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While online courses provide opportunities for a range of assessment tools and resources, little is known about how lecturers might best provide assessment cues to support diverse cohorts. This study explored how lecturers communicate messages about assessment expectations to first-year students in two courses at an Australian regional university (Nursing, n = 323; Engineering, n = 153), and how students accessed the assessment resources. A comparative case study methodology was used. Data included interviews with course coordinators to identify the assessment cues provided, course online content related to assessment and data recording student access of assessment resources. Diverse messaging systems were observed and verbal and written cues were abundant and embedded throughout both courses; however, not all students accessed all cues. What remains unclear is how students might bring together these cues in a productive way. Further research must explore the extent to which students can be better supported to improve their learning.  相似文献   

Several studies show that university students in Germany still have problems in reasoning mathematically although this already should be fostered at high school since the implementation of standards for school mathematics. Mathematical argumentation is a core competence and highly important, especially in academic mathematics. To foster mathematical argumentation at the beginning of university studies, competence models are needed which give more detailed insights in the skills that are necessary for reasoning. As mathematical argumentation is a complex process, especially at the higher secondary level or at university, many little steps are needed to complete a competence model for argumentation at the secondary–tertiary transition gradually. A possible step can be to initially identify several aspects of mathematical argumentation competence that influence the reasoning quality. The empirical basis for identifying those aspects is a cross-sectional study with 439 engineering students who participate in a transition course in mathematics. We address the following questions: (1) how is the quality of student’s reasoning? (2) Which kind of arguments do students use? (3) What resources do students who reasoned correctly use for solving the problems? (4) Does the content of the tasks play an important role? The results show a great influence of the content on the reasoning quality, especially if the content is abstract or concrete. Argumentation quality of students decreases with an increasing level of abstraction of the content. Furthermore, the results reveal that students often use routines for solving the problems. That indicates that procedural approaches still play an important role in school mathematics. If procedures could be used for solving the tasks, students are more successful. Competence models for mathematical argumentation at the beginning of the tertiary level should, therefore, include these factors.  相似文献   

《经济数学》是体育院校管理系学生的专业基础课.本文设计了《经济数学》课的3个教学案例,通过案例教学,教师引导所有学生积极参与,学生与学生之间有一种信息的交流,促使学生积极思考,相互启发和讨论.对学生通过自己努力总结出来的正确知识给予充分肯定,并根据教学惯例,以其名字或班级名字命名,充分地调动了学生挖掘知识的积极性.  相似文献   

在幼儿师范学校,数学是一门重要的文化课程,研究分析幼师女生数学学习情况显得十分重要.从问卷调查并结合观察法和谈话法了解到,幼师女生大多数对数学有一定的兴趣,但数学感知能力差,数学概括能力、抽象能力、空间想象能力不强,数学推理能力、联想能力、思维转换能力薄弱.为了提高幼师数学素质教育的水平,可以从知识传授、能力培养、德育渗透三方面设计教育教学策略.  相似文献   

The extent to which students profit from a university course depends on the lecturers?? approach to teaching, with a student-focused approach being more supportive for student gains in competences than a teacher-focused approach. Little is known, however, about how to foster a student-focused approach to teaching. In this paper, we want to investigate how to frame the feedback lecturers obtain from students?? course evaluations in such a manner that a student-focused approach to teaching is encouraged. In two studies using either a qualitative or a quantitative methodology it can be shown that providing lecturers with a feedback on students?? subjective gain in competences (output-focused teaching evaluation) is more effective in promoting a student-focused approach to teaching than a feedback on how satisfied students were with the lecturer (process-focused teaching evaluation). Results are discussed in the context of the Bologna reforms which demand a continuous evaluation of all university courses.  相似文献   

数学是幼师生的基础课程,对其基本素质与能力有重要影响。本文对当前幼师数学教学中存在的问题进行了分析,阐述了有效提问的概念和特征,提出以有效提问来改进幼师数学课堂教学。  相似文献   

This article reports an investigation into how students of a mathematics course for prospective secondary mathematics teachers in England talk about the notion of ‘understanding mathematics in depth’, which was an explicit goal of the course. We interviewed eighteen students of the course. Through our social practice frame and in the light of a review of the literature on mathematical knowledge for teaching, we describe three themes that weave through the students’ talk: reasoning, connectedness and being mathematical. We argue that these themes illuminate privileged messages in the course, as well as the boundary and relationship between mathematical and pedagogic content knowledge in secondary mathematics teacher education practice.  相似文献   

