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e-Learning的繁荣发展推动了新技术在远程教育课程设计与开发中的应用,促进了远程教育课程设计与开发从理念到方法上的变革。作为资深的课程设计专家,同时也是在线教学与学习的专家,罗宾.梅森(Robin Mason)教授在本次访谈中结合英国开放大学课程设计的经验和她的研究,在e-Learning和Web2.0背景下介绍了"以学生为中心"的教育理念指导下课程设计与学习评价的最新方法和技术。梅森教授是早期探讨远程教育领域计算机会议技术的先驱之一,是享有国际威望的英国开放大学"在线与远程教育"专业课程的主管,多年从事的在线课程设计、辅导和评价工作使其成为国际上课程设计领域和在线教学的知名专家,相关的研究论文和学术专著成果颇丰。近期,她所提出的基于学习对象的远程教育课程设计方法受到业界的普遍关注,在学习评价和电子学习档案袋、e-Learning的基本概念和理论等方面也都有独到建树。  相似文献   

本文借鉴虚拟团队概念和投入-过程-产出(I-P-O)模型,分析了综合英语课程教学团队在虚拟环境中运作的三个环节,将保障该团队有效运行的关键要素(沟通与协作、动态工作关系的维系、信任关系的建立)在过程环节中单独列出并进行探讨,以解释教学团队设计、过程和绩效之间的关系。本文旨在引发对虚拟环境中的课程教学团队的多维度思考,以拓展远程开放教育师资队伍建设的发展空间,探索远程开放教育教学团队的运作规律及特性,提升远程开放教育的教学质量。  相似文献   

课程建设和学习支持服务是远程教育和开放大学的两大支柱,课程开发和资源建设是由课程组完成的,学习支持服务尤其是学术支持服务则由以辅导教师为主的教学服务团队来完成。这两个团队的相对独立,导致了远程教育教学中存在着课程设计不合理、教学反馈和课程改进周期长等问题。由大教研室、中心教研组和课程组发展而来的课程教学团队,能够有效地解决以上问题。构建由首席主持、核心小组成员(含专职科研人员)、骨干成员和一般成员组成远程教育课程教学团队需要建立团队运行的动力机制、合作机制和管理机制,将为开放大学的教学队伍建设提供有益的经验。  相似文献   

远程教育中课程教学团队建设若干问题的探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对远程教育课程教学团队组合、角色选择和团队精神培育等问题的探究,论证了远程教育课程教学团队的组合要解决年龄、学历、媒体专家等优化问题;提出了远程教育课程教学团队的角色选择要遵循角色齐全、扬长容短、弹性补位的要求;强调了培育教师团队精神的系统绩效价值。  相似文献   

培养应用性人才是远程开放教育的主要目标,要实现上述目标,各个远程开放教育机构开始重视协同工作。"团队精神"在未来的远程开放教育模式中将起着重要的作用。通常情况下团队发展需要四个阶段,在团队协同工作中,应注意聆听别人的意见,有效的团队通过使团队多元化来避免出现集体审议情况,团队要在年龄上、性别上、背景上、经验上和接受培训程度上多元化。  相似文献   

英国开放大学的课程开发及对我国的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
课程的质量保证是整个远程教育质量保证体系的核心内容之一,因此英国开放大学的质量保证从课程开发开始。他们开发的课程质量非常高,因为他们的开发团队结构科学,开发过程严密,资金投入力度大,而且适应企业需求,可为我国远程教育的课程开发提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Teacher team involvement is considered a key factor in achieving sustainable innovation in higher education. This requires engaging in team learning behaviors that should result in new knowledge and solutions. However, university teachers are not used to discussing their work practices with one another and tend to neglect any innovation in their tasks. Team leadership behavior is often considered essential for stimulating team learning behavior, but it is unclear how this transpires. Therefore, the present study explores university teacher team members’ perceptions of team learning behavior, their assigned task, and leadership behaviors in their team. Interviews were conducted with 16 members of different teacher teams at a university of applied sciences. Findings included that the vast majority of the team learning behaviors only involved sharing ideas; engaging in constructive conflicts and co-constructions was not observed. Only a few teams combined all three team learning behaviors. In these teams, members observed that existing methods and solutions were no longer adequate, with leaders appearing to combine transformational and transactional behaviors, but operating from a distance without actively interfering in the process. Furthermore, these team members shared leadership behaviors while focusing on the team as a whole, instead of solving problems at individual level. This strongly indicates that task perception and specific vertical and shared team leadership behaviors play a role in stimulating teachers in seeking controversy and co-constructing new knowledge.  相似文献   

