:中央与地方高校获得的财力支持整体上差距较大、中央与地方高校生均财政支出水平差异明显、地方高校获得的科研经费较少。对此,本文根据公共财政的财力与事权相匹配原则、财政均等原则、受益范围原则,提出完善我国中央地方高等教育财政责任安排的若干措施。  相似文献   

Enquiries into the governance, structure and management of higher education institutions across the globe have stimulated changes to the legislative and policy frameworks within which universities operate and to their organizational structures and processes. These changes have subsequently brought into question the proper role of academics in relation to the leadership and management of their departments/institutions. While mainstream academic staff conceive of academic leadership as being strictly associated with teaching, research and community outreach, university administrators and policy makers conceptualize it more broadly. Their definitions often include the management of change, quality, information, finance, and physical and human resources - functions that many mainstream academics perceive as being the responsibility of departmental/institutional administrative or support staff. Such differences create major challenges for academic development units. What type of training should they provide? Should they embrace activities that support these new conceptions of leadership and management? These are among the central issues explored in this paper.  相似文献   

This study investigated university students?? perceptions of their institutions?? learning environments, and related those perceptions to students?? academic aspirations and satisfaction with their universities. A sample of 12,423 juniors at 42 universities in Taiwan was used to confirm the validity and reliability of the instrument: CUEI-S. The study revealed diversity of students?? perceptions among specific aspects of the learning environment. Students responded more positively for student cohesion, library resources and administrative support, but less positively for student-faculty relations, student services, enhancement of their language abilities and emotional development. The majority of students had low academic aspirations but felt satisfied with their universities. The learning environment on campus was shown to play an important role both in students?? academic aspirations and in their general satisfaction, whether the individual student or the university was used as the unit of analysis. The relationship between faculty and students is the aspect that was most strongly associated with students?? academic aspirations. On the other hand, both adequate library resources and university support for student services were the key correlates of students?? general satisfaction at the individual student level. By identifying important relationships among variables, this study suggests initiatives for improving the learning environment at higher education institutions.  相似文献   

阐述了远程教育的两大支柱:远程课程的设计开发和学习支持服务的功能,认为学习支持服务是保证网络教育质量和促成远程学习者学业成功的尤为重要的因素,根据功能可将其分为学术支持服务、管理支持服务和资源与技术支持服务三大类。从计算机网络技术支持服务人手,讨论了计算机网络技术支持对于网络教育的特殊意义.并通过了解美国网络高校对学习者提供学习资源和技术支持服务的现状,为我国高校网络教育的改革与发展提出对策性建议。  相似文献   

In part due to the increased demand for higher education, typical evaluation frameworks for universities often address the key issue of available resource utilisation. This study seeks to estimate the efficiency of 20 public universities in Greece through quantitative analysis (including performance indicators, data envelopment analysis (DEA) and econometric procedures). The findings show inefficiency in terms of human resources management while also identifying a clear opportunity to increase research activity and hence research income.In addition to the immediate findings, this paper more broadly discusses the methodology behind the evaluation process used in this investigation and its potential to more consistently and reliably evaluate the efficiency of resource management by public universities.This paper is set against, and hopes to contribute to, the broader debate on reforming the management and administration system of Greek universities.  相似文献   

Since the corporatization of national universities, the environment surrounding Japanese universities has dramatically changed in various respects. A series of government-led attempts have intended to support the domestic colleges and universities in gaining a competitive edge by improving the quality of teaching and research as well as guaranteeing the international validity of the country's higher education system. Impacts of all the challenges that have been tackled with internal efforts in the last few years could be enormous on the personnel workload. However, little is known about the impacts of Japan's recent university education reform, particularly on the changing workload of the faculty who engage at the forefront in student teaching and advising, administrative roles as well as research activities. Using results from individual faculty interviews, this paper attempts to link the changing workload of Japanese professors with specific reasons that are rooted in the country's recent university education reform. Reviewing the effects of the reform on faculty workload provides us with important insights for the long term and guides us to prevent the derailment from the endeavour to which a significant amount of resources have been dedicated by the country.  相似文献   