Proof and reasoning are fundamental aspects of mathematics. Yet, how to help students develop the skills they need to engage in this type of higher-order thinking remains elusive. In order to contribute to the dialogue on this subject, we share results from a classroom-based interpretive study of teaching and learning proof in geometry. The goal of this research was to identify factors that may be related to the development of proof understanding. In this paper, we identify and interpret students' actions, teacher's actions, and social aspects that are evident in a classroom in which students discuss mathematical conjectures, justification processes and student-generated proofs. We conclude that pedagogical choices made by the teacher, as manifested in the teacher's actions, are key to the type of classroom environment that is established and, hence, to students' opportunities to hone their proof and reasoning skills. More specifically, the teacher's choice to pose open-ended tasks (tasks which are not limited to one specific solution or solution strategy), engage in dialogue that places responsibility for reasoning on the students, analyze student arguments, and coach students as they reason, creates an environment in which participating students make conjectures, provide justifications, and build chains of reasoning. In this environment, students who actively participate in the classroom discourse are supported as they engage in proof development activities. By examining connections between teacher and student actions within a social context, we offer a first step in linking teachers' practice to students' understanding of proof.  相似文献   

Student engagement that leads to enhanced learning outcomes involves three interdependent facets: behaviour, emotion and cognition. As such, learning activities that encourage deep learning and the intellectual challenging of minds should provide opportunities for reasoning and critical and creative thinking. An approach that resonates strongly with student engagement involves fostering student voice in the classroom, and the generation and utilization of students’ questions is one means of achieving this. Implicit in this approach is the need for both teachers and students to pose questions that engage and intellectually challenge thinking. In this pilot case study, eight volunteer teachers from one school chose to investigate their own practice by either focusing on their own questioning skills to foster student engagement in the classroom or, on how they could support their students to generate intellectually challenging questions that lead to increasing student voice, engagement and deeper learning in the classroom. Key findings were that who does the questioning is not an either-or dichotomy, and that significant pedagogical shifting requires a long-term focus. This shift is influenced by teachers’ commitment to using questioning as a pedagogical approach for enhancing student learning.  相似文献   

当前数学教师的课堂提问中仍存在着提问频繁且提问时间过长、提问方式不当、学生机械性回答较多、提问过程中学生参与度较低等现象。针对这些现象,教师可通过减少低效提问、增加高效提问;针对不同类型的问题引导学生采取不同的回答方式;鼓励学生积极参与课堂提问;根据不同的提问类型采取不同的等候策略等一系列的方法,以提高课堂教学提问的质量。  相似文献   

Abstract reasoning refers to the ability to reason logically with premises that do not allow reference to knowledge about the real world. This form of reasoning is complex and difficult, and at the same time, it is critical for understanding science and mathematics. Two studies examined the use of analogy as a method to bridge reasoning with familiar content and abstract reasoning among older adolescents. The results showed that the ability to make an appropriate analogy depends on reasoning ability. Neither of the two procedures used resulted in an improvement in abstract reasoning. However, generating an inappropriate analogy actually decreased abstract reasoning performance among students who showed greater initial levels of reasoning ability. These results highlight the problems associated with using familiar reasoning as a basis for learning abstract reasoning skills.  相似文献   

数学分析是数学专业的一门重要的基础课程,它不仅为学生学习后继课程和解决实际问题提供了必不可少的数学基础知识和数学方法,而且也可以培养和提高本科生的逻辑推理论证能力和抽象思维能力,使之受到运用分析方法解决实际问题的初步训练。按照21世纪的教学内容和课程体系改革的总体要求,如何针对理工科大学的具体特点,研究探讨数学分析的课程建设和教学改革问题,一直备受学界人士的关注。基于此,就数学分析课程设置、教学思想,以及教学内容和教学方法改革进行探索分析,以期进一步提高专业教学质量。  相似文献   

培养学生的数学探究能力成为初中数学教学的焦点和主题。文章根据教育学、心理学研究学生学习数学的心理,通过实例探讨培养学生自主探究数学的途径在于:创设"想"的氛围,激发探究兴趣;创设"动"的氛围,加强实践操作;创设"问"的氛围,鼓励参与探索。同时,提供生活实例,让学生灵活运用数学;创设成功情景,让学生在数学中体验成就感。如此,方能让学生通过自己的动手操作,在积极参与教学活动的过程中去体验、亲近和应用数学,最终真正成为数学学习的主人。  相似文献   

