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教学过程Step1.Warming up1.教师故意在上课铃声响后几分钟走进教室。T:(站在教室门口,敲门)May I come in?引导学生说:"Come in,please."(If you say"yes",you can say"Come in,please".)设计意图:教师故意迟到,在学生的等待和疑问中出现,激起学生的好奇心,为下一步教学作铺垫。2.Greeting.T:Nice to meet you,  相似文献   

Step 1.Free talkT:Do you have any hobbies?S:Yes,I do.I like reading/climbing…T:Do you like readingEnglish books?S:Yes,I do.T:I have a friend.She likesreading,too.(呈现朋友Lily的照片)S:Do you want to knowsomething about her? Try to asksome questions,please.(呈现表格,设计半开放的问答活动,引导学生学会提问,并激活与本课相关的旧知)  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.Warm upT:Good morning,boys andgirls.Ss:Good morning.T:How are you today?Ss:Fine,thank you.T:Is it a…?May I have…?Ss:Sure.Here you are.T:Thank you.(收起学生的文具,为下文的交流做好准备)T:Now  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Warm up1.Play the flash and singthe song"We study and play".2.Free talkT:Look,what’s this?(PPT呈现一只篮子)Ss:It’ s a basket.T:What’s in my basketnow,guess?Ss guess.T:It’s a basketball.I playbasketball.(师拍篮球)T:Do you play basketball?(PPT:Do you play…? )We’ll learn Unit 10 Do you  相似文献   

陈德峰 《新高考》2008,(3):49-50
请先看下面两道高考题:1.—Have you____some new ideas?—Yeah.I’ll tell you later.(2007 江苏)A.come about B.come intoC.come up with D.come out with2.—It’ll take at least 2 hours to do this!—Oh,______!I could do it in 30 minutes.(2005 天津)A.come on B.pardon meC.you are right D.don’t mention it解析 1.C。考查固定短语。由句意"你想出新的  相似文献   

Dialogue 1A:Is this where I have to check in for the B.O.A.C. flight to Delhi?B:Yes, that's right. May I have your tickets?And your bags. Put them on the scales. And your health certificates, please.A:Here they are.B:Are you keeping that small bag as hand-luggage,sir?  相似文献   

1)问对方是谁,不说“Whoare you?”而要用下列句型:Who is that/it?Who is that calling/speaking,please?Who is calling/speaking,please?May I ask who I am talk-ing to?May I have your name.please?Would you tell me yourname,please?  相似文献   

教学过程 Step 1.Free talk (略) Step 2.Presentation and practice 1.Pre-reading Activity 1.学习句型"What are you doing?"及回答"I’m…" T:Let’s play a game.(做唱歌状)Guess what I am doing. S:Sing. T:Yes!I’m singing.(课件显示:sing→I’m singing.) T:(做跳舞状)What am I doing?  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.Warm up1.Greeting2.Sing a song"Color song"3.Free talk T:Boys and girls,are you happy?Ss:Yes,I’m happy.T:I’m happy,too.Do you know why?Ss:No.T:I’d like to go shopping now.引出单词"shopping"。  相似文献   

A:Good morning,sir.May I help you?B:Yes,I’d like to buy a white shirt.A:Yes,sir.I’d be glad to show you some. What size,please?B:Fifteen and a half,please.A:Here’s one in your size.This is a very fine shirt.B:How much is it?A:Five ninety-five.B:That’s a little more than I wanted to  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Warming upT:Hello,everybody.S:Hello,Miss Wang.T:Nice to see you.Introduceyour friend to me,please.S1:This is my friend,Sally.S2:This is my friend,Tom.Step 2.RevisionT:Tom,do you like football?(做踢足球的动作)Tom:Yes,I do.T:Let’s go and play footballafter class.S3:Do you like basketball?(让学生说时要带上动作)  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Warm-up 1.Sing a song"Go to school" 2.Free talk T:伊伊伊,what time do you go to school?S1:I go to school at…T:What’s the time now?S2:It’s…T:It’s time to have class.设计意图:愉悦的歌声使学生情绪高涨,迅速地进入到语言学习的状态中。师生间的自由交谈,不仅拓展了学生的思维,更巧妙地将话题引向当天的语篇主题。Step 2.Presentation and  相似文献   

课堂观摩:1.(多媒体出示Jim跑步的图片)T:What is Jim doing?S:He’s running.请生熟读句型:What is xxx doing?He’s…2.xxx,run,please.(该生做跑步的动作。)T:What are you doing?生边跑边说:I’m running.请生熟读句型:What are you doing?I’m…请该生继续做跑步的动作,T:What is she doing?Ss:She’s running.3.Work in pairs:What are you doing?I’m…S1:What are you doing?S2:I’m…  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Warm-up 1.Sing a song"Hello!Howare you?"2.Free talk T:Nice to meet you,boys and girls.Ss:Nice to meet you,Miss Chen.T:Hello,伊伊伊.How are you?S:Fine,thank you.T:Now,boys and girls.Our friends are saying hello to us.Let’s listen.(课件播放小动物们的声音:Hello,how are you?)T:Who are they?Do  相似文献   

人们在社会交往中,通常会谈及个人的情况,使彼此互相了解,增进友谊.出生年月、何方人氏、何种职业、电话号码、兴趣爱好、家庭成员等方方面面都可涉及.下面举一些常见的谈个人情况的句型. 1.Where were you born? I was born in England. 2.May I ask you some questions? Yes,please. 3.When did you come here? I came here in 2008. 4.Why did your family move to China? Because my father found a job here. 5.How do you like China? We like it very much.We like the Chinese people and the Chinese food.  相似文献   

【教学案例】牛津版小学英语3BUnit2中有一个句型:"May I come in?Come in,please."那天,我按照备课意图,想一贯地让学生通过做敲门、开门的手势来边做、边说、边学。可当我走到教室门口,看见现成的"道具"就在眼前,于是灵机一动,直接在教室门外敲门问:"May I come in?"然后直接教学"Comein,please."让学生在教室里回答。接着,  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Free talk 1.Free talk T:Good morning,boys and girls. Ss:Good morning. T:Nice to see you. Ss:Nice to see you,too. T:Welcome back to school. Ss:Thank you. T:Are you happy now? Ss:Yes,I am. T:Are you happy to see me?  相似文献   

How much is it?【情景对话】A:Good morning!Can I help you?B:Yes,please.I want to buy a radio.Can you give me the blue one to have a look?A:Here you are.I think this is a nice one.B:How much is it?A:It’s 200 yuan.  相似文献   

Test 12     
Part One: Quick Responses Please make a quick response to the sentence you hear. 1. May I speak to Mr. Black, please?  相似文献   

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