The relationship between education practice and education research has a long history. In modern times, education practice and its relation to education research has been central to debates about the nature and quality of education as an academic discipline in universities. This article reports an empirical study that investigated a new instantiation of the practice–theory debate: ‘close-to-practice’ research in education. The research sought to (a) define and further articulate the concept of close-to-practice research and (b) provide reflections on the quality of close-to-practice research. The orientation of the work reported in this article is informed by theory on traditions of knowledge in the organisation of education that have contributed to the development of education as an academic discipline. The main section of the article reports the findings of the empirical study. The research design was a rapid evidence assessment (REA), and a series of interviews with education researchers whose experiences were highly relevant to understanding of close-to-practice research issues. The conclusions of the research are reported in relation to how close-to-practice research might be defined, including in relation to quality, but also implications for education as a discipline in universities subject to nationwide assessments of quality.  相似文献   

随着MOOCs(大规模开放在线课程)的兴起,各界对其与远程教育的关注逐渐升温。从在线教育运行机制的角度.对MOOCs和现有远程教育运行机制进行对比分析:首先选用比较分析研究法,提出对比指标项的选择依据.选取MOOCs的三个典型机构——Coursera、edx和Udacity以及远程教育的代表机构——英国开放大学和中国国家开放大学作为比较对象。其次从总体规划设计、教学环境、资源建设、师资发展、支持服务、教育管理与质量保证、成本效益和盈利模式、社会认可等八个方面,逐一比较MOOCs与现有的远程教育运行机制。结果表明,MOOCs在运行机制方面的探索将给远程教育的发展以新的启示.体现在MOOCs借助“名校、名师、名课”效应,增加课程的影响力;采用“高校加盟、统一平台、统一制作”的协同运作方式;运行主体由传统的教育机构转变为公司等。另一方面。MOOCs仅以名校声誉作为质量保障的基础。缺乏有效的学习支持服务,也不具备系统、完整的教学管理体系。所以,更为成熟的远程教育则能够为MOOCs的进一步发展提供丰富的经验。  相似文献   

The constraints and complexity entailed in the provision of comprehensive special education services at a school site argue for the importance of using whole schools as a unit of analysis in special education efficacy research. The case studies summarized in this special issue represent an important step forward in understanding how schools that support positive academic outcomes for all students are configured. All studies found support for the importance of collaboration (although the forms varied by school). Other common themes were peer support, shared responsibility for student learning, administrative support for collaboration, and informal communication mechanisms that supplemented more formal contacts between general and special education. The case studies can serve as a stimulus for further debate about how to define exemplary outcomes in special education and the critical dimensions for characterizing schools' services to students with disabilities. They also provide directions for future research in understanding the processes that contribute to positive outcomes for students in special education.  相似文献   

高校行政管理人员激励机制构建的必要性及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校担负着培养人才、科学研究、社会服务的重大职能,是促进社会发展不可忽视的重要力量,而行政人员是实施高校科学管理的关键队伍。但是目前,很多高校行政部门多、工作效率低、工作人员缺乏积极性的现象普遍,就此基于需求理论和激励理论提出对高校的行政人员的激励措施。  相似文献   

Administrative staff are a crucial human capital input in tertiary education institutions. Given the substantial investment in recruitment and selection of administrative staff, efficient and effective use of these staff affects the organisational and financial performance of universities. Whereas much concern has been placed on the performance of academic staff, the ability of a university to obtain an optimal level of administrative staff has not been addressed. This paper investigates whether the usage capacity of administrative staff is maximised in Vietnamese universities. Vietnam has implemented several education reform policies with the aim to improve the standing of its universities in the world’s education market. The process is not only about obtaining and delivering good education quality, but also efficiently using human resources to reach optimal performance and sustainable development. Employing the stochastic frontier input requirement model with data on 112 Vietnamese universities, we examine the presence of excess administrative capacity in these universities, given the existing student outputs and other input resources. We find that, on average, the level of excess administrative capacity is 3.4%, implying an economic loss in universities. In addition, under the analysis of determinants of the variances of the inefficiency effects and the error terms in the input-requirement function, our findings reveal that excess administrative capacity varies according to location and ownership. Some policy implications are discussed to address excess capacity of administrative staff in the Vietnamese context and some key lessons learned for the rest of the world.  相似文献   

中心城市电大的办学优势与创新发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中心城市电大充分利用区域中心资源优势办学,现已步入了重视办学质量内涵建设的发展新阶段。这一阶段的主要任务是:巩固和发挥多年办学实践中形成的办学优势,提升服务城市经济建设和社会发展的能力,促进学校自身与经济社会的互动发展。  相似文献   

