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Health care practitioners come to understand their professional roles through socialization processes. This project investigates value sets that are constructed through interactions between medical students and two important socializing agents: standardized patients and virtual patients. Through in‐depth interviews with medical students and key administrators at two schools as well as an analysis of rhetorical artifacts about the formal curricula at both schools, we explored the ideological aspects of medical instruction as constituted and reinforced, perhaps subtly, covertly, and even inadvertently, through the pedagogical practices of using standardized and virtual patients. Our results highlight how these medical students perceive standardized and virtual patient interactions as an opportunity to manage uncertainty, and confront a primary tension they will face in enacting their professional rotes—being cost effective and efficient while also treating “patients as people.”  相似文献   

关注民生是时代赋予我们国家的重任。健全的医疗保障体系成为实现人民当家作主,保障公民民主权利的重要举措。随着医保改革的推进、公民民主意识的增强以及信息技术的发展,电子病案作为一种新兴的病案形式,作为医疗保险理赔与报销的重要原始凭证,在医疗保障体制改革中日益显示出优越性。本文试从电子病案的角色定位、利用的有利因素以及存在的发展瓶颈三方面进行阐述,以期达到对医保改革中电子病案的利用问题较为充分的了解。  相似文献   

The information field continues to evolve rapidly as digital technology changes the very nature of information and how people interact with each other and with information. This article argues that the past 30 years have seen a shift from distinct emphases on information, individual people, and specific technologies to emphases on the interactions among more diverse forms and amounts of information, people, and technologies. Human–information interaction shifts the foci of all aspects of information work; blurs boundaries between information objects, technology, and people; and creates new forms of information. This article discusses changes in each of these components of information and trends and challenges surrounding the study of their interactions are presented.  相似文献   

A critical exploration of the history and present dynamics of drug advertising in the United States reveals how advertising practices exemplify the extent to which late capitalist market rationality impacts on popular understandings of medicine, well being, and disease. An historical overview of drug advertising and regulation thereof contextualizes a closer analysis of the ways in which the pharmaceutical industry acts to maximize profits through marketing efforts and the creation of diseases as platforms for the expansion of drug product markets. In this way U.S. drug manufacturers operate on a variety of communicative levels to ensure that their promotional messages are among the most widely disseminated. As medical and pharmaceutical technology develops and plays an increasingly pronounced role in everyday life from casual to more profound levels via the mass media, a critical and historical understanding of how and for whom it acts may become a vital focus of future inquiry on social and communicative phenomena and processes.  相似文献   

张晶 《编辑学报》2022,(4):464-468
中华医学会所属系列学术期刊群是我国著名期刊群之一,部分医学期刊包括《中华消化杂志》积极响应中华医学会继续教育专栏刊授任务,已初见成效,满足了全国部分医师的继续教育需求。在“破五唯”的学术背景下,医学期刊应践行学术担当和社会责任,办好继续教育专栏,形成专栏特色,服务于广大读者,提高期刊的传播力和影响力。目前,有继续教育学分授予权限的期刊尚未形成规模,随着建设国内一流期刊、集群化办刊模式的加强,应重视和加强医学期刊的继续教育知识服务,通过改进刊授任务、加大宣传、增加单行本印刷、开展学员调查等措施提高继续教育服务质量,积极探索服务路径,使继续教育专栏成为医学期刊的品牌化服务内容,形成资源共享体系。  相似文献   

周旖 《图书与情报》2006,(4):106-112
文章从史志目录的著录格式、内部结构、著录项目的设置和著录方法三个方面系统、深入地揭示了史志目录书目著录的沿革情况,并以大量的实例论证了史志目录在著录方面的发展脉络是由汉代发轫之作的体例不精、著录简单到隋朝的体例精细、著录详细,然后又走向了唐、宋、明、清的体例不纯、著录简省这一观点。  相似文献   

