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“事件出版”随着信息传播的即时性而获得发展的契机,是以“事件”为中心,围绕事件构成元素进行断面或连续性综合报道和深入研究的出版行为.事件出版可以分为偶发事件出版、频发事件出版、奇异事件出版、人工事件出版等四种基本类型.这四类出版实践既有正当、适宜、主体自觉的伦理“在序”状态,也可能存在失时、失利、失义的伦理“失序”问题.有序的事件出版在伦理上应该对出版义利观、主体现、绩效观进行重新思考.  相似文献   

出版供给侧改革的目标在于解决图书市场供需结构不匹配的问题,它对出版伦理在生产、流通与消费诸领域的价值重构提出了要求.当今,互联网成为重要的生存阵地,经济文化“广义虚拟化”,大数据分析成为重要决策机制,出版供给侧改革的良序发展在此基础上能够校准供需关系,化解出版伦理失序问题.  相似文献   

目前,我国已进入突发公共危机事件多发高危期。根据世界发展规律,在社会发展序列谱上我国当前正好对应“非稳定状态”的频发阶段,即在国家或地区的人均GDP处于500美元至3000美元的发展阶段,往往对应着人口、资源、环境、效率、公平等社会矛盾的瓶颈约束最严重的时期,也往往是“经济容易失调、社会容易失序、心理容易失衡、社会伦理需要调整重建”的关键时期。各类偶发事故、个体事件迅速升级为全国瞩目的公共危机事件案例层出不穷。  相似文献   

以布尔迪厄的“场域”理论来诠释出版伦理建构因素:出版场是出版伦理塑形的结构基础,主导资本是出版伦理的决定因子,出版人习性是出版伦理践行的动力.而造成出版伦理困境的原因在于:出版行业“大规模生产场域”的扩大化带来的责任错位、出版行业管理体系的内外失衡带来出版问责缺位、“资本”与“习性”的断裂带来的责任断层.  相似文献   

新媒体时代的到来加速媒体融合趋势,催生了“微”报道.“微”报道的传播特征表现为信息共享、字数受限和受众广泛.然而受益于网络传播的多媒体手段,在一些恶性事件报道上,媒体利用微博报道的形式有失偏颇,以近来接连发生的儿童伤害事件为例,信息遗漏失序、反常性品位过度、报道倾向不明为人诟病和批判.反思新闻媒体在“微”报道上存在的伦理责任缺失问题,是新媒体时代每个媒体管理者应重视的命题.  相似文献   

龚建伟 《今传媒》2023,(2):76-79
学术期刊的出版伦理问题通常指与学术道德相关的一些出版伦理问题,包括不当署名、文章真实性存在疑问等。鉴于学术期刊作者和编辑的关系是依靠“同意”而构建,“同意”本身也贯彻于学术期刊的出版流程之中,故“同意”的实质缺位导致了诸多学术出版伦理问题。基于此,本文探讨了同意理论视域下学术期刊作者与编辑的关系,分析了出版伦理问题的根源和消解手段,提出作者和编辑都有必要更多地关注学术期刊出版流程中的同意步骤,确保“同意”的切实性,旨在构建更完善的出版伦理体系,在一定程度上防止学术出版伦理失范现象产生。  相似文献   

我国政府正在经历着“经济转轨、社会转型”的关键时期。这往往是“经济容易失调、社会容易失序、心理容易失衡、社会伦理需要调整重建”的关键时期。从国际环境来看,全球化的浪潮使得国际社会在经济、政治和文化等方面的重大变化及其产生的危机都会不同程度地波及、影响我国。而信息社会的来临又加剧了这种风险发生的可能性.全球化加速了风险的传播速度和传播范围。因此,无论是发达国家还是发展中国家,都面临着突发公共危机事件随时爆发的可能性,而由于突发公共危机事件具有爆发性、不可预见性和巨大破坏性,任何一种形式的危机事件都足以对国家公共权力和公共秩序造成冲击.  相似文献   

