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非参数方法不涉及描述总体分布的有关参数,相比于参数方法有较大的灵活性和优越性.首先,利用非参数方法对2010年春季全国计算机等级考试缺考人数的总体比例进行了检测,得出抽取的样本学校本次参加计算机等级考试的缺考率不足6%和甘肃省乃至全国范围的缺考率不足5%的结论;其次,利用Wilcox-on符号秩检验对样本中位数进行了位置推断,得到的结论为:若一个考场有n台计算机,则考生人数最好控制在n-3以下;最后,利用游程检验对本次选取样本的随机性进行了检验,得出本文选取的样本是随机的结论.  相似文献   

大学考试试题质量的量化研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
考试试题质量是指测验人员所选样本对测试对象属性的测量程度,具体表现为教师编制试题的难易度、信效度以及区分度。本研究随机抽取河西学院2007-2008学年第二学期8个系的16门考试课程为研究样本,对考试结果进行统计分析。结果表明:(1)期末成绩和总评成绩分布大部分呈正态分布,部分考试成绩分布呈现出不对称和尖峰态;(2)期末考试成绩等级上,理科在优秀和良好的比例高于文科在同一等级上的比例,同时,理科在不及格上的比例高于文科。总评考试成绩等级上,理科在优秀和良好的比例高于文科在同一等级上的比例,但是,理科在不及格等级上的比例低于文科,反映出平时成绩对总评成绩的随意性影响;(3)期末试题的难度系数高,试题难度较小,并且文理科和难度系数等级之间的卡方检验无显著的统计学意义;(4)期末试题区分度偏低,并且文理科和区分度系数等级之间的卡方检验无显著的统计学意义。  相似文献   

期末考试试卷质量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用教育测量与统计分析理论,结合数学系04级数学与应用数学专业第一学期几何考试情况对试卷的难度、区分度、效度、信度等指标进行定量化分析,统计分析表明:本次考试基本上反映了学生的实际学习情况。试卷结构比较合理,评卷也很公正。  相似文献   

针对目前高校校园里大学生的考试诚信问题,本文作者对某校学生的作弊现象进行问卷调查,了解大学生考试的作弊率,通过相关性、显著性检验分析性别、年级对考试作弊的影响,并应用Logistic回归模型建立作弊率关于年级、性别的二次回归方程.  相似文献   

本文利用抽样统计分析方法对2006年某省参加成人高等学校专升本招生考试高等数学(一)考试的试卷难度和考分进行了分析,为今后再参加考试的考生以启示.  相似文献   

目的构建以临床实际工作岗位、检验士考试大纲、免疫检验技术实践技能标准三者合一的免疫检验技术实践技能考核评价体系,有利于工学结合,为基层医疗机构输送合格的高端技能型人才。方法通过问卷调查、实地考察、资料综合分析,以临床免疫检验岗位需求的技能为基准,参考检验士考试大纲和免疫检验实践技能标准等内容,拟定适用于本地区的免疫检验实践技能标准,构建免疫检验实践技能考核评价体系,并付诸于教学实践。结果确定以岗位需求、检验士考试大纲、免疫检验实践技能标准三者合一的考核评价项目15项。其中,临床实际工作岗位与检验士考试大纲符合率100%(15/15);临床实际工作岗位与免疫检验实践技能标准符合率100%(15/15)。对每一实践技能考核评价项目均进行细化和量化。结论通过构建免疫检验实践技能考核评价体系,便于规范学生的操作技能,加强学生的实践动手能力,实现工学结合。  相似文献   

为了解和分析高职护理专业基础理论单科考试质量,本文作者以高职护理专业2005018班学生为研究对象,进行《预防医学》考试,对考试结果进行质量分析。发现本次考试质量,试题难度指数高,成绩较低的学生中度分散。通过考试质量分析,指出教师应加强考试管理,以提高考试的可靠性和有效性。  相似文献   

与高等教育自学考试复本试卷平行性有关的因素主要有四类:试卷结构的、题目内容的、题目功能的和结果分数的。复本试卷内容上的平行是试卷平行性的前提与基础,对内容平行的判定主要通过专家判断题目的取样代表性来实现。对复本试卷总体分数的比较主要借助方差齐性检验和平均数差异显著性检验,还可通过雷达图比较同一专业下多个学科的水平变化。题目功能的平行主要借助难度分布和区分结构的比较,多个难度级别分值相差较大表明复本试卷未能满足平行性要求,不同区分功能类型的题目分值较为一致则表明试卷实现了区分功能的平行。  相似文献   

