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Certain groups of pupils who have sustained an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) have a different pattern of attention within the classroom which interferes with learning and social interactions. The delineation of these groups is suggested. By looking in detail at the classroom behaviour of eight pupils, a common account for classroom behaviour post‐ABI is questioned, and an alternative explanation put forward. Practical ways to promote learning for this group are explored.  相似文献   

This paper extends and develops the metaphor of scaffolding to take account of the specific needs of pupils with an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI), drawing on observational evidence gathered for an empirical enquiry into the learning of pupils with ABI in mainstream classroom conditions. This is an area in which there are few published studies to date. After considering the needs of this particular group of pupils, the development of the scaffolding metaphor is outlined. The use of scaffolding for a group of pupils with ABI is illustrated and the need for modifications discussed, before suggesting the acronym PEDER (Point out, Explain, Demonstrate, Encourage, Repeat) to focus on the particular needs of this group. However, in practice, this acronym has been found to assist a wider group than just pupils with an ABI.  相似文献   

This paper explores the use of thinking aloud made by young people who have sustained a severe acquired brain injury (ABI). The phenomenon is compared with the concepts of egocentric speech and inner speech before the form of thinking aloud by pupils with ABI is examined. It is suggested that by using thinking aloud, this group of pupils is able to engage in internally persuasive dialogue and is therefore enabled to take part in classroom learning.  相似文献   

与在校学习不同,在线教学可以师生同步进行,也可以异步进行.在线课堂为教师分层次地讲解创造了条件,也为学生自主分层次地听讲创造了极为有利的条件,因此如何有效搭建在线教学模式成为重中之重.根据在线教学特点,结合对分课堂模式,利用学习通的教学资源与钉钉的对应功能,构建设计了八步在线隔堂对分教学法,包括签到、发布教学任务、独学...  相似文献   

Various factors influence the development of creative potential, including everything from individual differences to the kinds of experiences and opportunities that creators experience throughout the lifespan. When it comes to nurturing creativity in the classroom, the learning environment is one of the most important factors – determining, in large part, whether creative potential will be supported (or suppressed). In short, classroom context matters. It is one thing to recognize that the classroom environment impacts the development of creative potential, it is quite another to understand just what it takes to develop an optimally supportive creative learning environment. This is because many of the features of optimal learning environments are quite subtle and even counterintuitive. In this paper, we discuss insights from the research on how teachers might establish a creativity-supportive learning environment in their classroom.  相似文献   

This article presents an analysis of how students' dispositions toward learning shift and change over time through their engagement with particular classroom practices and identifies classroom practices that support the development of more productive dispositions. An analysis of 4 purposefully selected students from 2 different classrooms reveals that membership in a classroom activity system does not determine one's emergent disposition toward learning. However, it is likely that similar types of dispositions might emerge within a single classroom activity system. The analysis further seeks to understand the mechanisms that underlie the ways in which dispositions are enacted in moments of interaction, and how aspects of classroom practice impact this enactment. The findings support the argument that social, affective, and motivational factors are not simply influences on learning but are, instead, central to and inseparable from the learning process.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether and how high school students’ cognitive tendencies in holistic/analytic style relate to their active or passive behavioral patterns observed in the classroom. It was speculated that academic intrinsic motivation might play the role as a moderator and learning approach (the structure-oriented approach versus the depth-oriented approach) might function as a mediator in the effects of holistic/analytic style on classroom learning behaviors. A sample of 1065 high school students in China were assessed in classroom learning behavior, holistic/analytic style, learning approach, and academic intrinsic motivation via the use of relevant measures. Results indicated that holistic style and analytic style were significant predictors of classroom learning behavior. The study also revealed significant moderation effects of intrinsic motivation and significant mediation effects of learning approach. Academic intrinsic motivation and learning approach were proven to be two relevant variables in unraveling the influence of holistic/analytic style on students’ behavioral performances in the classroom.  相似文献   

