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The current study experimentally investigated the impact of causal-explanatory information on weight bias over development. Participants (n = 395, children ages 4–11 years and adults) received either a biological or behavioral explanation for body size, or neither, in three between-subjects conditions. Participants then made preference judgments for characters with smaller versus larger body sizes. Results showed that both behavioral and biological explanations impacted children’s preferences. Relative to children’s baseline preferences, behavioral explanations enhanced preferences for smaller characters, and biological explanations reduced these preferences—unlike the typical facilitative impact of biological-essentialist explanations on other biases. The explanations did not affect adults’ preferences. In contrast to previous findings, we demonstrate that causal knowledge can impact weight bias early in development.  相似文献   

This study provides evidence studying one diverse, countywide district’s integration efforts utilizing school choice and parental preferences. The findings illustrate substantial differences about the way in which the district’s student assignment policy affects students. In particular, this choice-based integration policy with a weak geographic preference still advantages those who choose their nearest schools as well as white students and those living in more advantaged areas. Examining differences in families’ school preferences, whether students are assigned to their preferred school, and whether and where students enroll in schools illustrates how an integration-focused assignment policy can still result in segregation and inequality. Yet, by illustrating the many influences on family preferences beyond proximity, it also suggests the opportunity for using assignment policy to overcome persistent neighborhood segregation.  相似文献   

Research in Higher Education - Over 50,000 Ph.D. degrees in Science and Engineering (S&E) are awarded annually by United States (U.S.) universities, but few studies have systematically...  相似文献   

Teachers’ innovative behaviour and professional development are important aspects of high-quality education. It is often thought that motivation influences teachers’ innovative behaviour and professional development. The main purpose of this study is to gain more insight into motivational processes contributing to teachers’ innovative behaviour. Using Self-Determination Theory, both intrinsic motivation and basic psychological need satisfaction are addressed. From an organizational psychology perspective, occupational self-efficacy is also included in the hypothesized model. Online survey data from teachers in primary, secondary, and vocational education in the Netherlands (n?=?2,385) are analysed using structural equation modeling. Results show that basic psychological need satisfaction affects both intrinsic motivation and occupational self-efficacy, and that the latter strongly supports innovative behaviour.  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is on the work‐related values, preferences, and future expectations among female students at two elite business schools in China and Norway. The paper argues that while gender theory predicts no significant differences between these two groups, both cultural and economic development theory imply fundamental differences. The overall picture we get from this study is mixed, in that while both cultural dimensions and economic development dimensions generally have a significant impact on the variations in job‐related values between the selected Chinese and Norwegian female business students, there are also commonalities that are ascribable to gender. That is, while there clearly are differences between the two groups there are also a number of significant similarities.  相似文献   



A special cognitive‐preference inventory dealing with agriculture was developed, validated and administered to 943 middle‐school students and their teachers. This is the first reported study of cognitive preferences of 7th and 8th grade (12 to 13 year‐old) students. The inventory was found to be a valid and reliable measure of cognitive preferences related to agricultural topics studied in Israeli schools.

Preference for application (A) was found to be negatively correlated in different students with either recall (R) or principles (P) or critical questioning (Q).

Studying the ‘new’ agriculture compared with the ‘old’, resulted in a lower preference for R and a higher preference for A. Female students had, on the average, a higher preference for R and P while males tended to prefer A and Q. Children whose fathers were simple workers had the highest preference for R while children whose fathers were academics had the lowest preference for R. Teachers, when compared with their students, had a much higher preference for P and a much lower preference for R. A close correspondence was found between reported emphasis in classroom tests and the cognitive‐preference modes of teachers.



The purpose of this study was to discover guidelines for improving the pre-service and in-service training of elementary teachers to teach reading. Three hundred and eight elementary teachers were queried regarding (1) their attitudes toward their pre-service education, (2) their educational needs, and (3) their preferences for in- service program formats. Responses were analyzed according to grade levels taught and years of service. The main conclusion was that elementary teachers of different grades and with different terms of service express different attitudes, needs and preferences regarding their training to teach reading. Implications for pre-service and in-service training programs are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to better understand the relationship between employees’ chronological age and their motivation to learn, by adopting a lifespan perspective. Based on socioemotional selectivity theory, we suggest that occupational future time perspective mediates the relationship between age and motivation to learn. In accordance with expectancy-value and self-efficacy theories, motivation to learn was operationalized as employees’ learning motivational beliefs (i.e., learning self-efficacy and learning value). To test our model, survey data were obtained from 560 workers between the ages of 21 to 64 years. Results demonstrated the importance of taking workers’ occupational future time perspective into account to explain relationships between age and learning motivational beliefs.  相似文献   