卫生检验与检疫技术专业课程体系改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大连医科大学高职学院卫生检验与检疫技术专业突出特色教学,加强临床检验和卫生检验专业课教学,从考试课、考查与选修课、顶岗实习三方面对课程进行重新设置.在课程安排上,由基础理论到临床及实际应用课程,卫检专业课集中于实习前半年,与学生的实习衔接.  相似文献   

职业教育的教学目标不同于普通教育目标,若高职医学检验专业生物化学检验试卷分析采用普教育考试试卷的分析方法和标准将不利于职业教育的发展。高职医学检验专业的教学不仅要依据教学大纲,还应结合检验技士资格考试大纲。生物化学检验作为高职医学检验专业的主课程之一,对其试卷分析应根据教学大纲和考试大纲。根据职业教育目标,通过分析知识点覆盖面、试卷中知识点分布及其权重与大纲的匹配程度来评价试卷的质量。而做好此项工作的基础是深化课程改革和加强课程基本建设。  相似文献   

网络考试打破了传统的考试模式,考试机构可以自主地在网络上命题、组卷、评分及难度控制和卷面分析等考试环节,本文依照上述环节进行了详细的初期规划和探讨.  相似文献   

Due to variation in test difficulty, the use of pre-fixed cut-off scores in criterion-referenced standard setting methods may lead to variation in grades and pass rates. This paper aims to empirically investigate the strength of this relationship. To this end we examine a dataset of over 500 observations from an institution of higher education in The Netherlands over the period 2008–2013. We measure variation in test difficulty by using students’ perceptions of the validity of the examination and by recording personnel changes in the primary instructor. The latter measure is based on the considerable variation in teachers’ ability to assess test difficulty that is found in the literature. Other explanatory variables are course evaluations, instructor evaluations and self-reported study time. Variation in student quality is controlled for by measuring course results in deviation from the cohort average. We take a panel approach in estimating the effect of the explanatory variables on the variability in grades and pass rates. Our findings indicate that exam validity and instructor change are significantly related to variation in test results. The latter finding supports the hypothesis that instructors’ difficulty in assessing test difficulty may introduce subjectivity in criterion-referenced standard setting methods.  相似文献   

Two hypothesized models that represent relationships among test anxiety, perceived test difficulty, and test performance observed immediately before and after a final examination were tested. The structural equation modeling was used to examine the hypothesized relationships by imposing the structure of direct and indirect effects on the current data collected from 208 undergraduate students. Students' perception of test difficulty had a significant effect on the arousal of both worry and emotionality. Temporal changes were observed in the degrees of these relationships; while test difficulty perceived before and during the exam both had effects on test anxiety perceived at each corresponding time, students' perception of test difficulty during the exam had a greater direct effect on the arousal of test anxiety than did test difficulty perceived before the exam. Worry, but not emotionality, had a strong inverse relationship with performance. That perceived test difficulty did not have a direct effect on test performance, but had an indirect effect mediated by worry, indicates that test performance was not directly influenced by how they perceive the test difficulty, but worry aroused by the difficulty perception influenced their performance. Importance of understanding students' perceived test difficulty was discussed for its effect on arousing worry anxiety.  相似文献   

Classroom research on achievement goals has revealed that performance-approach goals (goals to outperform others) positively predict exam performance whereas performance-avoidance goals (goals not to perform more poorly than others) negatively predict it. Because prior classroom research has primarily utilized multiple-choice exam performance, the first aim of the present study was to extend these findings to a different measure of exam performance (oral examination). The second aim of this research was to test the mediating role of perceived difficulty. Participants were 49 4th year psychology students of the University of Geneva. Participants answered a questionnaire assessing their level of performance-approach and performance-avoidance goal endorsement in one of their classes as well as the perceived difficulty of this class for themselves. Results indicated that performance-approach goals significantly and positively predicted exam grades. Performance-avoidance goals significantly and negatively predicted grades. Both of these relationships were mediated by the perceived difficulty of the class for oneself. Thus, the links previously observed between performance goals and exam performance were replicated on an oral exam. Perceived difficulty is discussed as a key dimension responsible for these findings.  相似文献   

Collaborative testing has been shown to improve performance but not always content retention. In this study, we investigated whether collaborative testing could improve both performance and content retention in a large, introductory biology course. Students were semirandomly divided into two groups based on their performances on exam 1. Each group contained equal numbers of students scoring in each grade category (“A”–“F”) on exam 1. All students completed each of the four exams of the semester as individuals. For exam 2, one group took the exam a second time in small groups immediately following the individually administered test. The other group followed this same format for exam 3. Individual and group exam scores were compared to determine differences in performance. All but exam 1 contained a subset of cumulative questions from the previous exam. Performances on the cumulative questions for exams 3 and 4 were compared for the two groups to determine whether there were significant differences in content retention. Even though group test scores were significantly higher than individual test scores, students who participated in collaborative testing performed no differently on cumulative questions than students who took the previous exam as individuals.  相似文献   