This paper is a case study that critically analyzes the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympic Games. The Olympics are a gigantic global event, largely as a result of significant global media attention, particularly through television and corporate sponsors. However, these entities simultaneously need a specific locale in which to operate. Analytically, the paper focuses on interactions between the global media actors and the host city and its people. It argues that the commercialized nature of the Olympic Games controls not only the program, but also numerous aspects of the local host city to maximize benefit for the media. This paper reviews how historically and structurally the media were able to obtain such extensive control. Then, it argues how the media actually control the locale through the initial bid, the process of preparation, the Games, and even the aftermath.  相似文献   

邹礼均 《大观周刊》2011,(37):193-193
计算机技术作为现代科学技术的基础和核心,已经而且必将继续对社会的进步和发展产生深刻的影响。随着社会的不断进步,计算机技术的迅速发展,计算机的应用已渗透到各个领域,且日益影响和改变着人们的日常工作、学习和生活方式。在高职学院中,几乎所有的学生都要学习《计算机文化基础》这门课,关于如何上好这门课,如何通过这门课的学习去参加过级考试,很多老师都知道。但怎样才能让学生既学到了知识,又提高了自己的应用能力呢?如何通过本门课的学习,真正提高学生的动手能力,培养学生的应用能力?是我们在计算机教学中需要探讨的重要课题。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(1):17-32
When news reporters connect people in a news story they essentially construct social networks in the news media. Networks through which news sources can be aligned symbolically in written, audible or visual form. This particular type of network is first defined and described with reference to the ways in which the concept of networks has previously been used by researchers and news reporters. Following this conceptualization the vision of networks in the news media and the adjacent vocabulary are then operationalized and used as a backdrop for an analysis of Danish newspapers from 1905 to 2005. This is an approach that can help delineate—and graphically visualize—how networks in the news media have evolved over the past century, and the content analysis shows that the socio-symbolic networks not only augment communicative actors and structures from parliament and other pre-existing platforms for communication, but also complement or even substitute them. The development offers people both inside and outside news rooms new potentials—and problems—when it comes to affecting the lives of people connected directly or indirectly to the networks.  相似文献   

In an earlier period of mass communication research, scholars were more adventuresome in advancing “new” theories and less hesitant to “create” theory. The 1970s, in particular, bore witness to the emergence of several such theories—from the knowledge gap and agenda-setting to cultivation. Scholars have generated substantial literatures elaborating work in these and other traditions. Those contributions are now sufficiently robust that it is time to direct some of our energies toward synthesizing theories. This article nominates third-person perception as a candidate for such integration. Several prominent theories of media effects in the mass communication literature are selected to illustrate how the theories can or have been integrated. Results from three surveys provided evidence that the theories of third-person perception, agenda-setting and cultivation can be interrelated. The proposition examined here can serve as a model for further integration of other media theories. This integration attempt harkened back to the times when theory building in media effects was more common and perhaps more optimistic about explaining processes of influence.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to better understand the prevalence, scope, and unique challenges of undergraduate and first year librarians over the last decade, through the use of quantitative and qualitative data from job listings, online surveys, and phone interviews. The findings indicate that there is very little consensus about what the undergraduate librarian does, how the work is structured on a daily basis, and how its goals are negotiated and assessed. Further, undergraduate librarians face a number of issues, including navigating vaguely defined responsibilities, establishing their professional credibility, and communicating their role within the library and to the university. Survey participants reported experiencing tension between the traditional (reference, instruction, collection development) and undergraduate-specific aspects of their duties, indicating that it is difficult for them to prioritize engagement and outreach. While the literature on blended librarianship anticipates some of these issues, undergraduate librarians are unique because they provide an intersection between broader higher education priorities and the academic library. The author stipulates that the lack of definition, strain, and the perception of undergraduate librarianship as an entry-level position is incongruent with the importance colleges and universities place on undergraduate student success.  相似文献   

