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基于案例的推理(CBR)作为一种认知理论,它揭示了人或智能机器在解决复杂问题时利用过去经验来解决问题的认知过程;它又作为一种从经验中学习的理论,科学诠释了经验在人类问题解决和学习过程中的本质特征和基础性作用。本文结合我国普通高中通用技术课程简易机器人制作的教学实践需求,利用CBR的教学建议,设计、开发了促进学生深度学习的认知工具——案例编写工具、经验阐释与反思工具、经验交流工具和经验法则提取工具,为学生在简易机器人制作探究学习环境下获得经验和转化经验提供了很好的技术支持。  相似文献   

隐喻作为语言的一种修辞手段,既是一种思维方式,也是一种重要的语言认知工具。认知语言学所研究的概念隐喻理论对成人高校的英语教学起着重要的作用。成人高校的教学以满足学生的成才需求和职业追求为最高目的。本文从认知语言学角度出发,结合成人高校英语教学的现状,探索了隐喻认知功能在成人英语教学中的启示,提出了隐喻理论在英语阅读教学中有效运用的途径,从而达到成人学生掌握语言、提高交际能力的目的。  相似文献   

(一) 课堂讨论是教学过程中的能动结构,是影响学生学习过程的一个实践环节。积极的课堂讨论,有利于调动学生的全部心理机能去学习、思考,对于完善认知结构,提高智力活动水平,有巨大的促进作用。传统教学论的严重弊端,在于把教师作为能动的主体,而把学生当作溶器式的客体加以灌输和改变即将能动性和受动性截然分开,仅注意了“主体”对“客体”的单向投注,很少认真研究学生在掌握知识、发展智能中的心理活动。这种“仓库理论”显然不利于学生智能的开发和构建,只能使学生呆读死记而不善于独立思考。杜威认为:“儿童的学习是主动的,它包含着心理的积极开展,它包括着从心理内部开始的有机的同  相似文献   

对双关语的研究多是从修辞学、文体学、语义学的角度进行探讨。图形一背景理论成为认知语言学的重要理论后,以其强大的解释功能解释了认知的突显心理机制,认知主体不同、角度不同、从背景中被激活的图形也不同。文章从心理认知的角度拓展了对双关语的研究范围。  相似文献   

语文作为中职学校的一门综合性文化基础课,应不同于普通中学语文教学模式,要体现出中职语文的学习特点。建构主义作为一种新的认知理论,对知识、学习和教学提出的新的思想观点,较好地说明了人类学习过程的认知规律,是当代教学改革的重要理论依据。作为一种新的认知理论,建构主义学习理论主张知识是由认知主体主动建构的结果,学习是认知主体的一个意义建构的过程,教学是培养学生主体性的创造活动,是引导学生从原有的知识经验中生长出新的知识经验的过程,强调环境因素对学习过程的影响。教师应是学生主动建构意义的促进者、合作者和指导者。建构主义学习理论作为新的方法论思想,对中职学校语文的教学模式和学习环境设计提供了理论基础和实践指导。  相似文献   

信息技术作为学习工具的应用框架研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在认识信息技术的隐喻与作用的基础上,从"用技术学习(Learn with IT)"的角度,阐述了信息技术作为学习工具的角色和功能、认知工具与高阶思维发展、学习者与技术的关系等几大问题,探讨了技术与课程整合的实质和作用,建构了技术应用的框架,从而为信息技术作为学习工具的实践提供了一个应用框架。  相似文献   

薛琴 《考试周刊》2013,(31):111-112
信息技术与课程整合是教育信息化的关键所在,它的重点在于把信息技术作为学生自主学习和自我激励的一种工具,从而营造信息化的教学环境。在这种教学环境中,学生是主体,教师是主导,从而实现"自主、探究、合作"为特点的教与学方式的变革,使学生的创新思维和实践能力在整合中得到有效的锻炼、提高。作者从一个高中一线信息技术教师的角度,结合教学理论和自身的教学经验,阐述了对整合的理解和思考。  相似文献   

隐喻的认知与工作机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
隐喻不仅是一种修辞手段,更是人类的一种认知方式.文章从认知角度对作为认知方式的隐喻及其认知功能进行分析、探讨,从关联理论的角度阐释了隐喻的工作机制,提出隐喻是认知主体在认知语境作用下关联、对话、投射的结果.并指出对隐喻的研究不仅可以更好地理解这一传统的修辞现象,而且有助于隐喻学的深层次研究.  相似文献   