Constructive partnerships between pre-school service providers and parents need to be established on the basis of a clear understanding of what parents want and expect for their children from pre-school provision. A questionnaire survey to 911 parents across Scotland, together with in-depth interviews with 91 parents in the Glasgow area, elicited information concerning preferences, beliefs, knowledge and expectations when choosing suitable provision. Results showed that parents prioritise the safety and care of their children above all else and that, beyond this, selection of type of provision (playgroup, local authority or private nursery) depends upon the relative value they attached to education, setting, convenience and meeting parents' needs. Results are consistent with the theory of planned behaviour that predicting actual choice of provision depends upon parents' knowledge, strength of desire to place their child, social support and perceived control over available options. Des partenariats constructifs entre prestataires de services préscolaires et parents doivent être établis sur la base d'une compréhension claire de ce que les parents veulent et attendent des prestations préscolaires pour leurs enfants. Les réponses à un questionnaire de 911 parents dans toute l'Ecosse, ainsi que des entretiens approfondis avec 91 parents de la région de Glasgow, ont permis de dégager des informations sur les préférences, les croyances, les connaissances et les attentes des parents choisissant une prestation. Les résultats ont montré que les parents donnent la priorité à la sécurité et à l'accueil de leurs enfants par-dessus tout, et que, après cela, la sélection du type de prestation (garderie, crèche municipale ou privée) dépend des valeurs relatives qu'ils attachent à l'éducation, au cadre, au côté pratique et à la capacité de la structure à répondre aux besoins des parents. Les résultats confirment la théorie du comportement basé sur un objectif qui prédit que le choix de prestation dépend des connaissances des parents, de la force de leur désir de placer leur enfant, du soutien social et de leur perception de leur contrôle sur les options disponibles. Las asociaciones constructivas entre los proveedores de servicio preescolar y los padres deben establecerse en base a un entendimiento claro de lo que los padres quieren y esperan de sus hijos y su provisión preescolar. Una encuesta realizada a 911 padres de Escocia, junto con unas entrevistas exhaustivas de 91 padres de la zona de Glasgow, aportó información sobre preferencias, creencias, conocimiento y expectativas cuando se escoge una provisión adecuada. Los resultados demostraron que los padres ponen en primer lugar la seguridad y cuidado de sus niños, por encima de cualquier otra cosa, y que, después, la selección del tipo de provisión (grupo de actividades, autoridades locales o guarderías privadas) dependen del valor relativo que agregan a la educación, posición, conveniencia y a satisfacer las necesidades de los padres. Los resultados son consistentes con la teoría de comportamiento planificado, que dice que pronosticar una selección actual de provisión dependen del conocimiento de los padres, intensidad de deseo de colocar a su hijo, asistencia social y control percibido sobre opciones disponibles.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a teacher’s and his students’ responsiveness to a new tetrahedral-oriented (Mahaffy in J Chem Educ 83(1):49–55, 2006) curriculum requiring more discursive classroom practices in the teaching of chemistry. In this instrumental case study, we identify the intentions of this learner-centered curriculum and a teacher’s development in response to this curriculum. We also explore the tensions this teacher experiences as students subsequently respond to his adjusted teaching. We use a Chemistry Teacher Inventory (Lewthwaite and Wiebe in Res Sci Educ 40(11):667-689, 2011; Lewthwaite and Wiebe in Can J Math Sci Technol Educ 12(1):36–61, 2012; Lewthwaite in Chem Educ Res Pract. doi:10.1039/C3RP00122A, 2014) to assist the teacher in monitoring how he teaches and how he would like to improve his teaching. We also use a student form of the instrument, the Chemistry Classroom Inventory and Classroom Observation Protocol (Lewthwaite and Wiebe 2011) to verify the teacher’s teaching and perception of student preferences for his teaching especially in terms of the discursive processes the curriculum encourages. By so doing, the teacher is able to use both sets of data as a foundation for critical reflection and work towards resolution of the incongruence in data arising from students’ preferred learning orientations and his teaching aspirations. Implications of this study in regards to the authority of students’ voice in triggering teachers’ pedagogical change and the adjustments in ‘teachering’ and ‘studenting’ required by such curricula are considered.  相似文献   

Visual sources in the form of teachers’ journals and careers literature constitute an important part of the material culture of the teaching profession, and demand examination for their impact on occupational identity. The material allows for a range of interpretations and the approach taken here is speculative, in both methodologies and analysis. This paper examines how visual imagery, as a ‘communicative symbol’ and as a ‘social fact’, has actively contributed to the formation of gendered teacher identities. An analysis of the extensive archives available at the Trade Union Congress Library was central in revealing a set of recurring themes over a period of 60 years. This iconography was then located in its wider historical, pedagogical and cultural contexts and possible interpretations of these gendered representations of the occupational identity of teachers suggested.  相似文献   

