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Xiao Li and Gloria are watching the Basketball game.小李和格洛里亚正在看篮球比赛Gloria: Do you think the Lakers can win today?格洛里亚:你认为湖人队今天能打赢吗?Xiao Li: I don't know. The Rockets have been shooting really well lately.小李:我不知道,最近火箭队打得不错。Gloria: Oh, the game has started. Why isn't Thomas playing today?格洛里亚:哦,比赛已经开始了。托玛斯今天怎么没上?Xiao Li: He got injured in the last game. He'll be out for the rest of the season.小李:上场比赛他受伤了。…  相似文献   

Background:Active video games are a new method for increasing physical activity(PA).Fully immersive virtual reality(VR)is a hardware device on which an active video game can run.Active(video games in)VR(AVR),might increase immersion,game engagement,and moderate-to-vigorous PA(MVPA),thereby yielding greater exercise-related benefits,e.g.,cognitive performance.Methods:We examined the induction of MVPA via an AVR and a sedentary VR(SVR)as well as the effects of VR play on cognitive performance,which was monitored using 2 different methods.Each of 29 sedentary college students attended three 20-min laboratory sessions(AVR,SVR,or control)in a randomized order;during the control session,they sat quietly doing nothing.A fully immersive headset was used for the 2 video game sessions.We monitored and computed participants’PA using hip-wom accelerometers(wGT3 x-bt;ActiGraph,Pensacola,FL,USA)and a heart rate band(Polar H7;Polar,Kempele,Finland).After each session,the participants completed a mnemonic similarity test(MST)to measure recognition memory.They also filled out a motion sickness questionnaire and an abbreviated game experience questionnaire.Results:The AVR session induced a significantly greater heart rate and more time spent in MVPA than did either of the other 2 sessions regardless of the PA monitoring method.AVR elicited greater game experience questionnaire-assessed sensory and imaginative immersion,challenge,and positive affect than did SVR.The mnemonic similarity test recognition score was marginally higher post-AVR session than it was post-SVR session.Conclusion:AVR elicited MVPA without a significant increase in motion sickness and induced a better game experience and better borderline cognitive performance than did SVR.  相似文献   

Chinese women's soccer team have not been givenany target in the Athens Olympic Games but they willtake "every chance" to fight for honor. Xue Li, vice-president of the Chinese FootballAssociation (CFA) said: "The CFA will not assign atask to the players, but they will, as always, take everychance to play well for their country." "The Olympic Games is a big occasion and you cannever give up in an Olympic field," Xue said. "Youmust play your best in every game in Athens." The Steel …  相似文献   

Xiao Li is a table tennis fan,he is talking with Gloriaabout table tennis。小李是一个乒乓球迷,他正在和格洛里亚谈论乒乓球。Gloria:Hi,Xiao Li What kind of game do you play? 格洛里亚:嗨,小李你打什么球啊? Xiao Li:I play table tennis,it is a game that usuallyplayed indoor on a table. 小李:我玩乒乓球,它通常是在室内桌子上进行的一项运动。Gloria:On a table!How funny?How many players arethere in a match? 格洛里亚:在桌子上进行?真有意思,一场比赛中有多少运动员? Xiao Li:It can be played by single players or doubleteams,so there are two or four players in each match. 小李:它可以单打也可以双打。因此,每场比赛有两个人或四个人。Gloria:Then by which do you play it? 格洛里亚:你用什么打球呢? Xiao Li:Of course by bat.Look,that is the table,Letme show you how to play! 小李:当然用球拍了。看,那有乒乓球桌子,我教你玩吧! Gloria:That’S interesting.What does table tennis requires? 格洛里亚真有意思,打乒乓球有哪些方面的要求?  相似文献   

霍华德:"去湖人是我的选择之一。"科比:"你能想象我们在一起打球是怎样的激动人心吗?"霍华德:"老家伙,你油箱里还有多少燃料?"科比转身走了……然后就是对太阳48分,对爵士40分,对骑士42分,对快艇42分。大家都知道科比可以在生气的时候激发出最大的能量。一般情况下,没有听到刺激或挑衅的言论时,他的功力也就发挥到八九成,千万别让他看报纸、上网,从电视转播中看到或听到任何对其轻蔑的言论:他太老了、油尽灯枯了、在现在的联盟仅能排在第七位、手腕伤势过重,不再是我们过去15年熟悉的那个顶尖得分手了……接下来发生了什么,我想大家都已经知道了。  相似文献   

《鲁迪传奇》是科比·布莱思特的精神支柱——这部电影讲述的是小个子鲁迪依靠自己的努力成功入选大学橄榄球队的故事。科比第一次看这部电影是在1993年,当时他还只是个离二的学生。之后.他在影院里又看了很多遍,而且还看了上百遍录像,它激励着科比永不服输:“这部电影改变了我的人生,我告诉自己,如果我可以像鲁迪这么努力的话,再加上我拥有的能力,任何事情都有可能发生。”  相似文献   

