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随着文化遗产类型的不断丰富,在大尺度遗产的保护过程中,真实性与完整性的矛盾越来越突出,对我国既有的文化遗产保护体系构成了严峻的挑战.对遗产区域化保护的理论和实践进行阐述,初步分析了遗产区域化保护规划的关键技术问题,以大运河扬州段为例,就大运河遗产的区域化保护方法进行探讨.认为文化遗产区域化保护不仅是保护理念、方法的变化...  相似文献   

通过多个历史文化名城的相关保护规划文本、地方保护条例(办法)以及地方规划编制技术导则的分析,对历史文化风貌区的地方实践进行总结。"历史文化风貌区"较历史文化街区具有更丰富内涵与复杂性特征,保护规划过程中应注意识别"历史文化风貌区"中出现的新类型与内部价值要素,在探索和完善地方历史文化遗产保护体系的前提下,秉承不同于历史文化街区的保护思路,探索差异化的、量体裁衣式的历史文化风貌区保护方法。  相似文献   

2017年设立雄安新区以来,中共中央、国务院先后颁布了多项指导性政策,为白洋淀地区规划建设提供了基本依据。白洋淀作为华北地区面积最大的淡水湖,是雄安新区生态环境保护的重中之重。水乡文化遗产作为白洋淀地区特有的历史文化积淀,面临诸多威胁,亟须进行全面的保护及更新。通过对白洋淀历史文献的整理、《河北雄安新区规划纲要》的解读以及对水乡村落的实地调研,阐述了白洋淀的历史地位及作用,分析水乡村落的特征,探讨水乡文化遗产的价值,并按照文化遗产保护原则提出白洋淀水乡文化遗产保护思路和更新策略,以期为雄安新区“千年大计”的建设发展提供具有前瞻意义的思路。  相似文献   

In Central Asia, the introduction of mechanised farming and the transformation of the landscape caused by agricultural intensification over the last 50 years have resulted in the massive destruction of archaeological remains. In this paper, we focus on an underestimated and unexploited type of remote sensing for the study of landscape change and anthropic impact on cultural heritage: 1:10,000 Soviet military maps of the 1950s. We present their use in the case study of the Archaeological Map of the Samarkand region. We argue that their precision and the early date at which they were produced make it possible to employ them as a reference tool for systematic survey and archaeological heritage management in Central Asia and throughout the former Soviet Union. We discuss the results of an archaeological survey based on these maps and show how they can be used to evaluate the destruction of archaeological mounds during the last 50 years, by contrasting them with modern satellite imagery.  相似文献   

The analysis of environmental risk in historical cities facilitates the development of conservation strategies that can minimize the deterioration of historical heritage sites. Risk maps built with GIS software provide information about the probability of the main hazards in a region, and is a very useful tool to identify, evaluate and prioritize the restoration budget of a city in order to manage preventive conservation. In this paper, new methodologies are applied based on the vulnerability matrix and its relationship with static and structural factors, climate conditions, air quality and social agents. This technique has some obvious advantages in the application of risk analysis for cultural heritage conservation, such as the capability of simultaneous risk assessment and geographical references. The vulnerability study implies an on-site diagnosis analysis and requires an adapted protocol for archaeological heritage. The validation of this methodology was carried out in the historical town of Merida (Spain) with a GIS application (ArcGIS software), where the main monuments of this UNESCO World Heritage site were studied.  相似文献   

Academic studies concerning how climate influences Asian heritage are rare. The object of this study was to utilize the concept of heritage climatology together with a spatial analysis approach that includes respective climate parameter risks to cultural heritage sites. The study area, Tainan City, Taiwan, is in a subtropical zone south of the Tropic of Cancer. Tainan has nearly 300 hundred years of rich history and a multicultural background. This study used maps to gain information about potential climactic threats to Tainan's cultural-historical legacy. There are four kinds of map that use ArcGIS to analyse and demarcate regions not only by climate parameters but also by risk to heritage. These four types of map are climate maps, heritage climate maps, heritage maps and heritage risk maps. Climate maps give the short- to medium-term general status of the climate in Tainan City and thus served as the foundation of the other maps used in this study. Heritage climate maps give data concerning index factors that influence wood and stone materials. Heritage maps show locations of cultural heritage sites on an administrative map and categorize them according to their historic value. Heritage risk maps use accumulated calculations to superimpose the heritage climate map onto the heritage map in order to evaluate the risks to heritage sites in certain areas and categorize the levels of risk. Heritage sites in mountainous areas generally need to be protected from heavy rain, whereas downtown city environments, due to the urban heat island effect, require better protection against heat and cracking. By comparison of our field study results and climate risk maps, we found that in urban areas wooden materials have a higher risk of structural cracking, colour fading and bio-degradation, while coastal areas have a higher risk of weathering of stone materials.  相似文献   

