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声乐演唱是视觉与听觉综合的艺术。舞台表演则作为视觉、听觉、时间、空间于一体的艺术形式,可以更好地使表演者表达艺术情感与表现艺术作品,并且舞台表演实践可以检验声乐演唱的效果,二者紧密相连、相辅相成。本文通过对舞台表演与声乐演唱的关系的分析,来探讨舞台表演在声乐演唱的地位和作用,探讨舞台表演对声乐演唱的启示。  相似文献   

台词里包含潜台词,没有潜台词的台词是不完整的,潜台词蕴含着台词的深层意思与价值。当演员在体验和表演剧作人物的时候,应该理解作者在写剧本台词时的思想,以及台词里蕴含的深意。演员要自己挖掘出台词中的潜台词,并且把作者的思想以及人物的情感表达出来。潜台词同样也是人物的心里依据。  相似文献   

潜台词是戏剧、影视中人物的表演技巧术语,语文教材中这样对它进行了诠释:台词含蓄的意思.具体地说,潜台词是指角色的内在实质,包括其说话的目的、言外之意和未尽之言等.明晰潜台词的内在意义有助于读者对文章的理解,本文分析了语文教材中的潜台词.  相似文献   

舞台表演是一种涉及到不同层面的艺术实践活动,在艺术专业学习中有着举足轻重的作用,它不仅可以检验学生学习情况,同时还可以通过舞台实践提高学生的艺术修养以及锻炼学生的心理素质。通过调查和日常的观察,发现在舞台表演实践时,音乐会形式的演出与文艺晚会活动上的表演存在着明显的差异性。  相似文献   

一场完美的声乐表演会让给受众提供了一种美妙绝伦的视听盛宴,给听众一种美的感受,陶冶观众的性情,提高他们的审美情趣和艺术操守。这就可以间接考量出声乐表演者具有高超的声乐舞台表演能力,具有非凡的舞台表演技术,他们的水平非同寻常,平日中声乐表演者也是一定付出了许多的努力,正所谓台上一分钟,台下一年工。只是,部分声乐演奏者的舞台表演的水平仍有些欠缺,加之声乐舞台表演本身就是具有复合性质的,所以声乐演奏者的能力培养具有一定的难度和时间限度,本文将从当下声乐表演者所具备的舞台表演能力入手,分析如何提高他们的舞台表演艺术水平,创新他们的舞台表演的艺术方式。  相似文献   

民俗旅游舞台表演真实性解析——以《魅力湘西》为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民俗旅游舞台表演是通过对当地民俗旅游文化要素的深入挖掘及精心的舞台包装,以舞台表演形式呈现给游客的歌舞节目表演,其真实性的具体表现由多种因素制约。从《魅力湘西》的成功我们可以看出,民俗旅游舞台表演对民族原生态文化表现的真实程度,最终应当由大众旅游消费者决定,并通过自己的旅游真实性体验感来解读。  相似文献   

与其他形式的艺术表演形态相比,声乐舞台表演有着肢体语言表现化的显著特征。在声乐舞台表演的艺术表演形式里,除了声乐、灯光的艺术烘托形式,有效的肢体语言运用,可以将表演者自身与声乐之间切合的联系在一起,对于声乐艺术的表演起着画龙点睛的辅助作用。本文将根据以往的声乐学习与表演经验,对舞台表演中的肢体语言进行阐述,并对肢体语言应用在声乐舞台表演中所发挥的作用、具体的表演形式做简要分析。  相似文献   

舞台是为演员表演提供的空间,它可以使观众的注意力集中于演员的表演并获得理想的观赏效果.舞台通常由一个或多个平台构成,它们有的可以升降,是剧场建筑的主要构成部分之一.本文就如何强化舞台设计,实现观赏效果的延续发展进行了重点分析和研究.  相似文献   

声乐教学过程当中,教育人员应当高度重视对学员实践能力培养。声乐教学的过程之中糅合舞台表演方面教学训练实践能够促使学生综合能力以及素养提升,另外,声乐教学和舞台表演糅合也可以促使学生学习兴趣得到了一定程度激发。除此之外,声乐教学之中糅合舞台表演训练能够促使声乐教学内容、内涵更丰富,促使声乐教学以及教学质量得到全面提升。虽然声乐教学将舞台表演训练糅合具有重要意义,但是,过程相对而言较为复杂,糅合不仅仅是单纯融合,而是深层次、系统性以及全方位糅合。本文主要关于声乐教学当中糅合舞台表演训练分析研究,以供相关专业人士进行参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

