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以行动视角透视校园足球精英人才的选拔培养,有别于目前主流的制度建设叙事逻辑,聚焦行动者在关键期的职业决策造成的人才流失问题。基于择业动机理论建构了本土的体育职业决策模型,通过内在效价、市场效价、社会效价、体制效价、职业期望值和付出成本等六个要素,分析了后备精英的职业决策过程机制。发现:非经济要素的分配情况决定着精英群体的职业流向,并影响了经济要素分配的合法性。因此单凭借鉴足球发达国家个人素质和职业市场相匹配的制度模式不足以解决中国社会竞技足球人才的流失问题,关键在于校园足球精英培养的制度设计需要重新考量非经济要素的分配均衡,提升职业足球发展路径中的名声评价、社会地位、榜样荣誉、制度保障等职业要素,从根本上解决校园足球后备人才的流失问题。  相似文献   

At the beginning of the 2013/2014 season in England and Wales, 90 head coaches of the 92 men's national professional football league clubs and 20 of the 22 men's professional rugby union clubs had tenure as a professional elite player in their respective sports. Moreover, Rynne [(2014). ‘Fast track’ and ‘traditional path’ coaches: Affordances, agency and social capital. Sport, Education and Society, 19, 299–313] has claimed that many former elite athletes are ‘fast-tracked’ through formal accreditation structures into these high-performance coaching roles. The reasons why former elite athletes dominate head coaching roles in professional sports clubs and why a ‘fast-track’ pathway from elite athlete to high-performance coach is supported remain unclear. Thereby the present study sought to address this issue by investigating the basis for ‘fast-tracked’ head coaching appointments. Eight male directors of men's professional football and rugby union clubs in England were interviewed to examine how particular coaching skills and sources of knowledge were valorised. Drawing upon Bourdieu's conceptual framework, the results suggested that head coaching appointments were often based upon the perceived ability of head coaches gaining player ‘respect’. Experiences gained during earlier athletic careers were assumed to provide head coaches with the ability to develop practical sense and an elite sporting habitus commensurate with the requirements of the field of elite sports coaching. This included leadership and practical coaching skills to develop technical and tactical astuteness, from which, ‘respect’ could be quickly gained and maintained. The development of coaching skills was rarely associated with only formal coaching qualifications. The ‘fast-tracking’ of former athletes for high-performance coaching roles was promoted by directors to ensure the perpetuation of specific playing and coaching philosophies. Consequently, this may exclude groups from coaching roles in elite men's sport. The paper concludes by outlining how these findings might imply a disjuncture between the skills promoted during formal coaching qualifications and the expectations club directors have of elite coaches in these sports.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the place of early development in a sample of Danish male elite and youth handball and football players. The sample included 366 handball and football players from the elite Danish league in the season 2011–2012 and a comparison sample of youth players under the age of 12 from 2003, including 147,221 football and 26,290 handball players. Odds ratio analysis showed that both population size and density significantly affected the proportional number of youth players per community and the odds of athletes reaching an elite level in football and handball. The odds for youth player registrations in both handball and football increased in rural in contrast to urban communities. However, elite football players primarily came from communities of high density (>1000 pop./km2), whereas elite handball players primarily came from less densely populated communities (100 to <250 pop./km2). Furthermore, there seems to be a relation between representation of elite and talent clubs in different communities and the probability of becoming an elite player in both sports. The limited number of elite players in both sports from rural communities may be due to national talent development strategies that do not incorporate development support for clubs in rural areas. Additionally, the results of the study clearly suggest the need to include the youth player population to advance research findings in birthplace effect studies.  相似文献   

We identified the perceptual–cognitive skills and player history variables that differentiate players selected or not selected into an elite youth football (i.e. soccer) programme in Australia. A sample of elite youth male football players (n?=?127) completed an adapted participation history questionnaire and video-based assessments of perceptual–cognitive skills. Following data collection, 22 of these players were offered a full-time scholarship for enrolment at an elite player residential programme. Participants selected for the scholarship programme recorded superior performance on the combined perceptual–cognitive skills tests compared to the non-selected group. There were no significant between group differences on the player history variables. Stepwise discriminant function analysis identified four predictor variables that resulted in the best categorization of selected and non-selected players (i.e. recent match-play performance, region, number of other sports participated, combined perceptual–cognitive performance). The effectiveness of the discriminant function is reflected by 93.7% of players being correctly classified, with the four variables accounting for 57.6% of the variance. Our discriminating model for selection may provide a greater understanding of the factors that influence elite youth talent selection and identification.  相似文献   

