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This article describes a small scale ethnographically oriented research study seeking to contribute to understanding student academic literacy practices in a South African vocational, web design and development course. In this course digital multimodal assessments are the main means whereby students demonstrate their learning. The findings of the study provide insights into the contextualised ways in which student academic literacy practices are shaped by academic and professional contexts where digital and multimodal practices are privileged. The academic literacies perspective used in this study, while useful for exploring the nature of student academic literacy practices, has not paid enough attention to theorising how literacy practices are shaped by broader contextual influences. To address this limitation the paper speculates about how the Bernsteinian concept of knowledge recontextualisation might be used alongside an academic literacies frame. The inclusion of an empirical focus on recontextualisation can provide an opportunity to explore how knowledge construction and transformation processes in the academic and professional domains result in the privileging of particular academic literacy practices.  相似文献   

Whilst arguing from a social realist perspective that knowledge matters in academic development (AD) curricula, this paper addresses the question of what knowledge types and practices are necessary for enabling epistemological access. It presents a single, in-depth, qualitative case study in which the curriculum of a science AD course is characterised using Legitimation Code Theory (LCT). Analysis of the course curriculum reveals legitimation of four main categories of knowledge types along a continuum of stronger to weaker epistemic relations: disciplinary knowledge, scientific literacies knowledge, general academic practices knowledge and everyday knowledge. These categories are ‘mapped’ onto an LCT(Semantics) (how meaning relates to both context and empirical referents) topological plane to reveal a curriculum that operates in three distinct but interrelated spaces by facing towards both the field of science and the practice of academia. It is argued that this empirically derived differentiated curriculum framework offers a conceptual means for considering the notion of access to ‘powerful’ knowledge in a range of AD and mainstream contexts.  相似文献   

Students who have followed routes to Western universities other than the ‘traditional’ one – that is, an uninterrupted path from school to university – face greater challenges to their democratic participation in higher education than their ‘traditional’ counterparts. Until recently, universities have predominantly expected students with diverse entry points to assimilate into existing curricula and academic modes of operating. Such expectation, when combined with reductionist managerial accountability, has largely marginalised non-traditional students. This paper reports on a project which aimed to reverse this marginalisation in an Australian Bachelor of Social Work degree. It is argued that students from diverse linguistic, cultural and educational backgrounds, having greater challenges in negotiating privileged academic and discipline literacies, are better served pedagogically by curriculum design that resonates with their lifeworlds and makes tacit assumptions in university literacies explicit. Using practitioner action research in a partnership between a social work and an academic language and learning academic, pedagogies that utilised students’ literacy practices as assets for learning were enacted over two research cycles. The possibilities and constraints that emerged to support student learning and more equitable participation were examined. The findings suggest that it is possible, even under current preoccupations with measurements and budget constraints, to signal key points of negotiation for pedagogic change to respond more inclusively and equitably to contemporary university students.  相似文献   

Nursing as an academic discipline typically draws on a wide range of other disciplines. There is debate about whether this is a sound basis for the discipline, or whether nursing needs to develop a distinctive body of knowledge. The concept of transdisciplinarity, though little discussed in nursing, is of considerable value in understanding nursing as an academic discipline, and provides a possible resolution to the debate above. In order to get a better understanding of what transdisciplinarity might mean in a nursing context, we conducted a qualitative interview-based study of faculty in a UK school of nursing. The debate about nursing’s status as a discipline was reproduced by the interviewees. Despite these differences, a degree of consensus emerged about the concept of nursing as a transdisciplinary discipline. Transdisciplinarity in nursing offers an overarching approach that is applicable to a broader range of disciplines. This approach offers the possibility of moving beyond some of the major debates in nursing as an academic discipline. This broad and pragmatic approach grounds nursing knowledge in nursing practice, which means that as a transdisciplinary discipline it does not overstate its claims to knowledge, but instead explicitly acknowledges tacit and ‘craftsmanship’-type forms of knowledge.  相似文献   

“学科教育学”是一个正在兴起的教育学领域,它的研究对象是学科教育。从经验、知识与学科的关系上分析,“学科教育学”研究的学科应该既不是纯知识体系的学术学科,也不是研究学校中的所有教学科目,而是对学校中知识取向的、有较为明确逻辑体系的教学科目。因为这些“学科”的教育中才有共同的规律,在逻辑上才有可能建立独立的”学科教育学”。  相似文献   


While the importance of academic language and literacies in students’ meaningful participation in higher education has been well-explored, studies have focused on writing rather than reading. There has been a significant silence in the literature around what constitutes reading in higher education, the sociocultural complexities of reader engagement with text, and contemporary understandings of situated experiences regarding reading practices in the disciplines, especially for traditionally under-represented student groups. Scholarly interest in academic literacies, and reading in particular, has significant implications for the equity and widening participation agenda. To this end this article critically engages with research examining reading in tertiary education and describes a scoping study of scholarly work at the intersection of three domains: academic literacies, reading studies, and widening participation and equity in higher education. In asking questions of these three overlapping fields of inquiry, we map trends in existing academic literature, and argue for a research agenda that examines the experiences, perceptions and enactments of academic reading in the context of South African and Australian efforts to widen participation to higher education.  相似文献   

