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This article presents a model and rationale for training specific counseling skills prior to the practicum experience. Recent research on counseling process and counselor behaviors is integrated into a pre-practicum training laboratory with the following objectives: reducing social behavior inappropriate to professional counseling, learning to tolerate and use silence as a tool, learning to listen, learning to identify feelings through verbal and nonverbal communication channels, developing a repertoire of counselor responses and counseling strategies, and developing a professional self-image. Acquisition of these skills and attitudes in a pre-practicum permits a consultation-professional model for practicum that focuses upon the accumulation of experience rather than skills.  相似文献   

A national survey of counselor education field practicum programs was conducted. Current and ideal characteristics of practicum activities, trainee evaluation, and supervisory requirements were reported by 287 counselor education programs.  相似文献   

Early counselor training has traditionally stressed acquisition of basic listening skills while underemphasizing instruction in specific problem-solving competencies. This bias may be partly responsible for such frequently observed supervision issues as counselor anxiety, inefficient counselor management of interview time, inadequate problem clarification, and premature intervention. Models for conducting brief, problem-focused counseling seem well-suited for teaching trainees the verbal skills and structuring methods that promote efficient problem clarification and resolution. The purposes of this article are to present one such model, to identify its skills requirements, and to discuss the advantages of using this model in practicum training.  相似文献   

In the proposed integrative competence-based counselor education model, the four major areas of counselor training are defined as theory education, skills training, experiential activity, and practicum experience. For each area we suggest specific objectives, possible courses, appropriate methodologies, and directions for evaluation. The formulation of behavioral curriculum goals and the construction of performance criteria for each aspect of the program are essential for the effective implementation of the model. The distinctive contribution of the model lies in its provision of (a) a series of conceptual definitions and objectives, (b) a sound framework for integrating traditionally conflicting counselor education approaches and for systematizing the student's educational experience, (c) a built-in means for the transfer of training to professional placements, and (d) stimulation of research in the many problem areas to be found in counselor education.  相似文献   

Thirty counseling practicum students' perceptions of self as counselor, ideal counselor, and self as counselor as perceived by other practicum students were measured by the semantic differential technique before and after the supervised practicum experience. Posttest perceptions of self as counselor, ideal counselor, and ratings by other practicum group members were significantly closer to the hypothetical model counselor than were the pretest ratings.  相似文献   

There is current interest in the use of small group interaction in shaping skills and attitudes of counselor candidates enrolled in practicum. A major and desirable goal is increased understanding and sensitivity toward the needs of others. The literature on small groups describes the potential of group forces for behavior change, but few specifics are directly applicable to counselor education. The present study investigates the relationship of rapport elements to the empathic process among counselor candidates within discussion groups. It is assumed that defensiveness will be minimal within an atmosphere of acceptance, understanding, and ease of communication (rapport).  相似文献   

This article presents the results of the application of a professional model for practicum supervision using co-equal supervisors. This study found that beginning practicum students (a) learned to use a counseling theory in a professional manner with clients, (b) were rated by an expert rater as having skills equal to or higher than a comparison group of interns, graduate students, and employed agency counselors, and (c) rated the professional supervision practicum higher than did those under the usual apprenticeship supervision model. The authors suggest that counselor educators and supervisors can train students in less time to respond at a more complex skill level than has been previously reported in the literature.  相似文献   

This paper identifies several kinds of counselor activity for which practicum experiences have been or are being designed. These include individual and group counseling, outreach consultation, supervision of practicum students, and the study of student development. The SSD practicum is seen as sensitizing and predisposing the personnel worker to view action research as a relevant and crucial part of counselor education.  相似文献   

Counselor self-disclosure was investigated as a dimension of counselor effectiveness with a sample of forty-one graduate students in a counseling and guidance practicum. Effectiveness was measured by ratings from clients and practicum supervisors. Clients rated the counselors in three aspects of the counseling interview and supervisors rated counselors in eight areas. Counselor self-disclosure scores were correlated significantly with all the criterion scores of counselor effectiveness (p <. 05). It was suggested that the concept of psychological disclosure may have important implications for counselor selection and training.  相似文献   

This study assessed the current status of practicum training in counselor education programs accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs. Findings and implications for counselor training are discussed.  相似文献   