即兴表演是一种历史悠久的舞台表演形式,它的起源可以说来自于戏剧表演,经过漫长的历史发展成为一种独特的表演形态。笔者通过对中国戏剧舞台的即兴表演的发展历史的梳理,以便于把中国即兴表演的发展脉络整理清楚,从而掌握其演变的轨迹及其规律与特征,为现代戏剧即兴表演建言献策。  相似文献   

晚清上海女伶   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
晚清流入上海的花鼓戏中的女性演员为近代上海最早的女伶。髦儿戏的出现促进了上海戏园发展,又出现了专门的女班戏园,女伶开始登上城市戏园舞台,并在不久实现男女同台合演。女伶在上海舞台的出现历经艰难,但由于适应了近代上海娱乐商业化趋势、满足了舞台对女性艺人的需求、顺应了妇女解放的潮流,因而女伶队伍日益扩大,社会影响逐步增强,并折射了近代上海社会变迁。  相似文献   

《金大班的最后一夜》与《青衣》,虽出自不同作家、不同创作背景,却都通过对女性抗争命运的描绘,展示女性在现实社会中渐逼渐窄的生存空间。两部作品的主人公,原本是活在舞台上灯光下的女人,不管是被迫当舞女的金兆丽,还是爱戏如命的筱燕秋,都在现实的逼迫下,没能守住女人立足社会的一点立锥之地,被迫放弃舞台。最终又因两位男性作家不约而同的宿命论倾向,她们的命运被归于某个男人的屋檐下,社会身份也随之丧失。  相似文献   

文人画家是有士大夫气息,高蹈于山林、胸中有气味的中国传统文人精英。文人画家历来鄙视专业画家与画工。戏剧票友视戏剧为修身养性的雅趣,是娱己娱人的享乐方式,其内心视那些专业戏剧演员为“戏子”、“贱业”。文人画家与戏剧票友利用自己话语霸权把他们的审美好恶强加给了绘画和戏剧,并影响了绘画与戏剧艺术的发展,从而造就了文人画家与戏剧票友的美学思想对中国传统美学取向的影响,并一直延续到现在。  相似文献   

<正>Film companies used to hire actors and actresses to dub while they tried to sell films to cinemas in other countries.The old hollywood films have high popularity around the world and they usually have different language versions when the film producers aimed at localizing the films.But dubbing can be quite  相似文献   

Conclusion Primary teachers will continue to be confronted with topics about which they themselves may not share the understandings of experts in the area. They are surely not alone there. Secondary and tertiary science teachers who have more extensive backgrounds find themselves in the same situation. Increasing the number of areas in which primary teachers share the understandings of scientists would be of value. However the data of this study suggest that it would also be worthwhile to focus attention on the strategies and understandings they may use to increase their familiarity with scientist's understandings of natural phenomena. The Interactive Teaching Approach (Biddulph and Osborne, 1984) offers an appropriate model for such activity.  相似文献   

邓小平与毛泽东的廉政建设思想既有诸多共同点,又有一些不同点.形成这些异同点的主要原因是:(1)他们有共同的政治信仰、政治追求和理论性格;(2)作为两代中央领导集体的核心,他们面临的主要任务和环境不同,因此构建理论体系的中心也不相同;(3)毛泽东在廉政建设问题上的成功和失误,为邓小平探索廉政建设的新出路提供了历史借鉴;(4)他们对国内主要矛盾的认识不同,制定的政治路线不同,因而廉政建设所要围绕的中心也不同;(5)他们对社会主义社会发展动力的认识不同,因而采取廉政建设的主要措施也不同;(6)思维方法上的某些差异,使得他们的廉政建设思想的发展归宿不同.  相似文献   