Previous research into sports officiating at the elite level has primarily focused on factors that impact negatively on sports officials, including experiences of abuse, time pressures and fear of failure. However, factors that have positively influenced the development of elite officials have largely been neglected. This is problematic, as a better knowledge about how elite officials progress to top-tier competitions may improve officiating performance and role satisfaction. This study therefore, aims to identify factors that work positively for individuals who seek to reach elite levels of sport officiating. This is important because it can assist our understanding of how to create a positive environment for the development of young officials, thereby helping with role satisfaction, improved chances of retention and, where appropriate, pathways into career development at the elite level of sport. The context for this study is Australia, with a focus on national competitions in basketball, football (soccer) and Australian Rules football as representative samples for referees and umpires.  相似文献   

The growth of fantasy sports into a multi-billion dollar industry has made it an important component of the sports industry. Sport leagues must acknowledge the impact fantasy sports have on the way its participants consume their sport. This study examines the impact of fantasy football on the consumption of NFL-related products and services using an adapted version of the attitude/behavior model developed [Fazio, R. H., Powell, M. C., & Herr, P. M. (1983). Toward a process model of the attitude–behavior relation: Accessing one's attitude upon mere observation of the attitude object. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 44(4), 723–735]. Using qualitative methods, the data indicate that fantasy football participants utilized various media sources, specifically the Internet, television, cellular telephones, and a variety of print media, at much higher levels as a result of their interest and participation in fantasy football. Further, contrary to previous literature on fan loyalty, team and player outcomes were found to alter perceptions towards a favorite team or a fantasy team.  相似文献   


Despite the large amount of research available on how engagement in football practice relates to future performance level among football players, similar information about the contribution of non-football activities is scarce. Based on data from 745 elite youth players this study aimed to identify the characteristics and contribution of diverse participation towards elite youth and senior professional status. The data were collected using a retrospective questionnaire where the players reported the amount of time spent in other sports than football, in addition to their perceived contribution of different non-football activities for developing football skills. The accumulated hours of time spent in other sports of players who had obtained a senior professional contract were compared to non-professional players, using multilevel modelling (n = 558), while a t-test compared the activity ratings to each other. No significant differences were identified between professional and non-professional players’ engagement history, but overall, the players rated sports similar to football to be significantly more relevant for developing football skills than other sports. The results suggests that spending time in non-football activities did not contribute to present differences in performance attainment in football, but also that potential advantages of such activities may be related to their characteristics.  相似文献   

This article examines the footballing career of Dublin-born goalkeeper Tom Farquharson. Using his appearance at the 1927 FA Cup final when Cardiff City beat Arsenal as an anchor this article seeks to explore Farquharson’s career both as a Cardiff City and Irish international player as a case study of Irish men playing their football in Football League in the interwar period. Farquharson’s refusal in 1931 to accept his selection by the Northern Ireland-based Irish Football Association was a significant moment in the attempts of the Irish Free State’s own Football Association to be recognized as the rightful association to use the term Ireland in international competition, being the first time a player refused of their volition. Analysing this and his footballing career more generally, we can intersect sports, labour, migration and diaspora history and begin to understand what it was like to be an Irishman playing football in interwar England.  相似文献   


