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"一村一名大学生计划"项目旨在为广大农村培养高等职业技术教育层次的农村实用科技人才和管理人才,可以补充职业教育中素质教育方面的不足,其突出特点是采用现代远程教育的方式进行。通过对现代远程教育的特点以及参加"一村一"项目学习的学习者特点的剖析,明确了现代远程教育是适应开展"一村一"项目的教育模式;通过学习者在学习时间、学习资源、学习环境、学习方式以及学习评价等各方面的适应性分析,明确了参加"一村一"项目的学习者是适应远程教育培养方式的。  相似文献   

本文通过提出项目教学法的特点,对项目教学法在教育教学管理中的应用和效果进行了展示.意在通过对项目教学法在教育教学管理中的应用,使教育教学快速、全面发展.  相似文献   

芬兰在国际教育测评中,特别是在“国际学生评价项目”中的成功引起了世界各国教育研究者及政策制定者的关注。通过对芬兰在IEA和OECD等组织的测评项目中所取得的成绩情况进行梳理,认为芬兰教育在国际测评中取得了以成绩卓越、均衡公平和持续发展为特性的成功。通过考察芬兰教育成功的特点,以期深化对芬兰教育和教育成功的理解,为我国基础教育提供有益启示。  相似文献   

“一村一名大学生计划”是教育部为落实《国务院关于进一步加强农村教育工作的决定》,服务“三农”和农村经济发展的一个远程教育项目。项目由中央广播电视大学依托全国广播电视大学系统.通过现代远程开放教育的形式实施。河南广播电视大学承担着“一村一名大学生计划”项目在河南的实施工作。为了探索适合河南省“一村一名大学生计划”项目的招生、教学模式,本文通过对我省2008年春季以来三季“一村一名大学生计划”项目生源的专业、年龄、性别、来源、学历结构进行了统计和分析。从办学中存在的问题进行了思考、分析和探讨。  相似文献   

“一村一名大学生计划”是教育部为落实《国务院关于进一步加强农村教育工作的决定》,服务“三农”和农村经济发展的一个远程教育项目。项目由中央广播电视大学依托全国广播电视大学系统.通过现代远程开放教育的形式实施。河南广播电视大学承担着“一村一名大学生计划”项目在河南的实施工作。为了探索适合河南省“一村一名大学生计划”项目的招生、教学模式,本文通过对我省2008年春季以来三季“一村一名大学生计划”项目生源的专业、年龄、性别、来源、学历结构进行了统计和分析。从办学中存在的问题进行了思考、分析和探讨。  相似文献   

一、引言 由教育部批准的“中央广播电视大学人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点”项目研究工作于今年9月正式启动。这一试点项目是我国《面向21世纪教育振兴行动计划》中要实施的六大工程之一的“现代远程教育工程”的重要组成部分和改革高等教育人才培养模式、发展现代远程开放教育的重要实验,是国家构筑终身教育体系的重大举措。这个研究项目的突出特点是远程教育的现代化,即在远程教育中,更多地加入现代信息技术成分,充分利用现代远程教育手段来扩大教育规模并进一步提高教育质量。  相似文献   

一、“英特尔~未来教育”中小学教师培训项目的特点“英特尔~未来教育”(IntelTeachtotheFuture)项目是建立在1998年和1993年英特尔成功的ACE(ApplyingComputersinEducation在教学中使用计算机)项目基础上的,是英特尔公司为支持计算机技术在课堂上的有效利用而设计的一个全球性的教师培训项目。项目针对一线学科教师,主要目的是促进教师树立新的教育理念,提高计算机在课堂教学中的应用水平,学会利用信息技术指导研究性学习,从而提高学生的学习能力和质量。该项目有以下几个主要特点:1.面向学科教师,对学习者技…  相似文献   