世界级湾区的发展需要高等教育的支持,当前我国长三角地区的杭州湾区正值向创新型湾区经济体建设的关键期,已经在区域高等教育的协作建设上取得了诸多成绩,但在区域高等教育协调发展,高等教育资源充分利用,区域高等教育整体规划等方面仍存在问题。对此,杭州湾区域高等教育协作建设应加强高科技、高学历人才的密切往来,打破区域界线、组织界限;重视高校和实验室等资源引领,建立资源共享、开放的平台;接受研发创投资金的供给和富有创新精神的中小企业支持;针对湾区经济的发展阶段,动态调整专业与湾区所需的产业对接。  相似文献   

The quality of teacher education, in general, is affected from a number of variables such as physical environment of the institutions, instructor quality, the curriculum implemented, administrative support, and others. As the input of the system, the perspectives of the students on those variables also influence the direction and the quality of the education taking place in the colleges of education. Regarding this, the purpose of the present study is to identify and compare the perspectives of fourth-year English Language Teaching students on the physical environment, human resources, and the program of three ELT departments at three different state universities. As part of the survey research design, the questionnaire was administered to totally 278 prospective English Teachers from the ELT departments at state universities in Ankara. The results of the study, unlike the past research on the issue, presented that the prospective English teachers had positive views on the instructors and program generally; however, they stated problems on the physical environment of their departments. Moreover, there were significant differences in students’ views on the physical environment, resources, and its sub-dimensions. The students from the institution, which was renovated before the study, had more positive views on their department than the others. The results suggested it might be useful to reevaluate and reconsider the current conditions of the English language teacher education in relation to the departments’ human resources, program and especially the physical environment.  相似文献   

为给学校的教学、科研提供强有力的技术支撑,给地方经济提供更新更专业的技术服务,生物医学研究院公共技术平台在已拥有3台MALDI源生物质谱的基础上,通过整合该类仪器在相对分子质量测定、肽段测序、新蛋白分析、蛋白质鉴定、蛋白质翻译后修饰和定量分析等方面的应用,率先建立了基于MALDI源的生物质谱技术子平台。针对该子平台所涉及仪器的原理进行简单介绍,实验技术进行实例演示,仪器共享服务的规章制度进行说明。在此基础上,进一步完善了大型仪器设备共享系统,提高了大型仪器和优质资源的使用效率和效益,展示了该子平台在生物医学领域不可或缺的地位。  相似文献   

学术界在关于研究型大学是“以教学为中心”还是“以科研为中心”的长期争论中,逐渐形成了“教学和科研并重”的趋同判断,但办学实践中却一直存在“重科研而轻教学”的现象。由于本科教育的科研参与量少,重科研而轻教学直接导致了研究型大学本科教育边缘化。但本科教育边缘化并不是研究型大学的病症,而是研究型大学教育资源配置的正常表现,是研究型大学演化的结果。要提高本科教育质量,研究型大学本科教育改革的重心应该从传统的“评教模式”转变为“评学模式”,教师增压导向的本科教育改革并不利于研究型大学的良性发展。  相似文献   

加强对高校职能、教辅部门服务教学中心工作水平评估,是完善高校内部质量保障体系建设,提高教学质量的重要途径。高校职能、教辅部门服务教学中心工作水平评估指标体系应从指导思想与定位、服务意识与理念、组织保障与制度建设、服务对象与范围、服务目标与标准、工作计划与措施、改革与创新、服务质量与效果等方面设计;其评估办法应采用职能、教辅部门自我评估和专家组实地考察评估相结合的方式进行;其评估结果应与职能、教辅部门领导任期内的业绩挂钩,与职能、教辅部门人事和经费配置挂钩。  相似文献   

地方本科院校占全国普通本科院校的八成以上,其办学质量如何,对提高高等教育质量、建设高等教育强国至关重要。当前,影响地方本科院校办学质量的主要问题有:教学和科研发展不均衡,导致教学弱化、学术异化;人才培养中心地位不到位,“以学生为中心”的理念和实践亟需加强;大学内部治理中,教授治学、民主管理的理念尚未有效落实;高校管理的专业化水平不高,需要进一步更新观念,提高执行力和创新力;高校“去行政化”的核心在于行政权力和学术权力各得其所,这需要制度建设和大学文化的有力支撑。只有切实解决以上问题,地方本科院校才能提高办学质量,实现科学发展。  相似文献   

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