The recent point–counter-point exchange arising from the article by Mendez-Villanueva and Buchheit (2013) (Football-specific fitness testing: Adding value or confirming the evidence? Journal of Sports Sciences, 31, 1503–1508) has generated an interesting debate on the real-world utility of fitness testing in professional association football (soccer). In the present authors’ opinion, this exchange could also have been placed more in the context of the physical testing and subsequent benchmark profiling of the youth player within elite academy talent identification and development processes. This point is further strengthened by the current media debate at the time of writing on the development of elite youth football players in England and the Elite Player Performance Plan or EPPP (The Premier League. (2011). Elite Player Performance Plan. London: Author) published by the English Premier League as part of a vision for the future development of youth football in the League and throughout the English professional game. The EPPP recommends the implementation of a national database to enable comparison of Academy player performances against national physical testing “benchmark” profiles. In continuing the above debate, this letter questions the real-world utility and potential pitfalls of nationwide athletic benchmark profiling programmes for elite youth football.  相似文献   

我国足球劳动争议的解决面临着两难的境地。一方面,新修订的《中华人民共和国体育法》虽推动了体育仲裁制度的落地,但其明确将劳动争议排除在体育仲裁范围外,而能够受理足球劳动争议的足协内部争端解决机构并非体育仲裁机构;另一方面,有权处理劳动争议的劳动仲裁委员会和法院不存在适用行业规则取代劳动立法的空间,无力解决此类行业争议中的特殊问题。秉承行业自治理念,我国法院在司法实践中以全国单项体育协会具有行业管理权为由拒绝受理。作为属人法的体现,业内争议解决机制乃是行业自治的有机组成。由此法院的态度发生根本性的转变,为中国足球仲裁的确立提供契机。然而中国足球仲裁之证成亟待明确其存在的正当性,并处理好与国内劳动仲裁、国际足联争端解决机制之间的关系。为构建具有中国特色的足球争端解决机制,亦有必要从内部治理、仲裁员选任、裁决的法律适用以及透明度等方面加以改进。  相似文献   

中国男足归化外籍球员正在进行,虽然部分球员归化手续几近完成,但仍有不少人基于伦理、法律等因素质疑归化的正当性。结合体育全球化的背景来看,球员归化因不违反体育精神且不涉及意识形态,从而合乎伦理要求;因不违反国内外法律等其他规范性文件,从而在法律上是正当的;又因其总体上收益高于成本,从而符合经济理性;所以球员归化并不存在理论上的障碍。在未来球员归化的路径选择上,外部法律制度应当降低入籍标准,内部管理制度应当提高归化标准,才能将球员归化对国内足球人才选拔体系、管理体系造成的冲击降到最低。  相似文献   


We examined the performance and organizational stressors encountered by elite and non-elite athletes within the competition environment. Twelve sport performers (6 elite, 6 non-elite) were interviewed about both performance and organizational-related demands experienced when preparing for competition. The framework presented identifies five performance (i.e. preparation, injury, expectations, self-presentation, and rivalry) and five organizational (i.e. factors intrinsic to the sport, roles in the sport organization, sport relationships and interpersonal demands, athletic career and performance development issues, and organizational structure and climate of the sport) stress sources. A similar quantity of performance (#PS) and organizational (#OS) stressors were encountered by elite performers (#PS = 127; #OS = 72) as by non-elite athletes (#PS = 123; #OS = 74), with some demands being common and others unique to each group. Although the findings suggest that, prior to competing, sport performers encounter more stressors pertinent to performance than those emanating from the organization, these observations highlight that all the demands faced by athletes should be considered when preparing and implementing interventions to manage competition stress.  相似文献   

本研究以"生态学"理论为支撑点,从影响校园足球发展的三个方面即自然、社会、文化生态环境进行了多层次、多角度的探讨。建议:消除认知差距,整合思路。须建立教育部门为主导,体育部门为辅的管理模式。须明确校园足球发展的第一要义是扩大足球人口、提高学生身体素质,在此基础上宽口径的选拔运动苗子;在培养优秀运动苗子的过程中要树立"人本主义"培养观;各布点学校要积极开设足球特色"校本课程",教育部应组织专家编制全国校园足球统一训练大纲;加大对高水平教练员人力资本的投入,加大对校园足球教师或教练员的培训进修力度;加大文化传媒对校园足球的宣传力度等发展路径,从而为我国校园足球的可持续发展提供理论借鉴。  相似文献   