The goal of this special issue is to examine how certain modes of classroom dialogue might contribute to students' learning outcomes. The articles in this special issue share the idea of classroom talk as a problem-oriented dialogue. In other words, an interactional configuration based on exchanges among students and teachers that go beyond the predominantly monologic approaches of classroom talk. In each of the contributions to this special issue, different types of learning outcomes were studied as a result of specific ways of orchestrating classroom dialogue. All in all, the studies in this special issue yield a picture of the field as a productive research area: they provide evidence for the plausibility of the assumption that dialogic orchestrations of classroom talk may produce various desired learning and developmental outcomes in students, depending on what outcomes we want to articulate, and how they are assessed. Although the studies in this special issue yield promising results for future improvements of classroom practice more (preferably longitudinal) research is required.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to quantify possible changes in the classroom learning experiences of high- and low-ability pupils, which might accompany an organizational change from streamed to mixed-ability classes for learning science in secondary schools. Deteriorations in the quality of the classroom interactions of both high- and low-ability pupils were found, these deteriorations being particularly significant for high-ability pupils. It was suggested that these changes in classroom processes might provide the key to understanding the superior academic achievement of pupils in homogenous groups, which has been reported by other research workers. It was concluded that the nine teachers studied did not respond to this organizational change by individualizing classroom activities. Instead, they tended to teach to the middle of the ability range, with both ends of the ability spectrum being adversely affected, in terms of classroom behaviors. For high-ability pupils, the observed learning experiences became more structured and teacher-directed in mixed-ability classes, with decreased opportunities' for these pupils to practice a range of higher-order intellectual skills. For slow-ability pupils, an overall decrease in the frequencies of classroom behaviors was recorded. However, these changes in classroom processes were small compared with those experienced by high-ability pupils.  相似文献   

Concerns persist regarding science classroom learning environments and the lack of development of students’ metacognition and reasoning processes within such environments. Means of shaping learning environments so that students are encouraged to develop their metacognition are required in order to enhance students’ reasoning and learning. Interventions should account for the nature of the subject material to be learned. This study employed a mixed-methods approach to investigate the efforts of university researchers and a classroom teacher to change the learning environment of a year 11 chemistry classroom. Changes in participants’ perceptions of their learning environment and corresponding changes in their metacognition and associated reasoning are documented. The teacher’s use of language that explicitly targeted students’ metacognitive knowledge altered their metacognition. Students reported changes in their learning environment and an increased awareness of how they considered chemistry might be learned. Classroom environment instruments can act as reliable indicators for monitoring changes in psychosocial dimensions of classroom environments that can be directly related to students’ metacognition.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to explore how technology can be used to teach technological skills and to determine what benefit flipping the classroom might have for students taking an introductory-level college course on spreadsheets in terms of student achievement and satisfaction with the class. A pretest posttest quasi-experimental mixed methods design was utilized to determine any differences in student achievement that might be associated with the instructional approach being used. In addition, the scalability of each approach was evaluated along with students’ perceptions of these approaches to determine the affect each intervention might have on a student’s motivation to learn. The simulation-based instruction tested in this study was found to be an extremely scalable solution but less effective than the regular classroom and flipped classroom approaches in terms of student learning. While students did demonstrate learning gains, the process focus of the simulation’s instruction and assessments frustrated students and decreased their motivation to learn. Students’ attitudes towards the topic, their willingness to refer the course to others, and the likelihood that they would take another course like this were considerably lower than those of students in the flipped or regular classroom situations. The results of this study support the conclusion that a technology enhanced flipped classroom was both effective and scalable; it better facilitated learning than the simulation-based training and students found this approach to be more motivating in that it allowed for greater differentiation of instruction.  相似文献   

A debate is ongoing in Hong Kong regarding whether local and international schools vary in the extent to which they provide classroom learning environments that support the development of students' higher order thinking and metacognition. This study investigated commonalities and variations in the metacognitive orientation of local and international schools in Hong Kong. Commonalities and substantive differences in the metacognitive orientation of the classroom learning environments were identified and these variations might, to some extent, be explained with reference to cultural variations regarding the purposes and processes of education. This research provides a further example of the value of the concept of learning environments for addressing educational questions that might otherwise be resolved with reference to primarily anecdotal data and hearsay.  相似文献   

This paper provides an introduction to the concept of pedagogical link‐making in the context of teaching and learning scientific conceptual knowledge. Pedagogical link‐making is concerned with the ways in which teachers and students make connections between ideas in the ongoing meaning‐making interactions of classroom teaching and learning. First of all we draw upon socio‐cultural perspectives to outline why we think that ‘link‐making’ is fundamental to science learning and consequently to science teaching and then we identify three main forms of pedagogical link‐making. The related research literature is then used to specify pedagogical link‐making approaches associated with each of the three main forms. Finally, the resultant framework of link‐making forms and approaches is applied in analysing a teaching sequence taken from a UK secondary school science classroom. Part of this analysis involves identifying specific pedagogical tools/strategies that might be employed in the classroom to support link‐making.  相似文献   