突发公共事件与新闻报道   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国改革开放经历了三十年。经济和社会发展成就喜人。举世瞩目。但也经受了由“经济转轨、社会转型”所产生的阵痛.出现了大量经济失调、社会失序、心理失衡的现象。社会伦理与核心价值观也面临着重新调整与重建等问题。“十一五”期间既是“黄金发展期”,又是“矛盾凸现期”,也是“事故多发期”,并且突发性更强.破坏性更大。牵连性更广。因此,突发公共事件对于新闻媒体来说,既是一个需要高度关注的新闻源,又是一个崭新的报道领域,挑战与机遇并存。  相似文献   

在出版环境中,涉及生态伦理的问题很多,不论是传统出版还是现代数字出版,或是有可能成为主流的“云出版”,都是如此.如果解决不好,就会严重破坏人类赖以生存的生态环境.通过对研究背景和研究内容的分析提出,要建设良好的出版环境生态并解决其中的伦理问题,我们可以从强化出版环节的生态伦理诉求,实现全过程生态监控;强化生态伦理问题的解决,加速出版环境的优化;强化数字出版,全流程减少电子污染;强化“即需即印”,大力推进“云出版”等几个方面入手,化问题为动力,切实提升人类生存环境的“美丽度”.  相似文献   

众筹出版与传统出版相比,在伦理价值上实现了由单一价值向复合价值的转变,由静态价值向动态价值的转变,由消极价值向积极价值的转变.出版价值的转变源于众筹出版伦理秩序形成的内在逻辑:资本逻辑使人们从计算理性中发展了出版主体间的契约精神;文化逻辑使异质性文化发展具有更加宽容的社会环境;而实践逻辑使“出版主体价值”发展成“出版关系价值”.可见,与传统出版主要是“寻求意义”相比,众筹出版在伦理上更加表现为“生成意义”.  相似文献   

彭莹 《出版科学》2016,24(3):65-68
“众筹”概念诞生于十年前,目前在中国已被学界和业界熟知,并已进入官方话语体系。但是“众筹”和出版相结合的运作方式仍属新鲜事物,仍需在理论上和实践中探索。本文从迈克尔?波特提出的产业价值链的视角出发,运用知乎网的“众筹”出版行为、乐嘉的众筹图书营销等多案例分析的方法,尝试说明“众筹”出版模式如何将产业价值链改造为产业价值网,如何改变终端产品形态,以及如何重塑读者的角色和作用。还提出出版众筹遇到的阻力和发展瓶颈,包括“众筹”平台自身的原因,以及出版机构中体制和思路的限制。  相似文献   

“互联网+出版”是出版行业发展大势,对传统出版机构及互联网出版平台均具根本性影响。本文以“盛大文学”为例,研究互联网线上出版平台通过线上IP形成“IP+”,以此实现“互联网+出版”的路径。  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic, which has led to a flood of papers and preprints, has placed multiple challenges on academic publishing, the most obvious one being sustained integrity under the pressure to publish quickly. There are risks of this high volume-to-speed ratio. Many letters, editorials, and supposedly “peer reviewed” papers in ranked and indexed journals were published in a matter of days, suggesting that peer review was either fleeting or non-existential, or that papers were rapidly approved by editors based on their perceived interest and topicality, rather than on their intrinsic academic value. In academic publishing circles, the claim of “peer review”, when in fact it has not been conducted, is a core characteristic of “predatory publishing”, and is also a “fake” element that may undermine efforts in recent years to build trust in science's budding serials crisis. While the world is still centrally focused on COVID-19, the issue of “predatory publishing” is being ignored, or not being given sufficient attention. The risks to the scholarly community, academic publishing and ultimately public health are at stake when exploitative and predatory publishing are left unchallenged.  相似文献   

曹继东 《出版科学》2016,24(3):24-27
传统出版和新兴出版融合发展上升为国家出版战略,研究融合发展模式是为全面深化中国出版改革探寻改革路径,重点探析中国出版融合发展的三种模式:全媒体融合范型、融合出版范型、关系出版范型,以期从技术视角探讨融合发展的改革路径。  相似文献   