我国足球运动员力量训练存在问题分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据现代足球运动特点,认为力量素质是足球运动员基本素质,分析国外足球运动员力量训练理论实践,对当前国内外足球运动员力量素质的训练现状进行分析,找出我国足球运动员力量训练中存在的问题,提出响应的训练方法和手段,希望能为我国足球运动员力量训练水平的提高有所帮助。  相似文献   

In contrast with the Netherlands’ status as a sports nation, academic articles on Dutch sports history are scarce. In this paper, we would like to establish a ‘textual’ basis for further research. By means of a large-scale digital analysis, we have been able to depict important phases in the Dutch ‘sportification process’. Sport gradually infiltrated Dutch society: first it was mentioned as an English word in bilingual dictionaries, translated literature and ego documents. Then, English sports were described in recreational education books. Indeed, from 1845 onwards, English teachers at Dutch elite schools played an important role in the actual practising of English sports such as cricket, hockey and football. Together with the founding of sports clubs, specific sports manuals were published. Finally, via the introduction of sports sections in general newspapers, sport (as term) was widely diffused in society. Hence, in 1910, Luitje Van Der Wal was the first to translate the English word sport as ‘sport’ in K. Ten Bruggencate’s Engelsch Woordenboek. To be sure, this sportification process did not please everyone. There were warnings about the negative aspects that the adoption of English sports would create. Nonetheless, even traditional Dutch activities became sportified in a modern way.  相似文献   

本文运用调查问卷法等方法对不同位置的优秀高校女足运动员的运动损伤情况进行调查。通过调查表明:1.我国高校的优秀女足运动员的受伤率与各司位置之间没有明显的差异。2.女足球队员的场上位置与受伤的类型存在联系。3.中度损伤在训练中发生的概率要远远大于在比赛中的发生,重度损伤在比赛中发生的概率要大于训练中。  相似文献   

当前校园足球红红火火,青训体系反而更加尴尬,两者之间如何定位、如何衔接成为争论的热点。从四个方面提出重新建构思路:共识,校园足球是大局,青训体系是小局。教育部门为主导重新布局;胆识,韬光养晦做实校园足球,借鉴国外经验莫入误区,彻底扭转普及与提高异化关系;谋略,从理顺体制关系破局,从有机衔接入局,从政府主导和社会共建整体布局;抓手,以校园足球精英训练营为枢纽,重新定位足协功能,完善部际联席会议制度。  相似文献   

高校应成为我国竞技体育高级人才培养基地可行性的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料和访问调查法,从普通高校高水平运动队建设和业余训练的现状出发,分析了高校业余训练向高水平竞技训练方向发展的可行性和必要性,提出随着我国教育事业和竞技体育改革的深入发展,应学习和借鉴国外先进体育管理模式,走教体结合的道路,逐步把发展竞技体育的中心引入高校,是我国今后培养高级竞技体育人才的必由之路。  相似文献   

足球专项运动员常见损伤及预防对策研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对湖南省普通高校足球运动员损伤的调查,总结出几种常见损伤,就几种常见损伤发生的原因作简单的说明,对出现常见损伤进行急救处理作详细介绍,并对运动损伤的预防提出合理意见。为普通高校足球运动的开展,为教练员、运动员进行科学训练,提高训练效果、减少运动损伤提供参考意见。  相似文献   


The two major sports indigenous to Ireland are Gaelic football and hurling. Both are 15-a-side field games played on a pitch 40% longer than a soccer field. They are firmly linked to a nationalist tradition and have by far the highest participation rates in sports in the country. Both games make multiple demands on participants due to their free-flowing nature and quick movement of play from end to end of the pitch. Hurling calls for hand–eye coordination and skilled use of the hurling stick in hitting and blocking the ball. Fitness characteristics mirror game demands. Participants at elite level in both games display high aerobic power, the footballers tending to be stronger in the upper body and better in vertical jumping. Gaelic footballers in particular match the fitness characteristics of professional soccer players, except for sprinting speed. Less attention has been paid to female participants, especially in camogie, the female version of hurling. Despite their amateur status, and due to the popularity of the sports and the training regimens adopted by players, the games have garnered sports science support systems for elite performers. Support personnel benefit from a generic knowledge base as well as a burgeoning research agenda targeted at the Gaelic games.  相似文献   

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