中央电大“人才模式改革和开放教育试点”项目的教学质量取决于一系列教学环节的相互衔接和配合,它体现为一条“产品链”的质量,因此,对试点项目教学质量进行评估,可以借鉴被广泛用于评价工业产品质量体系的ISO9000族标准。根据试点项目的特点,选择ISO9001质量保证标准,构建试点项目教学评估体系是比较合适的。  相似文献   

开放教育试点项目教学质量评估理论模型的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中央电大“人才模式改革和开放教育试点”项目的教学质量取决于一系列教学环节的相互衔接和配合,它体现为一条“产品链”的质量,因此,对试点项目教学质量进行评估,可以借鉴被广泛用于评价工业产品质量体系的ISO9000族标准。根据试点项目的特点,选择ISO9001质量保证标准,构建试点项目教学评估体系是比较合适的。  相似文献   

根据教育装备建设项目的特点,通过对项目可行性论证、项目审批、项目实施和项目后评估等阶段实行项目化管理,从项目目标、教育装备教学、教育装备管理和可持续发展等方面研究教育装备建设项目后评估的内容。从教育装备项目目标、使用教育装备教学状况、教育装备管理和教育装备持续发展4个方面构建百分制的教育装备效益评价指标体系,为加强中小学教育装备建设与管理进行有益的尝试。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the Israeli experience of developing higher education as part of the expansion of a nation-building economic project. Educational development and the current crises are examined in the context of a particular history and a unique socioeconomic, political, and cultural experience. Nevertheless, the purpose of this research is to allow the drawing of meaningful inferences, so that researchers into other national cases might profit from the insight into the sources, both visible and less visible, for the break in equilibrium (Bourdieu's term) in the Israeli academy. At stake is the most characteristic feature of the old Israeli academic model, namely the conflation of the missions of teaching and research. To discover the present state of the research-teaching nexus, we examined faculty perceptions as reflected in a recent (1993) survey. This survey was part of the first Carnegie International Survey of the Academic Profession, and its international scope allowed us to undertake some comparative analyses. The Israeli case-study, as well as the analysis of the International survey, shows that devotion to research and meeting teaching obligations, collaboration on research with others, obtaining funds for research, and scholarly publication have strong disciplinary relevance in the day-to-day shaping of academic life in all post-industrialized countries, Israel among them.  相似文献   

为顺应工程教育认证对土木工程专业学生英语应用能力的要求,提高土木工程专业英语课程的教学效果,利用问卷在厦门理工学院土木工程专业学生中进行教改调研,了解学生对专业英语学习的真实态度和个人诉求。根据调研数据,分析和讨论了学生对土木工程专业英语学习的认同度及其变化规律。文章的研究结论可以为土木工程专业的其他课程,在进行课程建设或教学大纲修改时提供参考。  相似文献   

League tables that rank universities may use reputational measures, performance measures, or both. Each type of measure has strengths and weaknesses. In this paper, we rank disciplines in Australian universities both by reputation, using an international survey of senior academics, and with actual performance measures. We then compare the two types of measures to see how closely they match. The criterion we use for both sets of measures is ‘international academic standing’. We find a high correlation between the survey results and the various measures of research performance. We also find a correlation between the quality of student intake and the survey rankings, but the satisfaction levels of recent graduates do not correlate well with the rankings by academics. We then construct an overall measure of performance, which gives very similar rankings to the survey results, especially for the top-ranked institutions.
Ross WilliamsEmail:

铁凝以理性变幻的笔调在小说中塑造了众多的母亲形象,表达了对理想自然母性的强烈呼唤,给当代女性文学增添了许多深刻独特的内涵.本文从三个方面分析、概括了铁凝小说的母性意识,即对传统"良"母形象的赞美与审视、对现实"恶"母形象的批判,以及对理想自然母性形象的呼唤与追寻.  相似文献   