研究目的:对考试试卷和考试的质量进行分析,了解教师的教学质量和学生的学习情况,为教学管理提供反馈信息,同时及时发现教学和课程考核中存在的问题,以便总结经验、改进教学及课程考核方法。方法:运用教育测量学方法,对北京联合大学特殊教育学院2004级针灸推拿学专业(本科视障学生)经络学课程期末考试进行了试卷的信度、效度、难度、区分度和考试成绩分析。结果显示:此次考试信度可靠性尚可,效度良好,试卷难度偏易,区分度良好,学生考试成绩为近似正态分布,考试较全面、客观地评价了学生对课程知识的掌握程度。  相似文献   

Traditional item analyses such as classical test theory (CTT) use exam-taker responses to assessment items to approximate their difficulty and discrimination. The increased adoption by educational institutions of electronic assessment platforms (EAPs) provides new avenues for assessment analytics by capturing detailed logs of an exam-taker's journey through their exam. This paper explores how logs created by EAPs can be employed alongside exam-taker responses and CTT to gain deeper insights into exam items. In particular, we propose an approach for deriving features from exam logs for approximating item difficulty and discrimination based on exam-taker behaviour during an exam. Items for which difficulty and discrimination differ significantly between CTT analysis and our approach are flagged through outlier detection for independent academic review. We demonstrate our approach by analysing de-identified exam logs and responses to assessment items of 463 medical students enrolled in a first-year biomedical sciences course. The analysis shows that the number of times an exam-taker visits an item before selecting a final response is a strong indicator of an item's difficulty and discrimination. Scrutiny by the course instructor of the seven items identified as outliers suggests our log-based analysis can provide insights beyond what is captured by traditional item analyses.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic
  • Traditional item analysis is based on exam-taker responses to the items using mathematical and statistical models from classical test theory (CTT). The difficulty and discrimination indices thus calculated can be used to determine the effectiveness of each item and consequently the reliability of the entire exam.
What this paper adds
  • Data extracted from exam logs can be used to identify exam-taker behaviours which complement classical test theory in approximating the difficulty and discrimination of an item and identifying items that may require instructor review.
Implications for practice and/or policy
  • Identifying the behaviours of successful exam-takers may allow us to develop effective exam-taking strategies and personal recommendations for students.
  • Analysing exam logs may also provide an additional tool for identifying struggling students and items in need of revision.

This study examines the predictive validity of three commonly used nursing school admission indices, that is, scholastic aptitude test scores, matriculation grades, and evaluations of performance in a group interview situation, in a sample of 321 Israeli nursing school students. Grade point average, supervisor evaluation of clinical internship, and scores on a government certification exam served as primary indices of criterion performance. Whereas composite aptitude test scores correlated moder ately with both grade point average and certification exam scores, matriculation grades correlated negligibly with all three criterion measures. Group interview ratings correlated moderately with clinical performance, but negligibly with the remaining criteria. Aptitude test scores were not found to be biased predictors of criterion performance by ethnicity or social background. The implications of these findings for the selection of nursing school candidates in Israel are discussed.  相似文献   

The U.S. Department of Education measures student achievement through the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). NAEP estimates of population proficiency quantiles are based on a Bayesian multiple-imputation procedure. This article shows (a) that the resulting estimates depend directly on the mix of item difficulties on the test, and (b) the difficulty of items on the NAEP mathematics exam has increased over time. Does the increasing difficulty of the exam lead to observable changes in student performance over time? This study compared the simulated performance of 1990 examinees on the easier 1990 exam and the more difficult 1996 exam. No significant differences were found. While our results instill confidence that these changes have not impacted the NAEP trend line, our findings are both data-specific and limited in scope, and NAEP should carefully evaluate future adjustments to the test in this manner.  相似文献   

为帮助教师高效指导学生和学生进行有效学习,收集近几年试卷,对其涵盖内容、标准分、题型与相对应年份的考试大纲进行比较,结果表明,浙江省专升本《高等数学》具有不变性和变异性.采用2013年试卷进行模拟测试得出,试卷偏难、可信度高、区分度好,成绩服从正态分布.为此,建议专升本相关管理部门兼顾高职高专办学特点和学生实情,避免出偏题、怪题、难题,尤其要降低证明题难度,增加区分度.  相似文献   

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