课程知识是通过一定的程序和途径选择出来,并经过精致编码的知识,它在学校中作为教育的栽体存在,本身具有明显的特征.课程知识的生成过程,实质上就是从实践上回答关于"什么知识最有价值"的问题,也就是选择什么样的知识以及这些知识以什么样的方式呈现和传授给学生.自教育学作为一门专门化的学科开始.课程知识的选择和组织的问题就成为教育理论特别是课程理论的重要课题.  相似文献   

Embedding academic literacies in higher education courses has been a major focus of the work of learning advisers. A number of studies present the results of embedding in specific courses without discussing the processes of negotiation or the different people involved. This paper is about embedding academic literacies in the Business faculty as part of an English language proficiency model at an Australian university. After initial slow progress, a team of learning advisers began to evaluate the process by reflecting on practice. This reflection focused on the space between the top-down process as planned and what actually happened in the complex academic environment. There were tensions between the proposed plan and the expectations and understandings of the disciplinary academics. These were used as a starting point to explore the issues in more detail. This paper argues that the task of embedding academic literacies bears all the hallmarks of a ‘wicked problem’ which eludes a linear formulation and is open to multiple framings. The botanical metaphor of the rhizome from the philosophy of Deleuze and Guattari and an adaptive leadership approach offer ways of responding to this problem. This paper reinterprets the team’s experiences using these theories and suggests alternative work practices. By moving away from the concept of a model, more opportunities to bring about attitudinal and curriculum change can be created to make academic literacies explicit for students.  相似文献   

Through a focused discussion on literature and the reading of texts, this essay explores the cultures and histories students bring into the classroom. I investigate how students approach school and home literacies. At the heart of this research is (some) Muslim male students’ perception of reading and literacy, their sense of what English is and what schooling has to offer them. It aims to understand the complex relationship between curriculum knowledge and out-of-school knowledge.  相似文献   

虽然教育学有其存在的历史合理性和学术贡献,但总体上讲教育学具有较低的理论品性。教育学自身堪称形而上学,它基于先验概念所构建的教育理想国是脆弱的,只是一个排他性的理论空壳,其中充斥着大量理论伪问题。教育学不是学科理论,充其量只是从教者的职业指南。如果勉强称教育学是一种理论,它也是一种坏理论。因为教育学既不能帮助从教者实现有效的教育行动,也不能帮助从教者理解教育行动本身。以教育主张、原则、方法、模式表述的只是教育学者的主观建议,以它们为核心内容的教育学属于私人教育学,还没有经过主体间理性的洗礼而演变成理论。把教育学看作是教育智慧或艺术的学问,或多或少是恰当的,因为它表现出了低理论水准和高实践水准的特征。教育学学科的独立标志是独创的知识体系,教育学学科问题真正的追问是教育学到底独创或能够独创什么样的知识体系。教育学由于没有创新知识因而还没有成为学科,当然人们努力构建的教育学体系自然也都是空中楼阁。  相似文献   

This article searches for an autonomous discipline of education, one that is a self-governing discipline and exercises the right to organize its own activities and to make independent decisions. In undertaking this quest, it asks: how may education be organized to safeguard its autonomy so as to be able to generate strong and unique educational knowledge and theory? To address this question, Herner Saeverot argues for a conceptual structure comprising three interrelated perspectives: education as translation (ETN), education as task (ETK), and education as truth (ETH). These three perspectives are part of the overarching term “the science of education” (SE). While ETN translates knowledge from noneducational disciplines into educationally relevant knowledge, ETK produces distinct educational knowledge or theory directly from educational practice (EP). Through these processes, education can function as an autonomous and a self-governing discipline. However, more research is needed to identify what would be required for education to become a strong autonomous discipline. The reason for this is that ETK ultimately produces educational theory in a weak sense, that is, it yields knowledge structures that are too loose or poorly articulated to be designed as strong theory. Thus, ETH examines ETK to produce educational theory in a strong sense, in other words, knowledge that has undergone thorough scientific verification and theoretical substantiation. By way of this organization, educational theory is developed through (1) ETK as a firsthand experience in which practice-based knowledge and theory is derived directly from EP, and (2) ETH as a second-order observation of EP in which theory-based knowledge is derived indirectly from EP and directly from practice-based theory (ETK).  相似文献   

中国大学生物理学术竞赛的作用探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国大学生物理学术竞赛秉承知识学习与探索实践相结合、物理学与日常生活相结合、个人与团队合作相结合、学术能力与人际交往能力相结合的基本理念,采用建构主义学习模式及创新的辩论赛形式,使参赛学生在知识经验建构、研究能力和专业综合素养等方面得以全面发展,为学生提供一个进行自主探索性研究的平台,是我国基础学科人才培养的新途径。  相似文献   