Home education, or home schooling, is a rapidly growing global educational phenomenon. Given the emphasis that educators, policy makers and researchers have placed upon the arts as an important element in a holistic education, the ways in which the growing home education community are facilitating arts learning warrants consideration. Facilitating quality arts learning has been found to be extremely challenging, especially for generalist classroom teachers who may not possess background learning across the range of arts subjects represented in most arts curricula. Revelations from this study on Australian home educating parents identifies a similar dilemma with the facilitation of arts learning in home contexts, and a significant proportion of the home educating participants acknowledged little to no educational or artistic training. In this project, an online survey was conducted to develop insights into the ways Australian home educators (n = 193) approach arts education, the challenges associated with facilitating arts learning and the strategies they employ in light of these challenges. The research highlights that, while home education is pedagogically unique and distinct from traditional classroom education, the challenges participants expressed regarding teaching in the arts aligned closely with those expressed by classroom teachers in wider research; however, the uniqueness of home education contexts means that support structures for classroom teachers are less helpful for home educators. Implications arising from the research are thus beneficial in understanding the nature of support that might be tailored for arts learning in home education.  相似文献   

Increasingly, online learning is perceived as an effective method of instruction. Much recent educational research has focused on examining the purposes and situations for which online education is best suited. In this paper, students enrolled in two online courses are compared with their peers enrolled in equivalent classroom‐based courses to investigate aspects of the relationship between learning style and mode of delivery. Student satisfaction measures are taken from participants in both modes of delivery and compared with student learning style. Feedback from the ‘Reflector’ learning style demonstrates higher satisfaction levels with the online mode of delivery compared with their matched counterparts following equivalent classroom‐based courses. Therefore, whilst ‘Reflectors’ might be regarded as Introverts in the traditional classroom setting, the additional time for reflection offered by online delivery makes this group more likely to contribute to online discussion, report higher satisfaction levels and generally behave more like online Extraverts.  相似文献   

Learning objects are instructional materials found on the Internet that can be used to illustrate, support, supplement, or assess student learning. Small in size, they can provide instruction that is just enough, just in time, just for you. Is it time to move your classroom into the twenty-first century? In this article, the author explores what learning objects are, where one might find them, and attributes of a twenty-first century curriculum. Today's students expect to use technology when learning; learning objects are a natural way to integrate technology into your classroom.  相似文献   

智慧教室是一种典型的智慧学习环境,是学校信息化发展到一定阶段的内在诉求,是当今智慧学习时代的必然选择。本文首先分析了当前多媒体及网络教室面临的教学困境,认为重构教室环境、创建适合学生学习和教师教学的新型教室环境是一种必然趋势,充分利用传感技术、人工智能技术、网络技术、富媒体技术等来装备教室和改善学习环境成为一个必然选择。其后,本文提出智慧教室的智慧性应体现在内容呈现(Showing)、环境管理(Manageable)、资源获取(Accessible)、及时互动(Real-time Interactive)和情境感知(Testing)五个方面;最后,文章分析了"高清晰"、"深体验"和"强交互"三种典型智慧教室的特征。  相似文献   

The distinct learning behaviors observed in the classroom between American and Chinese students have been discussed extensively in literature. The authors speculated that learning approaches (structure-oriented approach vs. depth-oriented approach) might play a role in explaining different behavioral traits presented by American and Chinese students. Two measures assessing learning approaches and learning behaviors in the classroom were administered to two samples: American undergraduates (n = 199) and Chinese undergraduates (n = 265). The results revealed that American undergraduates appeared to be more “active” in the classroom compared to Chinese undergraduates. Chinese undergraduates scored significantly higher on the structure-oriented approach, but did not differ significantly in the depth-oriented approach compared to American undergraduates. The results also indicated that the structure-oriented approach mediated the relationship between cultural group and learning behavior, and thus suggest that the structure-oriented learning approach might partially explain the distinct behavioral traits presented by American and Chinese students in the classroom.  相似文献   

How to close the achievement gap in the classroom so that no student is left behind becomes one of the most important issues nowadays. This study aims to construct a collaborative and competitive game-based learning environment to improve English proficiencies and reduce the achievement gap for disadvantaged students. The Wireless Crossword Fan-Tan Game (WiCFG) system was implemented to provide teachers with an innovative approach to guide students’ learning through a positive involvement with the uses of tablet PCs. The experiment was conducted in an elementary school in Taiwan to investigate whether this approach would facilitate students’ learning effectiveness and interactions. Thirty sixth-grade students were randomly assigned into a control group and an experimental group. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected from surveys, interviews, observations and video-recordings. The results indicate that integration of the WiCFG system in the collaborative and competitive game-based learning environment leads students to a better interaction between different levels of students. This innovative approach might have the potential to close the achievement gap for disadvantaged students. Moreover, some principles of the classroom strategy are suggested as guidelines.  相似文献   

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