海南岛儋州人婚姻习俗述论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
历史上,儋州人盛行的“不落夫家”习俗及与此息息相关的“青年馆”及“夜游”活动,构成了儋州人婚俗的主要特征。本文根据田野调查资料及史料记载,从民族学和社会学的角度,探讨儋州人婚俗的成因及变迁情况。  相似文献   

An internet search tool, Google Alert, was used to survey the global English-language press July-December 2005 for references to deaf people. The survey found that such references focus on people who are deaf rather than the disability itself, thus demonstrating how well deaf people fit into the mainstream. Derogatory terminology such as "deaf and dumb" was rare. However, when used metaphorically, the term deaf usually had negative connotations. Implications for the public view of deaf people are considered in this context.  相似文献   

Engineers in Greece undergo a heavy schooling investment—five years of university study instead of the usual four. Greece is atypical in that women make up a relatively large portion of the engineering work force. Working women earn substantially less than do men and there is evidence of labor market discrimination. In this paper a recent survey (1987) of employed engineers is used to examine earnings differentials between men and women and to compare the results with an examination of the results of an earlier survey (1977). Results indicate that most of the difference in earnings between male and female engineers in Greece is not accounted for by differences in productive characteristics such as education and experience and, therefore, most of the difference may be due to discrimination. Moreover, the proportion of the earnings differential not explained by productivity has increased over time.This is a revised version of the paper presented at the 1991 Cambridge Social Stratification Research Seminar, Gender, Work and Pay, September 26–27, 1991. The views expressed in this paper are those of the author and should not be attributed to the World Bank.  相似文献   

为了解目前"中国近现代史纲要"课的教学现状和提高该课程的教学质量,我们在某高校开展了问卷调查。在此基础上,对调查中发现的问题提出了三方面的对策,以此提高该课程的教学效果。  相似文献   