我非常喜欢看NBA,也很崇 拜乔丹和科比。今年我看了全明 星东西部对抗赛,心里很不平 静。我想替科比说几句 话,因为大家对他真的 太不公平了。我不知道我 的文章能不能发表,只想 把心里的不快写出来。我相信一定 还有许多科比的球迷也有话要说, 不论这是对是错,至少这是我的真 实感受。 今年的全明星赛,科比表现得 不如上一届出色。作为科比的球迷, 虽然有些遗憾,但我仍会为他呐喊加 油,也会记住他在比赛中的一次精彩的小勾手投篮和几记漂亮的扣篮。 也许科比是我最先知道的NBA球星之一,我对于科比的喜爱就像北大学生张思…  相似文献   

China faces a real test of flair and formas the world table tennis superpowermeets challenges from the first introducedqualification system and rule alterationsto Olympic pingpong games. China, long acclaimed as the "kingdomof table tennis" where the sport is hailedas the national game, have swept 13 outof 16 gold medals since table tennis wasintroduced to the Olympics in 1988. The all-mighty Chinese love to take onchallenges from rest of the world, but therule changes for the Athens Olymp…  相似文献   

Background:Active videogames or exergames have been used as an innovative way to promote physical activity(PA)among various populations.A player’s interest in active videogames is associated with the fun and entertaining nature of the games and may trigger situational interest,thus increasing engagement.The goal of this study was to examine the impact of situational interest dimensions on college students’PA when playing the design-based bike exergame Greedy Rabbit(Vescape,Berlin,Germany).Methods:Sixty undergraduate students(age:20.8±1.3 years,mean±SD,18-25 years old;51.7%males)were recruited from the kinesiology department of a university located in the southern region of Belgium.The participants were assigned to an experimental group(n=41)or a control group(n=19)based on an incremental cycling test.Students in the experimental group engaged in 1 session of Greedy Rabbit(Vescape)while students in the control group engaged in 1 session of a placebo version of Greedy Rabbit(Vescape).The length of the sessions ranged from 24 min to 31 min.Results:Results for the control group indicated that the players’PA metrics(cadence:F(19,360)=1.43,p=0.11;heart rate:F(19.360)=1.16,p=0.29;oxygen consumption:F(19,360)=0.83,p=0.67)were stable during the exergame.Results for the experimental group demonstrated the effects of time on the players’PA metrics and revealed significant associations between the change in the players’situational interest dimensions and PA metrics(cadence:F(19,800)=26.30,p<0.01;heart rate:F(19,800)=19.77,p<0.01;oxygen consumption:F(19,800)=10.04,p<0.01).Conclusion:An approach using a design-based exergame may be a relevant strategy for promoting levels of PA that yields positive health-related outcomes among college students.  相似文献   

看完科比在麦迪逊花园砍下61分的表演后。纽约人的世仇雷吉&#183;米勒非常失望。“我给斯派克(SpikeLee)发短信说,听到球迷们朝着科比大喊“MVP”的时候,我震惊了。想当年,我可从未在那里受过好脸色,连乔丹也没有过。而斯派克回我说:“世道不同了,变天了’”。  相似文献   

问:NBA 球员中你乐意花钱看谁的比赛?答:勒布朗,科比,德怀特。问:球迷为什么要掏钱看你打球?答:爆炸式的速度。像塔斯马尼亚的魔鬼。问:是什么在鞭策着你?答:地位的挑战。问:但你已经成功了。答:我只想做得更好,排入我应该进入的队列。  相似文献   

Background:Despite the strong evidence of aerobic exercise as a disease-modifying treatment for Alzheimer’s disease(AD)in animal models,its effects on cognition are inconsistent in human studies.A major contributor to these findings is inter-individual differences in the responses to aerobic exercise,which was well documented in the general population but not in those with AD.The purpose of this study was to examine inter-individual differences in aerobic fitness and cognitive responses to a 6-month aerobic exercise intervention in community-dwelling older adults with mild-to-moderate dementia due to AD.Methods:This study was a secondary analysis of the Effects of Aerobic Exercise for Treating Alzheimer’s Disease(FIT-AD)trial data.Aerobic fitness was measured by the shuttle walk test(SWT),the 6-min walk test(6MWT),and the maximal oxygen consumption(VO2max)test,and cognition by the AD Assessment Scale-Cognition(ADAS-Cog).Inter-individual differences were calculated as the differences in the standard deviation of 6-month change(SDR)in the SWT,6MWT,VO2max,and ADAS-Cog between the intervention and control groups.Results:Seventy-eight participants were included in this study(77.4±6.3 years old,mean±SD;15.7±2.8 years of education;41%were female).VO2max was available for 26 participants(77.7±7.1 years old;14.8±2.6 years of education;35%were female).The SDR was 37.0,121.1,1.7,and 2.3 for SWT,6MWT,VO2max,and ADAS-Cog,respectively.Conclusion:There are true inter-individual differences in aerobic fitness and cognitive responses to aerobic exercise in older adults with mild-tomoderate dementia due to AD.These inter-individual differences likely underline the inconsistent cognitive benefits in human studies.  相似文献   