"入遗效应"曾多次在国际文化遗产会议上被提及,是一项在遗产保护过程中不可忽视的重要课题。首先通过对既往文献的研究,结论分三个主流方向:(1)认为其具有正向影响;(2)认为其具有负向影响;(3)认为其基本无影响或影响相对较小。继而分析研究结论的差异性,厘清"入遗效应"理论演变的逻辑和原因,并且通过案例阐释这些变化,为国内遗产地构建可持续发展的世界遗产模式建立良好的理论基础。  相似文献   

This paper introduces the double public good model as a representation of the simultaneous externalities that complicate decision making in the cultural heritage sphere. Social welfare is modeled as depending on both public and private benefits of households' production of individual heritage experience, which in turn depends on the stock of historic assets (a public good) and access effort (a private good). The public benefit of private experience arises from ``shared experience' that fosters cultural identity and social understandings. The model generates marginal efficiency conditions for the amount of physical preservation, amount of access, and intensity of access. The model highlights the need for dual-level policy making in order to avoid unbalanced heritage preservation efforts that have been of some concern in the literature.  相似文献   

大运河作为世界上开凿时间最早、流程最长的人工运河,在漫长的历史发展中,对所流经区域的景观和城市的发展产生了深刻影响。大运河本体的遗产价值以及运河生态环境,都是沿线区域和城市发展过程中重要的考量要素。现阶段,大运河文化遗产保护与利用理论研究整体滞后于实践发展,保护和利用的规划、实施管控和文旅发展等方面在实践中也因为价值理念的认知、缺乏科学系统理论指导和健全法规与机制支撑等等困境而出现了诸多问题,在一定程度上,影响了世界遗产这一重要资源的保护和利用成效。在梳理现有文献和分析基础上,结合实践现状,揭示了大运河的保护和利用面临的挑战和现实困境,为科学保护大运河遗产的原真性、整体性,以及动态连贯性提供基础性理论支撑。  相似文献   

潘玥 《中国名城》2020,(4):34-44
在乡村振兴的目标下,建成遗产该如何保护和存续在许多国家均是难题。通过追溯英国处置乡村中的风土建筑这一建成遗产的重要组构部分的整体特点,对其价值认知、保护历程及规划体系的形成,进一步结合科兹沃尔德乡村保护案例的规划政策分析,从三个方面分析了英国风土建筑保护的策源力。即包括贵族乡绅在内的精英阶层对乡村自然景观营造和保护旨趣一直有其社会传统性;赞美自然和乡村生活的浪漫主义者进一步通过包含风土建筑在内的英国风景建构为英格兰的民族身份认知物;英国作为工业革命的产生地,较早开始对工业文明的进程带来的后果进行反思,保护乡村的建成遗产及其整体环境作为善性立法和公共利益优先的原则的体现,并较早地通过制度建立被纳入正当化、合法性的保护框架中。最后指出英国社会普遍达成的有关风土建筑及其文化地景整体性保护的共识与规划制度的配合是英国乡村大范围的建成遗产能够被成功保护的关键所在。  相似文献   

The increasing awareness of some local and international authorities has promoted the appearance of new legislation and the rising of research works focused in the prevention of damage to the cultural heritage in karstic caves. Nevertheless, karstic areas usually imply complex studies, and a universal methodology is very difficult to establish. This work exposes the basic methodology for the geological risk assessment in archaeological site and/or rock art bearing karstic caves getting a strategy that provides flexibility to adjust specific methods according to the conditions of different cases. The integrated use of basic geological (mapping, petrology, stratigraphy…) and geotechnical (rock mass quality analytical methods and indexes) techniques used in engineering geology is proposed. Those techniques permit the geological characterization of the rock mass, the hazard identification and the analysis and the geological risk assessment of the research area. Obtained geological risk areas could be included in protection areas that could be used as the basis for the selection of the areas where further investigations and the application of prevention/mitigation measures would have a better cost/benefit ratio. The geological risk should be considered together with other type risk evaluations in order to define effective protection areas.  相似文献   