This article explores the nature of education as a vital part of human knowledge. The argument that is presented addresses the critique of education as having epistemological weaknesses as an academic discipline. The argument is framed by scholarship that has categorised the discipline of education as derived from three main traditions of knowledge. In order to explore the coherence of education as a discipline, contrasts are made with other disciplines such as mathematics and sciences. The article also reviews scholarship in relation to the concept of education research that is close-to-practice, and the relevance of this to understanding education as an academic discipline. The article concludes by suggesting a new model that shows the relationships between practical knowledge and academic knowledge that are an intrinsic part of education. A more confident portrayal of education as an academic discipline is also advocated.  相似文献   

Alasdair MacIntyre's argument, that teaching is not a social practice, has been extensively criticised, and indeed teaching is normally understood more generally to be a form of generic activity that is a practice in its own right. His associated proposition, that teachers are practitioners of the discipline they teach, has, however, received considerably less attention. MacIntyre himself recognised that for teachers to be understood as being part of the discipline they teach, a broader definition of what is meant by ‘discipline’ would be required. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to make a distinction between a ‘discipline’ and a ‘profession’ and not to conflate the practice of the discipline with the practice of professional academics. Such a distinction makes it possible to argue that teachers are engaged in the practice of the discipline they teach. As recent developments in social epistemology and the sociology of knowledge have suggested, it is indeed not just possible, but arguably necessary, to understand teachers in these terms. In seeking to understand what it means to be a teacher, there is thus much to be gained from further reflection as to the relationship between a teacher and his or her academic discipline. The reconsideration of this relationship might well cause us to challenge the idea that teaching is a form of generic activity.  相似文献   

This paper adopts an academic literacies perspective to argue for a critical approach to the writing practices of the online university classroom. It describes an on-going action research project in an online Masters in Online and Distance Education (MAODE) programme at the UK Open University, which aims to create an online writing resource to support distance learners in developing a critical awareness of the writing practices on the programme. The paper presents the results of an evaluation study of this resource during the 2005 presentation of the MAODE, and discusses the evidence from this study that such a resource can provide a space for students to critique the dominant literacies of the online university.  相似文献   

Teachers’ instructional practices surrounding written assignments have been little researched, despite writing remaining the primary means of assessment in higher education, including postgraduate professional development programmes. In this paper, we report a study that explored what a sample of lecturers in a Master of Education programme at an English-medium university in Hong Kong did to support students’ assignment writing. We integrate perspectives provided by the relevant higher education literature, the academic literacies approach and North American rhetorical genre studies to shed light on the findings derived from our analyses of interview and documentary data. We showed that our lecturer participants both engaged in direct instruction on assignment writing and provided indirect support. Our study contributed to the existing literature and raised questions for future research.  相似文献   

在国外,高等教育被视作一个研究领域,而非一门学科;在国内,虽然高等教育一开始就是作为一门学科来建立的,但对于高等教育到底是一个研究领域还是一门学科,学界至今依然存有争议。这种争议的背后始终绕不开的问题就是判断是否学科的标准是什么,是否存在一个公认、统一的标准?对于这些问题的回答,可为判定高等教育"学科"属性提供基本的参照。  相似文献   

Entry into higher education (HE) is recognised as a challenging time for undergraduates as they negotiate the norms and practices of new academic communities and foster relationships with peers and academics. Given the significance of this time period, our University has piloted a new four-week module that immerses students in their discipline and provides them with the academic skills and networks to support them through this period and beyond. Here we report a comprehensive evaluation examining academic and student experience of this immersive module. We explore its impact on essential aspects of the transition experience e.g. social integration, academic literacies and the sense of preparation for HE. Whilst this new approach did have positive impacts on students’ sense of integration, questions were raised around the extent to which it matched or even raised expectations, and the extent to which this prepared students for the rest of their studies.  相似文献   

高等教育管理学到底是一个研究领域,还是一门学科,是学术界一直争论不休的问题。如果按照学术界已有的学科标准——独特的研究对象、独特的研究方法而论,高等教育管理学的学科性还不能成立,因为,它只有独特的研究对象——高等教育范围内的教育管理的现象和规律,还没有其独特的研究方法。但是,在科学日益复杂化的时代,在知识联系更加紧密的今天,如果还固守这种学科观,显然有碍学科的发展。库恩的"形而下范式"正好给我们提供了解决这个问题的新视角:即独特的研究对象是一门学科得以成立的充分必要条件,而是否有独特的研究方法并不影响其学科性。根据这个标准,高等教育管理学的学科性可以成立。  相似文献   

Internationally, there has been increasing emphasis on the teaching of the academic literacies, particularly reading and writing, in higher education institutions. However, recent research is highlighting the need for more explicit teaching of multimodal forms of communication, such as the visual literacies, in undergraduate courses in a wide range of disciplines such as the sciences, engineering and architecture. The research recognises that this is an area of academic literacy teaching that has often been neglected. This article draws on the findings of a research project which set out to understand both the multimodal literacy requirements and current practices in the teaching of these literacies in the earth and life sciences at a South African university. Three key themes are discussed: learning to see like a scientist, the importance of learning by switching between and integrating different modes of representation and teaching the conventions of representation in the sciences. The conclusion proposes ways for academic developers to work with staff to develop more explicit ways of teaching the visual literacies.  相似文献   

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