隐喻不仅是一种修辞手段,更是人类的一种认知方式。文章从认知角度对作为认知方式的隐喻及其认知功能进行分析、探讨,从关联理论的角度阐释了隐喻的工作机制,提出隐喻是认知主体在认知语境作用下关联、对话、投射的结果。并指出对隐喻的研究不仅可以更好地理解这一传统的修辞现象,而且有助于隐喻学的深层次研究。  相似文献   

“智能交互”教育技术是应用在教育领域的、以人工智能与交互为基础的技术。它呈现人类智能,辅助学生实现基于理解的学习,激发深度学习。文章从“智能交互”和“深度学习”的角度出发,探究“智能交互”教育技术对美术深度学习的促进作用,论述了“深度学习”“学生主体”“智能”“交互”四种不同理念下“智能交互”教育技术在美术深度学习中的应用实践。  相似文献   

Studies have shown that it is difficult for people to deal with multicriteria decision‐making situations. Information technology tools such as decision‐support systems and expert systems have been developed in order to help them in such situations. Another tool that has been identified as helping managers understand complex engineering decision‐making situations is multimedia instructional materials. This research investigates the perceptions of business versus engineering students on improvement of their higher‐level cognitive skills when they participated in a multimedia‐based case study that used an expert system to model a complex engineering and technical problem. Two groups of students, business and engineering, participated in an experiment, where they analyzed the case study and made their recommendations. Two questionnaires measured their perceptions on the improvements achieved on different constructs. A structural equations model was developed in order to test the research hypotheses with business students being the experimental group and the engineering students as a control group. The major findings are no significant relationship between student major and higher‐order cognitive skills improvement, business students perceived more higher‐order skills improvement compared to engineering students, both groups perceived an improvement in learning‐driven factor, and business students valued learning‐driven factors more compared to engineering students. These results show that multimedia instructional materials were perceived to be very useful in making multicriteria engineering and technical decisions.  相似文献   

Within the cognitive load theory framework, we designed and compared three alternative instructional solution formats that can be derived from a common static hierarchical network representation depicting problem structure. The interactive-solution format permitted students to search in self-controlled manner for solution steps, static-solution format displayed all solutions steps, and no-solution format did not have solution steps. When we matched instructional time across the formats, in relation to the complex molarity problems rather than the dilution problems, differential transfer performance existed between the static-solution or no-solution formats and the interactive-solution format, but not between the static-solution format and no-solution format. The manner in which learners interact with the static-solution and no-solution formats depends on their level of expertise in the chemistry domain. With considerable learner expertise, provision of solution steps may be redundant incurring extraneous cognitive load. Absence of the solution steps may not have left sufficient cognitive capacity for germane cognitive load as some beginning learners lacked the prior knowledge to deduce the solution steps. Searching for solution steps presumably incurred extraneous cognitive load which interfered with learning and hence, in the interactive-solution format, it outweighed the benefit of engaging in self-regulated interaction with the content. Hence, cognitive load theory is a promising tool to predict the mental load associated with learning from the three alternative computer-based instructional formats.  相似文献   

认知诊断通过分析被试的项目作答反应,推断被试的认知属性掌握状态,为学习困难学生设计补救教学提供了非常有价值的信息。本文作者在探讨了小学生多位数乘法计算能力的认知属性、编制了2份相同考核模式的认知诊断测验后,选择江西某小学310名高年级学生为被试,先施测第1份认知诊断测验,采用DINA模型,自编参数估计程序进行诊断,得到了每一个被试的属性掌握模式分类及全体被试在各个属性上的掌握情况。然后设计和实施补救教学,在实施补救教学后再施测第2份认知诊断测验以检验补救效果。研究发现:(1)该小学高年级学生对0XN运算法则、多位数乘以两位数的运算程序、乘法进位认知属性的掌握不太理想,特别是乘法进位。(2)属性掌握模式中属全部掌握模式的被试人数占86.47%,其余被试均分类于存在各种认知不足的掌握模式。(3)比较两份认知诊断测验报告,结果表明在认知诊断指导下的补救教学有针对性,补救后被试正确作答项目增多,属性掌握个数也有所增加,补救效果良好。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of search tools and learner cognitive styles on performance in searches for information within a hypermedia database. Seventy-five students in a university English as a Second Language (ESL) program were blocked for field dependence and assigned to one of four treatments: browser, index/find, map, and all tools. Subjects searched the hypermedia database, EarthQuest, for facts to answer practice and posttest questions on science topics. Results revealed a significant interaction between search tool and cognitive style. Field-independent learners performed significantly better than field-dependent learners under the index/find and map treatments. Subjects in the four treatment groups accessed information from the database differently. Furthermore, cognitive style was significantly related to achievement, tool use, and attitude. Implications for the design and instructional use of hypermedia databases are provided.  相似文献   