Immigrant background and disadvantaged socioeconomic background are two key predictors of poorer school achievement in Europe. However, the former is associated with higher while the latter is associated with lower aspirations. This study asks whether family relationships account for this difference. Data come from 5,926 students in Germany and Sweden, eliciting indicators of family background and relationships at age 14–15 years (2011) and occupational aspirations 1 year later. High aspirations were found among students of non-European background and students with higher parental occupational status. Structural equation models showed that while immigrant families had greater parental aspirations and encouragement, family cohesion, and parental monitoring, only parental aspirations mediated the effects of family background.  相似文献   

fixation rate and color fastness,but the Lanasol type of wool fiber used reactive dye is not so applicable to dye the soybean protein fiber.0针织工业Knittin  相似文献   

This article presents an examination of occupational well‐being among teachers in Finland who are over 45‐years of age (n = 1012). Occupational well‐being was described by affective (job anxiety and depression, burnout), behavioral (job competence and aspiration) and health (psychosomatic Symptoms and work ability) components. The structure of well‐being turned out to be two‐dimensional, consisting of affect‐health and behavior dimensions. The level of well‐being among aging teachers was quite high, although 36% of the teachers had Problems of well‐being related to both ajfect‐health and behavior. However, according to the work ability index, only 4% of the 45‐49‐year‐old and 12% of the 55‐59‐year‐old teachers were classified as having poor work ability. Of the demographic variables examined (sex, age, subject and teaching level) the most Variation in occupational well‐being was produced by subject and teaching level. The level of well‐being was lowest among vocational subject teachers in vocational schools and highest among Special dass teachers in comprehensive schools. Attention should thus be directed to the work Situation of vocational teachers, in particular.  相似文献   


When historians discuss the impact of examinations on elementary education in mid-Victorian England and Wales they typically focus on the Revised Code of 1862. The Revised Code is famous for instituting a policy of “payment-by-results” for teachers in state-supported voluntary schools. “Payment-by-results” made government grants to schools – and, by extension, for teachers’ salaries – contingent upon student attendance and pass rates in reading, writing and arithmetic. As this article emphasises, however, “payment-by-results” was not the first, or even the most significant, instance in which competitive examination was used by the state as an instrument for establishing the pedagogical fitness and salaries of teachers. Less often explored by historians is the formative role that state-mandated competitive examinations for teachers played in developing a professionally aspirant body of schoolteachers and, consequently, the schoolteachers’ later role in developing competitive examination as a broad-scale national accreditation apparatus. But while the use of competitive examinations came to shape modern British academic and professional life in fundamental ways, the strengthening effects that they had for certain occupations and institutions, such as physicians, civil servants and middle-class secondary schools, were in fact ultimately denied to state teachers and the elementary education sector generally. With the introduction of “payment-by-results” in 1862, competitive examinations were converted into an instrument that weakened rather than strengthened teachers’ professional identity and policy influence. This article explains how the nineteenth-century English state structured examinations and examination results to manipulate the professional status of teachers in order to suit state priorities during different stages of national development. This historical narrative is framed in reference to present-day examination-based reforms of teacher compensation systems such as performance-related-pay and value-added modelling.  相似文献   

ThisstoryisaboutfourFloridafirefightersnamedEverybody,Somebody,Any-bodyandNobody.Therewasanimportantjobtobedone.Everybodywasaskedtodoit.EverybodywassurethatSome-bodywoulddoit.Anybodycouldhavedoneit.ButNobodydidit.SomebodygotangrybecauseitwasEverybody'sjob.Ev-erybodythoughtAnybodycoulddoit.NobodyrealizedthatEv-erybodywouldn'tdoit.Itend-edupthatEverybodyblamedSomebody,whenactuallyNo-bodyblamedAnybody.参考译文:这个故事讲的是佛罗里达州的四名消防队员,他们的名字分别是…  相似文献   

This story is about four Florida fire fighters named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done. Everybody was asked to do it. Everybody was sure that Somebody would do  相似文献   

陈惠娟 《辅导员》2011,(14):28-29
英语中的连词是一种虚词,在句子中不单独用作句子成分。连词按其性质可分为并列连词和从属连词。and,but,so,or就是大家所熟知的并列连词,在小学课文中接触过,也学习过。今天在这里简单地归纳总结。下面请四位连词先生作个自我介绍吧。  相似文献   

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