In this article, we describe how using prediction during instruction can create learning opportunities to enhance the understanding and doing of mathematics. In doing so, we characterize the nature of the predictions students made and the levels of sophistication in students’ reasoning within a middle school algebra context. In this study, when linear and exponential functions were taught, prediction questions were posed at the launch of the lessons to reflect the mathematical ideas of each lesson. Students responded in writing along with supportive reasoning individually and then discussed their predictions and rationale. A total of 395 prediction responses were coded using a dual system: sophistication of reasoning, and the mechanism students appeared to utilize to formulate their prediction response. The results indicate that using prediction provoked students to connect among mathematical ideas that they learned. It was apparent that students also visualized mathematical ideas in the problem or the possible results of the problem. These results suggest that using prediction in fact provides learning opportunities for students to engage in mathematical sense making and reasoning, which promotes students’ understanding of the mathematics that they learn.  相似文献   

The present paper engages in a qualitative research of self-assessment of two lecturers and their students within the framework of a mathematics teaching seminar course (a course during which students submit a research final work) at a teachers’ training college in Israel. Two lecturers co-teach in the course – one of them in the discipline of mathematics and the other in the discipline of academic literacy. The study explores the development process of this experience in the course of one academic year. Data were gathered by means of observations, interviews and reflection records, and the data analysis was done by the ‘grounded theory’ method. The research findings indicate that the self-assessment experience of students is far from being faultless.  相似文献   

This study investigated differences between the US and Finland in terms of how students’ attitude is related to mathematical reasoning skills through the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2011. Attitude towards mathematics was observed via 3 TIMSS contextual variables: liking mathematics, valuing mathematics, and confidence in mathematics. Scores for mathematical reasoning were collected from the TIMSS 2011 database. We used hierarchical linear modelling to construct multilevel models with interactions of the attitude variables. Findings showed that confidence in mathematics had the strongest positive relationships with mathematical reasoning in both countries. Finnish students generally reported stronger positive relationships between confidence in mathematics and reasoning than US students. Strong relationships between confidence and reasoning remained visible when examining valuing and liking mathematics. Findings provide important implications regarding the complex interactions between attitude towards mathematics and reasoning, critical for mathematics educators and policymakers to consider in an increasingly competitive international environment.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between problem familiarity and students’ learning in a problem-based course. Problem familiarity in this study refers to the extent to which a problem fits with students’ prior knowledge and experiences. As part of regular course work, 172 students were given two problems on different occasions. These problems varied in the extent of problem familiarity. Students’ report of their learning activities and tutor’s assessment of the students’ learning were collected at the end of the problems. Results showed that both the students and tutors found the familiar problem to be better for learning. However, some elements of unfamiliarity may not be all that bad. For instance, unfamiliarity may result in more questioning, thinking and reasoning. However, this did not contribute to significant difference in terms of overall critical reasoning. Results also indicated a need to closely examine students’ critical reasoning (in terms of evaluating multiple perspectives) and students’ collaborative learning (in terms of brainstorming and discussion) when given familiar/unfamiliar problems.  相似文献   

课堂提问及其策略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教师提问是支持教学过程的工具。提问是培养学生思维发展的重要手段。随着新课程改革中教学问题逐渐聚焦于真实的课堂,提问受到许多研究者关注。研究发现课堂提问中存在诸多问题,必须优化提问策略。重视学生回答后教师的有效追问、学生答问前要有等待时间、让尽可能多的学生思考回答问题、提问尊重学生差异四个方面的提问优化策略,以切实提高课堂教学质量。  相似文献   

傅文广 《天津教育》2021,(2):157-158
作业环节是巩固课堂所学内容的重要途径和方式,作业批改同样是教学的重要组成部分。在小学高年级数学作业批改过程中,教师要改变传统的批改方式,结合创新观念采用多样化的批改方式,让学生从评语中获得激励,对数学学习产生更大的动力,积极投入数学学习中,使数学教学环节和作业环节成为相互促进的两部分,促进学生数学综合素质的发展。  相似文献   

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