The efficacy of placing students with special needs in inclusive classrooms may depend in part on how instructional factors contribute to student outcomes. Differences in frequencies and levels of cognitive engagement of interactions among nine teachers in inclusive elementary classrooms were related to three other variables: teachers' ratings on the Pathognomonic-Interventionist (PATH/INT) Scale, students' designation either as exceptional or at-risk (EX/AR) or as typically achieving (TA), and students' scores on the Piers Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale. Teachers with PATH beliefs, who attribute learning difficulties to permanent characteristics of the student that are beyond the teacher's mandate, interacted infrequently with their EX/AR students at low levels of cognitive engagement. Teachers with INT beliefs, who see themselves as responsible for the achievement of all their students irrespective of their disabilities, interacted with all students more frequently, and at higher levels of cognitive engagement. In contrast to the PATH teachers, their EX/AR students received more instructional interactions than their TA students. As expected, the EX/AR students in all classrooms had lower Piers Harris Self-Concept Total Scale scores than typically achieving students. However, both TA and EX/AR students had lower Self-Concept Total Scale scores in the classrooms of teachers with PATH beliefs, compared to students in the classrooms of INT teachers. The relationship is discussed between teachers' beliefs, their different patterns of instructional interactions with students with and without disabilities in inclusive classrooms, and the possible impact of instructional interventions on students' self-concept.  相似文献   

Interacting with and translating across multiple representations is an essential characteristic of expertise and representational fluency. In this study, we explored the effect of interacting with and translating between representations in a computer simulation or in a paper-based assignment on scientific accuracy of undergraduate science students’ explanations regarding the underlying mechanisms of action potential. The study proposed that a simulation designed with scaffolded inquiry and with multiple dynamically linked representations fosters students to use greater scientific accuracy in speaking about a complex scientific phenomenon as well as to work with this complex knowledge in higher cognitive domains. Student explanations were analysed for use of accurate scientific language as they worked with the instructional tool as well as under test conditions. We also investigated the cognitive domain that students worked within as they created explanations of the phenomenon under study. The proportion of elaborations that occurred in higher-level cognitive domains such as applying, analysing, evaluating and synthesising was used to denote representational fluency. The rationale for this approach is discussed. Findings suggest that the simulation prompted students towards operating in higher cognitive domains in order to construct new knowledge and therefore promoted representational fluency. It also suggests that translating between representations in a simulation in a collaborative social setting contributes towards students’ use of accurate scientific language. Students’ perceptions expressed during the interviews confirmed the findings.  相似文献   

In this paper we present three cases of instructional design that illustrates both horizontal didactising, the activity of using already established principles to design instruction, and vertical didactising the activity of developing new tools and principles for instructional design. The first case illustrates horizontal didactising by elaborating how the constructs chains of signification and models were used to design an instructional sequence involving linear growth. The second and third cases illustrate vertical didactising by developing argumentation analyses and generative listening, respectively, as instructional design tools. In the second case, argumentation analyses emerge as a tool that other designers can use to anticipate the quality of conversations that can occur as students engage in tasks prior to implementing the instructional sequence. The third case develops the notion of generative listening as a conceptual tool within the context of designing differential equations instruction to gain insights into what are, for students, experientially-real starting points that are mathematical in nature and to provide inspirations for revisions to instructional sequences. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

概念图是一种教与学的认知工具,同时也是一种学习策略,在教学中具有促进知识整合、促进学生意义学习、促进学生思维发展、改善教学设计方式、革新传统评价方式等方面的优势,教师可以在备课、课堂教学及评价时以概念图为教育技术支持,以达到提高教学效果的目的。  相似文献   

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