组建课程教学团队是提高开放教育人才培养质量和提升电大的核心竞争力的重要途径。以团队首席主持人为核心,以现代信息技术平台为基础,以精品课程、课程群、特色专业的建设为载体,构建彰显电大系统办学特色的课程教学团队是开放大学建设的时代要求。  相似文献   

当前远程教育分级教学存在一定问题,需要探索课程团队的教学模式。广播电视大学"教育技术学导论"课程团队在跟踪作业、组织学生网络讨论方面进行了探索性的团队教学,通过课程团队组织、教学过程设计、团队教学和学生调查的实践研究,发现在远程教育中,课程团队教学可以解决教与学脱节的问题,改变网络学习资源不丰富、不贴切的现象,促进学生保持较高的学习动力,促进教师的专业发展。  相似文献   

虚拟团队是管理领域的新概念。它的特点与开放教育有许多相似之处,在开放教育中引入虚拟团队的概念是适宜和必要的。开放教育中应该构建教师、学生以及教与学三走虚拟团队。为了维护虚拟团队的正常运行,应该注意包括有效的沟通和监控在内的四个问题。  相似文献   

远程教育课程评估指标体系设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
远程教育课程评估是教育评估领域中的专项评估,是课程建设后使用时期的终结性评估。远程教育课程评估是在多种媒体教材评估和考试成绩分析研究的基础上,进一步做课程评估的研究。本文从远程教育课程质量保证的课程方案、多种媒体教材、教学条件、教学管理、教学过程、教学质量等六方面基本要素,探讨远程教育课程特点、基本要素关系和功能、评估指标。本文的设计将用于中央电大计算机专业部分课程进行评估。  相似文献   

Behavioral and mental health issues challenge institutions of higher education with difficult decisions around response. Interests of the individual and safety of the community must be constantly considered and balanced. A primary way institutions of higher education are responding to these challenges is through the formation of campus assessment teams. This article will address the legal and ethical issues relevant to these teams, and different models for structuring them. Reviewed are potential team names, models, missions, review procedures, documentation, dispositions, group dynamics, and messages to campus. The article concludes with recommendations about the threat assessment process and key concepts relevant to these teams.  相似文献   

It is argued that language learning ought to be interactive. The traditional language classroom provides a favourable interactive situation for language learners. By contrast, the distance education mode is limited in some ways regarding language learning. Necessarily, distance education involves, primarily, self-learning. Face-to-face learning opportunities are scant compared with traditional classroom-based learning. It is, therefore, a challenge for language professionals to explore new ways of teaching language, the speaking skills in particular, within the constraints of the distance education mode. Being able to master English--an increasingly important international language--provides a key to information and learning societies in the 21 st century. In this paper, I will suggest some ways of maximizing the amount of interactive activities in English language distance learning, based on my work-based experience as a course developer of a new English enhancement course offered by the Open University of Hong Kong. I will focus on the development of listening and speaking skills, which are in fact the most problematic areas--the speaking skill, in particular, involves two-way communication. I will consider the issue from the perspectives of learners' motivation, peer support and technological support. Finally, I will present findings of a survey on the learners and tutors' feedback on the teaching materials of this new English language enhancement course.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the theory and practice of teamwork in ‘top management teams’ in UK higher education institutions. It is informed by some of the key findings from a recent two‐year research project sponsored by the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education that investigated the different ways in which UK higher education institutions organise their ‘top management’ and ‘senior management’ structures ( Kennie and Woodfield, 2008 ). The authors discuss literature from the corporate and higher education sectors on the meaning of ‘teamwork’ in top teams (e.g. Bensimon and Neumann, 1993 ; Katzenbach, 1998 ; Wageman et al., 2008 ) and relate the findings to the challenges of top level team working in higher education settings. Particular issues discussed include: the terminology related to higher education top teams, areas of decision‐making and time‐management, team orientation and agenda setting, team behaviours and team roles, team performance and evaluation, location, logistical support and resources, and team development. The authors conclude that the challenges of top team working in higher education settings are similar to those found in the corporate sector, albeit nuanced by different organisational cultures, and suggest some key principles to help top teams in higher education institutions improve their ability to work effectively together.  相似文献   