This study (a) assessed the influence of an integrated nature of science (NOS) instructional intervention on inservice secondary science teachers' understandings, retention of those understandings, and their NOS instructional planning and practices; and (b) examined factors that mediated the translation of teachers' NOS understandings into practice. Nineteen teachers participated in an intensive, 6-week NOS course, which concluded with teachers developing plans to address NOS in their classrooms. Next, 6 participants were observed as they implemented their instructional plans. Data sources included pretest, posttest, and delayed-test NOS assessments, classroom observations, and several teacher-generated artifacts. The NOS course was effective in helping teachers develop informed NOS conceptions and retain those understandings 5 months after its conclusion. Teachers met with challenges and successes as they attempted to address NOS instructionally. The translation of NOS conceptions into practice was primarily mediated by the very nature of teachers' newly acquired NOS understandings, which were situated within the science contents, contexts, and experiences in which they were developed (i.e. the NOS course); thus, limiting participants' abilities to transfer their understandings into novel contexts and contents. The results helped build a model of the sources of science teachers' pedagogical content knowledge for teaching about NOS in content-rich contexts.  相似文献   

Judith Lederman  Norman Lederman  Selina Bartels  Juan Jimenez  Mark Akubo  Shereen Aly  Chengcheng Bao  Estelle Blanquet  Ron Blonder  Mariana Bologna Soares de Andrade  Catherine Buntting  Mustafa Cakir  Heba EL-Deghaidy  Ahmed ElZorkani  Estelle Gaigher  Shuchen Guo  Arvi Hakanen  Soraya Hamed Al-Lal  Cigdem Han-Tosunoglu  Annemarie Hattingh  Anne Hume  Serhat Irez  Gillian Kay  Ozgur Kivilcan Dogan  Kerstin Kremer  Pi-Chu Kuo  Jari Lavonen  Shu-Fen Lin  Cheng Liu  Enshan Liu  Shiang-Yao Liu  Bin Lv  Rachel Mamlok-Naaman  Christine McDonald  Irene Neumann  Yaozhen Pan  Eric Picholle  Ana Rivero García  Carl-Johan Rundgren  David Santibáñez-Gómez  Kathy Saunders  Renee Schwartz  Frauke Voitle  Jakob von Gyllenpalm  Fangbing Wei  Jocelyn Wishart  Zhifeng Wu  Huang Xiao  Yalcin Yalaki  Qiaoxue Zhou 《科学教学研究杂志》2019,56(4):486-515
Although understandings of scientific inquiry (as opposed to conducting inquiry) are included in science education reform documents around the world, little is known about what students have learned about inquiry during their elementary school years. This is partially due to the lack of any assessment instrument to measure understandings about scientific inquiry. However, a valid and reliable assessment has recently been developed and published, Views About Scientific Inquiry (VASI; Lederman et al. [2014], Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 51, 65–83). The purpose of this large-scale international project was to collect the first baseline data on what beginning middle school students have learned about scientific inquiry during their elementary school years. Eighteen countries/regions spanning six continents including 2,634 students participated in the study. The participating countries/regions were: Australia, Brazil, Chile, Egypt, England, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Mainland China, New Zealand, Nigeria, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Turkey, and the United States. In many countries, science is not formally taught until middle school, which is the rationale for choosing seventh grade students for this investigation. This baseline data will simultaneously provide information on what, if anything, students learn about inquiry in elementary school, as well as their beginning knowledge as they enter secondary school. It is important to note that collecting data from all of the approximately 200 countries globally was not humanly possible, and it was also not possible to collect data from every region of each country. The results overwhelmingly show that students around the world at the beginning of grade seven have very little understandings about scientific inquiry. Some countries do show reasonable understandings in certain aspects but the overall picture of understandings of scientific inquiry is not what is hoped for after completing 6 years of elementary education in any country.  相似文献   

Early childhood settings value play as the way young children learn and educators encourage children’s re-enactment of cultural practices in the imaginative play spaces provided. From a cultural-historical perspective, children expect these imaginative play spaces to contain objects from their social contexts, but what happens when technologies are not provided? The aim of this study was to explore children’s imaginative play involving working and imaginative technologies within two kindergartens (the year before formal schooling). Imaginative play spaces are designed to replicate social situations relevant to the cultural context in which they occur and as technologies increase in society, their proliferation is reflected within early childhood settings. Understanding the role that imaginative technologies can play in children’s digital literacy learning is important for the early childhood field. Also, these devices are often absent from literature and overlooked in conversations about children’s digital participation. The findings show how the children engaged with the imaginative technologies and raises questions around the influence of these technologies on children’s imaginative play and their technological understandings. The findings have implications for educators’ understandings of children’s play with technologies and the objects they provide in an era where children’s lives are increasingly immersed in technology.  相似文献   

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