This article examines the validity of the Undergraduate Research Student Self-Assessment (URSSA), a survey used to evaluate undergraduate research (UR) programs. The underlying structure of the survey was assessed with confirmatory factor analysis; also examined were correlations between different average scores, score reliability, and matches between numerical and textual item responses. The study found that four components of the survey represent separate but related constructs for cognitive skills and affective learning gains derived from the UR experience. Average scores from item blocks formed reliable but moderate to highly correlated composite measures. Additionally, some questions about student learning gains (meant to assess individual learning) correlated to ratings of satisfaction with external aspects of the research experience. The pattern of correlation among individual items suggests that items asking students to rate external aspects of their environment were more like satisfaction ratings than items that directly ask about student skills attainment. Finally, survey items asking about student aspirations to attend graduate school in science reflected inflated estimates of the proportions of students who had actually decided on graduate education after their UR experiences. Recommendations for revisions to the survey include clarified item wording and increasing discrimination between item blocks through reorganization.Undergraduate research (UR) experiences have long been an important component of science education at universities and colleges but have received greater attention in recent years, as they have been identified as important ways to strengthen preparation for advanced study and work in the science fields, especially among students from underrepresented minority groups (Tsui, 2007 ; Kuh, 2008 ). UR internships provide students with the opportunity to conduct authentic research in laboratories with scientist mentors, as students help design projects, gather and analyze data, and write up and present findings (Laursen et al., 2010 ). The promised benefits of UR experiences include both increased skills and greater familiarity with how science is practiced (Russell et al., 2007 ). While students learn the basics of scientific methods and laboratory skills, they are also exposed to the culture and norms of science (Carlone and Johnson, 2007 ; Hunter et al., 2007 ; Lopatto, 2010 ). Students learn about the day-to-day world of practicing science and are introduced to how scientists design studies, collect and analyze data, and communicate their research. After participating in UR, students may make more informed decisions about their future, and some may be more likely to decide to pursue graduate education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines (Bauer and Bennett, 2003 ; Russell et al., 2007 ; Eagan et al. 2013 ).While UR experiences potentially have many benefits for undergraduate students, assessing these benefits is challenging (Laursen, 2015 ). Large-scale research-based evaluation of the effects of UR is limited by a range of methodological problems (Eagan et al., 2013 ). True experimental studies are almost impossible to implement, since random assignment of students into UR programs is both logistically and ethically impractical, while many simple comparisons between UR and non-UR groups of students suffer from noncomparable groups and limited generalizability (Maton and Hrabowski, 2004 ). Survey studies often rely on poorly developed measures and use nonrepresentative samples, and large-scale survey research usually requires complex statistical models to control for student self-selection into UR programs (Eagan et al., 2013 ). For smaller-scale program evaluation, evaluators also encounter a number of measurement problems. Because of the wide range of disciplines, research topics, and methods, common standardized tests assessing laboratory skills and understandings across these disciplines are difficult to find. While faculty at individual sites may directly assess products, presentations, and behavior using authentic assessments such as portfolios, rubrics, and performance assessments, these assessments can be time-consuming and not easily comparable with similar efforts at other laboratories (Stokking et al., 2004 ; Kuh et al., 2014 ). Additionally, the affective outcomes of UR are not readily tapped by direct academic assessment, as many of the benefits found for students in UR, such as motivation, enculturation, and self-efficacy, are not measured by tests or other assessments (Carlone and Johnson, 2007 ). Other instruments for assessing UR outcomes, such as Lopatto’s SURE (Lopatto, 2010 ), focus on these affective outcomes rather than direct assessments of skills and cognitive gains.The size of most UR programs also makes assessment difficult. Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs), one mechanism by which UR programs may be organized within an institution, are funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), but unlike many other educational programs at NSF (e.g., TUES) that require fully funded evaluations with multiple sources of evidence (Frechtling, 2010 ), REUs are generally so small that they cannot typically support this type of evaluation unless multiple programs pool their resources to provide adequate assessment. Informal UR experiences, offered to students by individual faculty within their own laboratories, are often more common but are typically not coordinated across departments or institutions or accountable to a central office or agency for assessment. Partly toward this end, the Undergraduate Research Student Self-Assessment (URSSA) was developed as a common assessment instrument that can be compared across multiple UR sites within or across institutions. It is meant to be used as one source of assessment information about UR sites and their students.The current research examines the validity of the URSSA in the context of its use as a self-report survey for UR programs and laboratories. Because the survey has been taken by more than 3400 students, we can test some aspects of how the survey is structured and how it functions. Assessing the validity of the URSSA for its intended use is a process of testing hypotheses about how well the survey represents its intended content. This ongoing process (Messick, 1993 ; Kane, 2001 ) involves gathering evidence from a range of sources to learn whether validity claims are supported by evidence and whether the survey results can be used confidently in specific contexts. For the URSSA, our method of inquiry focuses on how the survey is used to assess consortia of REU sites. In this context, survey results are used for quality assurance and comparisons of average ratings over years and as general indicators of program success in encouraging students to pursue graduate science education and scientific careers. Our research questions focus on the meaning and reliability of “core indicators” used to track self-reported learning gains in four areas and the ability of numerical items to capture student aspirations for future plans to attend graduate school in the sciences.  相似文献   

A considerable amount of information is available concerning the adjustment problems that students from developed countries experience when they transfer from school to university. Comparatively little is known about the problems of African students, despite the existence of a number of factors which might be expected to produce large numbers of problems and relatively severe problems. Having adopted certain criteria regarding the acceptability or otherwise of adjustment problems, a preliminary survey was conducted at the University of Zambia in order to see whether adjustment problems existed and to give some insight into the type of problem experienced. The survey indicated the presence of a large number and wide variety of problems and a questionnaire was subsequently developed in order to test the potency, generality and persistency of the student's difficulties. The results obtained with a representative sample of 242 first-year and 60 fourth-year students showed that there are problems which are sufficiently potent, general and/or persistent to be a cause for concern to the university authorities.  相似文献   

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