Despite the heavy emphasis on online learning in recent years, print is still an important medium for course delivery in distance education. Distance educators have argued that, with the incorporation of appropriate access structures, distance learning materials can be self‐instructional and interactive. This study aims to explore the extent to which students on a distance teacher education course considered that the print materials had achieved the course objectives, and how they made use of the in‐text access structures. The results indicate that, although teachers on the course agreed that the materials were able to achieve the course objectives, the extent to which they made use of the access devices varied considerably.  相似文献   

远程开放教育课程实验教学的实施与思考   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
从远程开放教育的特点、能力培养及学生情况,分析了当前远程开放教育课程实验教学的缺失,提出了远程开放教育模式下课程实验教学的实施手段与方法,并从思想认识、实验教学大纲及教材设计、师资队伍建设、学生自主学习需要等方面对课程的实验教学进行了探讨。  相似文献   

随着现代信息技术的不断发展与教育理念的不断变革,越来越多的研究者意识到掌握远程教育研究现状与发展趋势有助于进一步推动远程教育的快速发展。但是当前对远程教育研究的分析大多是宏观层次的,未能反映统计时间内发展的细节与变化。基于文献计量学方法对远程教育核心论文进行宏观和微观分析发现:总体上,我国远程教育研究已经进入相对平稳的成熟发展阶段,研究队伍逐渐形成,研究成果受到国家和地方各级政府及高校等的广泛关注。已有远程教育研究对技术、媒体以及资源建设关注较多,但是对师资培训、质量保证的研究还不够;稳定的高产作者群尚未形成;核心著者与自己团队的合作密切,但与其他团队交流较少,合作的深度和广度还有待加强。  相似文献   

In Aotearoa New Zealand, many early childhood teachers gain their teaching qualification via distance study while working in an early childhood centre. Early childhood teachers work in a team environment, and it is important to understand more about how distance students negotiate changes in their workplace practice as their professional knowledge develops. This article draws on a study that explores students’ experiences of distance teacher education as a process of changing participation in the workplace. Distance study supported increasingly confident participation as students saw more meaning in their daily work. The students’ identities and their workplace cultures and practices influenced what students paid attention to and the decisions they made when negotiating changes within their teams. Their experiences suggest that strengthening students’ relational agency at work is a useful focus for distance early childhood teacher education programmes.  相似文献   

The success of any open and distance learning course depends on how well it is designed, executed, and evaluated. Evaluation of a course not only demonstrates its strengths, but also points out any inherent shortcomings in the course. This is why course evaluation constitutes an important function in an open and distance learning system. The present paper aims to evaluate a distance education course ‘Instruction in higher education’ from the Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education (PGDHE) offered by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), India. Feedback on this course was obtained from 230 respondents with the help of a structured questionnaire. The data collected from students were analysed using percentages. Findings from the study provide an understanding of the operation of the different components of the course. While the majority of the respondents were satisfied with self‐instructional materials, assignments, the extended contact programme, and delivery mechanisms, a sizeable number of respondents were dissatisfied with academic counselling, and the use of audio‐video programmes. Generally, the respondents provided useful feedback and suggestions which will help the faculty in course revision.  相似文献   

远程开放教育一站式课程教学团队建设,把教学团队变成一个整体,单元化管理,教学信息实现一站式直接传递,大大降低了信息逐级传递过程中的衰减和丢失;有助于高度集中、直接调动教师、技术、科研、管理等各方面的力量;有利于及时发现问题,及时解决问题,缩减了不必要的沟通和协调环节。团队成员直接面对学生服务,课程教学过程和管理实现扁平化。团队资源为全系统共享,实现了对系统的全覆盖和互补性,真正提高了课程教学的系统管理效率。  相似文献   

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