小李和Gloria正在谈论世界杯足球赛。★Gloria: Those'98 World Cup games were pretty exciting!格洛里亚:1998年的世界杯相当精彩!★Xia Li:I didn't catch any of the games, but I kept up with themin the sports pages.小李:我没看任何一场比赛,但我一直留意体育版报道。★Gloria:There were eighty-thousand people at the final game, andan estimated one point seven million people around the world watched itlive.格洛里亚:最后一场比赛有8万名观众,而据估计全球有17亿人在看实况转播。★Xia Li:There was one French p…  相似文献   

Purpose:This study aimed to determine the accuracy of a 4 split time modelling method to generate velocity-time and velocity-distance variables in elite male 100-m sprinters and subsequently to assess the roles of key sprint parameters with respect to 100-m sprint performance.Additionally,this study aimed to assess the differences between faster and slower sprinters in key sprint variables that have not been assessed in previous work.Methods:Velocity-time and velocity-distance curves were generated using a mono-exponential function from 4 split times for 82 male sprinters during major athletics competitions.Key race variables-maximum velocity,the acceleration time constant(τ),and percentage of velocity lost(vLoss)-were derived for each athlete.Athletes were divided into tertiles,based on 100-m time,with the first and third tertiles considered to be the faster and slower groups,respectively,to facilitate further analysis.Results:Modelled split times and velocities displayed excellent accuracy and close agreement with raw measures(range of mean bias was-0.2%to 0.2%,and range of intraclass correlation coefficients(ICCs)was 0.935 to 0.999)except for 10-m time(mean bias was 1.6%±1.3%,and the ICC was 0.600).The 100-m sprint performance time and all 20-m split times had a significant near-perfect negative correlation with maximum velocity(r≥-0.90)except for the 0 to 20-m split time,where a significantly large negative correlation was found(r=-0.57).The faster group had a significantly higher maximum velocity andτ(p<0.001),and no significant difference was found for vLoss(p=0.085).Conclusion:Coaches and researchers are encouraged to utilize the 4 split time method proposed in the current study to assess several key race variables that describe a sprinter’s performance capacities,which can be subsequently used to further inform training.  相似文献   

北岛康介(日本):男子200米蛙泳-2分2秒97Kosuke Kitajima of Japan became the first Asian tohold a men's swimming world record for 30 years,the first man ever to swim below 2:10:00 in the 200mbreaststroke. His 2:09.97 at the Asian Games toppledthe 2:10.16 set bythe legendary American MikeBarrowman at the Barcelona Olympics in 1992.  相似文献   

三井兽  王松涛 《当代体育》2011,(18):30-32,3
《鲁迪传奇》是科比·布莱恩特的精神支柱——这部电影讲述的是小个子鲁迪依靠自己的努力成功入选大学橄榄球队的故事。科比第一次看这部电影是在1993年,当时他还只是个高二的学生。之后,他在影院里又看了很多遍,而且还看了上百遍录像,它激励着科比永不服输:"这部电影改变了我的人生,我告诉自己,如果我可以像鲁迪这么努力的话,再加上我拥有的能力,任何事情都有可能发生。"科比说到做到,从1996年进入联盟到如今,他在15个赛季里一直像鲁迪一样从不放松自己的要求,因此其职业生涯也如同电影结局般圆满,成就了属于自己的传奇。  相似文献   

将来我想写一本训练手册,给年轻人更多帮助,因为其中充满了我的思想和理念,以及我在整个职业生涯中所学到的东西,这样它们就能够被记载和永久地保存下来了。"科比说道。为什么科比想写一本训练手册?道理很简单:在科比眼中,根本没有什么天纵奇才,自己的一切成就都是通过刻苦训练得来的。"训练是件快乐的事,它可以让你变得更加完美。"他说。变向突破、空中拉杆、急停跳投……当年仅有13岁的科比在训练场上一次次练着这些高难度动作时,他的高中教练就断定:"我只看了5"  相似文献   

for miioslao klose Just one goal makes my heart feel mect. Can hardly belieue it(yeah). He s the best foiward in Gemnany. Nciioslow klose. Just one smile and tneie s no way back. Can haiely becieue it(yeal) How amauing the achiuement he did. Gocden shoot Awand. Miio,you re the best one in my mind. Now ancl forwer more. I lay my loue on you. It s au I wanna do. Ererytime you goal I can t help screaming. I U watch your euery game. Whooping and shouting for you de there. As I lay my lore on you. As I lay my lore on you.  相似文献   

大震 《当代体育》2010,(16):34-35
在考虑许久之后,费舍尔还是选择了洛杉矶作为自己养老的地方。除了尊重,还因为对这里的感情。“最终有一个人让我难以拒绝。科比希望我留下,科比说会支持我做出的任何决定。要知道我们在一起合作了11年.我们一起来到这个联盟时。  相似文献   

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