This article highlights a successful collaborative project between the Toledo–Lucas County Library System, a university professor, and a local production company in order to expand the library's African American oral history collection. The project, made possible from a state technology grant, also resulted in the production of 20 television-quality DVDs and lesson guides. In addition to describing how we expanded the library's local African American history collection, we discuss how the project required a new collaborative culture. We also describe the unintended discovery of the evolving role and required skill sets of the librarian in the new collaboration relationship. The knowledge we gained helps us to fill a gap in our understanding about how to establish specialty collections as well as the required emergent role of the librarian.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the current state and development of health and biomedical literature in Arab countries. The study concentrates on the Arabic sources of medical articles, and surveys and analyzes the size of the literature and its development in the past 100 years. Two aspects of these sources are covered: the Arab medical information sources published within the Arab region, and those published outside the region. This includes the quantity of material available within and outside the Arab region. The size of the Arab medical literature indicates that it is worthy of collection. Treatment of the Arab medical literature, a pressing and urgent issue, is needed to assist in the research and development of an Arab medical infrastructure.  相似文献   

自然科技类博物馆面临着如何提高展览传播有效性的挑战。本文以语境化阐释为切入点,探讨了其理念、方法和实践在提升自然科技类博物馆传播有效性方面的作用和意义。语境化阐释是一种将展品置于其原生或新生的关联网络中,揭示展品与其相关的人、物、环境、事件等之间的联系,从而增强展品的信息量、意义和价值的阐释方法。本文分析语境化阐释的内涵、机制、目标及作用,并从历史演变和现实功能的视角,剖析“语境化阐释”助力“传播有效性”提升的内在逻辑。最后,提出基于“展品”语境网络的可视化编织、基于“知识”的跨语境对话与跨视角重构以及基于“受众”的分众化语境化阐释系统助力路径。  相似文献   

The library profession is a strong and vocal proponent of increased information access for people with disabilities. With the discipline's longstanding interest in the subject of services to people with disabilities, questions arise about how the profession perceives the phenomenon. How is library and information science (LIS), as a discipline, conceptualizing disability and accessibility? A content analysis of the LIS literature was conducted to examine this question. The literature provides a fertile ground for study as it reflects the profession's approaches to, and perceptions of, a topic. This research identifies the major issues and trends in the research about accessibility and disability in the LIS literature throughout a 10-year period, 2000–2010. The strongest theme in the literature is accessibility as it relates to web, database, and software, while the prevailing disability of focus is visual disabilities. The overall environment emphasizes technology more than attitudinal aspects associated with disabilities. The research could benefit from increased direct participation of people with disabilities.  相似文献   

中国印刷图书文化的源与流   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
印刷术的发明有很深的渊源,并且有一个不断积累的由量变到质变逐渐完善的长期过程,其间很难划分出鲜明的分界时限。根据古代文献,结合近年来的考古实物发现综合考证,可以得出雕版印刷术产生于隋至初唐之际的结论。公元7世纪前期的佛像雕印是雕版印刷术的最初形式;8世纪大量出现的经咒印本标志着雕版技术已有长足的进步;9世纪图文并茂的整部佛经《金刚经》印本说明雕版印刷术已臻成熟。  相似文献   

以张厚生先生从事图情教育三十年为线索,从读书、教书、科研成果三方面加以总结和思考,从侧面对我国图书馆学情报学教育的发展历史和所取得的成绩进行梳理与评价。在回顾历史的基础上,结合环境的变化,就当前我国图书馆学情报学教育如何创新发展提出相关建议。  相似文献   

文章详细阐述了基于WEB2.0技术的图书馆信息化建设理念,指出了WEB2.0在图书馆信息系统中的四种应用形式,还从资源、技术、服务三个方面提出了WEB2.0全民信息平台构建的系统方案。对当今图书馆全民共享信息服务系统建设具有一定指导作用。参考文献5。  相似文献   

网络电子文献专题检索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蔡筱青 《图书馆论坛》2003,23(1):62-64,94
以专题“传教士对东西方科技文化交流的贡献”为例,通过分析网络电子资源检索的特点,从而指导人的如何实施网络电子文献检索。  相似文献   

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