韩进 《出版科学》2016,24(5):5-12
中国原创图画书开始走向世界,但中国图画书的历史可能比西方更早。图画书本质上是一种出版现象,在中西方不同文化背景中有不同的呈现方式。中西方图画书同源于儿童读物的插图,随着出版科技的进步和读图时代的到来,从“出版热”逐渐形成“文学热”,从“文字的儿童读物”演化为“图画书的儿童文学”,在新世纪交流融合中发展为儿童文学的典型样式——绘本。中国原创图画书的复兴有其深刻的历史文化背景和深厚的民族文学传统,建设中国特色的图画书评价标准和理论体系应该提上议事日程。  相似文献   

Greening the German book industry is a large-scale task. This article, based in part on the results of a one-day conference titled “Bio im Bücherregal?” (Engl. translation: “Eco-friendly products on the bookshelf?”) that was held in Mainz in January 2013, considers different perspectives on green publishing in Germany and presents the status quo as well as an outlook. After a brief historical and theoretical overview on the media and the environmental movement, the article presents current developments such as the initiative “Nachhaltig Publizieren” (“Green Publishing”). Initiated in 2011 by the publisher Oekom, the project has become a catalyst for the green publishing movement in Germany. In addition, this contribution introduces publishers and imprints, in particular of children’s books, that strive to fulfill the highest possible criteria for green publishing in certain project areas. Finally, the close connection between green publishing and green content is discussed.  相似文献   

Trust has traditionally been a cornerstone of traditional science publishing. However, events over the past few years, an increase in the number of retractions and the fortification of the vigilant science movement, coupled with better tools to detect and report or publicize misconduct and/or errors in the literature, has revealed that this pillar of trust has in fact not always been present, or has been severely abused or compromised. Further disintegration in the integrity of academic publishing by no or almost non-existent peer review in so-called “predatory” open access publishers has given reason to increasingly distrust the accuracy of the published academic record. Finally, a topic that tends to invoke mixed reactions, but which we feel adds to the overall level of mistrust and erosion of ethical values in science publishing, is the use of stings, hoaxes and irony academic journals. We focus on six such cases, providing a rationale why such studies undermine trust and integrity and why such bogus publications are best left to blogs or non-academic forms of publishing science-related topics.  相似文献   

We examine how the makeover paradigm is mobilized in contemporary humanitarian communications—a practice we call “humanitarian makeover.” We demonstrate its operation in the Finnish television programme Arman and the Children of Cameroon and Plan's 2013 International Day of the Girl event. The analysis shows how helping distant others is configured within a makeover and self-transformation narrative, providing a stage for performance of an “ethical self.” We argue that while the humanitarian impetus is to disturb and redress global inequality and injustice, which includes exposing and interrupting the failures of neoliberalism, the makeover paradigm is intimately connected to and reinforces individualized “moral citizenship,” which conforms to and reinforces neoliberal values.  相似文献   

李舒格 《出版科学》2016,24(6):60-63
随着全媒体时代的来临,媒介融合已成为不可阻挡的趋势。文学出版产业顺应时代潮流,逐渐展现出明晰的发展逻辑,即传统文学出版与网络文学出版的并行,两者共同发展、相互促进,体现出基于“存量经济”与“增量经济”两种出版形态的共存状态。论文从全媒体时代的环境变化入手,分析、总结传统文学出版与网络文学出版在新的时代背景下截然不同的发展逻辑,通过对两者辩证地剖析,以展望未来两者共同繁荣的光明图景。  相似文献   

Predatory journals and publishers are a growing concern in the scholarly publishing arena. As one type of attempt to address this increasingly important issue, numerous individuals, associations, and companies have begun curating journal watchlists or journal safelists. This study uses a qualitative content analysis to explore the inclusion/exclusion criteria stated by scholarly publishing journal watchlists and safelists to better understand the content of these lists, as well as the larger controversies that continue to surround the phenomenon that has come to be known as predatory publishing. Four watchlists and ten safelists were analyzed through an examination of their published mission statements and inclusion/exclusion criteria. Notable differences that emerged include the remaining influence of librarian Jeffrey Beall in the watchlists, and the explicit disavowal of his methods for the safelists, along with a growing recognition that the “list” approach may not fully address systemic aspects of predatory publishing that go beyond the individual author's ethical decision-making agency.  相似文献   

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