The counseling practicum is generally accepted as an essential part of a counselor-training program. Likewise, the training of future counselor educators necessitates experiences in supervision of counseling-practicum students. The dual supervision model described in this article is an approach that simultaneously meets the training needs of future counselors and counselor educators. The rationale for the dual supervision model, the results of an exploratory study of the counselor trainees' attitudes toward the dual supervision process, and the counseling-practicum supervisors' reactions to the model are described. Both the students enrolled in their second quarter of counseling practicum and the supervisors had very positive reactions to the dual supervision model.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the use of Interpersonal Process Recall (IPR) with videotape (as opposed to more traditional methods) in improving the effectiveness of practicum students. The practicum students were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups: (a) a video-IPR, (b) an audio-IPR, and (c) supervision using an audiotape of a regular counseling session. Three judges were asked to rate videotapes of 54 practicum students conducting their final counseling session with a coached client. The judges rated two time-samplings of the final session by means of a scale consisting of three parts: (a) 33 behavioral and feeling items, (b) a single global evaluation representing the normal curve with the baseline divided into eight equal segments, and (c) a request for the judges to write any adjectives or phases that they felt described the practicum student. The results were not as convincing as had been anticipated. This article discusses possible reasons that the results were not convincing and implications the results have for future research within this area of counselor education.  相似文献   

Prepracticum service‐learning (PPSL) was investigated through a qualitative case study of a counselor education program. Participants were PPSL instructors, coordinators, and alumni of the selected program. As it relates to the counselor education program under study, this article illustrates perceived effects of PPSL on student counselors' overall development and comparisons of PPSL and practicum training. Implications for counselor education are addressed.  相似文献   

There is a need for content courses and practicum experiences in the area of counseling ethnic minorities in counselor education departments across the country. Generally, the only preparation that counselor trainees and others receive in this important area is provided through workshops and conferences, since few such formal courses exist today.  相似文献   

This 10-year review of articles on practicum supervision examines articles in terms of findings and research design employed. Research is classified according to (a) role of the supervisor, (b) process of supervision, and (c) rating systems in practicum. While the studies reviewed were indicative of prevalent characteristics of counselor candidates and procedures for rating their counseling performance, still unclear are: expected supervisory roles, the effects of various roles on trainee performance, and the differential effectiveness of contemporary methods of supervision in assisting counselors to work more effectively with their clients. More highly refined experimental studies of counselor supervision are urged.  相似文献   

This study continues the search for meaningful relationships between counselor trainee characteristics and effectiveness. Self-disclosure, dogmatism, locus of control, Machiavellianism, academic aptitude, and sex of counselor trainees were investigated for their relationships to effectiveness during practicum or internship. The nature of these relationships as well as their implications for the counseling profession are discussed.  相似文献   

Counselor-education programs may be enriched through the use of modularized learning experiences. This article notes several recent articles on competency-based counselor education, the concepts of simulation and modularization, and describes the process of developing a modularized master's program at the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut. Such an approach to counselor education offers a flexibility and individualization not often available in traditional programs and integrates theory and practice. The program consists of 26 one-credit modules of 10 contact hours plus practicum. The modules include a statement of instructional experiences, resources, and performance criteria for evaluation. The modules in the program are grouped in four levels of application taken sequentially: didactic, simulation, performance, and experiential. A discussion of experiences with the program is included.  相似文献   

This article describes procedures for organizing a practicum and internship program in counselor education. Application procedures, supervision, and communication with sites, students, and supervisors are discussed.  相似文献   

Triadic supervision has been considered a credible and effective form of clinical supervision within counselor education programs since being included in the 2001 standards for the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). A phenomenological study was conducted to examine the experiences of masters-level counselor trainees in practicum with triadic supervision. Several transcendent themes emerged, namely: Initial Apprehensions, Shared Developmental Process, Vicarious Learning, Multiple Perspectives, and Safety through Trust and Relationship. The results of this study are discussed as they impact the field of counselor education and supervision.  相似文献   

This article presents a behavioral model of supervisor behavior for the counseling practicum that involves supervisor, counselor, and client. Five identifiable stages in supervision are presented: (a) the initial session, (b) the development of a facilitative relationship, (c) goal identification and determination of supervisory procedures, (d) the use of supervisory techniques and procedures, and (e) termination and follow-up. This supervisory process between supervisor and counselor is related to the counseling process between counselor and client.  相似文献   

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