Historic St. Mary's City located in rural southern Maryland, marks the 17th century British Colonial capital of the State of Maryland. As with most cultural heritage sites, Historic St. Mary's City can be classified as possessing public goods-type characteristics, and as such, welfare benefit estimates must utilize non-market valuation techniques. To date, the primary valuation methodology used for cultural heritage sites research involves stated preference methods. This study is one of the first to employ a revealed preference methodology, the zonal travel cost model, to estimate the consumer surplus welfare measures of a cultural heritage site. We analyze three years of visitor sample data to compare three functional forms of visitor demand. The average of the annual individual consumer surplus measures ranged from approximately $8.00 to $19.26, depending on the functional forms used. When aggregated to the total number of individual paid visitors, the average annual benefit estimates range from approximately $75,492 to $176,550.  相似文献   

山东地区文化遗产保护过程中,社区内外民众积极参与、通力合作已经成为文化遗产保护中必不可少的力量。社区内部民众的主动参与,从确立社区民众的文化自觉、完善社区民众的参与机制、注重对社区传承人的保护和拓展文化遗产产业链来实现。社区外部民众的积极参与,从提高外部民众参与积极性、保障外部民众知情权力、创新外部民众参与合作手段和注重外部民众的教育效果来实现。  相似文献   

文化遗产是一个地区历史和文化的见证,是对历史的记录,对现代人而言是具有重要价值的历史文化资源。历史文化名城商丘,在国家相关政策引导下,积极进行有机更新。通过调研的方法,依托文化资源与旅游业相融合发展的政策背景,结合商丘的文化遗产状况分析商丘古城文化旅游建设过程的自身优势以及在发展文化旅游时存在的问题,提出发展文化旅游建设需要管理者积极转变思路,以游客需求为中心提供相关服务;进行部门合作,规范管理;政府给与产业政策倾斜,多产业融合的措施和建议,以期为商丘古城旅游建设添砖加瓦。  相似文献   

Various authors have stressed the need for an adequate archiving and preservation policy of audiovisual material, given its cultural, historical, juridical, social and economic value. In view of the sustainable preservation of audiovisual material, the opening up of the archive is seen as a real challenge. Various aspects, such as requirements concerning formats, metadata standards and legal implications, need to be taken into account. Furthermore, different types of users should be able to consult the archive in a user-friendly way, a factor which should not be neglected. This article studies and discusses the current situation in Flanders regarding the digitisation and disclosure of the Flemish audiovisual cultural heritage, comprising the audiovisual material in the archives of different Flemish institutions, including broadcasters, (post-) production companies, government institutions and cultural organizations. Based on 45 qualitative interviews, a SWOT analysis is created to assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats concerning the digitisation and disclosure of the audiovisual archive. Moreover, this environmental analysis includes some recommendations concerning the future preservation of this audiovisual cultural heritage.  相似文献   

乡村遗产承载着人类与自然和谐相处的生态智慧,有机农业技术体系、敬畏自然人文精神和丰富的地方性知识都是未来生态文明社会建立和发展的重要基石。原真性保护、“疾风暴雨”式的利用和乡村文化自信消失,是当前乡村遗产保护的主要误区。从地方性知识共建出发,探索传统村落乡村振兴乡村遗产活化利用发展模式,是实现乡村建设生态文明的理想路径。  相似文献   

The survey of materials constituting the buildings of the ancient city centre of Naples and of their decay typologies was carried out. Reports were entered in a database which enabled us to draw two thematic maps in a digital format: one of materials and lithotypes, and one showing weathering. On this basis, quantitative evaluations of the lithotypes were carried out. The research pointed out that the use of different lithotypes was mainly as a result of their availability and/or ease of exploitation. Furthermore, the importance of the preservation of the quarrying sites was stressed, both for their historical and cultural interest and, above all, for possible forthcoming provisioning finalized to restorations. The analysis of the results, made on a geo-mineralogical basis, as well as the thematic maps, gives a basic tool which will be very useful to those professionals involved in preservation of cultural heritage.  相似文献   

Precise documentation of cultural heritage status is essential for its protection and scientific studies carried out during the restoration and renovation process. The close range photogrammetry has been used successfully for documentation of cultural heritage. With recent developments in computer and information technologies, this well-known traditional method has been replaced with digital close-range photogrammetry. This new method offers us new opportunities such as automatic orientation and measurement procedures, generation of 3D vector data, digital ortho-image and digital surface model. Terrestrial laser scanning is another technology that in recent years has become increasingly popular for documentation which provides very dense 3D points on an object surface with high accuracy. In addition, the 3D model and digital ortho-image can be easily generated using generated 3D point cloud and recorded digital images.  相似文献   

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